
Chapter 142 The Power of the Union

Chapter 142 The Power of the Union

"The threshing ground at the entrance of the village has been hollowed out. The open space with a length and width of more than 1000 meters is a huge pit more than ten meters deep. On it is a large net made by those plant druids by manipulating the roots of trees. The ground is as solid, but as soon as you step on it, those roots will wither immediately, and when they lose their support, they will immediately collapse and trap you all in the pit. There are also various organs around the village. There are three tunnels in the village, respectively exist……"

Hearing the words of this young villager, several officers present couldn't help shivering.

When they fought the druids, they relied on the powerful impact of the cavalry, the solid defense of the infantry, and the sharp strikes of the crossbow.However, if the ground under his feet suddenly turned into a deep pit, any tactics and strategies would become nonsense.Don't talk about self-disruption, swarms of swarms fall into the pit, fall to death or half-mutilation, druids can relax and wait for work, throw a bit of poisonous snake and centipede on it, and it won't be long before they can come down to clean up the mess and clean up the spoils up.

However, Aries did not trust the young man, but asked him some more things, and in the end he was still guarded.The young villager also knew that he could not gain the trust of these officers and soldiers, so he did not act against him.After all, the officers and soldiers guarded him, which meant that he would not be killed, and he would be lucky enough to save his life, instead of being foolishly sent to die for the "dignity of the goddess of nature" like other villagers.

"There are six surrounding villages of natural deity believers gathered in it. That is to say, what we are going to face is not 100 people, but 600 people. Of course, fortunately, we are facing [-] villagers, and Not six hundred elites!"

Hearing the commander's words, all the private soldiers of the Sotheby family around laughed, and the previous tension and depression were swept away.It has to be said that although this commander is not very flexible in mind, he is still very skilled in formulating tactics, assigning tasks, and mobilizing before battle.At least, after what he said, those private soldiers became full of fighting spirit and couldn't wait to hack and kill.

After assigning tasks, the commander habitually looked back at the twelve little dolls, but was surprised to find that although these little dolls were standing, they all had their eyes closed, as if they were asleep.The commander cursed inwardly, it's almost time for war, and you little ones are still sleeping, damn it!

The commander was about to go forward to wake up Aries and the others, but suddenly, all twelve of them opened their eyes, with a faint light shining from their eyes at the same time, and in an instant, the momentum of all 12 people increased a little.


The commander couldn't help but gasped, the foot he just lifted didn't fall forward, but took a step back involuntarily, because the things in front of him were so weird, it was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

"Don't worry, we're fine! It's just a temporary breakthrough."

The commander cursed inwardly, made a temporary breakthrough, and lied to ghosts?A breakthrough by one person can be justified, but twelve of you breakthrough at the same time, isn't that nonsense.

However, the commander knew that Aries and the others belonged to the Lei Ze family, and the Lei Ze family was not something he could afford to offend.Therefore, as long as these little dolls don't make trouble for themselves, they will turn a blind eye to anything strange and weird, as if they didn't see it, so the commander shook his head and left.

There were no more eyes-obscuring people around, and a smile finally appeared on the tense faces of the twelve little guys.Because just now, they received the master's call and entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". Then, they were invited to join the founding guild, and then, their four-dimensional attributes were inexplicably improved, and they exited the game and returned to the real world After that, the strength will increase with each passing day.

"Unbelievable!" Aries couldn't help but sigh.

They didn't use any secret methods, didn't take any pills, and didn't perform any rituals, and their strength actually increased by a knot out of thin air.If they had to be cautious in their battles with druids before, and if they made a mistake, they would be injured and die, but now that their strength has improved, they can fight more aggressively and unrestrainedly.Originally, the goal they set for themselves was to kill a druid to complete the task, but now the goal they set for themselves was to compete to see who killed the most druids.

Artistic people are bold, and they are talking about these people.The increase in strength brought them strong confidence. Originally, they planned to cooperate with the private soldiers of the Sotheby family, but after their strength improved, they left the private soldiers of the Sotheby family and entered the village first.


On the hillside, a fruit-laden wild jujube tree suddenly waved its branches, and the thorny branches swept towards Aries like a mace.

"Bone shield!"

Aries raised his fingers up, a layer of mysterious black runes condensed on his palm, and then gray bones appeared around him out of thin air. The bones were overflowing with a gloomy luster, intertwined into a solid magic circle, between the magic circles Produced a mysterious attraction, floating around the body of Aries out of thin air, when the jujube branch like a mace was drawn, Aries did not dodge or dodge, commanding two bone shields to block it.

