Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 32 The Mutated Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 32 The Mutated Clear Sky Hammer
Ever since he was attacked by people from the Wuhun Hall after coming out of the Tiandou Great Soul Arena, the Third Elder and Fifth Elder did not let Ning Que go to the Soul Arena to participate in the Soul Fighting Competition.

If Ning Que wanted to increase his combat experience, he would ask those outside disciples to be his training partners.

This improved Ning Que's fighting experience with the soul master a lot, but compared to the fight between life and death, it was still lacking.

Ning Que went all out for his position, and could fight the Soul Emperor, but because of his soul power, he couldn't fight for a long time.

Ning Que can basically kill ordinary soul kings.

Ning Que had no interest in participating in the teamwork taught by Mike Mann.

For the students in the beginner class, a small number of people have a soul skill, and the soul power is limited, so the meaning of teamwork is not great.

General team training is only taught in advanced classes.

At that time, everyone had at least two soul skills, and their soul power was relatively strong, so that kind of cooperation was more meaningful.

Seven people from their class were selected to compete, mainly Ning Que and Ning Fengzhi, and the other five were first-ring soul masters. How useful would such a temporary team be if they spent a day working together?

Of course Mikeman knew about it, but he wasn't worried about it, he just gave him some routine guidance.

[Anyway, with the little monster Ning Que around, even a one-on-seven situation can win! 】

This is what Mike Mann really thinks in his heart.

Although Ning Que has never seen Ning Que use his martial soul, he was able to defeat Tang Hao, a level 29 great soul master, when he first entered a student, and he had a record of beating ten senior students after that. Grade students, that's not easy.

Ning Que didn't participate in the joint training, so Mikeman didn't say much, but Ning Fengzhi released his martial soul, and the two soul rings, one yellow and one purple, made Mikeman's eyes shine.

Mike Mann thought to himself: "Breakthrough level 20 at the age of seven, and he's a little monster again, now it's stable!"

In the evening, after dinner.

Ning Que and Ning Fengzhi returned to the dormitory, and Ning Que began to teach Ning Fengzhi "Piao Miao Sword Art".

Ning Que had already verified this swordsmanship on Chen Mu some time ago.

People in this world can practice, but true energy becomes soul power, and people with different martial souls will have different effects when practicing.

People who are born with sword-like martial spirits are uniquely blessed to practice "Piaomiao Sword Art", while those with other martial spirits have to rely on their own talent and understanding.

Earlier, Ning Que had taught Ning Fengzhi the "King Kong Immortal Art".

In order to allow Ning Fengzhi to practice well, Ning Que used his soul power to guide him and expended part of his skills to expand his meridians, making Ning Fengzhi's cultivation go smoothly.

"King Kong Indestructible Magical Art" is also called "King Kong Indestructible Boy Art". Doesn't it mean that only boys can practice it.

But the effect of training with a boy's body is definitely stronger than that of a person with a broken body.

"King Kong Indestructible Magical Art" was used to lay the foundation, and the effect was much better than "Piao Miao Sword Art". Ning Que planned to return to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School after a while, so he promoted the simplified version of "King Kong Indestructible Magical Art" within the sect.

After explaining sword moves for a while, Ning Que gave you Ning Fengzhi a wooden sword and asked him to find a place to practice by himself.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Ning Que opened the door, and it was Tang Yuehua outside.

"come in."

Ning Que invited Tang Yuehua in.

Tang Yuehua stretched out her small hand and said with a smile, "Brother Ning Que, where is the gift for Hua'er?"

Ning Que smiled, and took out a white delicate flower from the interspatial ring, which looked as spotless as a green lotus and white couple.

Tang Yuehua's eyes lit up: "It's so beautiful, what's the name of this flower?"

"Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone, this is a celestial medicinal herb. Eating it can moisten the tendons and strengthen the bones. Qi can flow through the seven meridians and eight meridians, and strengthen the soul power."

Ning Que knew that Tang Yuehua was actually very strong in his bones and had a jumpy personality, so he didn't like the so-called aristocratic etiquette.

In the future, knowledgeable, polite, gentle and elegant is a kind of growth, but it is not a compromise to reality!
Just like in real life, many people live like they once hated!

