
Chapter 1463 Remembrance (End)

Chapter 1463 Remembrance (End)

"I finally understand that there are so many races and powerhouses in the Arad world who will fight back and forth."

Aipel, who was leading the horse, raised his smiling face curiously, and cooperated with Yue Chuan's question, "Why?"

"Because of order." Yue Chuan looked at the world of Arad, which was getting farther and farther behind, and said slowly: "Prosperity is orderly, thriving. Everyone disdains to haggle over petty profits, because with this time, they are enough to gain ten times A hundredfold benefit. There are only human beings in the world of Arad, and the interests of all human beings are unified and consistent, that is, to continue to develop, to conquer one world after another, to open up a barren space, and to expand the human footprint to the edge of the universe.”

Ai Poer seems to understand, but her special background makes her have many mysteries that ordinary people cannot know. "You mean, people who are not of my race must have different hearts, right? Different races, even those of the same race Different ethnic groups are destined to have different interests. They will eventually make small calculations for their respective ethnic groups. The strangest thing is that when they calculate each other, they can find bright reasons and just excuses for themselves. This, indeed It's irony."

"Hahaha..." Yue Chuan laughed, "Yeah, just like Porodin, he schemed against everyone, but he always felt that he was a saint, a hero, a pioneer, and a great emperor. But From the standpoint of us humans, he is indeed great, for the sake of humans, he can even sacrifice himself, and instilled all his will power into me."

Speaking of this, Yue Chuan couldn't help but sigh, if it wasn't for Porodin's final choice, he would have vanished in smoke long ago, although he could have imprisoned Porodin to death and died together, but if it hadn't been for Porodin sacrificing the little one for the sake of the big self Me, where will there be the recovery of the world of Arad and the reappearance of human beings?

Borodin's behavior is indeed disgraceful, but no one will blame Borodin, on the contrary, he is still the greatest emperor of mankind, the most legendary hero.It is true that Yue Chuan rewrote his fate, but when Yue Chuan was at the turning point of his fate, it was Porodin who pushed him, and it was Porodin who made the fate choice, and his will continued to be passed on to Yue Chuan.

Aipel pouted dissatisfiedly, "Hey, when you say this, do you want to take care of my mood? I have half elven blood in me!"

"But our children are only a quarter of the elven blood. Our children's children may only have one-eighth of the elven blood. Forget about being an elf, and isolate yourself from humans. The world rejects. The world is human."

Aipel didn't have any dissatisfaction, but she just gave a coquettish sigh. Although she has the blood of elves, she is more of human blood.

After humans became the spirits of all things in the world of Arad, they obtained the blessings of luck in the dark, and the evolution, growth, and reproduction of the race have been improved tenfold and a hundredfold. As humans continue to rise and become stronger, the blood of elves is no longer Noble and elegant, many elves are even ashamed of their blood.

This kind of situation abounds. Even if there is only a trace of human blood in their bodies, those people will honor themselves as human beings. If you see a guy covered in rough hair saying that he is human, don’t be surprised. Years later, their descendants will sooner or later become pure human beings, without any distinction between them.

Only by working together can we work together, which is why the big figures in the Arad world are fighting endlessly. They all want to use their own will to establish the order of the Arad world and make their race the only one in Arad.They all have noble and just reasons, and even if they shed the last drop of blood, they will die without regret.

There is no right or wrong, just success or failure.

Unconstrained, Yue Chuan is driving the unicorn, Ai Poer is clinging to Yue Chuan's back, and Jiao Dim feels the warmth of Yue Chuan's body, dazzled and unable to hold herself.

"Why do I feel unreal?"

"What is real and what is illusion?"

When Yue Chuan turned around, Ai Poer raised her small face, pouted and kissed her delicate lips. The feeling of intoxication spread from her lips to her whole body. She felt the numbness of all limbs and bones, and felt the peristalsis of every cell inside and outside her body.That feeling is so clear, so real.

There was a blank in his mind, and Yue Chuan's words echoed in Aipel's mind like an echo in the valley. What is truth and what is illusion?
Seeing is believing, hearing is believing?The five senses and six senses will be deceived, the body and mind will be deceived, the reality that human beings think is not necessarily real, and the illusion that human beings think is not necessarily illusion.Just like the ancient gods and demons split the world into two.

"In the world I lived in before, there was a saying that all existence in the universe is realized by the mind, and there is no real law outside the mind. That is to say, the mind is the essence of everything and the only reality. This is idealism."

"Idealism?" Aipel was very new to this unfamiliar vocabulary, chewed Yue Chuan's analysis of idealism repeatedly, and nodded involuntarily, "It seems very reasonable, the reappearance of the Arad world, and the rebirth of all living beings are also Therefore?"

