
Chapter 175 Advice

Chapter 175 Advice
Yue Chuan believed that even if he offered 1000 million gold coins, the Alchemy Association would be able to afford it, and he would take it very readily.In this world, the wealthiest people are magicians, and the wealthiest magicians are definitely alchemists.Things that can be done with money are nothing to the Alchemy Association.

However, Yue Chuan suddenly thought, what do he need so much money for?

Suddenly, Yue Chuan felt that he was a little numb to money.It's not that Yue Chuan has too much money, but that Yue Chuan earns money too fast.As long as you go to the Tower of the Dragonman and kill an abyss lord dragon, even if no equipment is exposed, just dismembering the dragon will bring in hundreds of millions of gold coins. The chances of the hexagonal abyss are not high, although... but considering the huge rewards, are these difficulties still difficult?What is robbery?This is simply faster than printing money.

However, Yue Chuan also knows the truth that rare things are more valuable, this kind of business cannot be done too much, but as long as he does it once, he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.In order not to irritate these two people, Yue Chuan finally did not tell them that there were hundreds of bottles of dragon's blood in his backpack.

"I want some magic crystals, mithril, krypton gold, cold iron, and red copper. The more the better. As for the quantity, you see..."

What Yue Chuan wanted were the materials used in refining weapons and equipment. Although these materials were available in the market, they were not comparable to those from the Magic Guild and the Alchemy Association in terms of quantity or quality.

Take magic crystals as an example, it is an indispensable thing for magicians to practice and make magic items. Although there are magic crystals on the market, most of them are low-grade magic crystals of level 1, 2, and 3, and mid-level magic crystals of level 4, 5, and 6. High-quality magic crystals are rare and rare goods, and many times they cannot be bought with money.As for the 7th, 8th, and 9th-level top-grade magic crystals, they are hoarded and monopolized by major forces. Even if they flow into the market, they will be bought quickly. And these top-grade magic crystals, two-thirds have flowed into the inventory of the magic guild .

When Andrew and Hines heard Yue Chuan's conditions, they frowned intuitively. Those named by Yue Chuan were all extremely valuable items, some of which were even more precious than dragon's blood, such as Mithril and Krypton Gold.However, purebred dragon blood is almost extinct, and although Mithril and Krypton Gold are scarce in production, there are ways to obtain them. Compared with them, Yue Chuan's request is not too harsh.

"Okay, but how about giving this dragon heart and dragon head to our Alchemy Association as an addition?" Andrew from the Alchemy Association said, pointing to the dragon heart and dragon head on the table.

"You are paralyzed, Andrew, you are just dreaming. Do you think that the dragon heart and the dragon head are worthless rubbish, and add heads. Why don't you say that you will give them to our Magic Guild!" roared, Hein Si immediately changed to a gentle tone and said to Yue Chuan: "Well, Wumeng, you make an offer. We want these two things from the Magic Guild. By the way, I heard that you still have dragon skins, dragon teeth, etc. Let's give them together. How about our magic guild?"

Yue Chuan didn't hide it, and brushed his hands over the table, and stacks of dragon skins and dragon teeth appeared on the table.Seeing the mottled dragon's blood on these things, Andrew and Hines suddenly became short of breath.Not long after, another ball of dragon's blood was found.

Seeing the hungry eyes of Andrew and Hines, Yue Chuan quickly spread his hands, "It's gone!"

Andrew and Hines gave up, and then divided up the ball of dragon blood like spoils. Of course, these dragon blood will be converted into the items Yue Chuan needs to pay.Then Andrew and Hines discussed the share of dragon teeth, dragon skin and other things, and after a while, Yue Chuan gained a large amount of wealth under his name.

Thinking of the items he was about to get, Yue Chuan felt dizzy.In my previous life, I worked so hard to scan the abyss all day long, but I didn't get rich overnight, but in this life, I just brushed the abyss for the first time, and I experienced the feeling of getting rich overnight. This time-traveling life is just different!

"Ahem... Umont, we shouldn't have searched, but I still want to ask, this... can you often get dragon blood through prayer?"

Although Andrew and Hines didn't really believe that Yue Chuan got these things through prayer, they wisely didn't search for the source of these things, after all, it was a taboo.If there was really a powerful existence behind Yue Chuan, their behavior would probably be regarded as peeping and coveting by that powerful existence.This is also the reason why Andrew and Hines have always been polite to Yue Chuan and did not turn around and rob.

"This... I can't say for sure, but it should be possible. I don't get enlightenment from the God of Light every time I pray!"

Pack!Just keep pretending!

Although secretly cursing in their hearts, Andrew and Hines still had smiles on their faces. After all, Yue Chuan had clearly told them that he might still obtain items such as dragon blood in the future. Obtaining a way can free oneself from the desperate situation of being out of stock for hundreds of years.

