
Chapter 186 Reporting to the Pope

Chapter 186 Reporting to the Pope
In terms of strength, Alexis can suppress Yue Chuan with one hand. After all, Alexis has practiced light magic for decades, and neither the accumulation of magic power nor the accumulation of experience is comparable to that of a younger generation like Yue Chuan.But even so, Alexis didn't have the slightest intention of disobedience in front of Yue Chuan, not because of Yue Chuan's strength, but because of Yue Chuan's identity and background, as well as his terrifying appeal among believers, Alexis had no doubts , if he attacked Yue Chuan, nine out of ten of the surrounding clergy would protect Yue Chuan and attack him, and the remaining one would definitely have no time to express his opinion and be trampled to death or blindly killed by others.

In the past, Yue Chuan said that he was inspired by the God of Light, but Alexis was only dubious, and he was cultivated but also wary of it.But now, after the confrontation with Anthony, Alexis no longer had the slightest doubt about Yue Chuan's claim that he was inspired by the God of Light.

Regardless of whether Yue Chuan's backer was the God of Light or not, just because he could make other holy sons lose their divine power, he was an existence that could not be easily provoked.This time, it was just to communicate with the God of Light, causing other people to lose their divine power. Who knows if they will lose their lives directly next time?After all, in the Bible of Light, the God of Light is the god who governs life and death. When called by the God of Light, the soul will leave the body and life will come to an end.

Whether it is to live longer or gain more abilities, Yue Chuan cannot be offended.However, Alexis also knew that no matter how much he tried to curry favor with Yue Chuan, it was meaningless.

Sometimes, a step forward or a step backward can make a huge difference.Standing in line is a long-standing topic. Some people ascend to heaven because of this, and some people don’t stay behind because of it.Anthony was too ruthless with Yue Chuan, so his family was all sent to the stake.As for Alexis, although he didn't lead the charge, Yue Chuan's cold eyes let him know that Yue Chuan kept this account in his heart.

Although Anthony and his family were struggling and yelling and cursing, their strength was not enough in front of many believers of the Illumination Church. The chains formed by the rays of light locked them in place, and their mouths were broken by someone who did not know where to find them. The socks were stuffed, and all of them stared wide-eyed, looking at Yue Chuan with hatred, and was dragged towards the stake by many fanatical believers.

More than 20 people lined up in a row, but luckily the stakes in the small square in front of the Guangming Church were enough.More than 20 people lined up in a row, and the spectacular scene was unbelievable.

"So many people, are they going to be burned to death?"

"That's right, the Guangming Church burns people, one or two every time, and one after another, how come there are more than 20 people at once this time."

"What happened? Those people are wearing the clothes of the Illuminati Church."

"Isn't that Anthony, oh, those are Anthony's parents, and..."

"Who is Anthony?"

Amidst the suspicious voices of many people, the executioners began to read the crimes of these people aloud.Of course, in his reading, Anthony became a heinous villain, a demon lurking in the Church of Light, and his family members were also suspicious elements with plots. Pull these demons out of the crowd and burn them to death.

The history books are written by the victors. At this time, Anthony, who was tied to the stake and sealed his mouth, had no room for refutation. After the executioner read out the crime, he waved his hand, and immediately, the firewood piled up under the stake was placed on the ground. A blazing flame rose up, and the flames rose instantly on the pine wood poured with kerosene, and thousands of tongues of flame climbed and spread, crawling towards Anthony and the others.

Many believers looked at the twisted sinner in the flames with fanaticism, and then looked at Yue Chuan in awe.For a devout believer in the God of Light, being able to communicate with the Son of the God of Light is simply the representative of the God of Light in the world, the supreme will of the Church of Light, and a more noble existence than the Pope.

However, at this time, Yue Chuan was no longer in the mood to continue staying in the Guangming Church.What Alexis did made his heart cold. Although he really wanted to kill Alexis, Yue Chuan resisted his impulse.After all, Bayne City is the place where Alexis has been operating for decades, and Alexis himself is also tyrannical. He doesn't have the strength to crush him, so fighting against him in Bayne City is nothing cheap.

No longer staying in the Guangming Church, Yue Chuan and Sissy went to a hotel in Bain City to settle down.

Many believers who followed Yue Chuan's whereabouts learned of Yue Chuan's whereabouts, and rushed over immediately. Yue Chuan did not refuse to contact these believers.With the halo of the Holy Son, Yue Chuan can exert his own influence in the hearts of these believers very well, win over them for his own use.

And these believers, the purpose of seeing Yue Chuan is nothing more than to see the strangeness, answer some questions, or confirm the existence and strength of the God of Light.For these, Yue Chuan naturally came at his fingertips, performed a few small and big miracles, and cured several old and frail old people with dragon blood and life potion. For a while, the applause and cheers in the hotel continued for a long time .

Different from Yue Chuan's joy, Alexis's face was sinking like water at this time, sitting cross-legged in the quiet room, took out the crystal ball decorated with brilliant metal runes, injected magic power, and started communicating with the Pope .

