Marvel's Naruto Arrives

Chapter 50 The Prelude to the End

Chapter 50 The Prelude to the End

Outside the battlefield, most of the New York police who have not arrived at the scene are here. Gwen's father, George, is sitting on a helicopter at this time, looking down.

"He's heading for the Oscar Building!" A police officer's report came from Director George's headset.

"All police officers, approach Spider-Man." Chief George gave the order.

Soon, Director George saw Spider-Man running as hard as he could. The searchlight hit him, and Director George picked up the helicopter's broadcaster.

"You have been surrounded, please catch it without a fight."

"Repeat, you are already surrounded, please catch it without a fight."

While speaking, a large number of armed police poured out from the four-sided roof, leaning against the balcony with submachine guns in hand.

Armed Police Captain: ""Sir, the blocking team is here to ask for shooting. "

Commissioner George: "Shooting permitted."

As the order was issued, the guns aimed at Spider-Man Peter began to shoot, and what was fired were not bullets, but special bullets with powerful electric shocks.

This is to catch alive!
Gunshots came and went, and Peter swiftly dodged bullets after bullets. With Chakra, he could no longer rely on spider silk to run on the wall, which made his figure more flexible. With the perception of danger, there was basically no The gun could hit him.

Peter shot out a spider web, swayed his body and made a sharp 90-degree turn, avoiding seven bullets, and unexpectedly bumped into the flying helicopter head-on, the searchlight shone on his face, and the strong reflection forced him to If you don't reach out to block the light, you can see the scene in front of you clearly.

Director George, Gwen's father, pointed a submachine gun at him, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At the battlefield of the Victor Building, the mature Zhang Lan, with the smell of meat all over his body, still did not die, lying on the ground dying, looking at Victor's victorious expression, feeling embarrassed I spoke.

"Victor, I'm not dead yet!"

After the tape was cooked, the voice was unexpectedly soft, which made Victor's laughter stop abruptly. His behavior just now was like a clown-like performance.

Victor said in horror: "Why are you not dead?"

Zhang Lan made a strange voice: "You are not dead, why should I die?"

After all, Zhang Lan managed to stand up. Although the muscles were fully cooked, the bones were still very hard, and this kind of destructive injury, which was already whipping the corpse, made the cell riot run crazily.

The more severe the injury, the faster the recovery.

Finally, he understood the meaning of this sentence. After standing up, Zhang Lan had successfully repaired all internal organs of his body. After successfully repairing his left hand, the energy in his body was insufficient, and the speed of recovery began to slow down.

Seeing this, he took out a lizard potion, plunged it into his heart, and slowly injected the potion.

When the lizard potion entered the heart, it was directly torn apart by the berserk cells. Before the medicine reacted, the cells used it as the energy for division, and the cells split crazily again.

The people around were all dumbfounded. From when he stood up, to when his left hand grew out of thin air, to when the potion was injected, and when his right hand grew out, it took less than 20 seconds.

Just horrible!
Victor, who was standing opposite Zhang Lan, had a livid face. He understood why Zhang Lan was so confident. The previous suicide attack was clearly to consume his power, and the previous words were just to irritate him. That's all.

Thinking of this, Victor kicked out angrily, and just as he raised his leg, he was grabbed by the stone man behind him, unable to move at all.

As far as the strength of the main body is concerned, Victor is not as good as Ben.

Ben's voice said, "Don't hit my friends, especially in front of me."

After finishing speaking, with a big wave of his hand, Victor was thrown into the air, drawing a beautiful parabola, and fell straight into the second pothole he hit.

"Lan, thank you very much this time."

As if completing a trivial matter, Ben reached out and patted Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan, who had just recovered, staggered back a few steps after being slapped like this by Ben, and the scorched skin on her body began to peel off, revealing a layer of baby-white complexion.

Ben: "Hey Blue, your skin is better than Susan's right now."

After saying these words, Susan, who rushed over, couldn't help but smile, and Harry also ran over excitedly, asking something.

As for Victor?Rhett has already gone down to tie him up. He has no electricity, and he is enough alone.

Harry asked excitedly: "Lan, are you also ninjutsu? Can you teach me, I want to learn!"

Zhang Lan was speechless: "How dare you say it? If it weren't for you, would I be in such a miserable situation? Do you think it's fun to die? It will hurt, okay?"

He checked the system just now, and he doesn't even have a battle value of 80. Yes, he read that right, it's a double-digit battle value of 80.

The energy of the cell has been completely exhausted, and the number of divisions is extremely close to the limit, if the injury is more serious, he will be killed by his own passiveness.

If he hadn't increased his physical energy last night, he would be a corpse now, just like the first Hokage.

