
Chapter 156 Father, I want to repent

Chapter 156 Father, I want to repent

"Before I believed in the God of Light, I was like a person walking in the dark, with no direction, no purpose, and no motivation. I didn't know why I lived, and I didn't know what I was living for. I was confused every day. When I believed in After becoming the God of Light, there is a guiding light on my life path, just like the sun hanging above my head, which makes me bathed in the light all the time, and will never lose my direction. Thank you Almighty The God of Light, when I was wandering in the dark, it was the God of Light who gave me hope, gave me direction, and gave me everything I have now..."

In the church of Bain City, Yue Chuan, who was dressed in a divine robe, stood on the stage of the auditorium and told the nearly thousand believers below about his feelings before and after he joined the church.This is something that every believer has experienced, but Yue Chuan is different. As an excellent believer with potential who was even promoted to be a priest, Yue Chuan's experience and past have attracted the attention of other believers.

"May I ask Father Umont, before you believed in the God of Light, you were impoverished, but after you believed in the God of Light, you have a net worth of tens of millions. Is your wealth also bestowed by the God of Light?"

Yue Chuan twitched the corners of his stiff mouth, squeezed out a forced smile, and said against his will: "Yes, it is the almighty God of Light who bestowed my wisdom. Revelation, I just used it to earn some wealth, but all of this wealth was used to repay the God of Light. I built altars for the God of Light, shaped statues of gods, cultivated believers, and tried my best to repay the God of Light.”

"So, according to Father Umont, the God of Light blesses us in order to allow us to build altars, shape gods, and cultivate believers? This so-called belief has become a dirty thing like a transaction, Father Umont , are you slandering the God of Light?"

This person is obviously provoking trouble, but his method of provoking trouble is very clever. He doesn't jump out and yell like those brainless druids, but in the name of defending the gods, he slanders his opponent as a blasphemer. The Church of Light had to take action to sanction.A soldier's sword is never as good as a literati's tongue and pen and ink. Words are the most powerful way to kill people.It is conceivable that if Yue Chuan can't answer properly today, he will definitely be put on a hat of blasphemy, not to mention the treatment of distinguished guests, it is already very good if he is not pushed to the stake.

Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, Alexis, your sister, the church in Bayne City is your territory, and the people on your territory have not been cleaned up, and all cats and dogs have been put in.

"This believer, the God of Light is just like the sun in the sky. He is fair and selfless. He will not give you more light and heat just because you believe in him, nor will he give you more light and heat just because you don't believe in him. Give you less light and heat."

Before Yue Chuan could finish speaking, the man interrupted Yue Chuan and said, "Since that's the case, what's the difference between belief and non-belief? According to you, those who believe in other gods will also receive the protection of the God of Light. Are we unfair? Father Umont, what is your intention to spread heresy heresy?"

This person's words were very cautious, he never said anything about the God of Light, and pointed at Yue Chuan every sentence, and under his deliberate guidance, the believers around couldn't help but think: If according to what Father Umont said, the light will take the truth. Like the sun, even if I don't believe in the God of Light, I will still be protected. Doesn't that mean that my devout prayers all these years have been in vain?No matter how pious I am, the gods won't treat me any better than others, so what's the use of being pious?

For a moment, everyone's minds were floating, and their beliefs were slowly shaken.The clergy of the surrounding Guangming Church noticed this scene, and looked at Yue Chuan with unfriendly eyes. In their view, it was Yue Chuan's heresy that caused the believers to lose their faith and brought losses to the church in Bayne City.

At this time, the person who provoked the trouble came out in a crowd, and a dozen supporters naturally followed behind him. Under their leadership, other believers also stood up blindly and gathered around the stage, wanting to get close Listen to the debate between Yue Chuan and that person.

"Father Umont, you are wearing a divine robe and bathed in divine light, but you are preaching heresy heresy. I doubt whether your faith is firm, and I even doubt whether your background is innocent. People like you who have no knowledge of the Holy Bible How did people you know get into the Church of Light? Who opened the door for you? Could it be that our pure Church of Light has degenerated to the point where it can be bought with money?"


The surrounding area suddenly exploded.

Before Yue Chuan's arrival, the Guangming Church in Baien City had promoted Yue Chuan, promoting Yue Chuan as a role model who originally had nothing, but was favored by the gods with his devout belief in God, and made a fortune in a short period of time.Naturally, the intention of the Guangming Church is to use Yue Chuan's fortune to stimulate those who desire wealth to join the church. During this publicity process, it is inevitable to publicize Yue Chuan's wealth and net worth. The identity of the clergy was linked with money, which made everyone involuntarily want to offer bribes. The believers around them became angry for a while, and a feeling of being deceived emerged.