Yue Chuan nodded. When he was on Earth, he was indoctrinated with materialism, and he was skeptical and critical of idealism.However, it turns out that materialism is not completely correct, and idealism is not completely wrong.Human beings have a superficial understanding of themselves and the world.

According to idealism, everything is the product of "I"'s feelings, ideas, will, emotions, etc. Without "I", there would be no world.Everything is dense in a square inch, full of heart, filling the universe, nothing more than this principle.The universe is my heart, and my heart is the universe.

In other words, idealists believe that the world exists when they open their eyes, and that the world does not exist when they close their eyes.In the same way, when the computer is turned on, the game world exists, and when the computer is turned off, the game world does not exist.There seems to be nothing wrong with saying that.

Yue Chuan is the greatest will, he is destiny, his "self" is the foundation of the existence of the world, everything is the product of his emotion and will, and he can naturally manipulate the world at will.

Just like God said "Let there be light" when the world was created, the birth of light is the product of God's will and emotion.It's just that God created the world in seven days, and Yue Chuan created the world of Arad in an instant.God only created Eve and Adam, but Yue Chuan reborn all the creatures who created the world in a short while.

Aipel seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "Which world are you talking about? I have been to many worlds, but I have never heard such profound words that seem to contain extreme philosophy."

Yue Chuan said "Well", although subconsciously he didn't want to tell his experience, but after thinking about it, Yue Chuan still answered truthfully: "Earth."

The arms around the waist suddenly tightened, "Take me to see, please? I have never been to your hometown."

That is a very distant word. Due to his childhood experience, Yue Chuan has very weak feelings for his hometown, and his sense of belonging to the real world is not very strong, and he even feels a little repulsive.However, after all, it is the country where one is born and raised.

Due to the broken fate, all the worlds are destroyed, and the earth in the past will certainly no longer exist.However, where Yue Chuan stared, a brilliant galaxy emerged out of thin air, the white light so dazzling and blurred.

The light of the stars streaked across the sky and stopped on the moon.

In the distance, a lonely planet slowly rotates.

Aipel shook his head slowly, "It's so desolate, no life has been born there yet."

"Yeah, actually, I'm also curious, is the birth of life on earth the way scientists study."

Yue Chuan took out a pocket watch, and after becoming the greatest will, all the rules and powers operated according to Yue Chuan's will, even without the time device, Yue Chuan could still use the power of time, more proficiently and powerfully.However, he built a pocket watch and named it the Time Traveler's Pocket Watch.


The hands of the watch turned rapidly, and in an instant for hundreds of millions of years, earth-shaking changes have also taken place on the earth.Many specious but bizarre scenes emerged on the earth, life appeared, species evolved, one race after another was born on the earth and then declined, and one era after another began and ended on the earth.

Yue Chuan did not interfere with anything on the earth, and the 5000-year Chinese civilization also occurred and developed on the same track as in the past.Everything is consistent with the history in Yue Chuan's impression.

Yellow people, white people, black people, and brown people also fight and fight for their own ethnic groups. Every race wants to make its own ethnic group stand on top of the world and let its own will become the world order, at all costs to expand the power and influence of their own race, while weakening or even exterminating the existence of other races.

Seeing the ill-fated fate of the Huaxia tribe, Yue Chuan was furious. Although he had become the greatest will, everything on the earth still made Yue Chuan angry. This was the memory deep in his blood and the inheritance of the source of the soul.

"Aipel, I take back my previous evaluation of Borodin. He is a great king. His greatness is not limited to his cultivation and strength, but also his mind and foresight. He is right!"

Ai Poer didn't speak, but quietly leaned on Yue Chuan, using her tenderness to soothe the surging anger in Yue Chuan's heart. She knew Yue Chuan's strength, and also knew the consequences of Yue Chuan's anger.

Feeling the slight tremor of Yue Chuan's body, Ai Poer said softly: "Let's go down and have a look?"

Yue Chuan nodded.

In the city where he lived in his previous life, everything was so familiar, even the layout of the streets and the construction of the houses were exactly the same, Yue Chuan even saw a few familiar faces.

The aunt at the canteen at the gate of the school looked strangely at the man and the woman not far away. The woman was very beautiful. She had never seen such a beautiful woman, especially the kind of dusty temperament, like... like something coming?The aunt who read little thought for a long time but couldn't think of a suitable word.

What's even more strange is that they actually bought all of their own lollipops, the palm-sized lollipops, and bought all the dozens of lollipops left in the store.There are so many, when will I have to eat it?

Yue Chuan peeled off the package, and stuffed a lollipop into Ai Poer's mouth. Seeing Ai Poer's swollen cheeks, Yue Chuan laughed, then carefully tore open the package himself, squinted his eyes, and quietly felt the A long-lost taste.

