Marvel's Naruto Arrives

Chapter 281 Dare to do, I dare to kill!

Chapter 281 Dare to do, I dare to kill!

At Tony's house, Zhang Lan stayed for less than half an hour before leaving. Before leaving, she asked Tony not to mention his return to anyone.

In addition, he was also entrusted to buy a strange pair of glasses on eBay. Zhang Lan really couldn't remember the specifics.

Tony's answer is very simple, all the glasses on eBay will be shipped to Stark Tower within three days, and let him choose which glasses he needs when he comes back.

Well, Zhang Lan said that he is also a good friend of local tyrants on earth.

After leaving Stark Tower, Zhang Lan went straight to the "Super Asylum", which is a government organization affiliated to the Academy of Geniuses, which specializes in interviewing superhumans and sending fresh blood to the Academy of Talents.

However, according to Tony's information, there is some way out, so Zhang Lan plans to take a look by himself.

The interview site is a super large grid. In a hall, there are one small grid room after another. Zhang Lan enters after transforming, and even needs a little simple queue to be assigned to the seat.

It's like an interview in the talent market.

As soon as Fang entered the door, it was very simple, a table, two chairs, a video camera, and an interviewer, and the rest was pure white.

The white walls, the white floor, and even the ceiling are all white—oh, I don’t know what happened to other rooms, but the interviewer in Zhang Lan’s room happened to be a white military officer.

"Name, age, place of household registration, ability, oh, yes, and identification." The white officer said succinctly.

After reporting the fake identity prepared by Tony and the identity of Zhang Ming, Zhang Lancai revealed her ability to control the sand.

No one said that super powers cannot be repeated.

"Wow, your ability is very similar to Zhang Lan's." The white officer's stylized face changed slightly: "Well, I don't know if it's your luck or your misfortune, but you will be assigned to the combat team. "

"Battle team? What do you mean? Are there other teams?" Zhang Lan asked suspiciously.

"The combat and logistics teams are assigned according to their abilities. Obviously, your abilities are very suitable for combat, so you will be assigned to the combat team. Good luck, Scott!"

The white officer stamped a steel stamp on a piece of paper and pushed it in front of a blue desk.

"Go out through the door behind me, then turn left, and give them this report form, and you will take the nearest general plane to the combat training base."

"En? Don't you want to go to the Academy of Talents?" Zhang Lan rolled his eyes, realizing that there was something tricky about it.

"Don't go right away. You need to participate in some inspections and ability assessments first, and then you can go to the genius academy. You know, the management inside is not as free as the outside. It is the militarized management of the military school model. You need to get used to it first. .” The white officer explained very smoothly, obviously not the first time.

With the mood of giving it a try, Zhang Lan picked up the report form and walked out from the door behind the white officer. It was a long and quiet passage with two doors on each side, with "combat" and "logistics" written on them respectively.

From time to time, a door will open, or go left or right, and disappear faster behind the door at the end.

According to the prompt of the white officer, Zhang Lan turned left and walked into the wooden door with the word "battle" printed on it, and her sight was vast—this was actually a small airport!

There are a total of three medium-sized passenger planes parked around, which can carry 300 passengers. Are there really so many superhumans who have signed up now?
Under the guidance of a soldier with live ammunition, Zhang Lan handed in the report and was arranged to sit on a passenger plane that was about to take off.

Fortunately, less than 3 minutes after he boarded, this airliner was broadcasting the instruction that it was about to take off-the destination, Detroit, the city with the highest crime rate in the United States.

The flight journey is lonely. It just so happens that Zhang Lan has not slept for more than a month—he has a divine body, and he only needs to rest once a year to recover enough energy.

Although there is no thought of being tired, Zhang Lan still closes her eyes and prepares for a good night's sleep—well, in human terms, she sleeps back into the cage.

Even in sleep, Zhang Lan was always vigilant about her surroundings. About a period of time later, the first time the radio rang, Zhang Lan opened her eyes with a clear expression, not feeling sleepy at all.

After getting off the plane in an orderly manner, Zhang Lan looked around, frowning deeply.

The soldier with the real gun and the nuclear bomb has a serious expression on his face, and the attitude of holding the gun is an absolute veteran of the battlefield, who has seen blood.

And there are a total of 100 such soldiers, nominally escorting [-] superhuman passengers off the plane to the nearest superhuman camp—they landed at the military base in Detroit.

Said it was an escort, but Zhang Lan observed that the surrounding soldiers had their fingers on the trigger, and their muzzles were faintly pointed at superhumans. Every group of five soldiers pointed at a superhuman. Absolutely guard against death.

Most importantly, their insurance is open!
The insurance is only turned on in the combat state. Obviously, they are performing combat missions now.

So, is it possible for ordinary escorts to fight?

Although there is, it is not to such an extent that it is ready to fight at all times.

A layer of haze slowly rose in Zhang Lan's heart, and his mood became more and more depressed.

"Hope, you don't want to kill yourself, otherwise, my plan can only be carried out in advance!"

With a heavy heart, Zhang Lan followed the other 99 superhumans who still didn't know their fate, led by the leading soldier, and were divided into pieces and assigned to one laboratory after another.

Followed by complicated to harsh inspection.

blood tests,

physical fitness,

ability check,

tissue sampling,

X-ray full body scan,

These are still normal procedures, and it took a whole afternoon to complete them until after nine o'clock in the evening. Zhang Lan was also arranged to rest in a small room.

It was really a small room, and the surrounding area was made of ultra-titanium alloy. It was a square iron box, and even the door was locked after the soldiers left.

According to their reasons, this is an important military area, and they cannot walk around at will, and they will be banned if necessary.

This reason is still in the past, but when the surrounding metal walls were connected to a strong current, Zhang Lan's patience finally reached the limit.

This strong current, even if he tried to touch it, his body would be numb from the electricity, which shows the high voltage. You know, he has Odin's divine body!

If this is an ordinary superhuman without superpowers related to anti-electricity, he will definitely be stunned by electricity!

This... This is simply a heavy prison!

Therefore, at three o'clock in the morning, Zhang Lan decided to go out for a walk to get a better understanding of the secrets buried in this superhuman research military base.

Is the so-called Academy of Geniuses the crystallization of peace between the government and superhumans, or is it an excuse for the government to rationalize management and study superhumans?

"Call the government? Hehe, if you really dare to do this, I will dare to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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