
Chapter 111 Weapon Blessing

Chapter 111 Weapon Blessing
With the decline of the country, it is bound to be unable to maintain a huge armament, and the same is true for the Church of Light. With the passing of those strong people and the lack of practice and faults, the Church of Light will not only be unable to maintain the Order of the Guardian Knights, but it will not even be able to cultivate a decent strong. However, force is the foundation of everything. Without strong strength, the Illuminati Church has repeatedly suffered setbacks in its struggles with other sects, and has no choice but to choose the path of recuperating and recuperating.

Alexis had a good plan, and wanted to use Yue Chuan's money and supplies to cultivate military forces for the Guangming Church. During this training process, the Guangming Church only used some exercises and sent a few instructors , and then you can get a well-equipped, well-trained, pious and religious armed force. Although it is impossible to use much, but after all, you can get it without spending a penny, so why not do it.

For those fanatical believers, let alone just spending some money, even if they sell their wives and children, they will not frown. Especially some vile cults will always use this method to amass money and kill them .In comparison, Alexis only took some advantage of Yue Chuan's money, but he was quite kind. He gave Yue Chuan a baptism of light as soon as they met, and there will definitely be other rewards in the future, which can be regarded as an exchange of benefits. buy and sell.

Yue Chuan didn't feel the benefits of the baptism of light at first, but when he entered the alt account of the clergyman in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", he finally discovered something different.

Originally, the clergyman should have gained the blessing of light only after he became a paladin with a firm belief. His body showed a sacred golden light, and the golden light condensed into a vague cross behind his back.But now Yue Chuan's trumpet is only level 4, and he is still a bare clergyman, with a hazy golden light already shining on his body, and a faint silhouette of a condensed cross appears behind him.

Look at your status again, it shows a buff status called "Bright Baptism". The attributes of the status are: 1. Enhance the affinity with the light, and enhance the effect when using the skills of the light department and the sacred department; 2. Increase the recovery speed And the recovery effect, whether it is medicine or skills, the recovery has been improved; 3. Increase the resistance to light and darkness.More importantly, the duration of this buff state is-permanent!
"I'm sorry, although this buff is not a second-by-second second-by-second air, but it increases attack, defense and recovery, which is considered a small best."

Originally, Yue Chuan was not very enthusiastic about upgrading the clergyman's trumpet, and held a dispensable attitude. Anyway, he just wanted to transfer the trumpet to become a clergyman and go to the Guangming Church to gain seniority.But seeing the buff effect of this baptism of light, Yue Chuan couldn't help but want to cultivate the trumpet.This mood is like those who played the abyss while playing the trumpet, and there was an epic against the sky. At this time, can you bear not to buy equipment for the trumpet?Do not buy fashion for trumpet?

However, he hadn't met Xiaoxiao and Ashley in the past few days, Yue Chuan's trumpet had no experience, and he had no motivation to upgrade, but seeing the attribute of the baptism of light, Yue Chuan couldn't help but aroused the desire to level up.Of course, the main reason is that the experience slot is almost full, and you can upgrade by just swiping a picture.

Maps like goblins are no longer difficult for Yue Chuan. Even with an unfamiliar clergyman profession, Yue Chuan still finished the whole map quickly, and then a burst of golden light enveloped his body, and his level was raised to 5.

Every fifth level is a bottleneck. After Yue Chuan learned the fifth level skills, he obtained the three skills of Weapon Blessing, Slow Healing, and Straight Fist. Afterwards, Seria started the Abyss Trial for Yue Chuan.

The priest gives the impression that it is a support, adding blood, mana, status, and resurrection. However, when the priest has no partners around him and needs to fight independently, the priest can also explode with amazing combat power.

Weapon Blessing!

A sword-shaped light purely condensed by golden holy power was attached to the cross on the white board in Yue Chuan's hand, and then the cross on the white board emitted a dazzling golden light, as if it had changed from broken copper and rotten iron to real gold and silver in an instant, and, In the state of baptism of light, the effect of this weapon blessing is even more powerful. Although he is a priest of a non-combat profession, his attack power is comparable to or even surpassed by some combat professions.

It's still a goblin, but this time it's a lightning goblin, a little guy who can summon lightning.The moment Yue Chuan saw the lord, a smile appeared on the corner of Yue Chuan's mouth. Goblin Luo Lei met his priest, it was like a son meeting his father, and there was basically no suspense in the abyss trial this time.

In the "Dungeon and Fighter" game world, Lightning Force is a type of Light Force, which can be resisted by light attribute resistance.Yue Chuan's trumpet is first of all a cleric, who has a very high resistance to the power of light, and after the baptism of light, this resistance has been improved again, and the result of the improvement is that the Thunder Goblin summoned a The lightning fell on Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan only felt a slight pain and numbness, without any damage.

