Marvel's Naruto Arrives

Chapter 276 Deal (1 update, Happy Fool Chapter)

Chapter 276 Deal (One more update, Happy April Fool's Day)
"I hope you can use dark energy to send me back to Earth. There are still two years before the Rainbow Bridge is repaired. I have a reason to go back, please!"

Hearing Zhang Lan's second request, Frigga, Saul, and Odin all frowned fiercely this time.

"Lan, how do you know that the father can mobilize dark energy? Even I don't know this. Do you know what dark energy means?"

"What's wrong? Why such an expression? Is there something wrong?"

This situation was obviously unexpected by Zhang Lan, and he was still a little at a loss. He didn't understand the relationship between dark energy and dark matter, and he was also frowning, not knowing which link went wrong.

Sol gave Zhang Lan a serious look before explaining solemnly.

What does dark energy represent?
Dark energy is a type of energy that drives the motion of the universe.Neither it nor dark matter absorbs, reflects or radiates light, so humans cannot directly use existing technology for observation.

27% of the universe is made up of dark matter, which acts like the glue that holds everything together.

And the most frightening thing is that dark energy consumes dark matter all the time.

Odin controls dark energy, what does it represent?
That means that Odin will have the ability to summarize the existing plane universe at any time!
This will make everyone fear Odin, not from the fear of life, but from the fear of destruction, and often, there will be resistance and conspiracy behind the fear.

To put it simply, God King Odin will no longer be said to be worshiped, but will be suspected and feared. In the end, some people will even use this to incite the crowd and rise up, intending to destroy Odin and the possible crisis of the destruction of the universe.

Even Sol, who thinks with his muscles, noticed this truth immediately, and Frigga and Odin naturally knew it clearly, and looked at Zhang Lan with a little wariness in their eyes.

Now, if Zhang Lan didn't give a reasonable reason, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Odin to send him back to Earth today. Whether he can spend it safely in God's Domain is a problem!
After listening to Saul's explanation, Zhang Lan glanced at Odin and Frigga again, her brows slowly relaxed.

Thought what was the problem.It turned out to be the reason. Although it was serious, it was not unadjustable. It was just that some things might have to be exposed.

Throwing out the pot of sandstorm with a wave of his hand, violent sand streams swarmed out of it, circling the palace and forming a huge square cage. Odin just watched with cold eyes and tried to stop it.

Just Zhang Lan, no matter how he arranges it, Odin has absolute confidence that he can kill it with one blow.

This is self-confidence that comes from strength.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan felt a chill in her heart, realizing that what she was facing was not an ordinary person, but a god!

Even if it's just a low-god who has just entered the godhood, that's not what Zhang Lan can resist.

Fortunately, the matter has not yet fallen into an irreconcilable situation. Thinking of this, Zhang Lan snapped her fingers, and several pinches of flames rose from the surroundings. These are small fireballs using natural energy functions.

After the light came on, Zhang Lan pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Sol, you now understand why I know so many things, what you did before, Loki's true life experience, and the existence of Asgard?"

Sol, who was asked the question, was stunned for a moment, with a thoughtful look on his face-this is when he realized the problem!
Zhang Lan twitched the corners of her mouth and had to change to another interlocutor.

"King Odin, you need to sleep for a week every year. During this period, you can see any space dimension of the Nine Kingdoms. Then you should also know what I did to Sol during your sleep. And the foresight of many things, I think you have some guesses, right?"

"Yes, I have some ideas." Odin said in a low and forceful tone, "You are like a prophet, as if you can always predict what will happen next, you know that Loki will go to Thor's Hammer , Breaking through with Loki."

"You know that Loki will send the Destroyer, waiting by Thor's side in advance."

"You know that Loki will use the Rainbow Bridge to destroy the Jotunheimen Mountains, and wait on the Rainbow Bridge when you come to Asgard."

"Even, without anyone telling you, you know that the Rainbow Bridge will take three years to repair, a time that even Heildam doesn't know about."

"And now, you know that I can mobilize dark energy to teleport people to any space in the Nine Kingdoms."

"So, now, I need you to tell me, what else do you know?"

Faced with Odin's rare tirade, Zhang Lan was a little dazed for a moment. Unexpectedly, Odin paid so much attention to himself as a mortal. He deserves to be an omnipotent and omniscient god.

The last sentence is obviously Odin's admission that he thinks that Zhang Lan has the related ability of prophecy, and also accepts that he uses this ability to explain the channel for obtaining dark energy news, but he needs to use conclusive evidence to prove it.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Lan turned her attention to Queen Frigg.

"Queen Frigga, may I ask, you have been doing magic investigation recently, should you be in touch with Loki?"

"How do you know? I just saw Loki last night, and I didn't even come to tell Odin." Frigga's face was startled, and she responded subconsciously, and then she reacted: "What! How did you know? Of? I am the only one who knows about this matter!"

"No, it's possible," Odin said before Zhang Lan, with a decisive tone: "I saw Loki fall into the abyss of the World Tree with my own eyes, and his body should have been torn apart and scattered all over the universe. Might be alive!"

Seeing Odin's sudden big reaction, Zhang Lan felt relieved, and Odin was silenced with just one sentence.

"What if it was Thanos who shot? He shot to protect Loki, because he needed Loki to do something for him."

Odin was silent. He carefully considered the possibility of the matter, and then realized that if Thanos really shot, Loki might still be alive.

"What's the use of him saving Loki?" Frigga spoke quickly: "Loki is not the god king of Asgard now, and he can only be a prisoner when he returns to Asgard. What's the use of saving him?" use?"

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, my queen, Heldam should tell you that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been excavated by S.H.I.E.L.D. As far as I know, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, as a space gem, is the key to a door of space. This door , can be opened on both sides at the same time, unfortunately, Thanos once obtained the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

This time, even Sol can understand that Thanos intends to enter the earth through Loki, and then open the space door of the Rubik's Cube to obtain the Rubik's Cube.

"This greedy guy hasn't given up yet!" Odin reprimanded, implying that he believed Zhang Lan's words.

Odin set his sights on Zhang Lan again.Frowning tightly, he thought for a long time before sighing.

"Hey, I'm old! There is no problem with your request. After I learn your magical training system, I will send you back to Earth first, and send you to defend your hometown."



"Xiaotao 9527" tipped 500 starting coins.

 La la la, happy April Fool's Day, the one who said to send the blade, do you know my address?Join the group, I will send you a location.

(End of this chapter)

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