Marvel's Naruto Arrives

Chapter 524 The Infinity Glove of the Right Hand

Chapter 524 The Infinity Glove of the Right Hand

The high temperature of Johnny's supernova is useless in space. He needs oxygen to burn. Standing in space or with the help of a steel suit is useless.

Banner's own terrifying combat power is based on the infinite growth power, which implicitly contains the law of power, which is realized through technology, just like the law of space used by Malekith's space bomb.

However, Banner only mastered the fragments of the unstable law of power, which is nothing compared to Thanos who has the authentic and complete law, and it is also useless.

Natasha's combat effectiveness has not reached the S level. She has always been used only as Banner's brain when he is berserk, so after Banner's big killer is useless, it is also useless.

There is nothing to say about Thor's Thor's Hammer - even the Thor's Hammer was snatched by Thanos, and as Thanos' weapon against Odin, it was useless and added negative effects.

Not to mention Loki, Phantom, who is good at acting, is a joke in front of other people's soul gems. As for the attack power, it can be said to be the second worst in the field, that is, better than Johnny, useless.

Only Peter who has Tenseigan, with his unique Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion (ultimate secret of repulsion) and silver wheel Tensei Burst (ultimate secret of gravity), can effectively restrain Thanos, making Thanos' fatal attack always Swipe past his teammates by a hair's breadth, or bounce and suck away those who are about to be attacked by Thanos.

As a result, after everyone worked hard, all they could do was to distract Thanos a little bit to deal with them, and not to deal with the black on his left arm with all his heart, so as to quickly contact and devour many S-level powerhouses at the cost of their lives. The seal of creation.

However, it was only a slight delay.

No, the red-eyed Tony rushed forward and wanted to launch a big attack. All the armor panels of the blue and gold suit all over his body were opened, revealing the next missiles engraved with runes.

Needless to say, this must be the most powerful attack that has assembled the latest rune technology on Earth.

However, before Tony failed to send these attacks, he was noticed by Thanos. He abruptly took Odin's gun and stabbed it on his left shoulder, and Thanos punched Tony from afar!
I saw that there was a layer of space in the space that was compressed into the impact of shells, and it bombarded Tony's blue and gold battle suit almost instantly. The strange thing is that this space shell did not blow Tony away, but sent Tony to the ground. Tony is all wrapped up in it!

This scene seems familiar!
It was the weakened version of the space attack that Thanos first came to the earth, and then released a space attack on Zhang Lan—even if it was a weakened version, Tony's ordinary body couldn't bear it.

Therefore, just like Zhang Lan back then, Tony didn't even have a chance to say anything, but was directly smashed into cosmic atoms by the shock force of the space attack.

At the same time, the countless rune missiles on Tony's body were also detonated by this force!

For a moment, the blue-gold battlesuit was covered by various states, and finally turned into a frozen picture that stopped in place-that was the power of "Time-Space Lightning", freezing the time of one space, and then- Glass generally shatters!
The tearing from the law of time, the blue gold that could barely resist the space attack, shattered along the shattering of the time mirror without any resistance, and finally turned into powder, floating in this space, becoming the victim of this battle one.

However, none of the people present had time to mourn for Tony, probably because the black on Thanos' left hand has become thinner, and the weakening of Thanos has become smaller, so everyone's resistance has become more and more difficult. .

When the time came to 3 minutes and 12 seconds, the black on Thanos' left hand was only a thin light black film, and even the skin color on Thanos' original arm could be seen through this film. Infinity gauntlet.

In this state, Thanos finally took most of his mind away from eliminating black, and focused on the battle in front of him.

The first thing is that Thanos hit the head of Odin, who was stiffened by the attack of the soul law, with a hammer. Naturally, the latter's aging body could not resist the nearly full-blown power law, and it exploded without any accident. .

It was Thor's Thor's Hammer that was used!

Seeing this scene, Sol was about to burst, and he no longer cared about the issue of defense and waved his fists to fight Thanos—even Loki didn't have time to hold Sol to die.

So Thor died on his own weapon Thor's Hammer.

