
Chapter 125 Take refuge

Chapter 125 Take refuge
Just when the Deity Church and the Eugenie family were collaborating and wanted to murder the Lei Ze family, clergymen from the Church of Light in twos and threes came to Starn City from all directions and gathered in the Lei Ze family.

Yue Chuan didn't know how Bishop Alexis passed the news so that the Guangming Church could respond so quickly.However, Yue Chuan was very satisfied with how much Alexis valued him. It seemed that the Lei Ze family occupied a very important position in the heart of Bishop Alexis, rather than the kind of pawns that could be discarded casually.

The clergymen gathered here after changing their disguises are all devout believers of the Church of Light. They are either powerful fighters who hone their bodies through rigorous training, or magicians who exercise their magic power through devout prayers. Of course, there are also some talents who have acquired They are magicians who have inherited the magic arts, but no matter what kind of profession they are, they are all very powerful, at least they are warriors who have cultivated fighting spirit or magicians who have condensed magic power.

"Umont, these are all experts from our Bava diocese. They are devout believers and powerful practitioners. Although they are not famous masters, they should be enough to fight those heretics. However, to be on the safe side, you still have more Recruit some helpers and make more countermeasures."

Afterwards, Alexis lowered his voice and explained to Yue Chuan: All I can mobilize is the staff from my own diocese. If I want to mobilize people from other dioceses, I must contact and discuss in advance.Moreover, only mobilizing the power of the Bavaria diocese is a small-scale sectarian conflict. If the people from the surrounding dioceses are mobilized, although the chances of winning are greater, the natural deity will also increase staff from the surrounding areas, which will only make the conflict It escalated, became more serious, and even turned into a war between the two sects.

In the end, Alexis expressed his attitude, that is, he would fight side by side with Yue Chuan on the front line, but the only people he could use were those in front of him.If there are too many druids from the natural god religion, they can only rely on the blessing of the god of light.

However, Alexis has another meaning, that is, the experts from all counties in the Bavaria Diocese are here now. These are the backbone of the Illuminati Church. You have to think carefully.

Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, I have to do my own work to turn around.

At this time, Yue Chuan couldn't help but miss Bai Lian. Although Bai Lian's strength no longer made him stand tall, she was a good player after all, and could share part of the pressure at critical moments.

Hire a killer?
Yue Chuan immediately shook his head. Hiring killers is not all about being rich. You must provide detailed information on the target, at least with a name and surname, and the killer organization will investigate the target, arrange candidates, and make plans. up.And the most important point, Yue Chuan didn't even know which guy from the Natural God Sect had trouble with him.Not to mention the name, even the gender is not clear.

Just when Yue Chuan was shaking his head, Paul the housekeeper came over and said: "Master, I have an old friend who is not doing well outside. I invited him to come over to watch the nursing home. He is already outside. Master will see you when he has time." Shall we take a moment?"

In fact, the last time the Eugenie family assassinated and even destroyed the hall of the Lei Ze family, Paul became ruthless. He must recruit a master to protect the safety of the Lei Ze family, otherwise, being invaded by assassins from time to time is simply a fight His butler's face, so Paul felt that he had to do something.

Soon, Yue Chuan met the person Paul mentioned.This is a middle-aged man with a weathered face. There are deep grooves on his face. Some of the grooves are left by time, and the other part is left by the blade. The deepest groove is drawn obliquely from the tip of the left eyebrow to the corner of the right mouth. His entire face was split in half.Even Yue Chuan took a deep breath because he already looked bad to the audience, and with this ferocious scar, it was like seeing hell in broad daylight, acting in a ghost movie without makeup.

However, Yue Chuan calmed down the surprise in his heart, stretched out his hand with a smile, and falsely led to the seat next to him, motioning for the person to sit down.

However, that person didn't take his seat, and he didn't even pay attention to Yue Chuan. He stared at Paul with sharp eyes like blades, and his sharp eyes seemed to see through Paul.Paul just bowed slightly, stood by Yue Chuan's side, lowered his head, and did not look at the middle-aged man.Neither of them said a word, and for a moment, the atmosphere in the room was extremely weird.

Finally, Yue Chuan coughed and asked, "This friend, I don't know what to call him?"


His voice was sonorous, full of vigor, and very manly, but he never looked at Yue Chuan, which made Yue Chuan very depressed.I thought to myself, with your job-seeking attitude, you would have starved to death a hundred times on this earth.

But thinking that this person was specially recommended by Paul, Yue Chuan resisted the urge to see off the guest, and said, "My housekeeper said, you want to apply for a guard..."

Before Yue Chuan finished speaking, he felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him. The middle-aged man had appeared in front of him at some point, and even stretched out his big hands like iron pincers to grab his throat.