Fortunately, the system can slowly replenish energy. Now that the battle has come to an end, he should be able to take a good rest.

Harry was very embarrassed: "Lan, I also want to help, I didn't mean it, you see"

As an elder brother, Zhang Lan is still very magnanimous: "Okay, it's okay, now I just hope nothing happens again, otherwise I will die young."

As the words fell, out of the corner of Zhang Lan's eyes, Zhang Lan saw a trail of flame jets rushing towards this side in the sky, but the size of the flame jets was not like Johnny's cremation flight.

The Cremation Flying Johnny is itself a small sun that can illuminate a large area.

Zhang Lan turned her head and looked at the rapidly approaching figure in the distance with extreme horror.
At this time, Peter is in some trouble. He is being threatened by his future father-in-law, Director George, with a pistol, telling him to give up resistance.

Director George raised his gun: "Don't move! Lie on the ground! Quick!"

Peter stood up slowly, with a grim look on his face. He was very anxious. Gwen was in the Oscar Building, and Dr. Lizard was going there to pick up the Canary device, and he might meet Gwen.

Thinking of this, Peter stood up and slowly turned his head, facing Director George, his hood had been taken off.

"Parker?" Seeing Peter's face, Chief George read out his last name in surprise, and lowered his pistol in embarrassment.

"It's heading towards the Oscar Building, that big lizard." Peter said urgently: "Your daughter is still there, I have to rush there."

Because Peter stood up and raised the gun, it was put down again, his expression struggling and frightened, he didn't know how to make a decision.

Peter slowly approached Chief George, the spider hood was still under Chief George's feet, he needed to pick it up.

"You have to let me go, please."

Peter bent down slowly, picked up the spider hood, and put it on for himself. Although the gun in Director George's hand was moving with Peter, he had no intention of shooting at all.

Putting on the hood, Peter took the time to start a run. He needed to rush to the Oscar Building.

"Stop firing." Director George put down his gun and gave an order into the walkie-talkie.

Then, there was another gunshot, and an armed policeman fired. This time it was not a special bullet, but a bullet.

Peter, who was unable to dodge in the air, was shot by the thigh, which greatly delayed the speed, but Peter still reluctantly rushed on his way, and his beloved was still waiting for him to rescue.

In one room, Troy happens to be watching the live broadcast again, and he recognizes Spider-Man.

During the bridge incident, Peter rescued his children from the exploding car.

It was stated in the live broadcast that he was injured, but Spider-Man persistently rushed towards the Oscar Building.

At this time, a worker came in and asked him to evacuate, which was an order from the police.

"Is your friend in Matthews driving a crane on Sixth Avenue?" Troy ignored the evacuation order and asked his fellow workers instead.

Workmate: "Yes."

Troy: "Then put him on the phone."

Workers: 'Police are evacuating everyone'

Troy: "Get him on the phone, now. If you want the job."

After finishing speaking, Troy ignored his co-workers and pushed the door out, his eyes still fixed on the TV. Spider-Man looked quite embarrassed.

"Charlie, put me through John on 54th Street."

"Angelo, come here quickly."

"Worski, you're working overtime."

Just when Troy was giving orders, when Peter jumped a building again, his injured thigh made him lack of strength, he stumbled and fell, and fell on the fire escape.

The fall was so painful that he cried out in pain, but he got up slowly with his hands and feet.

After strenuously climbing to the top of the building, the scene in front of her eyes made her disheartened heart warm up again.

In the far distance on the opposite side is the Oscar Building. Peter, who originally wanted to turn over the buildings one by one, has already given up hope.

However, at this moment, between Peter's building and Oscar, tower cranes with booms adjusted to 90 degrees were lined up neatly in front of Peter. Moved to the Oscar Building!

At this time, the police also began to prohibit the passage of the avenue that Peter needed to pass through.

There is still hope, for sure, we will be able to catch up!

 Let’s break it down: Originally, this book was intended to be finished with 100 million words and start a new book, but because the outline is too long, it has already reached 80 words, and if the remaining 20 words are finished, it will be a little too late, so I specially organized an event.

  The activity is very simple, with a daily basis of 80 recommended tickets, or a basic monthly ticket of 10, or a reward of 5000 starting coins.

  Every time it exceeds one time, a new chapter will be added, and the maximum word limit will be increased by [-].

  Take a chestnut: One day, Xiaolan received 160 recommendation tickets, 20 monthly tickets, and a reward of 10000 starting coins, so she needed to add 6 more chapters, and the upper limit of ending words was increased by 6 to reach 106 million.

  In order to show sincerity, Xiaolan Wuchang will send it tomorrow.

  How many words are needed to finish this book is up to everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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