Goblin Luolei couldn't beat Yue Chuan, and Yue Chuan blessed the cross with the blessing of weapons, and he knocked down Goblin Luolei's head with one hit, and after three or five blows, Goblin Luolei was bleeding profusely, and he frantically summoned the Thunderbolt Formation, However, the dozen or so bolts of lightning poured on Yue Chuan at the same time, which only brought a slight numbness. Yue Chuan attacked the Thunder Goblin without stopping. After a while, the Thunder Goblin let out a miserable cry, and a ball exploded on his body. EDM, fell to the ground with his belly outstretched.

Those free lightning powers between heaven and earth seemed to be inspired, gathered from all directions, one after another bright lightning poured down, landed on Yue Chuan, merged into Yue Chuan's body, transformed Yue Chuan's physique, and improved Yue Chuan's strength.

After a long time, after the promotion was completed, Yue Chuan felt a burst of joy when he saw the brighter aura and the sacred golden light on his body, and then he began to check the spoils on the ground.

A pelt dropped by a thundergoblin, and a purple weapon.Yue Chuan didn't even look at the description of the fur, and threw it directly into the package, then picked up the purple weapon to check its attributes.

Giant Eagle Tomahawk!

Seeing this name, Yue Chuan couldn't help being ecstatic.For the priests, there is a low-level weapon that is almost a must-have, just like the ghost swordsman's autumn leaf sword.Ghost Swordsman's autumn leaf knife is just a toy, while priest's giant eagle battle ax can almost accompany him for a lifetime.It's not because of the high attack power of the Giant Eagle Tomahawk, but because of its additional attribute - Weapon Blessing +2.

That's right, it's not only a weapon blessing added, but also +2, and more importantly, it's a purple weapon.In the era when the highest level of weapon blessing is 10, one can imagine how much benefit a giant eagle battle ax can bring to the clergy.

Almost without any hesitation, Yue Chuan immediately equipped the giant eagle battle axe. Although it was very incongruous for the merciful priest to carry an axe, Yue Chuan did not demand anything for the sake of attributes. (The level of this weapon in DNF is level 15)
With the giant eagle battle axe, the effect of weapon blessing is almost against the sky for a level 5 trumpet, coupled with the boost effect of the baptism of light, the combat power of Yue Chuan, a clergyman trumpet, is almost terrifying, and the efficiency of drawing pictures is lower than that of a trumpet. When Yue Chuan played Ghost Swordsman back then, he was even taller and faster, almost in seconds all the way.Even if he is injured occasionally, a Xiaoqiang who heals slowly and has full blood is almost unbeatable.

This kind of refreshment of drawing pictures is something Yue Chuan has never experienced before. Therefore, Yue Chuan has forgotten the passage of time until the system prompts that the fatigue value is exhausted. I went offline with satisfaction.

Back in reality, Yue Chuan felt that the whole person was a little different. The promotion of the Berserker brought him vigorous blood and powerful strength, but also brought him a bloody breath and violent emotions. After the worker's level was raised, it brought him a holy and bright atmosphere, which made the violent negative emotions in his heart dissipate a lot.

Therefore, when Alexis saw Yue Chuan again, he couldn't help but take a second look.Although he couldn't feel the blood on Yue Chuan's body, he could sense the changes in Yue Chuan's light power.

Although ordinary believers can also get close to the power of light, most of the power of light in them is free and uncontrollable, but the power of light in Yue Chuan is concentrated and orderly, which is a phenomenon that can only be obtained after practicing the secret method of light.

"Umont, after this day, you seem to have a deep understanding of light?"

Yue Chuan chuckled, he knew that the changes on his body could not be hidden from Alexis' perception, and at the same time he did not want to hide this from Alexis, on the contrary, he wished that Alexis knew the changes on his body Variety.

So Yue Chuan respectfully bowed to Alexis, and then said: "When I prayed to the God of Light yesterday, I got enlightenment from the God of Light in the haze, and the God of Light taught me a few small spells. "

What Yue Chuan said was plain, but it was no less than a depth charge in Alexis' ears, and it shook Alexis's mind.He looked at Yue Chuan in disbelief, and exclaimed, "What? Got God's revelation?"

Yue Chuan smiled modestly, then flipped his palm, a brilliant golden light rose in his hand, and twisted slowly, forming the outline of a long cross sword.Seeing this scene, Alexis was so startled that his eyes rounded, he made a "clack" sound in his throat, and fell backwards straight like a stake...

"Damn it, it's just a weapon blessing, it shouldn't scare the old man to death." Yue Chuan secretly thought.

[This is to make up for what I owed yesterday.Because today is my grandma's 78th birthday, there are many things to be busy, and I couldn't stay up late last night to update.But because there was only one chapter updated yesterday, some friends in the book city attacked personally in the book review area.I don’t want to say anything. In terms of updates, I write 6000 words in two chapters a day. Although it’s not much, it’s not a lot. After all, I’m not a full-time writer. Things to swear at. 】

 Thanks【Currently Wuchen voted 2 vote】

  Thanks [Zhazha Σ (voted 4 votes)

  Thanks【Yuhou cast 1 vote】

  Thank you [Mo Yan was sad and voted 2]

  Thanks [Xiaolou№风雨 cast 5 votes]

(End of this chapter)

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