"Master Pope, the contest between my two holy sons has already been divided into life and death."

In the crystal ball, the Pope, who was caressing the mysterious lines on the cross, let out an oh, raised his eyes, then lowered his head, and said, "That believer named Umont has no foundation, and it's normal that he can't beat Anthony. Well, I have also been paying attention to Anthony for a while, he has good qualifications, you can let him come to the Cathedral to report later, there is just a vacancy for the guard knight here."

Alexis really wanted to give himself a big mouth. He didn't speak clearly just now, which made the Pope misunderstand. If he told the truth now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face on the spot, which would make the Pope feel bad?But if you don't say it...

"My lord Pope, um... the one who died was Anthony, not only him, but also his family members were sent to the stake."


The Pope in the crystal ball stood up in surprise, and looked at Alexis in disbelief.

In the pope's view, the struggle between Yue Chuan and Anthony would at best end in the death of one of them.Anthony failed, which really surprised the Pope, but it was just a surprise. There are too many geniuses in the Illuminati Church, and the death of Anthony is not enough to make the Pope regret anything.But even Anthony's family was uprooted, this is no small matter.

The Church of Light has a long history, and there are many religious families that have been operating for many generations. Such families have huge influence and appeal in the Church of Light. Correspondingly, they also have rights and influence beyond ordinary people.Although Anthony's family is not a giant, it is not a belly that can be kneaded by others, but such a family was uprooted overnight and sent to the stake.

"what is the problem?"

Hearing the pope's almost roaring words, Alexis immediately closed his eyes in pain.A fiery golden light erupted from the Pope, making the crystal ball in Alexis's hand become like a small sun at the same time, and then there was a crisp "click", and the crystal ball in Alexis's hand emitted an unbearable sound. A heavy moan followed by numerous cracks.

Obviously, this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. Many archbishops are well aware of the thunderous Pope of the Illuminati Church, and they have made several preparations.

While feeling sorry for the magic crystal ball made of thousands of gold coins and tens of thousands of gold coins, Alexis took out a brand new crystal ball from his storage ring, thinking secretly, in a few days Gotta make another crystal ball.There is no way, the magic crystal ball is too fragile, especially after all kinds of magic circles are arranged in it, and the magic runes are decorated on the outside, it is even more fragile and fragile, and a little stronger magic power fluctuation will make it worthless Value powder fragments.

"Master Pope, the matter is like this..."

Hearing Alexis' return, the pope in the crystal ball sat back on his throne of light in silence.The throne is surrounded by magical lights that never go out, which can illuminate the entire temple brightly without a shadow, but these lights still cannot illuminate the Pope's gloomy face that looks like the bottom of a pot.

One after another, holy sons, holy women, and believers inspired by the God of Light have appeared on the mainland. These are nothing. In the eyes of ordinary people, these people may be covered with a layer of sacred light, but in the eyes of the Pope, these people It's just a trick of some ambitious people.

When the Pope was still a low-level believer, his faith was extremely firm and he was extremely devout to the God of Light.However, with the improvement of strength and status, the Pope's belief and devotion to the God of Light have been shaken to varying degrees, and even questioned.He questioned every sentence in the Bright Bible, every record about the deeds of the God of Light.Especially after he became Pope, he prayed countless times to communicate with the God of Light, but he never responded.In the eyes of believers, the sacred and honorable statues of gods are nothing but dead objects made of clay and metal in the eyes of the Pope.

Is there really a god in this world?The Pope's own strength has allowed him to touch areas that ordinary people cannot touch, and the magic handbooks and cultivation experiences left by the masters of the Illuminati Church before they left the world also vaguely reflect conjectures on this issue. It seems that it is not necessary to question the existence of God. Not just by myself.

Once this kind of doubt arises in my heart, I can no longer contain it.Therefore, the pope's pious heart gradually slipped towards the fight for power. He no longer considered how to expand the influence of the Church of Light, but focused on expanding the influence and power of his faction and family in the Church of Light.Treat the Church of Light as a dynasty, a kingdom, and continuously centralize power.

The appearance of the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden made the Pope feel an unprecedented crisis.Because he used to face all mortals, even if he had some magic skills, he was still mortals after all.As a mortal, there are limits and traces to follow, whether it is strength or scheming, they can be figured out and restrained.

However, these holy sons are different from the saints. They have a layer of natural protective light on them, because they are believers who have been inspired by the God of Light, and they are the representatives of the God of Light in the world. To deal with them by means, even if you deal with them, you can only send your absolute confidants, who are more loyal to the Pope than those dead men who are loyal to the God of Light.Because once the outside world knows that the Pope took action against these holy sons and saints, he will be charged as a blasphemer immediately, and those factions in the Church of Light who are dissatisfied with their own rule will immediately make trouble.

But now this Umont is even more troublesome, he can actually communicate with the God of Light, can influence the will of the God of Light, and make the God of Light withdraw the divine power of other holy sons.

