
Chapter 158 Rudolph

Chapter 158 Rudolph

"This is slander! This is framing! This is spreading rumors! This..."

In the Eugenie family, a middle-aged man roared angrily, the blood vessels on his neck and forehead were protruding, and he exuded a stagnant aura, like a beast that chooses to eat people, which makes people uneasy. Dare to look directly, let alone approach.

Beside this beast-like man, there is a man with a handsome appearance and a graceful temperament. Facing the violent middle-aged man, he still holds a wine glass gracefully, takes a shallow sip, and then puts the wine glass lightly. Put it on the table.


His movements seemed to be a little too loud, so that there was a slight sound when the wine glass fell on the table.But this sound was like a signal. The middle-aged man who was still furious just now restrained his breath immediately, and stood aside obediently. In an instant, he changed from a lion to a dog. Well, maybe it is more appropriate to call him a poodle.

"Patriarch, you know what's going on outside, why don't we respond?" The man who looked like a beast just now spoke to the handsome man in a low voice, and there was a sense of grievance and pleading in his words.

Even though the man who was drinking just now looks as handsome as a woman, the Eugenie family knows that he has a vicious mind and a very hot method, and he will use any means to achieve his goal.

More than ten years ago, he was just a concubine. According to the rules, his eldest brother should inherit the position of head of the family.However, on the day when the position of Patriarch was handed over, his brother-in-law bled strangely and died tragically in front of many family members.No one knew why, and even the most brilliant physician sent by the royal family could not find out the cause of death, and in the end it could only be blamed on a strange disease.

Then, the family chose another heir. That heir was happy at first, thinking that he had hit the sky with great luck, but no one expected that when the heir was also handing over power, he died tragically in front of many family members. .No cause of death was found either.

The first one can still be said to be accidental, but the second one is a bit unusual.Everyone in the Eugenie family suspected that they had been poisoned or even cursed, and they specially invited the elders of the family who had been cultivating in Icewind Dale to sit in the town, and established a third heir. The powerful elder died miserably, bleeding from seven orifices under his nose.

That elder was a high-level magician in his early years, and he had cultivated in Icewind Valley for many years. Not to mention that he could destroy cities, move mountains and fill seas, it was easy to protect a person, but the heir died under his nose. Not only was there no warning sign in his cultivation base, but the cause of death could not be found out afterwards, it was simply a slap in the face of Hong Guoguo.In the end, this senior was ashamed to face the descendants of his family, and returned to Icewind Dale in despair.

The position of Patriarch, who was originally very popular, has now become a death talisman, and no one is willing to touch it.The heirs who have the right to inherit either run away from home or announce their withdrawal, lest they be killed by others.For a while, the Eugenie family couldn't find anyone who was willing to inherit the position of Patriarch.

In the end, a concubine stepped forward and was willing to inherit the position of Patriarch.Anyway, he was just an insignificant bastard, and he died as soon as he died, and no one would care about it at all. Therefore, the Eugenie family held a handover ceremony for him according to the established regulations.At that time, everyone was expecting this concubine to die with blood from seven orifices, but no one expected that the transfer of power was smooth and orderly without any confusion. Laugh, nothing unusual.

This man is a murderer!

Everyone thought so in their hearts, but they had no evidence. Moreover, when they thought of the tragic death of those people before, all the smart people shut their mouths wisely.Since Patriarch has the ability to kill those three people, he is absolutely capable of killing a few more. Since he stood in the clear, it shows that he is absolutely sure, jumping out at this time is definitely courting death.

After going through several times of chaos and killing a few groups of people who were determined to seize the position of Patriarch, the position of the new Patriarch in the Eugenie Family was finally stabilized. He was originally a son of a concubine, but now he became the Patriarch who promised everything. His orders are obeyed by everyone, and his will is irreversible. A look from him can make people tremble and kneel down.Because they were afraid that they would also die tragically bleeding from the seven orifices.

Although no one had any evidence, no one dared to risk his life to try, and no one even dared to mention the name of the Patriarch behind his back——Rudolph!

"Patriarch, you know what's going on outside, so why don't we respond?"

Hearing the words of his confidant, Rudolph nodded, and then said: "Which idiot hired him, go and find out, and send him to the stake to be burned to death. Our Eugenie family doesn't need such self-assertive trash!"

Rudolph didn't care about the momentary honor and disgrace of the Eugenie family.People have a great sense of forgetfulness. Ten or twenty years later, who will remember what happened today.What Rudolph cared about was whether the people below obeyed him.The self-assertion of some members angered Rudolph.In the final analysis, Rudolph didn't care about external enemies, what he cared about was internal enemies.