Opening his eyes drunkenly, Yue Chuan was stunned, and the lollipop in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

Aware of Yue Chuan's strangeness, Aipel turned his head curiously, and followed Yue Chuan's gaze, a familiar yet unfamiliar face.Although he was not sure, Apel already had the answer in his heart.

A little loli with double ponytails, the well-cut school uniform is very beautiful, the piggy schoolbag full of cuteness adds a touch of pink and tender, the slender arms with baby fat, the calves tightly bound by white socks, wearing Slim and beautiful feet in sandals... Her small face is fair and delicate, but it is wrinkled like a steamed bun, and the three words unhappy are written on her delicate forehead.But when he saw Yue Chuan, his big eyes were instantly filled with smiles.

"Uncle, the aunt at the commissary said that you have bought all the lollipops. Well, can you sell me one. No, sell me two. I'll give you money, okay?"

Yue Chuan took two steps forward, squatted down slowly, and waved a lollipop in front of little Lolita, "Call me brother, I'll give it to you if I call brother."

Little Lolita looked at the strange uncle in front of her. Although he was handsome, without the slightest obscenity, and his clothes exuded an indescribable atmosphere, why did he make such a strange request?He is obviously so old, but he still makes people call him brother, so he is ashamed.

Little Lolita originally refused, but when she saw two lollipops and three lollipops shaking in Yue Chuan's hand... When Yue Chuan put a bag of lollipops in front of Little Lolita, Little Lolita finally Unable to resist the temptation, he timidly called "Brother".

Of course, the lollipop is secondary, and the little loli is more concerned about April's face. Being able to be with such a beautiful sister must not be a bad uncle.

Yue Chuan seemed to be hearing the sound of nature, and the corner of Aipel's mouth curled up into a slight smile.It was her, yes, it was her.No wonder we haven't found her after searching so many worlds. It turns out that she was born hundreds of millions of years later.Hundreds of millions of years later, in the place where Yue Chuan once lived, they still have no resistance to this sweet and sour thing. Could it be that this is a predestined fate?
"Hey, little girl, I see that you have amazing bones and extraordinary aptitude. I want to entrust you with the important task of saving the world. How about it? Everything is written on this cheat book, and only two lollipops are exchanged."

"Don't change!"

The little girl clutched the bag of lollipops tightly, and looked at Yue Chuan vigilantly. As for the secret book of "Encyclopedia of Elemental Holy Spirits" in Yue Chuan's hand, she didn't even read it.

"Hey, one piece, just one piece."

"Still not changing!"

"Plus the sheep staff and the sky cover."

"I do not!"

"Free gift..."

"it is good!"


Watching the little girl stuff the lollipop and cheats into her schoolbag, and then run to the teaching building under the urging of the class bell, Yue Chuan stood up with a smile, and Aipel could clearly feel the ease and joy in Yue Chuan's laughter happy.

"Why did Sissy appear here?"

"Because her soul flew away before her fate was broken, she is the most special existence, and cannot be reborn like you. She needs to constantly repair her soul and condense herself."

"Then why did she forget everything that made the world?"

Yue Chuan shook his head, "She hasn't forgotten it, but she just can't remember it. Those precious memories will always be buried in the deepest part of her memory. Even if she can't remember it all her life, she will never forget it."

"Since we found her, shall we take her back?"

"No!" Yue Chuan shook his head, and said vigorously: "Let the Borodin Knights gather, their emperor is going to conquer the world again!"

"As for? You are the greatest will."

"As for!" Yue Chuan gritted his teeth and said, "Because this is my dream when I was in school, and it is something I have obsessed over a hundred times in history class. Let Leng Shangqing bring his hundreds of millions of swordsman disciples , Let the Four Finals and Audrey He bring their Guns and Roses, and Lei Li Xinya, her Knights of the Dark Temple should also move..."

"You must be crazy, you can just wave your hand in this kind of world where you fight against the five scum!"

Yue Chuan laughed out loud, took out a loudspeaker and shouted: "Order Caoying sauce, Maoxiong, foot pot chicken...don't accept the yellow characters..."

Pulling out the shocking sword, Yue Chuan vaguely felt that he had forgotten something, so he muttered to himself: "It turns out that the weapon I exploded at the beginning was you—Inheritance·President Ma's Judgment Secret Sword!"



The new book is still about DNF and is under preparation.With the accumulated experience in creation, the new book will definitely improve several steps, and I hope to get everyone's support by then.When a new book is released, I will notify you here. I hope you can pay attention to it in your spare time.

Thank you very much, thank you again! ! !

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(End of this chapter)

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