"This blasphemous scum!"

"Kill him, and those who accept his bribes, all burn to death!"

"Kill them!"

The scene was a little out of control, and the agitated believers shouted angrily, demanding that Yue Chuan be punished. If the Bright Church in Bayen City could not give them a satisfactory answer, it would probably cause chaos and the loss of believers.

Seeing this scene, the clergymen who maintained order hurriedly stepped forward to stop them, but they were limited in number and did not dare to use force against these civilians who had no cultivation level at all. Although they were fully cultivated, they were pushed back again and again by the angry crowd.

What happened in the auditorium was quickly reported to Alexis. Seeing the panicked expression on the reporter's face, Alexis smiled calmly, "Don't worry, he will take care of this matter Yes. In the process of preaching, he will inevitably be destroyed by countless hostile forces, or even attacked by force. If Wumeng can't even quell this small chaos, he is not worthy of my training."

In the auditorium, drops of sweat dripped from the palms of Yue Chuan's hands.As smart as he is, he has already realized that this matter is not simple. This should be a premeditated incident. Someone specially confuses believers to fight against him. There is no way to gain a foothold in the Church of Light.Only the Eugenie family can do this kind of thing in Byrne City.Even if the instigator was not trained by them, he was hired by them, and with their handwriting, there are definitely trustees among these believers. When the time is right, someone just needs to shout a slogan, and those trustees Violence will definitely start, and no matter what the consequences of death or injury will be, it will all be credited to oneself.

If there was an armed conflict, it would be impossible for these thousands of ordinary believers to cause any damage to Yue Chuan, and Yue Chuan could kill them all in minutes.But these are all believers, not only can Yue Chuan not kill them, he must also protect them from any harm.

"Father Umont, the Bible of Light is at your hand, but you don't look it up. Is this your belief and devotion to the God of Light? That's right, according to what you said, whether you believe in it or not, whether you are devout or not, you can get it." The gifts are all the same."

Hearing what the instigator said, Yue Chuan suddenly laughed!

"My friend, you said that I haven't read the Bright Bible, but I don't know how much you know about the Bright Bible?"

The man smiled confidently, and said with his head held high: "I have been a believer with my family since I was a child. It has been 26 years. The Bright Bible has 46 volumes. The beginning is Genesis, and then..."

Although the instigator's motives were not pure, it cannot be denied that he really knew the Guangming Church very well, and he knew the Guangming Bible fluently. The names of the 46 volumes were written verbatim, and the order was not in the slightest confusion.And as he answered back and forth, the people around looked at Yue Chuan with even more suspicion and distrust, as if confirming that Yue Chuan knew nothing about the Bright Bible.

"My fellow believer, you really know the Bible of Light very well, so let me ask you, which volume in the Bible of Light says that the God of Light is responsive to the world's requests?"

Responding to requests is just an idealized state of believers, but no matter which religion, they will not blatantly say that their gods can respond to requests, no matter how stupid the gods are, they will not say so, otherwise, believers will kowtow and recite sutras. Ask the gods to grant money and power, and this deception will be exposed.

Therefore, many religions make cakes for believers to satisfy their hunger, throw out a wish that is basically impossible to achieve, or impossible to achieve in their lifetime, and deceive believers into their beliefs.It's like Westerners say that believers can go to heaven after death. As for whether it is really possible, who can go to heaven to prove it?For another example, it is said in Buddhism that believing in the Lord Buddha can ascend to the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Who can go to the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to distinguish the true from the false?

At this moment, the instigator finally understood the loophole in his language, and this was also an opportunity for Yue Chuan to come back.

"Perhaps my understanding of the Bible of Light is not as deep as that of this believer, because he has been a devout believer for 26 years, and I have only devoted myself to the glory of the God of Light in the past two months. But I know one thing, that is, to believe in the Light Only God can be redeemed. The God of Light does not promise us money and power, but promises redemption. We are born sinners, and we live to redeem our sins. Only by devoutly believing in the God of Light can we be forgiven. After death, the soul Get purified and liberated, and return to the embrace of the God of Light, and you will no longer have to suffer in the next life.”

Yue Chuan's words are known to every believer. After all, they believed in religion in order to obtain salvation. They have heard such similar words from other clergy, so they didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He nodded approvingly, and thought to himself, it seems that Father Umont is not ignorant of the Bible of Light.

