
Chapter 171 Servant

Chapter 171 Servant
Yue Chuan was not surprised that the Eugenie family was hostile to him. After all, whether it was about the previous generation or the current generation, Yue Chuan was unwelcome in the Eugenie family.If it wasn't for "visiting relatives", Yue Chuan might not have come here all the way.

After coming here, Yue Chuan met his uncle Bronson who was friendly with him, a group of people who were hostile to him, and even the head of the family Rudolph who had a strange attitude.If nothing else, the ones who invited me to the restaurant should be those who are hostile to me.

However, Yue Chuan was not afraid or flinched. After all, he is also a person of status now. It is impossible for the Eugenie family to yell at him like before. At most, they are just playing some tricks.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, who is afraid of whom!

Putting away the dragon eggs, Yue Chuan tidied up his clothes, then opened the door and walked outside.

According to the theory, after the servants knocked on the door, they should avoid the door, but when Yue Chuan came out, he saw a man wearing servant's clothes standing in front of the door.Frowning slightly, Yue Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You are Umont from Starn City, come with me!" The servant left behind these words, turned around and left, but Yue Chuan did not follow him, and the servant couldn't help but said angrily: "Let you come with me!" , did not hear, or do not understand?"

Yue Chuan smiled, "So what if you can't hear it? So what if you don't understand it? Besides, what are you?"

In fact, this man was not a servant who ran errands, but a middle-level officer of the Eugenie family's private soldiers. After many years of experience in the middle school, the ability to fight on the battlefield is also very good.

Yue Chuan killed Scandi and Navia when he was in Starn City, and he had already made enemies with some people in the Eugenie family, but the head of the family, Rudolph, didn't say anything, and those people didn't dare to retaliate blatantly.But this time, those brats fought with the dandies and killed five dandies in a row. Although it was a fair duel, it involved life and death. How could the families of the deceased calm down?
The family members of the deceased did not dare to take revenge on the brats. After all, no matter what, these brats are the direct descendants of the family. In the past, these brats were blunt and ignored.But now in the life-and-death duel, the bear side killed five people in a row, who would dare to say that they are useless?With a noble bloodline and outstanding strength, if he can achieve results in the autumn hunting competition, it is a certainty that he will be trained by the family.

Ever since, those people transferred their hatred to Yue Chuan. After all, these brats had a close relationship with Yue Chuan, and humiliating Yue Chuan was tantamount to humiliating those brats.Besides, Yue Chuan was just an outsider, even if he was beaten or killed, it wouldn't be a big deal.So, they made up their minds and sent this trusted officer to teach Yue Chuan a lesson.

"Boy, the people waiting for you in the restaurant are all the big shots in the Eugenie family. The time of the big shots is very precious. If you waste the time of the big shots, you are murdering the big shots. I will teach you a lesson for the big shots so that you know how Be human."

Yue Chuan shook his head with a smile, "It seems that you are not a member of the Eugenie family, but just a servant."

If you are a member of the Eugenie family, when you talk about those big people, you will directly say "in the family" instead of "in the Eugenie family". This small gap has been engraved in the bones of some people.

"Kill you, I'm enough!" The servant didn't think there was anything wrong with it. At this moment, he seemed to have seen Yue Chuan kneeling on the ground moaning and struggling after being broken by himself, and then his neck was twisted , lying dead on the ground.He even saw the picture of those big figures promoting and rewarding him, and he has been soaring since then.

Take it!
He disguised himself as a servant this time, so naturally he couldn't carry a weapon on his body, so he could only fight Yue Chuan with his bare hands.However, even without a weapon, his fighting power is still very strong. After all, every move and style of his is taught by the veteran generals in the army, and it is honed on the battlefield, without any water.


A horrific aura rushed over, it was the aura of the battlefield, it was the rhythm of war, it was a picture of countless white bones and blood intertwined, just a fist, it shone with a dazzling light of fighting spirit, filled with a suffocating death breath.And the strength and aura that the servant originally restrained in his body erupted instantly, and the invisible energy exploded in the narrow corridor in an instant. Paint and paint peeled off like a landslide.

It's a soldier!
This is sent by those dandy elders.

As soon as they came into contact, Yue Chuan guessed about the identity and origin of the opposite party.This person was able to sneak in easily, and even more unscrupulously shot, and there was no reaction around such a big movement, how could it be possible that there was no big man behind him.

However, these are not what Yue Chuan cares about. Facing the fierce murderous aura, the blood energy in Yue Chuan's body circulated majesticly, and a stagnant aura radiated around Yue Chuan as the center, colliding fiercely with the servant's aura. .