At first, the Pope also doubted the credibility of Alexis' report, but as long as he did his own research, he would know the truth immediately, and it was impossible for Alexis to falsify in this regard.Moreover, all of this happened in front of Alexis, and it was absolutely impossible to cover up or pass on falsehoods.

"Is there really a god in this world?" The Pope couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart, but then a wave of anger rose, "Why doesn't the God of Light communicate with me and give me enlightenment? I am the Pope, on the mainland. The most expensive believer! I have prayed devoutly for decades, why haven’t I received what I deserve? But these young people in their teens and early twenties have easily communicated with the God of Light. This is unfair!”

No matter how angry he was, there was no expression on the pope's face.At his height, being invisible is the foundation of his foundation, especially in front of his subordinates.

"My lord Pope, that Umont probably knew that I wanted to deal with him, and treated me very coldly. I... what should I do?"

Alexis originally wanted to say that he was afraid that Yue Chuan would do something detrimental to the Church of Light because of his resentment towards him, but if he said this to the Pope, it was obvious that the Pope would punish him to appease Yue Chuan's anger.Therefore, Alexis quickly changed his words and asked the Pope for advice.

The pope thought more than Alexis. After sorting out and thinking about it, the pope was finally convinced that there should be a god in this world, and at least one extraordinary power, and this power has something to do with the Church of Illuminati , because it can enable mortals to have the purest power of the Church of Light.

If it is really the God of Light, will he impose divine punishment?
Thinking of the record in the Bible of Light about the God of Light punishing the world to bring down the doomsday, the Pope, who had been scoffing at it before, felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

But immediately afterwards, the Pope eagerly wanted to know how these holy sons and saints were inspired by the God of Light.Is it the time of prayer, the place of prayer, or some other reason?

Seeing the Pope's silence, Alexis suddenly became frightened. He was really afraid that the Pope would throw him out as an outcast to extinguish Yue Chuan's anger.As a confidant, Alexis was well aware of the cruelty under the pope's benevolent face.

Finally, when Alexis couldn't help but want to run away, the Pope spoke.

"Well...Alexis, don't worry. Young people are always a little impulsive and stubborn. Because of a misunderstanding about one thing, it is inevitable to have some resentment. You try to do something he likes to make up for it. That’s it, if one is not enough, then ten or one hundred. Repair the relationship with him, after all, he is the holy son who can communicate with the God of Light, and gaining his goodwill and favor will not do you any harm.”

Alexis finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Chick Peekmi nodded in agreement.

"Holy Son of Umont can be given a lofty position and honor, but he cannot be given more authority. His status as a Holy Son can affect too many people and change too many things. You have to be careful, otherwise, You will be like Anthony..."

Thinking of Anthony's fate, Alexis couldn't help but shudder.It was Yue Chuan who obtained the fanatical support of many clergymen of the Guangming Church before he forced himself to take a stand and sent the Anthony family to the stake.Before that, Yue Chuan was just a naked priest, and the church under his jurisdiction was still thousands of miles away, but only by virtue of his status as the Holy Son, his influence was enough to surpass himself as the archbishop. With more authority in his hands, isn't he just a display of the archbishop.

"No, this kind of thing must not be allowed to happen. Bayne City is mine, and the Bavaria Diocese is also mine. My site should obey me, and there must be no second voice."

In the slowly dimming crystal ball, a triumphant smile emerged from the corner of the pope's mouth.On the one hand, he tried his best to please, and on the other hand, he tried his best to be on guard. In Yue Chuan's mind, Alexis might be included in the must-kill list.

Alexis' flattery will only make Yue Chuan feel the goodwill of the Guangming Church, which belongs to the Guangming Church, and the Pope can gain this goodwill by using some tricks.And Alexis's disgust towards Yue Chuan's wariness was his own.Maybe one day the conflict between Alexis and Yue Chuan will become irreconcilable and explosive.At that time, whether they fight or not, it will not be harmful to the Pope.When necessary, you can even stand up to clean up the mess and reap the benefits.

Putting away the crystal ball, the Pope stroked the complicated inscriptions on the cross with gloomy eyes.

Son, this is indeed a thorny issue. They cannot be killed or raised. Once they grow up, it is likely to endanger their own rule.The pope wants to win over a group of holy sons, suppress a group of holy sons, and fight evil with fire.However, he didn't know how the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden appeared, so it was impossible to talk about coaxing and suppressing them.

And the most important thing is that even if he wins over a group of holy sons, he may not dare to suppress Yue Chuan.Because Yue Chuan can communicate with the God of Light at any time and withdraw the divine power of other holy sons, the other holy sons have an innate awe towards him, and once they meet him, this awe will become obedience.

Standing up irritably, the Pope paced around anxiously, pondered for a long time, and finally said viciously: "If that Umont keeps his own place and only works in Starn City, that's all. He will be punished by God, and he will also be killed!"

 Thanks [Xiaolou№风雨 cast 6 votes]

  Thank you [I was so angry that I voted for 1 vote]

(End of this chapter)

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