
Chapter 105 I want to give them strength

Chapter 105 I want to give them strength
Seeing the Twelve Saints fumbling in the game, Yue Chuan couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in his heart.Although I don't know how far these twelve slaves can grow, but they are originally geniuses. Coupled with the cradle of the "Dungeon and Fighter" game world, their future achievements will definitely be enough to shock the mainland.

But then Yue Chuan thought of a question, some of these children are less than ten years old, they are minors, will they be addicted to the Internet? Are there any restrictions on anti-addiction in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors"?I asked Celia and got a positive answer.

"Can this anti-addiction be cancelled?"

Celia nodded, "You are the administrator of the game world. The players are all under your management, and the rules are also made by you. You can change and abolish the relevant rules at will."

"Then lift the anti-addiction restrictions."

Yue Chuan didn't know that his original intention of lifting the anti-addiction was to create conditions for the Twelve Saints, but in fact it was Qian Qian who benefited the most. The little girl finally didn't have to worry about the three hours of game time every day.

After returning to the real world, Yue Chuan immediately saw Bai Lian.

The Lei Ze family's mansion suddenly had twelve more people, so it was naturally impossible to hide Bai Lian's perception, and Yue Chuan and the twelve children stood motionless in the yard, which immediately attracted Bai Lian's attention, if it wasn't for Yue Chuan's breathing It was stable, nothing unusual, Bai Lian was afraid she was going to make a move.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Bai Lian nodded, but she still looked at Yue Chuan suspiciously, and said after a long time: "Master, your strength seems to have improved, you should have fighting spirit now."

Just now when Yue Chuan was running his battle qi, Bai Lian could see the blood overflowing, and because of the warrior's keen perception, Bai Lian could clearly feel the surging fighting energy in Yue Chuan's body.

Yue Chuan nodded, "Yes, I just made a breakthrough today, and I have cultivated Dou Qi."

"Master's vindictiveness is full of bloody and killing aura, it doesn't look like a decent exercise, master should pay more attention to cultivating one's mind and character, and don't be greedy for merit."

When Bai Lian said this, her face was serious, obviously she cared for Yue Chuan from the bottom of her heart, and she didn't want to see Yue Chuan go to evil ways in pursuit of strength, and eventually ruined his foundation and lost his life.Of course, Bai Lian would not admit that she cared about Yue Chuan, she just thought it was because she was afraid that something would happen to her employer and no one would pay her a commission.

Yue Chuan smiled, this blood battle qi started to circulate, and his whole body was overflowing with blood. It really didn't look like some decent martial arts. It was normal for Bailian to have such worries.But he didn't explain anything, nor did he hide anything, he just smiled faintly.But for some reason, Yue Chuan's smile gave Bai Lian a sense of peace, and all her previous worries disappeared.

"You change into some ordinary clothes, let's go out." After finishing speaking, Yue Chuan also returned to the bedroom, changed into simple clothes, transformed from a rich man into a commoner boy who can be seen everywhere on the street, and then joined Bai Lian Leaving the mansion of the Lei Ze family.

In the business district, people are coming and going, bustling, shops are row upon row, and the sound of hawking is one after another. Countless businessmen from south to north sell their products to passers-by, or buy the trophies brought by those returning mercenaries and adventurers. There are countless gold coins and silver coins passing from one person to another every moment in the world, and countless goods are transferred from one person's cart to another's cart.

There are no thieves in the business district. Gangs of all sizes in Starn City know that the business district is Umont's sphere of influence and that the Lei Ze family is guarding it.Although the Lei Ze family is not a gangster here, Doug, the head of the security team, is the loyal dog of the Lei Ze family. All the gang forces in Starn City will act according to Doug's face, and who would dare not open their eyes? Shoplifting in business districts.

Of course, Doug and his security team can only deter lonely ghosts. If they want to deter those passing snitches and thieves, they need the Alchemy Association, the Magic Guild, and the Mercenary Alliance.The business district has the industries of these three giants, and their guards maintain order in it. Unless they are tired of work, no one will provoke these three giants at the same time.

Yue Chuan and Bai Lian, who were privately interviewed by Weifu, walked around the commercial area for a few times. There were a lot of goods in the commercial area, many of which even Yue Chuan had never seen before. Therefore, they bought whatever rare things they saw. Full of bags, big and small.

Bai Lian's pretty face was as red as an apple, because when Yue Chuan was shopping, those shopkeepers would always look at Yue Chuan and Bailian with the eyes of a couple, and Yue Chuan spent a lot of money, those shopkeepers naturally praised Bailian for being blessed, After finding such a good man, although Bai Lian repeatedly denied it, she still attracted the nagging persuasion of those shopkeepers, saying that such a good man is afraid of being lost, how can she push it away, which made Bai Lian anxious and angry.