The two sides collided with each other without any fancy, and the dazzling vindictive light centered on the fists of the two, erupting in all directions. Arms twisted, spread.Finally burst!


Yue Chuan's body was thrown backwards, and when he landed, he still couldn't stand firmly, he stepped back a few steps, while the servant only swayed his upper body, but he didn't appear to be retreating at all.

Hehe sneered, the servant stretched out his right hand and gave a thumbs up, then turned his fingers down and made a provocative gesture.

"You have come to this day only by chance and luck, and you dare to jump up and down in the Eugenie family without any strength. Today, I will educate you well!"

Yue Chuan snorted coldly.

This servant is indeed very strong, whether it is the basic skills, the strength of fighting spirit, and the will to fight are all outstanding.Yue Chuan's strength is still slightly inferior to him.

In terms of cultivation, Yue Chuan has just stepped into the threshold of fighting qi, only a first stage of fighting qi, and that servant should have cultivated fighting qi for many years, and with his years of savings, his cultivation must be at the level of second or even third stage, stronger than Yue Chuan Not double or double.

The reason why Yue Chuan was repelled was not only the difference in strength, but also because Yue Chuan had consumed half of his blood when he hatched the dragon egg just now, and Yue Chuan's strength was reflected in the blood rage, but once he used the blood rage, his body would The appearance of blood flames made Yue Chuan very scrupulous, so in the confrontation just now, Yue Chuan didn't use all his strength to be repelled.

"Education? What's the matter, your master spent so much money and effort just to let you educate me? Didn't his order mean to kill me?"

Hearing this, the servant thought that Yue Chuan knew his fate and wanted to ask for mercy, so there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "Yes, my master did ask me to kill you, but before that, let me kill you." I will torture you. I know you are afraid, but it is useless for you to beg for mercy. Die with peace of mind."

Yue Chuan lowered his head and asked in a strange tone: "I am a person of status, so you won't be afraid of the consequences if you kill me? As long as I call for help..."

"Hahaha..." Before Yue Chuan could finish speaking, the man laughed, "Consequences? At this time, I am suppressing bandits in the northern part of Bava Province. Even if you die, no one will suspect me Call for help? Stop dreaming, everyone around has been transferred away, and even the magician of the family has cast a sound-proof enchantment, no one will hear you even if you shout out loud."

The corner of Yue Chuan's mouth raised a strange arc, "Very good!"

very good?

Hearing Yue Chuan's nonsensical words, the servant suddenly lost his mind.According to the script, shouldn't this Umont kneel down and beg for mercy, asking himself to forgive his humble life?How can I say a good sentence?What does nice mean?
But then, he saw a strange scene.

Accompanied by a cold and evil low laugh, Yue Chuan touched his chest with his palm, and then, the flame formed by burning blood centered on his palm and quickly spread to his whole body, spreading all over his body in the blink of an eye. At this time, Yue Chuan was like The demon spirits walking out of the flames, the evil spirits floating out of the blood pool, and every part of their bodies smelled of death and destruction, which made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Originally, that servant was confident. After all, he was a veteran who had been in the army for more than ten years. He had personally killed [-] or [-] enemies on the battlefield. To deal with someone like Yue Chuan who had never been on the battlefield and never seen the world Ordinary people are not yet at their fingertips.Although this ordinary person has some strength, he is an ordinary person who grew up in the market after all, and he is simply vulnerable to professional soldiers.

That's right, using active soldiers to deal with ordinary people in the market is basically a situation where a father beats his son. This difference is like a street gangster and a special soldier.But when Yue Chuan's body was filled with blazing blood, the servant realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong...

" are not Wumont! Are you a human or a ghost?" Subconsciously took a step back, the servant suddenly pointed at Yue Chuan and laughed, "By the way, you are a priest, yes, you should be a demon in disguise Yes, you have sneaked into the Church of Light, as long as I reveal your identity, you will be executed by the Church of Light without the need for the Eugenie family to do anything!"

The flame in Yue Chuan's hand flashed, and the stern light of the Soul Cracking Blade instantly illuminated the dim corridor.

"Do you think you can still live to spread the news?"

The servant choked suddenly.That's right, the people around were turned away, and the magician cast several sound-proof barriers around him, so even if he yelled out, he couldn't hear it from outside.These arrangements were originally prepared to kill Yue Chuan, but who would have thought that they would become a rope around his neck.

"Hmph, so what if you're a demon, your strength is simply vulnerable. Today, whether you are a human or a demon, I can easily kill you!"

"There's so much nonsense!"

