Marvel's Naruto Arrives

Chapter 4 Recharge, RMB Players

Chapter 4 Recharge, RMB Players
Zhang Lan looked at Tony talking there with interest.

Tony was talking about his two-month trip to the cave, and the groundwork was almost done before he dropped the blockbuster.

"I understand, I realize." Tony stood up from the floor and walked to the microphone: "In addition to making weapons, I can contribute more to the world. So, I decided to close the Stark Industries Weapons Department, immediately take effect."

As soon as these words came out, the reporters sitting on the ground who hadn't reacted before all jumped up, and even forgot to ask professional questions. They were extremely surprised.

And the old fox Opadry got up very quickly and patted Tony on the shoulder, then pushed him away from the microphone, saying haha.

"OK, everyone has news, our focus today is that Tony came back safely, and"

But who would care about Opadry's official answer?Naturally, they all went after Tony.

Seeing that the excitement was over, Zhang Lan glanced at Colson and Pepper who were obviously surprised, and smiled knowingly.

"Pepper, are you surprised?" Zhang Lan joked to Pepper, "Do you like Tony more?"

"Ah, yes, you are right." Before Pepper could respond, she agreed to Zhang Lan casually. When she found that her answer was ambiguous, Zhang Lan had already greeted Coulson and walked to the living room. up.

"He's my boss." Pepper said in a low voice, not knowing who he was talking to, or maybe just talking to himself.

On the other hand, Zhang Lan, who was teasing Pepper, waited for Coulson to finish reporting the incident before entering the topic.

"So, Coulson, what do you want to know?"

"Mr. Zhang, is it okay to call you like this? You Chinese always put your surname first, I remember."

"Of course, your memory is very good. Relatively speaking, I prefer you to call me Zhang Lan, or Lan. Just like you, um." Zhang Lan glanced at the business card in his hand; "National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau? SHIELD? What about the name SHIELD?"

"This name is very good, we will consider it." Rao is Coulson's major, and also expresses that he can't keep up with the range of Zhang Lan's words.

"So, Zhang Lan, according to the information we received, you returned to New York from Afghanistan one day before Tony, and you took one of Tony's special planes. But there is no record of you going abroad. What do you think about this?" Coulson went straight to the point.

"Ah, Stark's poisonous mouth is so strict?" Zhang Lan was a little surprised, and blurted out subconsciously, and then realized that Tony was covering for herself, so she didn't say much.

"Well, I was on the same plane as Tony when I went."

"However, that plane didn't have your registration record at that time. We asked Colonel Rhodes, but we didn't see you." Coulson naturally wouldn't believe it.

"Then there is no other way, I swear I'm telling the truth." Zhang Lan shrugged, saying that Rhodes, who didn't know the transformation technique, couldn't see himself.

"Then, Lan, can you tell me why you came back with Tony first? How much do you know about Tony's attack?"

"My mission is complete, so I'm back." Zhang Lan replied as a matter of course: "As for Tony, why didn't you ask him? I almost suffocated because I talked about him just now."

"Lan, I hope you can cooperate with our work." Coulson said that what Zhang Lan said was worthless.

"But that's all I know." Zhang Lan grinned her big white teeth, and she could vaguely see a glint of reflection.

"If that's the case, then thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your cooperation." Seeing Zhang Lan's non-cooperation, Coulson had no choice but to give up because of Tony's relationship, but the address was much more blunt: "Then don't bother me too much." .”

After all, after receiving Zhang Lan's signal, Coulson pushed the door open and left.

What a polite agent!He was indeed the man who was evaluated as a "template agent" by Bai Duo.

After going out, the first thing I saw was Hogan, Tony's white bodyguard. In his previous life, he was the director of Iron Man 1. Tony asked him to wait for Zhang Lan here, and invited Zhang Lan to Tony's villa.

The villa that was blocked outside the house when I went there for the first time.