"Enhance soul power?!"

Tang Yuehua was overjoyed when she heard the words, but then she shook her head and returned the narcissus jade muscles and bones to Ning Que: "This fairy grass is too precious, I can't take it, and I'm a useless martial soul, and I can't break through level 10 in my life. Brother Ning Que, you can eat."

Ning Que scratched Tang Yuehua's nose, and said with a smile, "Don't be polite to me, this fairy grass is just for you. I've already taken two plants, and the medicinal power hasn't been fully absorbed, so eating it won't help."

"This fairy can only eat the petals, suck the stamens at the end, and use the power of the soul to absorb it. Come on, open your mouth."

Ning Que took off the petals and put them on Tang Yuehua's mouth.

This little witch, who was usually carefree, suddenly turned into a steam girl, her little face flushed.

After following the steps to eat the Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone, Tang Yuehua's whole body spread a layer of gentle jade color, stood in place, put his hands on his heart, and began to absorb the power of the medicine quietly.

Silent all night.

The next day, in the early morning, Tang Yuehua was like waking up from a big dream, her beautiful eyes flickered, and her expression was a little dazed.

Ning Que, who was sitting on the sofa, asked, "How do you feel?"

Hearing this, Tang Yuehua released her martial spirit, and saw a small hammer that looked like a white jade appear in Tang Yuehua's hand amidst the flashes of lightning.

The small hammer looks similar to Thor's Hammer, but the whole body is crystal clear, like an exquisite work of art, with a simple and heavy sense of oppression.

"Secondary mutation of the martial spirit!"

Ning Que looked at the mutated Clear Sky Hammer with great interest.

In the Douluo Continent, during the process of inheriting the martial soul, there will often be "mutations" due to various reasons, just like Yu Xiaogang in the original plot, because the innate soul power is too little, and the martial soul tends to be weak. The direction has changed!

Because Tang Yuehua was born prematurely, her congenital deficiencies caused a mutation when her spirit was awakened, and her spirit power reached level 9 at most. Originally, she had no hope of becoming a spirit master in this life.

Now the second mutation of the martial soul made Tang Yuehua's Clear Sky Hammer evolve, breaking the original shackles, and the soul power finally reached level 10.

"I broke through to level 10, Brother Ning Que, I finally broke through to level 10, thank you!"

Sensing the changes in her body, Tang Yuehua wept with joy, and the tears wet the peas shoes on her feet.

Because Tang Yuehua was born with only half a level of soul power, Tang Yuehua cultivated her soul power very slowly. She only reached level 2 in a year. Now she jumps to level 8 all of a sudden, it's like a dream!
"Silly girl, you're almost crying like a little cat. People who don't know think I'm bullying you."

Ning Que handed over the tissue, and continued, "Since you have broken through the limit of the martial spirit, it means that your martial spirit has been improved. Level 10 is not the limit right now. After you get the spirit ring, you should be able to increase it by a few more levels."

"This celestial medicinal herb is something that strengthens the foundation and nourishes the vitality. It will not shake the foundation, but will make the foundation deeper. I think you will be able to understand it as you practice in the future."

"Brother Ning Que."

Tang Yuehua was overjoyed, wiped away her tears, rushed forward with a small hammer, and gave Ning Que a big hug.

Very heavy.

Although the small hammer in Tang Yuehua's hand is not as big as the Haotian Hammer, it is very dense and full of weight.

Ning Que crushed Ning Que, but Ning Que could bear it, but the sofa under him collapsed with a "creak" sound.

"I... I didn't mean to."

Tang Yuehua came to her senses, her face flushed with shame, her head was hot, she didn't know how to face Ning Que, so she broke the door and ran out in a hurry.

Hit the door and run!

The door fell to the ground, and a breeze blew into the room.

The third and fifth elders who lived nearby thought that Ning Que had been attacked when they heard the movement.

Quickly dodging into the room, seeing Ning Que collapsed on the broken sofa, the three of them stared wide-eyed.

"Listen to my sophistry, things are not what you think!"

Hearing Ning Que's words, the third and fifth elders smiled knowingly, and left with eyes that we understood.

 Asking for a wave of data, there are so few votes, it's frustrating!

(End of this chapter)

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