Contaminated with the blood and life of its current master, Thor's Hammer seemed to have been cursed. It no longer had the weight and star soul of a planet, but only a very ordinary hammer body.

Just like an ordinary hammer.

In fact, Thanos frowned slightly, he didn't expect such a handy hammer to self-destruct after killing its original owner.

Throwing out the useless hammer casually, under Thanos's terrifying power, this ordinary hammer immediately turned into a meteor and flew out, and then slammed into Susan's mind force On the shield, the telekinetic shield was shattered like a bamboo, and then it fell heavily on the blue-gold body of Reid. The powerful impact brought Reid to fly backwards involuntarily, and bumped into the original body along the way. Susan who wants to protect, Johnny who has been standing beside Susan and wants to pull Susan away, and himself who wants to come to help.

There is no doubt that even if Rhett took the most direct attack, the remaining three Susan, Johnny, and Ben who received the aftermath of the attack also died on the spot.

As for Rhett, who was still alive, he was still in the future and sad. Thanos's attack that directly hit the soul directly erased Rhett's soul, and the body without soul control also lost its blue-gold status. The Primarch drifts through space.

The soulless body even lost its instincts, and it didn't take long for Reid to suffocate to death because he couldn't breathe on his own!
And Charles and Qin, who have been trying to contain Thanos with the power of their hearts, are even more miserable. The two of them immediately exploded, turning into a force of spiritual shock and spreading around, which made the only remaining Banner and Na Tasha, Loki, and Peter were caught off guard, but their minds went blank, and they lost consciousness for a while.

In this space, Thanos would not be polite in the face of Banner who had recently lost his will, and bombarded the space with a punch. The strong space waves directly shook Banner's body hundreds of meters into powder, and stepped on Tony's body. follow suit.

As for Natasha, who has always been inseparable from Banner, she is naturally not immune.

For a while, only Loki and Peter were left alive!
This kind of strength is simply terrifying! ! !

When Thanos wanted to continue to destroy the two, suddenly, Loki did something that no one thought of!

Loki, using his personal dagger, pierced the back of Peter's chest with a dagger and turned it lightly, and a complete heart was unloaded by Loki.

Thanos was taken aback by this sudden change, and then looked at Loki with great interest.

Loki offered Peter's heart with his devout hands, and said fearfully: "My lord, I wish the city government and you will manage the borders of the nine kingdoms for you, and become your loyal subordinates!"

Hearing this, Loki just ran away and surrendered!

Loki's head was so low that he couldn't see his face at all, but the thoughts of his inner soul really couldn't lie.

Thanos, who possesses the law of the soul, can easily probe Loki's heart - this guy really wants to surrender to himself!

Thanos had an interesting look on his face, and then asked, "Will you betray me when someone more powerful appears in the future?"

"Of course!" Loki admitted directly: "As long as there is an existence stronger than you, Lord Thanos, I will definitely surrender, but in the universe, I am afraid that there is no existence stronger than Lord Thanos, so I There is no one to betray."

Thanos was taken aback by the words, which were already extremely sincere, and then laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting!"

Thanos smiled and walked over Loki towards the battlefield of the two armies.

Really just let Loki go!

Loki's eyes flashed, and he threw Peter's heart into the space, and then drove the steel suit given by Tony to chase after Thanos.

"Master Thanos, can you give me some time to persuade the people from these nine countries to surrender, on the one hand, it can reduce the loss of your army, my lord, on the other hand, these people will be your people in the future Now, it may be your soldier at that time, isn't it?"

Facing Loki's suggestion, Thanos lowered his head and thought for a while, then glanced at the battlefield where his army was at an absolute disadvantage after the earth warriors had desperately opened up the battlefield, and nodded slightly.

As long as Thanos comes, naturally there will be no disadvantages or disadvantages, but the two armies are intertwined, and even Thanos can't separate everyone's attacks in a short time. If the people of the eight major countries resisted vigorously, they would lose a large number of subordinates and future people.

Therefore, if Loki can really stop this battle, it is naturally the best.

