
Chapter 1232

Chapter 1232
Almost at the moment of being attacked by the wave, the dragon soldier lost his breath of life. Although no injuries could be seen on the outside, his internal organs, including the brain and spinal cord, were all completely destroyed by an invisible energy. There was no time to react, and he was instantly killed.

It is worth mentioning that the dragon soldier didn't have time to move until he died, and he still maintained the posture before his death. Moreover, his body became stiff for a moment, and he would not make the slightest sound because he fell to the ground.

This thing is simply a sharp weapon for sneak attack and assassination. If dozens of such weapons are added, the killing speed is fast enough, and it is theoretically enough to slaughter the dragon soldiers on the second floor.This weapon is truly terrifying.

Feeling Yue Chuan's salivating gaze, the doctor couldn't help but smile proudly, "Hmph, you see, this is the power of technology, you wild... Anyway, you can't touch the powerful power in your whole life."

Yue Chuan chuckled, "This weapon is indeed too powerful. Doctor, you can take out the entire Bakar Palace with one shot."

Although the doctor likes to pretend, he is not a thick-skinned person after all. After being praised by Yue Chuan, he quickly shook his head and waved his hands, and said modestly: "Impossible, this gun is also flawed, in fact..."

"Cough cough..."

Ye Xiao coughed twice, and the doctor immediately came to his senses, turned his head away quickly, ignored Yue Chuan, and at the same time wanted to slap himself two big mouths, and accidentally revealed his secret again.

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan couldn't help showing a look of disappointment, but where Ye Xiao and the doctor couldn't see, there was a sneer in Yue Chuan's eyes.

If you meet Ye Xiao for the first time, you will definitely be fooled by the doctor's acting.When they met the doctor last time, he and Ye Xiao deliberately played double reeds to mislead Yue Chuan and the others.

Regarding the doctor's words, Yue Chuan believed three points at most. Since they want to act, let's act with them. Anyway, no one has any good intentions.

At the same time, Yue Chuan has received a message from Audrey He on the team channel:
The fourth-generation stealth combat uniform, in addition to holographic simulation, also has 3D projection, which can create an illusion that is difficult to distinguish between real and fake. It is used in special operations to attract firepower, deceive enemy snipers to expose their positions, etc., and exchange fees...

This thing Night Owl can be exchanged from the gear of destiny, and so can Audrey He, and because of authority, Audrey He can even be exchanged for higher fifth-generation or even sixth-generation stealth combat uniforms.In her eyes, the fourth-generation combat uniform really has no secrets.

At the same time, Audrey He also found information about the weapon according to Yue Chuan's description.

This is an electromagnetic pulse weapon that fires a wave of energy instead of a bullet in the traditional form of matter.But its lethality is not weaker than metal slugs, and even worse.

Weak electromagnetic pulse energy beams can cause biological and physiological disorders, such as irritability, headache, neurosis, and heart failure; strong electromagnetic pulse energy beams will intensify the above symptoms by a hundred times and a thousand times. When it reaches a certain level, it is enough to Instantly kills life.

This thing is like a sniper rifle, but it is more deadly than a sniper rifle, because the sniper rifle is a bullet, it is an energy beam, and it is impossible to adjust the angle if the sniper rifle misses, but it can, because the beam it emits is continuous.Last but not least, even if the sniper rifle kills the target, it will reveal its own existence, and this kind of weapon kills the target without any movement, even the people around the target may not be able to find out immediately.

The previous dragon soldiers were killed in this way. Those dragon soldiers didn't know that the god of death was coming, and they were directly deprived of their lives.However, after so many dragon soldiers died in a row, there was no movement, which showed its horror.

However, Audrey He also pointed out the flaws of this weapon. In addition to energy constraints, there is also the long-lasting energy beam. When the energy beam is used for a certain number of times, the energy beam will accumulate to a certain extent, and a disordered electromagnetic wave will be generated around it. Pulse, alerting enemies.

Therefore, it is okay to steal one or two heads with this thing, but it is wishful thinking to use this weapon to take down the entire Bakar palace.

While Yue Chuan and others were checking the weapon information, the doctor with ulterior motives also cleared out one after another. When the clearing was almost complete, the group hurriedly continued to move forward secretly.

Although the doctor cleared out the open posts and hidden posts, these posts were rotated on time, and they would still be discovered sooner or later.However, the doctor's timing is very accurate, and there is still a long time before the next guard change. When the dragon warriors found out that something was wrong, everyone had already arrived at the core area.

But just when everyone reached the center of the small square, an accident happened.

A flying patrolling dragon accidentally crossed the border and flew into the airspace of the third floor area. (Maybe it didn't cross the border, but was very close.) Only an angry dragon chant was heard, and then a ball of blazing fire appeared in the sky, hitting the Dragon body.

Like a plane crashing, the Dragon Clan swayed and fell. Before it landed, clusters of flames burst out from its body, and then its huge body exploded with a bang. It rains blood, drenching everything.

Coincidentally, the place where the dragon clan fell was the small square where Yue Chuan and the others were. When the rain of blood poured down from the sky, the invisibility equipment on Yue Chuan and the doctor instantly appeared.Moreover, when such a big event happened, many dragon clans around were paying close attention, just in time to see this line of sneaky intruders.

When people are unlucky, their teeth will get stuck if they drink cold water, and their heels will hit their heels if they fart.Yue Chuan understood the meaning of this sentence today.

Ye Xiao on the side even cursed in his heart, he was really unlucky, and it was fine to meet these four inexplicable guys, but he was so unlucky to expose Xingzang.If it weren't for these four guys, I would have arrived at Bakar Palace smoothly and got what I wanted.

But Ye Xiao thought about it again, that's fine, let them attract the attention of the Dragon Clan, muddy the water, and just fish in the muddy water.

Without needing any words at all, Ye Xiao gave the doctor a look, and the two immediately separated from Yue Chuan and the others in agreement, and hid aside.

The doctor didn't know how to do it. The blood stains on his body were washed away in an instant, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Ye Xiao was covered by the Ming Xiao Zhenri mecha. Although he was not as completely invisible as the doctor, it was not too bad. In chaos, Yue Chuan and others attracted most of the attention, and no one noticed Ye Xiao and the doctor's whereabouts at all.

[Yesterday's first update, this has become an endless loop, hey]

(End of this chapter)

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