Yue Chuan was annoyed in his heart. It's okay for this person to have a bad attitude, but he dared to do something. Is this a fucking job seeker?

If it was before, Yue Chuan might have been caught by him, but now, Yue Chuan has cultivated battle qi, transformed it into blood qi, bathed in an unknown amount of dragon blood, and drank the refined dragon blood essence , his strength can be called terrifying.So, before the middle-aged man grabbed his throat with a big hand, a Shunpo moved to the side of the chair.However, before Yue Chuan could breathe a sigh of relief, the middle-aged man appeared in front of him again like a shadow, and his big hands like iron pincers grabbed his throat with incomparable precision.

Instant step!

Yue Chuan urged Shunpo again.However, he hadn't slowed down when he used Shunpo just now, and he forced it again at this time, Yue Chuan immediately felt the pain of many muscles in his body being strained and broken. come out.

"Frank! Stop!" Paul snapped.

The middle-aged man gave up orders, and from the cheetah-like extreme movement just now, he became as motionless as a stone sculpture. He looked at Yue Chuan with sharp eyes, but asked Paul aloud: "You, give up your surname, give up Have you abandoned your mission for your glory? You are humiliated as a butler in a merchant’s house, you are a shame! A shame! You are worthy..."

Frank's voice was angry, his expression was ferocious, and he wished he could kill Yue Chuan to wash away his shame.But he didn't dare to disobey Paul's order, so he still stood motionless.But at the end, he abruptly stopped his words and didn't reveal those contents.

Paul didn't dare to face Frank, nor did he dare to face Yue Chuan. He just lowered his head and said softly, "Master, I'm sorry. I should communicate with him in advance. Please give me some time."

Yue Chuan wiped the scarlet from the corners of his mouth, turned and walked outside, when he closed the door, Yue Chuan turned to Paul and said, "Well, let's talk first, I'll prepare a welcome banquet for Frank."

Leaving the house, Yue Chuan poured several bottles of life potion one after another, and the pain in his body was relieved.At best, he and Frank just confronted each other without any substantive confrontation, but Yue Chuan felt a mountain of pressure from Frank, and when he was covered by that dead tree-like palm, Yue Chuan even had the illusion that his neck was twisted.I have to say that Frank is very strong. If the confrontation continues, it won't take long, just three to five seconds, and Yue Chuan's life will be in danger.

Frank didn't say much, but too much information was revealed in those brief words.Yue Chuan suddenly remembered what Xiaoxiao said before, that Paul was a nobleman, and a great nobleman at that.Out of respect, Yue Chuan has never inquired about Paul's past, but Frank's few words made Yue Chuan understand that Xiao Xiao's guess was right. Paul was at least a great nobleman, not even a "big nobleman".

Could it be the royal family?Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking about it.

The prince's family was ruined, and he was living outside for decades. He suddenly encountered an adventure, made a fortune and rose, and then the king returned... This kind of bloody drama actually exists, and it is still alive and well staged around him.

So, what is Frank's identity?

Yue Chuan thought for a while, and felt that the identities of the Imperial Forest Army and the Imperial Guard were more reliable, and Frank's status among them should not be low, at least at the commanding level.

One is a prince in distress, and the other is the commander of the Imperial Guard of the old country. In this way, it can explain the scene just now, and it can also explain why Frank suddenly became violent when he called Paul the butler.

But then Yue Chuan thought that if a prince who had subjugated his country was to be his housekeeper, and his commander of the imperial guards would be the head of the guard for him, the life of this landlord must be too high-end and elegant.

Although Frank was rude just now, Yue Chuan has always been very tolerant towards those who have real talents and learning. He shook his head, put the unhappiness behind him, and then ordered the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous welcome feast.

Since Paul brought Frank here, there must be an excuse, whether it is in the name of righteousness or emotional offensive, Yue Chuan believes that Frank will definitely stay and work for him under Paul's persuasion.

At the beginning, Paul was willing to bow down to be his housekeeper purely out of the desire to save his life. After seeing the potential of the development of the Lei Ze family, he decided to invest in himself.No matter what purpose Paul has, Yue Chuan can feel that he has no malice towards him. If Paul needs help in the future, Yue Chuan is willing to help him.

"The more combat power, the better. Go to the Sotheby family later, and fool Ashley and Xiaoxiao over. It's best to fool a team of Sotheby family guards."

[Second update, a bit late, but catch up to say Merry Christmas to everyone]

 Thanks [Winter Street voted 3]

  Thanks [book friend 62659561 voted 1 vote]

  Merry Christmas everyone
(End of this chapter)

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