"Great, Thanos, please wait a moment. I will go to the main command system to command the army to retreat. At that time, they will throw away their weapons first. At that time, I also ask your army to be merciful."

After finishing speaking, Loki waited until Thanos nodded slightly again to express his approval, and then Loki was ready to continue speaking.

However, he was caught by Thanos, and before Loki could open his mouth, he was suddenly thrown out. His figure instantly broke through the space limit and shuttled through space, and then smashed out of thin air on the star warship several light-years away .

If it weren't for Thanos' law of strength to protect his whole body, I'm afraid Dangdang's free ride would be enough for him to suffer.

Bowing to Thanos from afar, Loki got into the star warship, but the soldiers who saw Loki all raised their weapons and pointed at Loki. They all heard the exchange of this guy in the communication system. clear!
"Stop!" Phantom's icy voice sounded through the intercom system: "Let him in, come to the main command room of Atlantis."

Even though they were unwilling, the soldiers brought Loki to the place designated by the phantom.

It took more than 10 minutes to go back and forth. In addition, the previous time has been delayed by more than 14 minutes, which has already far exceeded the 3-minute limit Zhang Lan said earlier.

"Damn it, didn't it say 3 minutes!" As soon as he entered the command center, Loki yelled: "What the hell is that guy doing, Phantom, hurry up and let the army retreat first, as long as you can delay it."

In other words, if someone saw it, they would definitely think that Loki was thinking about the Eight Kingdoms.But Loki had set Peter's heart out with his own hands.
You know, after the evolution of Tenseigan, Peter's eyes are 360° with no dead angle!How could it be possible not to see Loki's attack?
It's clear that Peter has voluntarily let Loki attack.

All of this is based on the premise that Thanos doesn't understand Peter's eyes. Fortunately, Rocky and Peter succeeded.

The Phantom looked back at Loki, and then slapped Loki hard on the face——with Phantom's physique that was not as good as that of ordinary people at this time, Loki could easily dodge, but Loki did not dodge.

In any case, he did kill Peter with his own hands. There is no way to change that.

"If it weren't for the fact that Peter proposed this plan, Loki, you would never be alive!" Phantom's tone was cold, but it leaked out—even this plan was proposed by Peter himself!
Loki took a slap from Phantom abruptly, but he didn't say anything, but pulled out a bloody heart from the void with his backhand, and handed it to Phantom slightly trembling.

is Peter's heart.

"Sorry everyone, I just brought this back."

But I don't know what method Loki used to bring this back under the nose of Thanos.

Phantom took Peter's heart expressionlessly, and placed it in a cultivation tank aside. As long as it was returned, they could at least create a clone of Peter.

At that time, the previous memory will be poured into the clone, and in another sense, Peter will be resurrected.

At the same time, Phantom also gave orders to his soldiers——

"The defenders of the country headed by Tony (the unified title of S-level powerhouses) have all died in battle. Only God King Loki remains. Loki asks you to put down your weapons and surrender. My order is to retreat!"

In just one sentence, all the soldiers present suspected that they had heard it wrong, and the movements of their hands stopped, and the Thanos' army, which had been prepared to receive the order, immediately stopped attacking.

Therefore, even though they were unwilling in every possible way, the soldiers of the eight major countries formed a team in an orderly manner under the command of the phantom, and then retreated slowly.

Regardless, Phantom didn't tell them to put down their weapons. Loki behind him saw it and immediately reminded them: "Phantom, tell them to put down their weapons."

Phantom didn't even look at Loki, and issued the last order coldly: "All soldiers, for the sake of glory, attack all enemies in your eyes!"

All of a sudden, the unwilling soldiers of the eight major countries raised their weapons and pointed at the enemy army who was still wantonly laughing at themselves. With one click, countless casualties were caused!
Seeing this, Thanos, who was still showing satisfaction, yelled angrily: "Loki, you dare to lie to me, you all deserve to die!"

Saying that, Thanos wanted to attack downwards, but—his figure froze in vain, and a figure emerged from the space door behind Thanos, it was a right hand.

One, the right hand with the Infinity Gauntlet!

(End of this chapter)

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