Yue Chuan didn't stop at all, his blood was burning fiercely, bursting out with astonishing speed and strength, his toes touched the ground, and the floor under his feet suddenly cracked and shattered, while Yue Chuan came to the servant with a hazy afterimage of blood.

After activating the blood rage, Yue Chuan's strength had a qualitative leap. This knife was sharp and fierce. Wherever the blade passed, the ear-piercing sound rushed towards the servant like a wave.

Almost instinctively, he touched his waist to ask for it, but the place where he started was empty, and the servant finally realized that his trip was disguised and disguised, and he did not carry a weapon.


Cursing secretly, the servant quickly activated his fighting spirit, concentrated on his fist, and pushed out with a fierce punch, ignoring the blade cutting towards his chest, and directly punched Yue Chuan in the face.

Fighting with your life is a compulsory course for fighting on the battlefield.On the battlefield, what you have to face is not one sword and one knife, but dozens of swords and dozens of knives.No matter how skillful you are, it is impossible to avoid all the enemy's weapons. The only thing you can do is to kill the enemy before the enemy's weapons touch you.Killing one is enough money, killing two earns one.Moreover, the battlefield is crowded with people, and there is no space or room to dodge at all. Therefore, those soldiers handed over their left, right and back to Pao Ze, and they only faced the front.

Forward, forward, forward, forward, forward!

It has to be said that the servant's fight with his life was successful, because Yue Chuan withdrew his attack and took a step back.

Although the opponent was unarmed, his fighting spirit was very strong, and when highly condensed, it almost produced a substantial effect, as if a layer of iron armor was covering his body.Although Yue Chuan's mind-cracking blade can cut through this layer of fighting spirit, it will inevitably stop for a moment, and in this moment, the servant's iron fist will mercilessly imprint on Yue Chuan's face.

This is the gap between professional soldiers and ordinary people. This does not mean that Yue Chuan is cowardly, but because Yue Chuan's status and living environment are different.

He punched Yue Chuan back, the servant sneered, secretly despised Yue Chuan in his heart, even with the power of a demon, he was still a piece of trash, and was forced to retreat by himself.

After forcing Yue Chuan back, the servant turned around and ran away.Although he despised Yue Chuan, the weird blood flames on Yue Chuan still caused him a strong shock and shock, making him unwilling to fight Yue Chuan from the bottom of his heart.Moreover, he only needs to spread the news that Yue Chuan is a demon, and he can ruin Yue Chuan's reputation. In the past, the Guangming Church, which served as a protective umbrella for Yue Chuan, would personally send Yue Chuan to the stake.

If Wumeng could be ruined and even sent to the stake, it would be more hateful than killing him, and the reward from the master should be even more.

The servant who wanted to get out of the battle didn't notice at all. The moment he turned around, all the fighting spirit and momentum on his body disappeared like a phantom.

The reason why the soldiers are strong is that they are invincible and I am invincible. If he fights hard with Yue Chuan, it is not impossible to win, but if he turns around and runs away, he will ruin all his advantages. When he faces Yue Chuan again When facing Yue Chuan's blade, he would definitely think about leaving a useful body to enjoy high officials and rich salary, and he would no longer be able to regard death as home.

Want to run?

The bright halo of the three-stage cut instantly illuminated the dark corridor. When the three-stage cut was over, Yue Chuan shot hard at his feet, and his body flew forward like a cannonball, and he came over the servant in the blink of an eye.Like a goshawk looking down at the earth, Yue Chuan's eyes showed a cold killing intent, and then a silver light fell down on the blade, and it slammed down fiercely.

That servant really didn't have the will to confront Yue Chuan head-on.At this time, Yue Chuan was in the air, and he had no place to use his strength and change his moves. If that servant was determined to die with Yue Chuan, even if he couldn't kill Yue Chuan, he could still seriously injure Yue Chuan.But he wholeheartedly wanted to spread the news that Yue Chuan was a devil, and relied on this news to get promoted and make a fortune, so he was not willing to die with Yue Chuan.Not to mention dying together, even if he is physically disabled, he is unwilling. After all, he wants to keep his good body to enjoy the glory and wealth.

A few extremely skillful tumblings avoided Yue Chuan's piercing soul-cracking blade.On the battlefield, he often encounters the enemy's arrow rain. This kind of rolling is already proficient in his bones. Not to mention just a knife, even if more than a dozen knives are pierced together, he can dodge it by rolling.

However, that servant must have never played "Dungeon and Warriors", so he didn't know the real killing move of Silver Falling Blade at all.

