
Chapter 144 Who else?

Chapter 144 Who else?
No one knows the age of Socia. Those who know are already dead. Those people were not killed by Socia, but were slowly aged and withered in the long river of time. Up to now, no one knows the specific age of Socia. age.People only know that Socia should be very old, at least thousands of years old.But Socia is an elf, and the age of an elf cannot be measured by human standards at all.At the age of one or two hundred years old, among the elves, they can only be regarded as just weaned.Therefore, Socia, who is seven or eight hundred years old or thousands of years old, should be at a young age.

At a young age, with an alluring face, a mysterious elf background, and a suffocating queen aura, Socia is simply the goddess that countless men dream of, the perfect lover of dreams.This kind of woman is the easiest to provoke men's fighting spirit, and of course, it is also the easiest to ignite men's flames of war.Especially when Socia brought the cup of spirit essence in his hand to his red lips and took a sip, countless men's heartbeats became faster and their blood pulsed.

This cup of elf essence is the winner's prize. Now, the goddess drank this cup of prize. Doesn't that mean that whoever wins the competition can indirectly kiss the goddess.Oh my God, what a blessing.Oh oh no, no, I'm going to cum... no no, I'm going to fuck!

"That kid, get out of here for your grandpa!"

The arena is a place where you use force to speak. There is no elegance and etiquette at all. On the contrary, those rude words can better mobilize the emotions of the audience. Therefore, when a tall and rough man appeared on the stage, there was a sudden sound from below. There were all kinds of booing and cursing, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became intense.

Louis XV frowned, because he didn't like this kind of unqualified opponent very much. He was more inclined to draw swords and salute before the start, make a friendly move, present a duel for the audience, and then end peacefully and end the curtain , presenting you with an exquisite duel.

"You, you simply insulted the duel!"

Louis XV slowly pulled out the sword at his waist, and the light of the blade shone on his face. At this time, he no longer had that frivolous appearance, but became extremely solemn and solemn, just like burning incense before a sacrifice. Like bathing, fasting and praying, dueling is an art for him, an art worth dedicating his life to defend.

Seeing the change in Louis XV's temperament, Socia's eyes showed a hint of surprise.For many years, all I saw was a group of drunkards and lechers. Today, I finally saw a real swordsman again. Well, this young man is not bad.Today is a good day and deserves an extra drink.Thinking of this, Socia brought the wine glass to his mouth again, took a shallow sip, and then gently covered his cheeks. A blush had already appeared on his fair cheeks. It was unknown whether it was because he was too strong to drink, or because he was too excited to hold back his emotions. .

The spectators around did not have Socia's precise gaze and keen intuition. They still clamored and booed, urging the two to start fighting quickly. They looked like those boring people watching a cockfight and a dog fight, not like watching a duel. .

"Draw your sword and attack!"

Louis XV drew a sword flower, and then pointed the long sword at his opponent, inviting him to fight. Many people in the field recognized the gesture Louis XV made. This is the etiquette and provocation of nobles in a duel pose.For a moment, the eyes of those people looking at Louis XV changed a lot, because being able to perform this attack impeccably is enough to prove that Louis XV has received strict swordsmanship training, and his swordsmanship attainments are by no means general Seniors, this time there is a good show to watch.

However, Louis XV's opponent didn't have this awareness at all. Instead, he stared at the guild name on top of Louis XV's head, laughed loudly and said, "It turns out that you have already joined the Founding Guild, hey, even trash like you can Labor union, then creating a guild is too bad, isn’t it a trash can?”

As soon as these words came out, the booing people immediately quieted down, because many people present were eager to join the founding guild, and many people even regarded themselves as members of the founding guild. I can't wait to rush up and hack that guy to death.It's just that the rules of the arena are one-on-one duels, and other people cannot participate and interfere.

"Louis XV, beat him to death!"

"Hey, dare to insult our trade union, boy, you are dead!"

"Paralysis, I remember you, don't run away after school!"

"Brother, what do you mean by not leaving after school?"

"The lines arranged by the author are my business."

And the guy on the stage not only didn't restrain himself, but became more and more arrogant. He gestured his middle finger to the audience and shouted loudly, "Why, don't you agree? Come and hit me if you have the guts. Hahahaha..."

That person's strength is really not very good. He almost despaired of the abyss trial. He knew that he couldn't join the founding guild. Discredit and insult the founding guild.Anyway, everything in it has nothing to do with life and death in reality, and the person who created the guild could kill himself.