"Hi, Jarvis, we meet again." Zhang Lan smiled into a camera when he arrived outside the villa. He knew that Jarvis could see him.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Lan's appearance is the same as when he first came to the villa. It is another appearance changed by the transformation technique. The consumption of the transformation technique is mainly when releasing ninjutsu. If it is to maintain the same appearance, the consumption is extremely small, and Zhang Lan's usual chakra recovery is fully enough to support it.

Zhang Lan decided to use this appearance to get in touch with superheroes for the time being. Another true face is that she just needs to be an ordinary person and doesn't want to have contact with anyone.

The model that Zhang Lan transforms into is a male celebrity he liked very much before, Brother Hu.

As for the name, his legal identity in the United States is called Lan Parker, and his current appearance is to continue to use his real name, Zhang Lan.

"Welcome, Mr. Zhang from China."

Jarvis' unique electronic sound sounded, and then the door opened directly, and Hogan drove the car into the villa.

In the lobby, Zhang Lan only saw Pepper Pepper.

She was answering the phone, listening to the way he kept explaining, and it had something to do with Tony's speech. This Tony, I don't know how to find such a caring Pepper.

"Pepper, how big are your hands?" Suddenly, Tony's voice sounded, it was a fixed tablet computer on the bar.

"What?" Pepper just hung up the phone and looked at his palm: "Lan is here too, do you want to come up and look for him?"

"Lan is here too? Hey, Lan, it's great that you're here, can you come down? I'm in some trouble." Tony was very happy to hear that Zhang Lan was there, and sent an invitation to Zhang Lan.

Pepper was obviously a little surprised that he would let Zhang Lan go to Tony's own basement, which was Tony's private research room, and Opadi was not allowed to enter.

"Pepper, just go down, believe me, Tony needs you more." Zhang Lan said that he didn't want to destroy the opportunity for Tony and Pepper to get closer.

"Hey, Lan. I haven't hung up yet." Tony's voice came: "'s not very suitable for Pepper to see this. Before I finished speaking, Zhang Lan hung up directly.

Zhang Lan seemed to have completed a trivial task, so she picked up an apple from the side, bit it down, and thanked someone else for something.

"If you don't go down, Tony might die." Seeing that Pepper was still hesitating, Zhang Lan gestured a few times on her chest, which made Pepper's face tense, and she trotted down all the way.

Zhang Lan can only help Tony here. They are passing around in the hall. There are many high-tech products in the hall. Zhang Lan only saw it in a movie 17 years ago, and now he sees it in reality. He is also very curious. .

Studying something, the hurried Pepper obviously forgot to close the door. From time to time, there were exclamations from the basement, and Tony's fake cry of pain. Zhang Lan also enjoyed it. It didn't take long for Tony and Tony to leave together. come up.

When Zhang Lan looked over, Pepper Pepper was shaking Tony's hand away in panic.

"We're just, uh, Tony's my boss, you know." Pepper was a little incoherent.

Zhang Lan just smiled understandingly and didn't say much. The smiling Pepper fled with the document in his arms.

"What? Haven't you confessed yet?" Zhang Lan said to Tony. Before in the cave, Tony had talked with him about his feelings for Pepper.

"Why?" Tony asked back: "Don't you think the ambiguity before establishing a relationship is wonderful? Besides, she looks cute now."

"Huh? If you think so, and it's not because of embarrassment, well, I believe it." Zhang Lan has already seen through Tony's mentality.

"Hey, don't talk about this. I've already communicated your request." Tony quickly changed the subject: "I'll let Hogan take you there later, that little inventor is already preparing for the launch, I'll help you Get an identity and be his assistant."

After a pause, he continued: "It cost me close to 5000 million US dollars in exchange for equipment. Can you tell me why you must go? Space is not fun."

That's right, Zhang Lan saved the country with such a curve, all he wanted was to let Tony help him board Rhett Richard, the spaceship of Mr. Fantastic-Rubber Man in the Fantastic Four.

As the richest man in the United States and the owner of the No. [-] weapons processing plant in the United States, Tony has no doubt that he has this ability.