The majestic blood energy poured into the ground along the soul-cracking blade, like a drumstick hitting the drum, the ground of the entire corridor shook, and a circular shock wave spread out around Yue Chuan. , the servant only felt the ground under his feet sink out of thin air, and then his legs softened for a moment and he was about to fall to the ground, but the next moment, the sunken ground bounced back in an instant, and the servant's body was inevitably bounced back. fly up.

Both feet were lifted off the ground, and the servant suddenly panicked, waving his hands and feet blindly, trying to touch something that could be used for strength.It's a pity that he is in a floating state at this time, and there is nothing around him except Yue Chuan's mind-splitting blade.

"I told you, you can't escape!"

Step up, pick up!
Yue Chuan's body took a step forward in an instant, and with the help of the force of the forward rush, the Mind Cracking Blade made an incomparable upward thrust, which was right on the servant's back.Even though the servant had a fighting spirit to protect his body, he only blocked Yue Chuan for less than 0 second, and then his fighting spirit, skin, and muscles were cut by the mind-cracking blade.


The blade of splitting soul made a long cut on the servant's back. If Yue Chuan hadn't controlled his own strength, this blade could almost split him in two.

"It's too boring to kill at once."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yue Chuan's mouth, and then he leaped up, striking out in the air with chopping clouds and flowing water.

Pick up, cut in the air!
Pick up, cut in the air!
Pick up, cut in the air!

It was almost an endless loop. Although the servant tried his best to resist, all his resistance was in vain in front of Ripple Zhan. When his body was about to fall to the ground, the Earth Rift Wave Sword was launched at the right time, followed by Yue Chuan's proficient Incomparably challenged.

Thousands of cuts!


Although the servant had strong body-protecting fighting spirit, it could not save his defeat at all. The so-called body-protecting fighting spirit only prolongs the fun of Yue Chuan's torture and killing.

"Your so-called strength and ability to kill the enemy are nothing but a sad joke in front of me!"

Facing Yue Chuan's ridicule and ridicule, that servant could only roar in vain like a trapped animal. Although he had great strength, he couldn't show it at all in the face of Yue Chuan's flowing blows, as if he had fallen into a well The old scalper can only struggle and contradict in vain, but still can't stop the passing of life.

"Please, let me go..."

He just sneered in response.For those who want to kill him, Yue Chuan has no mercy at all.On the contrary, he will use more cruel methods to make his opponent regret being his enemy.


The servant's incomplete body finally fell to the ground, but at this moment, he was like a broken sack, just lying on the ground panting heavily, without the slightest intention to stand up—to be precise, he didn't have the slightest strength to stand up.

In the series of attacks just now, the special effect of the Blade of Cracking Soul was triggered more than ten times. At this moment, this servant is absolutely gasping and dying. If it wasn't for Yue Chuan who wanted to torture him severely, he would have stabbed him through heart or beheaded him.

Blinking in vain, the servant wanted to squeeze the blood out of his eyes to make his vision clearer, but all this became futile, because his vision was black and red, and he didn't know that it was the blood that blurred his vision. , or eye trauma.

At this moment, the officer pretending to be a servant finally understood why he failed.

Not because he is afraid of death, but because he is greedy for life.

Not because he was afraid, but because he flinched.

It was not Yue Chuan who defeated him, but himself.

When you hand over your back to the enemy, you are already dead. Even if you did not die by the enemy's sword, you will die in the hands of the supervising team.

This was the commandment given by his officer when he joined the army, and it was also the first iron rule in the army.It's ridiculous, he has been in the army for more than ten years, and finally made such a low-level and unforgivable mistake.

Yue Chuan didn't ask the mastermind behind him, because it was not important at all, there was no difference between knowing and not knowing.

The soles of the boots stepped on the pool of blood that had begun to solidify, and the mind-breaking blade gently slid across the servant's throat.Even if he is dead, Yue Chuan still has to make up for him, otherwise, Yue Chuan will be worried.

The blood flames on his body slowly subsided, and Yue Chuan put away the soul-cracking blade, and turned into a normal person again.

When he walked out of the corridor and came to the courtyard, he saw a thug figure looking out, and when he saw himself, that figure sat down on the ground with a flustered expression on his face.

When he came to that person, Yue Chuan smiled slightly, "Are you surprised or disappointed?"

[Originally, I was going to write a piece during the day, but I had something to do during the day, and I didn’t come back until after nine o’clock in the evening, and the 6000-word update was not completed until now.Alas, two old cousins ​​are getting married tomorrow, and I'm busy again]

 Thanks [Zhazha Σ (voted 4 votes)

(End of this chapter)

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