Marvel's Naruto Arrives

Chapter 290 Submarine Shooting 3 Fork II (3 more, book request list)

Chapter 290 Submarine Trident II (Third Watch, Book Request)



One energy ray after another shot past Zhang Lan's surroundings, and finally, there was the first energy ray that could accurately attack Zhang Lan.

It's his left arm.

Without any hindrance, that energy ray shot at the sacred garment on Zhang Lan's left arm, and then——

There's no after that.

The energy in it is directly absorbed by the sacred clothes, then stored, and then released when needed.

Only occasionally sporadic energy rays hit Zhang Lan's face, and a faint transparent energy shield rose to block the energy rays.

Zhang Lan just stood there, watching with cold eyes that the number of soldiers around him was increasing, and they gathered quickly.

He, waiting, they assembled.

When the soldiers approached slowly, they could already see Zhang Lan's face clearly. A small number of those who recognized Zhang Lan just stood there with their eyes wide open, and most of them put down their guns hesitantly.

Gradually, the vast majority of people at the scene slowly put down their guns, and only a small part continued to shoot.

Without exception, this part is all small officers with more than two poles on their shoulders.

The golden wings spread out on the back of the holy clothes, and Zhang Lan slowly rose into the air. His eyes calmly glanced at the dense crowd below, and he spoke softly. force.

Make sure that every corner of the college can be heard.

"I'm Zhang Lan, the vice principal of the Talent Academy. Now I'm back, but I'm very dissatisfied with this school."

"Now, you have two choices."

He pointed to the door behind him.

"Drop your weapon and go out through the gate, sir!"

Pointing at the small officers who were still attacking with energy weapons.

"Stubbornly resist, die!"

Hold out a finger.

"You have 10 minutes to choose."

As he said that, Zhang Lan's Sharingan finally found a top-ranking officer. With a thought, the stream of sand pouring out of the pot of sandstorm turned into a big sand hand, grabbed it directly, and pointed towards him Closer here.

The officer was obviously very angry, and he couldn't help yelling.

"Zhang Lan, what are you doing?"

"You are attacking a military base, this is an attack on an important member of the military department, and you will be court-martialed."

"You are breaking the law of the United States!"

"Let me go, I can forget the past"

Zhang Lan's face didn't waver in the slightest, her eyes glanced around, not knowing what she was looking for.

Seeing this, the officer roared down with an ugly face.

"What are you still standing there for? Shoot him and kill him!"

"He must not be Zhang Lan, how could our world hero attack a military important place?"

"He must be a fake, he must be!"

For the officer's noise, Zhang Lan frowned very displeased, a stream of sand separated from the sand hand, rushed into the officer's mouth, and stuffed it tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm no longer a citizen of the United States, and the laws of the United States can't control me—nor do I!"

After these words were spoken, the humble soldiers finally dropped their guns one after another and rushed out of the door.

There are those who didn’t want to do it for a long time, who cursed while running,

Staring at Zhang Lan fearfully, for fear that the other party would raise his hand and wipe them out.

Some were dragged by others and taken away forcibly,

All kinds of things, but in short, most of the soldiers ran out.

However, there are always a small number of people who have different thinking and luck. Although they also gave up the meaningless shooting behavior, the cat is in a corner of the building, or standing in the air. on the ground.

Deserters are not good in any country.

Moreover, based on their knowledge of Zhang Lan, they subconsciously thought that Zhang Lan would not kill them.

Zhang Lan didn't leave them either, Shulunyan looked at the officer who was glaring at him, and Gouyu turned.

The officer didn't have Fury's mental defenses.

Very easily, Zhang Lan just read the information he needed.

His face became more and more gloomy.

The more he understands, the more the anger in his chest accumulates.

A stern look flashed in his eyes, and he shrank the officer's hand sharply!

This time, the officer could really widen his eyes, and blood gushed out of his nose crazily.

Until he died, he would never have imagined that Zhang Lan would kill him so easily now!

After the sand hand contracted violently, it loosened the restraint on the officer, let him fall to the ground, smashed hard on the ground, his chest heaved and heaved in the dying struggle, and finally died in pain.

Seeing this, a small group of remaining soldiers fled again, and the remaining hundreds of people suddenly fled to less than a hundred people.

They didn't stay voluntarily, but were pulled back from the fleeing team to the center of the field by a sand rope.

All of them are non-commissioned officers of high rank.

Without any hesitation at all, Zhang Lan commanded the flow of sand below to surge, and grabbed each one in front of him, searched his memory, and then crushed them one by one to the ground in a rage.

As the awareness of this so-called genius academy strengthened, the anger accumulated in Zhang Lan's heart became more and more terrifying.

For the first time, he felt that he had a magical feeling!
It seems that his ability to destroy a country is no problem at all!
Finally, Zhang Lan knew the cause and effect.

Why don't Charles et al. appear here?
Why are all superhuman kids here?
Why is such a concentration camp-style prison firmly controlled by some soldiers.

Probably because all superhumans with combat power are TM's in the Chakra Research Center!
Professor X-Charles,

Storm Girl - Ororo,

Bone Vein - Logan,

Cyclops - Scott,

Including the younger Naughty, Katie, Babi and others, they are all in the Chakra Research Center!

On the first day when the Genius Academy was torn down and rebuilt, they had already been brought onto that deserted island in batches.

As for the whereabouts of May, Harry, and Peter, it is unknown.

They have disappeared for more than six months without any news.

The ones who are teaching the chakras of the superhuman children are the superhumans sent by the latest chakra research center who can learn chakra and master the three-body technique roughly.

They exchanged their loyalty for the qualification to be exempted from the experiment.

At the moment, Zhang Lan has made a decision.

"Phantom, publish all the information about the Genius Academy online!"

"Also, activate the one you mentioned, and drive it to the sky."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Lan waved the [sand cage], stared at the collars of each one, her face jumped, she turned and walked inward.

Inside, there is a larger superhuman child who needs to be rescued by him.

At this very moment, the Academy of Geniuses no!A huge bomber group roared outside the superhuman prison.

After walking within ten kilometers, they finally got in touch with the signal from the superhuman prison. After briefly understanding the current situation, they happened to fly out of the range of ten kilometers and contacted the president.

After receiving the news, the president was silent for a while, and resolutely issued an order.

"That must be the fake Zhang Lan. I now authorize you to carry out cover-bombing of the Genius Academy until the target dies!"

This is not over yet, a new order was issued by the President.

"The Ohio-class nuclear submarine is activated, the target genius academy, the submarine-launched Trident II (D-5) is ready to fire, wait for my order, launch directly!"



"Li lee Mingxi" rewards 14000 starting coins. Congratulations on the birth of the new rudder master. Two chapters will be updated.

(End of this chapter)

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