It seems that he needs to get in touch with the Lei Ze family more in the future. No matter where he got the dragon blood, it shows his unusual ability. It is a very pleasant thing to be friends with this kind of person.

"Umont, you must keep the matter of dragon's blood strictly a secret, and don't let it out, otherwise, it will bring you trouble. I know you have extraordinary abilities, but the matter of dragon's blood will also It will bring you extraordinary troubles, so be careful."

Heins on the side almost yelled at him. Originally, Heins wanted to say these words, but he didn't expect to be preempted by Andrew, and he lost an opportunity to sell favors for no reason.

Yue Chuan squinted his eyes, and immediately understood what Andrew meant, that was the Dragon Clan.Although the dragons have migrated out of the mainland, it doesn't mean that they don't exist anymore. On the contrary, the dragons are still at the top of the pyramid, a superpower that no force wants to offend.To put it bluntly, as long as the Dragon Clan is willing, they can destroy any powerful empire or any prosperous race overnight.

Therefore, if Yue Chuan makes a fortune in a muffled voice, and occasionally pours out some dragon blood, it's fine if it doesn't attract the attention of the outside world, but if Yue Chuan dares to make a big publicity and sell it blatantly, he will definitely attract the attention of the Dragon Clan. If a family loses a child or a wife, they will be the first ones to guess what Yue Chuan is up to. Even if nothing happens, there is no guarantee that there won't be dragons who don't like Yue Chuan and come to find fault.

However, Andrew's words have another meaning, that is, it is better to be acquainted than to be a stranger. Instead of buying and selling with strangers, it is better to trade with the Alchemy Association. After all, the Alchemy Association has already bought dragon blood, which can be regarded as an accomplice. , feel more at ease than outsiders.In this way, the Alchemy Association can eliminate countless competitors and obtain the source of dragon blood from Yue Chuan.

Having obtained both favors and benefits, Andrew made a good plan.

"Hehe, I heard that strong human beings can go to the habitat of the dragons and sign a contract with the dragons after reaching a certain level of cultivation. If this is true, how can the blood of dragons be cut off on the mainland?"

According to the theory, it is not easy for strong human beings to get in touch with the dragon clan, and it is not easy to release some dragon blood. How could they not get a drop of dragon blood?
Andrew and Hines looked at each other, and then looked at Yue Chuan at the same time. In the end, Hines cleared his throat and said, "Wumeng, you are also a cultivator with Dou Qi, so you naturally know the level after you have Dou Qi or magic power. Divide. There are ten stages in total. Andrew and I have worked hard for nearly a hundred years, but we are only at the ninth stage. Although we are only one step away from entering the tenth stage, this step has troubled us for 40 years. After the tenth stage, we don’t know How long does it take, maybe the end of our life is the tenth stage. And after the tenth stage is the unpredictable holy level, breaking away from the rules and shackles of the world, and transcending everything. Only the strong with this strength can be seen by the dragon clan In my eyes, I have the qualifications to be friends with the Dragon Clan. Moreover, not every saint-level powerhouse can get the friendship of the Dragon Clan, and there are not a few who were kicked out by the Dragon Clan or died on the Dragon Clan's territory."

Andrew on the side went on to say: "Holy level powerhouses, they have devoted their lives to pursuing a higher realm and greater power. After gaining the friendship of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan is their partner, a more important existence than their parents, wives and children. Do you think they will bleed their dragon partners? Besides, who would dare to make such a request to a holy-level powerhouse? Although there are people in the association who break through the holy level, there are not many, and after they go to the dragon habitat, basically Never came back again. In short, our Alchemy Association has been relying on inventory for thousands of years."

Hines on the side also nodded, indicating that those from the Magic Guild who broke through to the holy level and went to the dragon's habitat basically never heard from them.

A strange feeling emerged in Yue Chuan's heart. How could it sound like flying to the dragon clan's habitat to sign a contract with the dragon clan?It's all about fighting for the slim chance, if you succeed, you will get great luck and benefits, if you fail, you will get nothing or even suffer damage.And after success, it will be separated from the world, and there will be no more involvement.

Seeing Yue Chuan's pensive look, Andrew and Hines thought in their hearts, this kid is young after all, he must have been frightened by the name of the dragon clan, so if he has dragon blood in the future, he must not dare Find other people to trade, so it can only be transferred to our Alchemy Association and Magic Association.

But those two old guys didn't know, what Yue Chuan was thinking in his mind was: if he has the opportunity, he must go to the territory of the Dragon Clan to have a look.It is more difficult for ordinary people to cultivate, but with the help of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", cultivation is leveling. As long as the level is reached, one can break through the realm and improve the strength.

Holy level, for ordinary people, it may be something that has no hope in a lifetime, but for "Dungeon and Fighter" players, as long as they work hard, there is hope!

 Thanks [Zhazha Σ (voted 2 votes)

  Thanks [Hongyue cast 2 votes]

(End of this chapter)

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