This kind of verbal confrontation is no less dangerous than a swordsman duel. The winner will naturally receive flowers and applause, while the loser will immediately lose his reputation, be cast aside by everyone, and even be sent to the stake.Therefore, at the moment Yue Chuan rose up to fight back, drops of sweat dripped from the brows and temples of the instigator.

"The God of Light is as impartial and selfless as the sun. He will not give you more light and heat just because you believe in him, nor will he give you less light and heat just because you don't believe in him." Yue Chuan He repeated what he said just now, and then changed the topic, "However, the God of Light is as noble, majestic, and inviolable as the sun. Kind creatures can live and grow bathed in the light, and evil devils bathed in the light, just Only to be burned into ashes and completely annihilated!"

In this world, there are also undead creatures such as vampires, ghosts, and skeleton monsters, and these undead creatures are all of the kind that die when they are exposed to light. As long as they are exposed to the sun, they are burned to ashes in a blink of an eye, as if they were burned at the stake. And these are what the clergy of the Church of Light often explain and warn believers on a daily basis.

Therefore, Yue Chuan's statement was quickly recognized by everyone. Many people nodded in agreement, and then silently bowed to apologize to Yue Chuan, and quietly returned to their seats. There are only a few people left.The clergy around looked at Yue Chuan no longer with hostility, but with a look of respect, because Yue Chuan's understanding of the Bright Bible was higher than theirs, which meant that Yue Chuan's beliefs were more pious than theirs.

The provocateur knows he has lost!I failed to discredit Wumont's reputation, but I was in danger of ruining my reputation.It's disgusting!

"Father Umont, I have believed in the God of Light for 26 years, and you have only believed in it for a few months. Why can you get the gift of the God of Light, but I can't? Hehe, tell me, is this fair?"

The instigator looked extremely angry and disappointed at this moment, and he didn't know if he really felt that it was unfair, or if his acting skills had already reached perfection.However, his appearance has won the sympathy of many people, and many believers are also thinking about the same problem. They have believed in the God of Light for so many years, but they have gained nothing. Wan, is that fair?

Yue Chuan ignored the instigator, but turned to the believers around him, and said loudly: "Some people are born with sound limbs, while others are born without eyesight, ears, and mouth. Is this fair? Some people are born to be the children of the rich and powerful, with rich clothes and fine food, while others are born with nothing, and died of hunger and disasters. Is this fair? Some people practice martial arts and magic hard all their lives, and in the end they don’t even have a trainee warrior. There are no magic apprentices, but some people are famous all over the world at a young age and set foot in the sanctuary, is this fair?"

At this moment, not only the believers were frowning, but even the priests in the auditorium were confused. Is this world really fair?Otherwise, why are there so many injustices?
"This world is not fair!" Yue Chuan's voice sounded like a blow to everyone's foreheads.

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, the instigator seemed to see the hope of resuscitating the dead. He pointed at Yue Chuan and asked loudly: "It's not fair? You are simply rebellious. It is written in the Bible of Light that this world was created by the God of Light. All the rules in the world are made by the God of Light, how dare you say that this world is unfair, are you accusing the God of Light? Father Umont, how dare you blaspheme the gods!"

The auditorium suddenly exploded!Although those believers were shocked by Yue Chuan's words, they all looked at Yue Chuan angrily at this moment, wanting to hear how Yue Chuan defended himself.

Facing the accusations of the instigator and the gazes of many believers and clergy, Yue Chuan's eyes were flat and his expression was calm. He slowly raised his head, looked out at the sky through the windows of the dome, looked at the sun in the sky, and spoke in a melodious voice. Said: "The reason why this world is unfair is because the rules made by the God of Light have been broken, and the glory of the God of Light is no longer enough to cover every corner of the world. There are too many evil gods and false gods in this world to tarnish the rules made by the God of Light. justice."

This sentence is like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of many believers. They can't help but remember the strength and prosperity of the Church of Light a long time ago. Looking at the current decline and decline, they finally know why there are so many injustices in this world. Things—because the Church of Light is too weak, if the power of the Church of Light can cover every corner of the world, there will be no unfairness or injustice.

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, those believers wished to immediately rush into the strongholds of other religions, smash their idols, kill their clergy and believers, destroy the power of those evil gods and false gods in the world, and re-promote the teachings of the God of Light.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. Since this world is unfair, why can you get the revelation of the God of Light, but we can't? We are also bathed in the holy light of the God of Light, so it should be fair. How do you justify yourself?"

Yue Chuan's gaze lowered slowly, as if he couldn't bear to witness the suffering in the world, and said slowly: "Because my faith is more pious and firm than yours!"