"You did it on purpose. If you do this again, I'll turn around and go back."

Yue Chuan chuckled, "You're thinking too much, I just came out to look around and find a few people. Forget it, let's stop wandering, find a place to rest."

Not far ahead is the Avenue of Kings, which is the stronghold of the Mercenary Alliance in Starn City, and it is also the largest and most prosperous building in this block. After the Mercenary Alliance took over here, it spent a lot of money to redecorate it, making it even more prestigious Majestic and majestic, even the strongholds in the county and provincial capitals are slightly inferior to this place.

In the lobby of the mercenary stronghold, countless mercenaries wandered around inside. Quests were posted on the task bar in the hall from time to time. Many mercenaries were screening the tasks they could do in front of the task bar, and then went to the counter to complete the task formalities.There are still many mercenaries in the hall looking for like-minded partners for missions, and some mercenaries who have obtained treasures outside are eager to contact buyers everywhere... The huge mercenary stronghold is full of noisy voices, and the sky is full of excitement.

There are many tables and chairs for resting in the hall. Yue Chuan and Bai Lian found a corner and sat down, and put the food and drink items they just bought on the table. eat.

Bai Lian was angry and didn't want to talk to Yue Chuan, but those special snacks were too tempting, and Bai Lian and Yue Chuan had been shopping for a whole morning, and they didn't have any water, so they felt a little hungry at this time, so they couldn't help but pick up a piece. The pastry goes in the mouth.While savoring the delicacy, I was thinking about when my willpower was so weak. When I was less than ten years old, I was able to support myself for seven days and seven nights with the dew on some grass leaves. Now I can’t resist the temptation of delicious food in just one day. ?No, I have to strengthen my training after I go back.

Yue Chuan didn't pay attention to the expression on Bai Lian's face, but glanced around among the bustling mercenaries, and when he saw a pleasing one, he took note of his appearance, and then extended an invitation to them.

In the hall, an unlucky mercenary who had failed in missions for three consecutive days and borrowed money from his friends for meals suddenly sat down against the wall.There are unlucky people like him everywhere, and no one cares about his life or death. Therefore, no one pays attention to his abnormality.

A rookie mercenary who failed to join the team more than a dozen times in a row because of his low strength lay down on the table in disappointment, wondering whether the few copper coins on his body should be for food or for staying in a hotel.After hesitating again and again, he finally decided to have dinner, and just deal with it at the entrance of the mercenary hall at night.But at this time, a hazy look suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he slowly closed his eyelids, as if sleeping.

One after another, the mercenaries fell into a coma and sleep at no time, but there were at least a few thousand or even tens of thousands of mercenaries in the hall, and they were really inconspicuous.Moreover, many impoverished mercenaries used to sleep in the mercenary hall to save money for staying in the hotel.As long as they don't defecate anywhere, the mercenary alliance will not drive these poor brothers away, so it's not surprising that there are a few sleeping people in the hall.

After sitting in the mercenary alliance for almost two hours, the large pile of food and drink on the table was completely wiped out. Only then did Yue Chuan stand up, stretched himself comfortably, and then called Bai Lian to come together. go outside.

In just two hours, Yue Chuan invited more than 300 mercenaries, that is to say, there were [-] more players in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", and [-] warriors were born in the Arad continent.And this is just the first day, just the beginning.

Afterwards, Yue Chuan went to the security team to check on Doug.Doug at this time is different from the tired and sluggish Doug before. Since playing "Dungeon and Fighter", Doug's waist is no longer sore, his legs are no longer hurting, and he has the energy to do everything. With the blue weapon, Doug finally got rid of the miserable life of being tortured and killed by goblins. For a while, he felt that the whole world was a little different.

However, no matter how it changes, Doug's respect for Yue Chuan remains unchanged.Doug didn't disrespect Yue Chuan just because he had acquired the mysterious power. On the contrary, in Doug's heart, Yue Chuan's image became more and more lofty and mysterious.

Because Doug saw the life potion in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", he immediately thought of the scene when Yue Chuan rescued Baron Sotheby's son, and then Doug saw his blue weapon, and immediately thought of the Golden Apple Auction House Those "magic equipment" auctioned.He finally understood how his adventure came about.

"Master, what orders do you have?"

In the past, Doug called Yue Chuan just compliments such as Uncle and Young Master Wumont. He was loyal to Yue Chuan, but it was all because of Yue Chuan's power, but now, Doug regarded Yue Chuan from the bottom of his heart. His own master even became an omnipotent god.

Yue Chuan nodded towards Doug, and said, "Choose some smart, loyal and reliable men from among your men, and I will give them strength!"

Hearing this, Doug finally confirmed the suspicion in his heart, so he bowed his head more respectfully, and said to Yue Chuan in an almost pious voice: "Yes, my master!"

(End of this chapter)

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