Chapter 153
Dust and smoke are full, the earth is devastated, speechless and desolate!
It was originally a good forest, but after the battle, only broken wood and rocks were left for hundreds of people around.

This is bad.

Caring for the environment is everyone's responsibility!

Of course, the three people and one beast who are aiming at this unparalleled sword fight have no time to care about environmental protection issues.

One by one nervously watched the figures walking out of the smoke and dust.

After a few breaths, Chen Jianjun with blood on the corner of his mouth walked out slowly, and fell to the ground with a plop.


Seeing Chen Jianjun lying on the ground, Chen Xin immediately wanted to run over to check the situation.

But he was pulled back by Gu Rong beside him: "Chen Xin, calm down."

Immediately afterwards, Ning Que walked out on the wind and dust, looked at Chen Xin, and Ning Que said, "Don't worry, your father is fine, it's just that his martial soul was broken, his soul power was exhausted, his spirit was injured, and he just fell into a coma. "


You call it all right?

Feelings are not your father, your heart doesn't hurt, right?
Both Chen Xin and Chen Mu glared at Ning Que.

"Don't be so hostile, it's just a friendly exchange."

While Ning Que was speaking, his body changed, and he changed back to Ren Piaomiao's appearance.

"The landlord!!"

Seeing this, Chen Xin, Gu Rong and the others were amazed, but then relieved.

Perhaps only the landlord with great supernatural powers has such an earth-shattering swordsmanship.

However, there were still some doubts in his heart, and it was not until Ning Que checked the code left before that he dispelled the doubts of several people.

Afterwards, Ning Que activated the sixth soul skill 'Recovery Field' to heal Lord Chen Jian without any sequelae.

A few days in a blink of an eye.

Ning Que brought Chen Xin and others back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Unity is strong, division is weak, Ning Que still maintains Ren Piaomiao's identity on the surface, but he has secretly communicated with his father Ning Xiuyuan.

Being troubled by the Wuhundian all the time, Ning Que certainly would not choose to be beaten passively.

But before Ning Que could strike, a big event happened.

Douluo Calendar 2599, December 1st.

Ning Xiuyuan, Ning Que (in the form of Ren Piaomiao), Chen Jianjun and others are planning to deal with Wuhundian, and they have already made a plan to kill Qian Daoliu and his loyalists first.

Suddenly, the Fifth Elder hurried in.

"Sovereign, it's not good. The spies report that a wave of soul beasts has been found outside the Star Dou Great Forest, and they are coming towards our Heaven Dou Empire. It is estimated that they will reach Heaven Dou City within five days." The fifth elder reported the situation urgently. .

Hearing the Fifth Elder's words, Ning Xiuyuan stood up suddenly, his face darkened.

They were preparing to deal with Wuhundian, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The tide of soul beasts is not just a joke, once it appears, people will inevitably suffer.

"What's the scale of the soul beast tide?" Ning Xiuyuan asked.

"The number is difficult to calculate. In order to find out the situation, we lost a lot of manpower. It is estimated that there are at least several million. Among them, most of the soul beasts have been cultivated for ten years or one hundred years, and the soul beasts with one thousand years of cultivation are more than ten years old. Ten thousand, hundreds of ten thousand year spirit beasts, no soul beasts with a cultivation level of 10 years have been found so far." The Fifth Elder said seriously.

Hearing these words, all the people present looked solemn. The tide of millions of soul beasts was enough to overthrow the Heaven Dou Empire. Even if they could resist, human beings would suffer heavy casualties!
Soul beasts are the ladder for soul masters to advance. Many soul beasts die at the hands of soul masters every year, but this does not mean that the soul beasts are weak.

In the tens of thousands of years of the Douluo Continent, or even longer, every tide of soul beasts would bring devastating disasters. Among those historical faults, there are many empires that were destroyed by the tide of soul beasts, and human civilization was destroyed. suffered serious losses.

It is rumored that the establishment of the Heaven Dou Empire was established after a wave of soul beasts. As for whether it is true or not, the real history has been buried.

Perhaps only those soul beasts who have lived for tens of thousands of years know the truth.

"Ring the Zongmen's alarm bell immediately, light the beacon smoke, and enter the alert state!" Ning Xiuyuan shouted solemnly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The rapid bell rang through the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and at the same time, the purple flames of war were burning, not only at the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, but as the news spread, the entire Heaven Dou Empire was engulfed in flames.

[Soul Beast Tide, is it Ditian? What is this guy crazy about? ! 】

Ning Que didn't know much about Douluo 2, he only remembered that there were two or three soul beast tides in Dou [-].

Humans and spirit beasts have been opposed for thousands of years. Humans need to hunt spirit beasts to obtain spirit rings, and spirit beasts also need to attack humans to obtain nutrients for their growth.

Although human beings have a strong ability to reproduce, in such an environment where everyone gets what they need, the whole can barely maintain a balance.

But because humans slaughtered soul beasts, destroyed the forest, and angered the beast god Di Tian, ​​the first wave of soul beasts was triggered.

Calculating the time, it doesn't match up at all. Is it the butterfly effect again?
Ice Empress, Snow Empress, Su Jiuer, and Little Phoenix are all soul beasts, and they have different expressions when they hear that a beast horde broke out in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The little Phoenix who doesn't know the world has no idea.

Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor and Su Jiuer are different. The soul beasts are not united, or even opposed, but most of them have a common characteristic, that is, they don't like humans.

Now that soul beasts and humans are at war, which side should they stand on is a question worth pondering?

If you help human beings, isn't that a crime!

If he helped the soul beast, how would he get along with Ning Que?
During this period of time, they got a lot of benefits from Ning Que, and they couldn't do such a thing as turning their faces and denying others.

After much deliberation, I finally decided not to help each other.

Ning Que also understood their difficulties, so he didn't care about them, but let them guard the Qibao Glazed Tile School.

Born as a human being, at this moment, he needs to fight for his own people.

A frontal collision is the worst policy. It is best to find out the reason for the outbreak of the spirit beast tide, solve the problem from the root cause, and avoid unnecessary casualties.

At noon that day, the Heaven Dou imperial family sent people to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, inviting Ning Xiuyuan and "Ren Piaomiao" to the palace to discuss countermeasures.

The outbreak of the soul beast tide is not a matter of one family. In fact, there is no need for the invitation of the Tiandou royal family. Ning Xiuyuan, Ning Que and his son have already set off with their troops.

It was already evening when Ning Que and Ning Xiuyuan arrived at the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace.

in the hall.

Emperor Xueyao, civil servants and military generals from all walks of life are already nervously laying out fortifications.

Groups of strong men from the Heaven Dou Empire kept rushing to various towns to garrison or evacuate the crowd.

"Sect Master Ning, the landlord, the scale of this soul beast tide is huge, and the empire needs the help of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Huanzhu Building." Emperor Xue Yao looked at Ning Xiuyuan and Ning Que earnestly.

"It is incumbent!!"

Ning Xiuyuan and Ning Que said in unison.

Hearing the words of Ning Xiuyuan and "Ren Piaomiao", Emperor Xue Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the tide of millions of soul beasts can pose a certain threat to the Heaven Dou Empire, it should not be enough to destroy the Heaven Dou Empire.

With the full assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School and the Pearl Tower, the casualties should be minimized.

(End of this chapter)

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