"Want to know? You can go together too." Zhang Lan sent out an invitation. After all, there is no harm in going up and being washed away by the energy storm.

Tony rejected this very directly, saying that in the next period of time, he needs to improve his steel suit, which he named the steel armor of the Mark series.

Regarding this, Zhang Lan can only say that she is not the one who suffers.

Anxious about this trip to space, Tony, as the CEO of such a large company, can naturally see Zhang Lan's obvious performance, but he just won't let him go, and even drags Zhang Lan down the basement to talk to him. Talk about the idea of ​​the Mark 2.

MK-1 is the steel lump that led him out of the robber's den. Although it is ugly, its function is unquestionable. Now the leader of the robbers over there is collecting its fragments.

As for the confidentiality issue, on the one hand, Zhang Lan witnessed the completion of MK-1, and he sent in the materials by himself, and on the other hand, it was Tony's intuition.

His intuition told him that Zhang Lan had no malice towards him.

Tony's original plan was to tease Zhang Lan, but he couldn't understand it anyway, so he asked himself first when his patience was exhausted.

It has nothing to do with face, conspiracy, etc., Tony just wants to see Zhang Lan "begging" himself.

However, the development of the facts was once again beyond Tony's expectation. Although Zhang Lan knew nothing about the mechanical structure, but in terms of shape, system weapon ratio, and some flight data, he actually proposed more accurate values ​​than Tony's original settings.

Just a joke, Zhang Lan is a man who has watched the Iron Man series of movies. Later, he translated the subtitles for a while. In order to translate more accurately, he simply looked back at some Iron Man comics.

He doesn't understand the technology, but the appearance and design, he has the idea of ​​the future Tony Mark N+1.

As a result, the conversation went from eleven o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening.

As a chakra practitioner, Zhang Lan didn't feel much pressure, but Tony, an ordinary person, finally couldn't bear it anymore and declared that he would invite Zhang Lan to dinner.

Hearing this, Zhang Lan just looked at Tony with a half-smile, and didn't refuse, but she didn't leave either. She just looked at Tony like this, and didn't reply no matter what Tony said.

"OK, OK, I have an appointment with that little scientist, um, Rhett Richard? Let's have a late-night snack together. As for the reason for your lateness, I will solve it."

In the end, Tony was still the one who was wronged, saying that he was the one to take the blame.

"Where to eat?" Seeing that the goal was achieved, Zhang Lan accepted it.

Afterwards, Zhang Lan successfully met Reid in a Chinese restaurant, and she didn't know how Tony invited a fanatic scientist who was about to implement his scientific research plan out at eleven o'clock in the evening.

You know, Rhett is fanatical about science, but just before he married Susan, played by the sexy goddess Jessica Alba, he was still repairing the positioning equipment needed by the military.

After that, Zhang Lan saw why Tony was called a genius. He was obviously an expert in mechanical weapons, but it made sense to talk about everything with Reid, and it was reasonable to talk about biological genes.

Is Rhett Richards a genius?There is no doubt that in the movie, Red is set as a genius scientist with low emotional intelligence.

When Tiancai met another genius that day, the sparks that spewed out were no less than those of a good friend. Zhang Lan didn't intervene, and listened silently with her ears, chewing with her mouth, maintaining the transformation technique for a whole day. He has consumed a lot of energy.

In the end, when all three parties were happy, the time to go to space was determined, just three days later.

Zhang Lan was also very excited. In the end, although her cheat was a bit unreliable, a cheat was a cheat, and it was much faster than her own upgrade.

He is also looking forward to the adult gift pack for completing the task, after all, there is a "big", so it is much better than the novice gift pack, right?
Well, it should be, right?



Don't vote for this book. The new book "Naruto: I Made a False God" has been released. Please support me with your collection and recommendation votes!
 Regarding the "Zhang Lan website" issue, it's not a bug, it's a well-dug hole. Don't expect all traversers to be all-rounders and be able to arrange all the back roads.

(End of this chapter)

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