
Chapter 114

Chapter 114
Tiger has always been the king of beasts, the overlord among beasts.Many of the druids chose the tiger shape in the transformation technique practiced by the druids. Their powerful attacks and the advantages of fierce beasts in fighting made them take advantage of the battles of the same level.

It was the first time in Yue Chuan's two lifetimes that he met a Druid. Although he had never seen the strength of a Druid, Yue Chuan knew Wu Qin Xi, Xingyi Quan, and Tongbi Quan when he was on Earth.Most of those martial arts are martial arts imitating the movements of birds and beasts, but no matter how clever they are, they are imitations after all. As for Druids, they directly turned themselves into birds and beasts.It's not that Druids are better than Chinese martial arts, but that in terms of imitation, Druids are more thorough and in-depth, and the burst of strength is correspondingly stronger.


The druid's legs bent, his body jumped up suddenly, and a gust of wind hit, Yue Chuan felt his chest and abdomen feel cool, as if he would be ripped apart by the druid's sharp claws in the next second.So Zama quickly squatted down, the center of gravity of the body moved down, and at the same time, he raised the mind-breaking blade in his hand to block, facing the druid's sharp claws.


Accompanied by a violent crash, Yue Chuan felt his arms and muscles burst, his bones creaked and moaned, and he couldn't vent his stale breath, causing chest cramps.He knew that in this duel, even though he had the advantage of blocking, he still suffered a big loss. In terms of strength alone, the tiger druid almost crushed him.

However, that Druid was not feeling well either. Although the power on his sharp claws severely injured Yue Chuan, the Mind Cracking Blade also left deep bone scars on his claws. Attributes and blood energy were rampant in the druid's body. The druid felt that the blood vessels in his hands were not smooth, and the power of nature was lost. Scars and burn marks.

Although the muscles and muscles of both arms were severely injured, and even the bones were a little cracked, Yue Chuan shouted "God of Light, give me life" very cleverly, and then, the emerald green healing light lingered around Yue Chuan's body like a green gauze, slowly The powerful healing effect of healing is even more powerful with the addition of the baptism of light, coupled with the healing of the blood itself, this injury will be fully recovered in the blink of an eye.

Fighting to the death with the clergyman, unless it is crushing the situation, once it enters a stalemate, any profession will not be able to consume the clergyman.No matter how awesome you are, will you add blood?No matter how awesome you are, will you be resurrected?If you hit me, as long as you can't kill me, after three to five seconds, you will be full of health again. If I hit you, you will lose a little bit.Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that the first King of Fighters was captured by the Paladin.

Druids also have healing magic in certain transformation techniques, but tiger-shaped druids specialize in combat and cannot heal, so the tiger-shaped druid can only take out bottles of potions and smear them on their hands, so that What Yue Chuan found ironic was that those potions were actually the water-diluted version of life potions sold in Harvey's pharmacy.

However, how could Yue Chuan allow this druid to calmly wrap his wounds and apply medicine, and he rushed forward with a quick step, and the fierce three-stage knife light locked on the head of the tiger-shaped druid from afar, and bloody blood poured out. The flame spurted out from the blade, making the tiger-shaped druid feel extremely hot from a distance, and even smelled the smell of burnt beard and hair all over his body.

All the cultivation of the tiger druid is on a pair of tiger claws, but the tiger druid's hands are injured, and the tiger shape is almost abolished. How can he dare to maintain this state.He didn't know what spell he chanted, a thick emerald green light rose from his body, and then the whole person transformed into a shrinking turtle.It is said to be a monster with a human head and limbs, but a thick tortoise shell on its back.Just like the turtle fairy in Dragon Ball.

This time, Yue Chuan was astonished. His Mind Cracking Blade, after all, is also a pink weapon. Its basic attack power is not low. On the turtle shell, there was only a flash of sparks, leaving a faint white mark.

"Wow, this old turtle's shell is too strong. This druid is pretty good. As long as you put your head in the shell, no one can beat him."

"Then tell me, is his head a human head or something?"

Hearing the comments of those people outside, the druid who was shrunk in the turtle shell really wanted to jump out and curse.But he didn't dare, because the sharpness of the splitting mind blade was beyond his imagination. Apart from using the tortoise transformation technique, he really had no way to resist the splitting mind blade.However, seeing that Yue Chuan's weapon could not break through his own defense, the Druid immediately felt relieved. With a slight movement of his body, he spun rapidly like a spinning top, then bounced off the ground and hit Yue Chuan like a cannonball.

This move is extremely fierce. The strong kinetic energy generated by the rotation and the impact force brought by the high-speed flight can smash through even a shield made of pure steel. This is the only way for the turtle-shaped druid to kill the enemy.However, if you want to practice this move, you must stay awake while spinning at a high speed, otherwise you will turn around and become dizzy before touching the enemy, that is not killing the enemy, but sending you to death.