Thinking of the assassination case that happened a few days ago, and thinking of these people's self-assertive behavior today, Rudolph frowned tightly. It seemed that the autumn hunting was coming, and some people in the family felt uneasy again. .

Rudolph's acquisition of the Patriarch's position at the beginning was a bit dishonest, and all of this was a coincidence—of course, no matter what others thought, Rudolph had always insisted on this.Therefore, there are always some lucky people who want to drive Rudolph down.There are conservatives and radicals in the family. Rudolph is the radical who takes the restoration of the Bain Kingdom as his own mission. However, among the radicals, there are also those members of the direct line who think they are of noble blood. On the surface, they support Rudolph, but secretly oppose him Rudolph's concubine status was contemptuous.

Soon, that confidant went back and forth, and reported in a low voice. Those guys who hired people on their own initiative were tied up and sent to the Church of Light. As for whether they were burned to death together, it depends on the Church of Light Meaning.By making such a gesture, the negative impact of that incident on the Eugenie family can be minimized, and at the same time, it also presents a difficult problem for the Church of Light.

The few people who were sent out were all nobles, and it would be fine to burn the heretics to death, but the nobles were to be burned to death. Although they were handed over by the Eugenie family and indeed deserved their crimes, this will inevitably arouse the resentment and panic of the nobles. It will be more difficult for the Church of Light to develop its influence in the aristocratic circle.If the Church of Light does not burn these few people to death, it will discourage and disappoint many ordinary believers, and then their faith will be shaken.For Yue Chuan, this was a dilemma.As for Rudolph, he used this to get rid of a few restless guys, and also shocked other family members.

It has to be said that Rudolph is a very scheming and cunning person. Otherwise, even if he can become the head of the family by relying on dark means, it is impossible for him to sit for a long time and be safe!
"That Umont didn't stay in Starn City, but he came all the way to Bayne City, and he worked so hard to create momentum, it's not a small plan." After a pause, Rudolph said to his confidant who was standing beside him: " Isn’t Umont a visiting relative? Since you’re here, why don’t you stay at home? Our Eugenie family is a nobleman and understands etiquette. Go, go to the Church of Light to bring Umont back.”

With Yue Chuan outside, Rudolph's control over him would inevitably be reduced. It is better to keep Yue Chuan under his nose for supervision and prevent him from causing any disturbances.Moreover, Yue Chuan had just burned several members of the Eugenie family to death, and other clan members would definitely resist and dislike Yue Chuan. Under this atmosphere, Yue Chuan would not do anything in the Eugenie family.

At this time, the confidant on the side bent down and whispered: "Patriarch, Umont's mother is Ludovica. Are we really going to do this?"


Rudolph narrowed his eyes.

Although he belongs to the Eugenie family, he has always been a son of a concubine, and his status in the family is no different from that of a servant. Although they all live under the same roof, there are too many things in the Eugenie family that he cannot touch, such as those high-ranking families member.

Rudolph knew Ludovica's name, and also knew Ludovica's status as the jewel in the palm of the Eugenie family, no matter which one he could not look up to.But Rudolph didn't know why Ludovica had such an important position, so that after doing that kind of thing back then, he was still protected by the family.

At this moment, Rudolph inevitably felt angry, because he found that even though he was the head of the Eugenie family, many secrets of the Eugenie family were still beyond his reach.Those conservatives handed over their power and retreated, they were lukewarm to themselves, and it was fine not to tell themselves these family secrets, but the radicals who were in the same camp as themselves did not even tell themselves.


Yes, this is ignorance!

Rudolph, who thought he was in control of everything, suddenly discovered that he still had an ignorant side.

Perhaps, those members of the direct line who thought they had a noble lineage would mock behind their backs and say: Look, that humble concubine, even if he becomes the head of the family, so what, he knows nothing about many things about the Eugenie family.No, no, he doesn't deserve to know the brilliance and glory of the Eugenie family!


The glass broke and shattered little by little in Rudolph's hands, and the bright red liquid poured down Rudolph's palm, and it was hard to tell whether it was wine or blood.

Seeing Rudolph's actions, the confidant quickly crouched down, fearing that he would be cleaned up by Rudolph because he saw Rudolph's gaffe.

With a wave of his palm, the wine and glass fragments in Rudolph's hand were pulled away by an inexplicable force. Rudolph's palm was covered with fragmented scars, and many places were still turning ferociously outwards.However, under an inexplicable surge of light, those wounds healed quickly, and they recovered in the blink of an eye.

"I suddenly felt that Umont should be greeted with the most solemn etiquette. After all, the same blood flows in our bodies..."

The "same blood" in Rudolph's mouth was biting very hard!

(End of this chapter)

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