If it was before, Aries would not have dared to be so arrogant, but after his strength has improved, Aries has enough self-confidence, he can not only block the attack, but also fight back!
The magic circle on the bone shield trembled slightly, and Aries frowned slightly, because the connection between the bone shield and the spiritual power fed back a collision force, but this force did not cause any damage to him. Instead, let his mental power lock the source of the attack.

"go with!"

Aries flicked out a shuriken, and at the same time, the bone shields around his body exploded one after another, and jujube branches wrapped in a mace flew over. During the flight, the bone shields emitted streaks of emerald green phosphorescence The will-o'-the-wisp spread along the branches of the jujube tree, covering the whole branch in a short time, and burned towards the jujube tree on the hillside.


The shuriken and sharp bone shields were firmly nailed to the jujube tree. The sharp force and corrosive will-o'-the-wisp split the trunk of the jujube tree in an instant, and scarlet blood shot out from the trunk of the jujube tree , It even made a human scream.

The jujube tree suddenly twisted hazyly, changing from a tree with scattered branches into a crooked old man. The old man was squatting on the hillside, covering his bloody belly with his bloody hands, and his wide eyes were full of disbelief. .It never occurred to him that he couldn't even stop the opponent's move, and what made him even more unexpected was that this enemy was surprisingly young, just a little doll in his teens.

Looking at his headless body that was slowly falling down, the old man's last thought was: "Why isn't this kind of talented genius our druid?"

At this time, Aries pulled a piece of sackcloth from the ground, and hastily wrapped the druid's head. This was a trophy, and it was the head of the druid that Yue Chuan had assigned to them.

"Hey, Boss, you have overfulfilled the task assigned by the master, and many of us brothers still have nothing, so you should stop grabbing the head, please, and give everyone a chance to make a move."

The way the friends are gearing up not only shows their scrambling mentality, but also seems to say, if you dare to grab the head again, be careful that we will beat you shoulder to shoulder.

Therefore, Aries could only shake his head helplessly, and secretly sighed that he was unlucky. He encountered such a weak opponent. A bone shield and a shuriken were enough to solve the problem, and the dark soul wave was useless.

Not long after, Taurus also used the devil's hand to crush a druid who turned into a lynx and tried to attack him. The ferocious devil's hand gripped the lynx into a meat paste, but fortunately the head remained, otherwise, Taurus is about to suffer.

The Twelve Saints marched towards the village like bulldozers, gods blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas.In the previous battles, they all swarmed up and relied on the strength of the team to win.However, after the sudden increase in strength, the Twelve Saints immediately changed their fighting style and turned into a one-on-one duel. Every time they encountered druids or ordinary believers, they would only send one person to fight with them, and the others would fight against each other. Luanzhen from the side, unless there is any crisis, never intervene.

All the way down, the outposts placed by the Deity Church outside the village were completely removed, and the traps they passed were all destroyed by the Twelve Saints. The private soldiers of the Sotheby family came all the way, All they saw were bruised corpses and severely damaged rattan nets and thorns.

These little guys go deep too fast, so don't run into any danger.

Thinking of this, the commander, who had been taking every step along the way, ordered to speed up and approach the village.Not long after, tragic roars and fierce struggles were heard.

These little guys actually want to face a village of 12 people with the strength of 600 people, do they think they are God of War!

Cursing secretly, the commander urged his subordinates to speed up again, turned over a post, and immediately saw the battle scene in the village, and was dumbfounded in shock.

Twelve little ones fought and shuttled around the village like demons.Wherever they went, the ground was soaked in blood, and the road was paved with bones. The druids drove all kinds of birds and beasts, but they failed to cause the slightest obstacle to the twelve little guys. It fell to the ground with a rustle.Those fanatical deistic believers rushed up with simple weapons such as kitchen knives and manure forks, but they couldn't even touch their clothes, and died strangely on the road. The 12 people moved forward all the way, and wherever they passed, There were more than 100 corpses of men, women and children piled up.In the end, those fanatical believers were deprived of courage by death, and began to flee in all directions. At this time, the Twelve Saints scattered in all directions, blocked all intersections in the village, and began to kill frantically.

"This is a massacre!" The commander said in a daze.Although the military order they received was to massacre, the nature of it being done by their soldiers is different from that done by a group of children.Are these wanton massacres of villagers really just a group of ten-year-old children?
"They are simply a group of demons!" said the adjutant with trembling lips.

The commander was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself, these little dolls didn't see how powerful they were at first, but after killing some people, they suddenly became stronger.Could killing make them improve their strength?Demons, they must be demons, otherwise, how could they be so cold-blooded, so--powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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