The turtle shape of this druid is well cultivated, even higher than the tiger shape. The entire turtle shell is complete and lifelike, like a grinding disc, with clear texture and fine details, and the edges of the turtle shell are sharp and serrated, which is obviously focused on improving The attack power, under the high-speed rotation, is no different from that of a chainsaw.

Seeing the druid's astonishing momentum and majestic strength, the audience around turned around and closed their eyes, and some even backed away, lest they would be splashed with blood.From their point of view, Yue Chuan was sure to die this time, and it was impossible for him to resist the violent impact and cutting.

Yue Chuan had no fear, let alone dodge. He just stood there in a daze. Facing the rapidly enlarging tortoise shell, Yue Chuan actually closed his eyes—this action made the people around him think that Yue Chuan was giving up resistance and waiting to die.

There are some members of the Lei Ze family around. Seeing Yue Chuan's danger, they couldn't help but want to step forward to rescue him. However, when the masters make moves, they often decide the outcome in a flash. They can't intervene at all, they can only watch. Holding the tortoise shell, it hit Yue Chuan's forehead with the force of a comet hitting the ground.

Although Yue Chuan closed his eyes, it didn't mean he gave up resistance.The reason why the eyes are closed is because masters will always use all kinds of fake moves and flaws to deceive the opponent, lure and counter-kill!For ordinary people, hearing is believing and seeing is believing is a famous saying, but for masters, this sentence is just about to be turned upside down.Moreover, the high-speed rotating tortoise shell has already exceeded the limit of vision. If Yue Chuan wants to capture his trajectory, he will only damage his eyes and lose before fighting!
Heart eyes!

This is a unique skill that Yue Chuan comprehended independently under the inspiration of Gissard. The five senses and six senses of the whole body are closely integrated, just like multiple radars for all-round detection without dead ends, and the degree of authenticity and reliability far exceeds that of a single vision.And in the state of Mind Eye, Yue Chuan had already clearly grasped the Druid's direction and trajectory, and was able to judge his changes in advance from his various subtle movements.


It was like a sharp knife cutting through the cloth, making a piercing tearing sound.From extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, the blade of splitting mind blocked the progress of the turtle shell between lightning and flint, and even more precisely pointed at the weakest point of the turtle shell.

Originally, the Druid who was spinning at high speed integrated his own power with the power of the outside world, as if two pieces of paper were closely attached to each other, becoming indistinguishable from each other.But this sudden knife, like the sharp blade cutting paper, separated the two, and not only that, the sudden sharp blade also disrupted the natural force in the druid's body, and together, the druid's body The force of nature and blood flowed backwards, and the backflow of energy and blood made the Druid feel dizzy and tight in the chest, as if his body was about to explode. The disordered force of nature could no longer maintain the turtle shape, and the turtle shell disappeared little by little, revealing naked body.

In the eyes of outsiders, at the very moment of the nick of time, Yue Chuan's mind-cracking blade was swiftly raised, bringing out a brilliant moon-shaped silver light in the air, and the outer edge of the silver light happened to touch the flying collision. Druid, afterward, an eye-catching disc-shaped force erupted from the druid's body, with the tip of the blade of the soul-cracking blade as the origin, it rotated centrifugally, and in the rapid rotation, the druid carried All the strength is resolved.


What kind of trick is this?
With such a simple pick, it actually resolved the impact like a meteorite falling to the ground?This move is too scary, right?I have never heard of such a powerful move from the Holy See of Light.

Not to mention they couldn't believe it, even Yue Chuan felt a little bit like a dream.Faced with the druid's destructive impact, Yue Chuan, who had no way of avoiding it, couldn't think of any way to deal with it. He just relied on the habit he had developed over the years to use a wave-cracking wave, but he didn't expect to break it just right. Druid moves.

Whether it is painting or a duel, Yue Chuan likes to point out the skill of splitting waves, and even points out the force. Don't underestimate this humble skill. Many times, it can save your life, and even turn defeat into victory.A well-timed splitting wave can not only interrupt the enemy's long-planned killing blow, but also defeat the enemy's momentum and strength, and launch a desperate counterattack!

The dazzling ring-shaped halo dissipated and collapsed, and the druid finally felt that he could move. But at this time, Yue Chuan's counterattack was also surging like a tide, and the mind-cracking blade densely slashed at the fragile body of his body. place.

clap clap clap!
Every knife can splash a large amount of blood, a large piece of flesh and blood, the insolent druid was defeated by one move, and was actually smashed into pieces by Yue Chuan!

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(End of this chapter)

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