When the instigator heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Your belief is more devout than mine? Firmer than mine? Hahaha, how do you prove it?"

"I can get the revelation from the God of Light, but you can't..."

"Who will believe your words? Who can prove the revelation you said?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, the instigator felt a little relieved. After all, things like revelation and belief are illusory and cannot be explained or proved at all. It seems that today's debate and confrontation will come to an end.

"I can prove the revelation!" Yue Chuan looked at the instigator playfully, "Come to my side, kneel down and pray devoutly to the God of Light, and I will use my faith as a medium to convey your voice to the Light God, let you bathe in the gift of God. Do you dare to come and have a try?"

While speaking, Yue Chuan pointed to the ground in front of him, and made a movement, motioning the instigator to come and kneel down to pray.

Hearing this, the instigator's face immediately turned red, he thought Yue Chuan was humiliating him.But at this moment, he couldn't back down at all, so he came to Yue Chuan step by step, knelt down slowly, and looked at Yue Chuan with cannibalistic eyes, as if saying, if you don't receive the enlightenment from the gods later, you Just wait and see!

Yue Chuan didn't pay attention to the man's vicious eyes, but slowly raised his hands, and secretly activated the light power of the clergyman's trumpet. Immediately, a brilliant golden light radiated from behind him, and the hazy golden lights slowly condensed, appearing behind Yue Chuan. With the outline of a cross, Yue Chuan's figure became tall and holy for a while, causing all the believers and clergy around him to kneel down in fear.

Although the instigator didn't believe in Yue Chuan from the bottom of his heart, he felt uneasy when he saw Yue Chuan's bluffing appearance. He quickly knelt down and kept praying to the God of Light in his heart, but he was full of ghosts and couldn't calm down at all. Come on, after reciting the scriptures in the Bright Bible over and over again, my mind is still thinking wildly, and I can't concentrate at all.

The holy light enveloped Yue Chuan's figure, and also enveloped the figure of the instigator in front of him. From outsiders' perspective, it seemed that Yue Chuan was really using himself as a medium to help the instigator communicate with the God of Light .

But at this time, the instigator suddenly felt a darkness in his mind, everything around him disappeared, the dazzling light and the solemn auditorium all fell into the boundless darkness, and the whole world was pitch black.

where is this?
Didn't Umont say to help me communicate with the God of Light? Why is it so dark here?Where the God of Light is, there shouldn't be darkness...

"Son, are you calling me?"

At this moment, a cold and solemn voice resounded in the darkness. The voice was extremely loud, as if it came from every corner of the darkness. The same voice and the same sentence resounded in the sky and the earth at the same time, as if the sky and the earth suddenly spoke. Same.

Reminiscent of what Yue Chuan said before, the instigator suddenly thought in horror—could this be the God of Light?
Suddenly a ray of dawn came from the darkness, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, magnificent and dazzling, the vastness of the world and the insignificance of manpower were clearly revealed at this moment, the instigator knelt down in shock, Sincerely worship the light ahead.

"Great and noble God of Light, it is your humble followers who are calling for you..."

The light in front kept twisting and changing, slowly showing a human face, but unfortunately, the face of the instigator was stuck on the ground at this time, and he didn't even intend to raise his head, which caused Yue Chuan in the dark to resent, The "God of Light" that was finally created was ignored by Hong Guoguo.

"My child, I already know your past and future. Originally, you already had the faith of the ninth life, and with this life, you will have the faith of the tenth life. You can be redeemed, and you have achieved a positive result, but you made a wrong step and all your previous efforts were wasted. Alas ..."

Hearing that long sigh of regret, the instigator couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart. Nine lives of faith, only one life away from cultivating the right fruit.As for what it means to achieve a positive result, the instigator doesn't know at all, but he knows that it must be something that can make the God of Light sigh.It's a pity that if one step is wrong, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Great God of Light, please listen to my explanation..."

But at this time, the ray of light between the sky and the earth slowly converged, and then disappeared, but at that moment, the instigator still saw the blurred figure and face in the light.

"Your sin needs to be redeemed by yourself, go, go..."

Consciousness slowly returned, and the instigator saw the familiar scenery around him, and couldn't help but knelt on the ground and cried loudly with tears streaming down his face.It is cultivation, ruined today, it is a pain in his heart.

"Father Umont, I'm guilty, I want to confess to you... woo woo woo... This is all instigated by the Eugenie family, this is not my original intention..."

Hearing that person's words, the corner of Yue Chuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch a smile, let's do it, let's do it happily...

[The two chapters were not disassembled and posted together]

(End of this chapter)

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