Louis XV couldn't bear it anymore, Socia snapped his fingers crisply, and when he gave the order to start the duel, Louis XV came to the opponent cleanly with a lunge.He is a warrior with superb swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is very good, otherwise he would not have passed the abyss trial so quickly.And after joining the guild, he improved his strength in all aspects, and opened up a gap with the strength of the public. At this time, the battle was not a duel at all, but a unilateral lore. Louis XV's opponent had no The slightest chance of fighting back was completely crushed.


Louis XV cut off the tendons in the opponent's right hand with a sword, and the man's weapon-holding palm could no longer exert any strength, and the weapon in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.However, this is only the beginning, and Louis XV's attack will not stop here.

Right hand!

Left foot!

Right foot!

With a magnificent rotation, Louis XV turned around beside his partner as if dancing, and swung the long sword gracefully in his hand, breaking his opponent's tendons in an understatement.The opponent was howling miserably, but Louis XV didn't seem to notice it, his feet were still spinning, jumping, and even bowed to the audience, while the tip of the sword in his hand was twirling around the opponent's hands, shaking rapidly again and again. During this time, the opponent's screams became louder and louder, more and more tragic.


The ten fingers were neatly cut off and attached to the tip of Louis XV's sword. The tip of the sword danced lightly, and the fingers twirled and fell to the ground. They stood straight on the edge of the duel field, and the ten fingers were neatly arranged in a row. It seems that someone deliberately measured and placed them.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help gasping.It is not only because of Louis XV's ruthless methods, but also because of Louis XV's exquisite moves and his control of strength - he can neatly cut off the enemy's fingers, and then arrange them neatly in a row, such an understatement , so smooth and smooth, this is not something ordinary people can do.After all, that is a lively person, not a prisoner fixed on a stake. He can dodge, defend, and struggle.However, under the sword of Louis XV, the man was like a marionette. All the struggles and resistances were futile and meaningless. On the contrary, it increased the pleasure of Louis XV's killing and the cold-blooded excitement of the audience.

Louis XV slapped the opponent's head with his palm, and the man stood still immediately, with a dull look in his eyes. It was obvious that the slap was very heavy, and the man who slapped him lost consciousness for a short time.And at this moment, Louis XV spun rapidly around his opponent like a top, and while spinning, the long sword in his hand also flew rapidly, bringing out a large piece of silver light, like a ray of silver The light curtain envelops the enemy.

Few people could clearly see what happened in the silver light curtains, but when the silver light curtains stopped, Louis XV stood still slowly, shook off the blood on the sword, put the sword back into its sheath, He bowed slightly to the audience in the audience.

Just when people were wondering, Louis XV grabbed the flesh on his opponent's neck and pulled it violently. A strange thing happened. Louis XV seemed to be pulling a curtain, and a complete human body came down from the man. Skin.Under the human skin, there are bright red muscles that are still wriggling.Even through the flesh of his chest, he could still see a slightly beating heart—that person was still alive!Louis XV actually peeled off the skin of a living person completely.

Seeing this bloody scene, many people at the scene aroused the violent factor in their hearts, shouting excitedly, and those who were timid by nature couldn't help turning pale, and even had the urge to retch.But no matter what, when these people looked at Louis XV again, they couldn't help showing fear and respect in their eyes, which was awe of the strong.

Louis XV did not behead his opponent as the rules say, but skinned him alive.It is not difficult to kill a person. Even a three-year-old child has the ability to kill, but how many people can turn the rough job of killing into such an elegant and stylish art?
"Clap clap clap..."

Socia's palm holding the wine glass lightly patted, and careful people noticed that even though Socia was applauding, the wine glass in her hand did not tremble at all, and the wine in the glass did not even have the slightest ripple.Seeing this scene, many people immediately understood in their hearts that this seductive beauty is not as simple as her appearance.

"According to legend, the duel in ancient times was not to kill the opponent, but the real warrior dedicated himself to the gods in the way of fighting, offering sacrifices to the gods with his own blood, soul, body and fighting spirit. Duel is not for life, but for Death. The elegance of death, the gorgeousness of death. The real winner is not the one who survived, but the one who died and dedicated himself to the gods. Unexpectedly, this ancient art can still be seen today. According to legend, This art has three realms of skinning, flesh removal, and bone removal, are you feasting our eyes?"

Louis XV glanced at his opponent wriggling on the ground with murderous eyes, and said in a low voice, "What you said was human sacrifice; what I did was animal sacrifice. This kind of person is no different from a pig or a dog! Kill him!" He just dirty my sword!"

After finishing speaking, Louis XV glanced coldly at those who had made a fuss before, and said loudly, "Who else insulted us for creating the guild?"

For a moment, a needle could be heard in the duel arena.

(3200 words in this chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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