Marvel's Naruto Arrives

Chapter 271 Poor parents in the world (2 more, please recommend)

Chapter 271 Poor parents in the world (second watch, please recommend)
The concept of the era universe is too old for Zhang Lan.

The upper god, middle god, and lower god of the main god candidate are not as threatening to Zhang Lan as a Thanos.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Lan felt that there were three points that he needed to think about.

First, I am the original host of the laws of his plane universe, why was I brought to the Marvel Universe?
You can ask the system this question.

According to the system's answer, that is - I don't know, when I was downloading information on Earth at that time, I happened to download the complete manga of [Naruto], so I used this goal to attract the host.

Coincidentally, Zhang Lan was the one who took the bait, so he was naturally sent to Naruto—who knows, after he was on the road, the system discovered that he didn't know the way to Naruto at all, which led to the wrong end all the time , If you are blocked, you will continue to make a U-turn.

In the end, the system without energy chose a nearby universe to land, and it just so happened that it landed in the Marvel Universe.

Regarding the system's randomness, Zhang Lan only has one sentence in her heart - "I have orange hemp wheat husk, I don't know if it should be pulp or not!"

If there is a second sentence?

"Come out of the system, I promise I won't beat you to death!"

After struggling for a while, he had already accepted the Marvel world, and began to think about the second question.

Second, that is, where is the original host of the law of the Marvel universe, that is, the candidate for the main god (hereinafter collectively referred to as this)?
First of all, Zhang Lan ruled out the most likely Odin.

It's very simple, the system didn't feel the power of the same source in Odin similar to Heildam's, which shows that Odin is just a powerful human being.

Well, Zhang Lan, who is so big in the Marvel universe, feels that this problem can only be left to chance.

Third, that is the biggest problem——

"Hey, system, let me say—obviously you are the source of the law, and I am also called the candidate for the main god. Do you know what the main god is? Have you read the [Infinite Horror] of Z University? That is a super power that can train others. Dana, tell me, why am I just a Naruto exchange list?"

". Hokage is the only energy system I know. I want to add other systems. Isn't there a temporary store? As long as you can meet it, I can copy it to you."

"Wo Ni Ma!!!" Zhang Lan's violent temper was ignited by the system at that time: "Come on, come on, the system has the guts to come out of my soul, I promise I can't beat you to death!"

"Tell me on the horse, maybe Marvel can find vampires and werewolves, and Saint Seiya, Super Saiyan, Gundam, etc., where can I find it for you? I gave it to you!!!"

"Wo Ni Ma, everyone says that other people's children are good, and other people's food is delicious. When it comes to me, how come other people's systems are the best. Why is my family so poor?"

For Zhang Lan's complaints, the system can only wait in silence. No matter what, anyway, he didn't understand a word of what Zhang Lan said. Has he ever seen the so-called Saint Seiya, Super Saiyan, and Gundam? , how could there be an impression.

Zhang Lan scolded here, seeing that the system didn't respond, and didn't show anything, so he could only do it.

Originally, he wanted to see if he could blackmail something from the system, to see if he could make a real Lord Almighty exchange list, then it would be really awesome.

According to his abuse experience, first exchange for a super saiyan, and kill the opponent in minutes.

Then there is a saint fighter system, which explodes and kills the opponent in minutes.

Another rubber devil fruit, which explodes in minutes and kills the opponent.

Uh. Strange, why did he think of exploding seeds to kill his opponent?

Shaking her head vigorously, Zhang Lan stopped daydreaming, turned her hands over and stuffed the life card in her hand into the system space. The Phantom is still adapting to the upgrade. It may take a while to upgrade all its own vulnerabilities and start up again.

Waving away the [sand cage] beside her, Zhang Lan walked towards the outside, still muttering unwillingly: "Then there is no universal exchange list, you should at least give me the right to accept people, and I will ask someone to give it to me." Working part-time to earn energy points and rule fragments, there are many people and strength is great, I am easy, and you are growing fast too!"


Not getting a response from the system, Zhang Lan glanced at her lips in displeasure, quickened her steps, and walked in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge.

Under Frigg's special arrangement, Zhang Lan's position was very close to that of the Rainbow Bridge, and it took only ten minutes to arrive at the entrance of the broken bridge.

A golden figure still stopped at the broken bridge.

Seeing Heldam, the corner of Zhang Lan's mouth curved slightly. As the only person in Asgard with a good relationship, Zhang Lan still had a good feeling for Heldam.

"You are here!" Heildam greeted without turning his head: "Your strange sand cage is very good, it can even block my line of sight. Although I can't see' you, but Can't see the space."

"Ah, you mean a sand cage?" Zhang Lan smiled triumphantly: "That's my special skill, just like your eyes, it's a kind of use of the instinct to control the sand, it's very good for locking people or something Yo."

"However, I can't teach you this one. This one is called Blood Succession Boundary, and it can only be passed on through bloodlines."

"However, I can teach you the operation system of my chakra. This is very simple. Would you like to learn it?"

When Heldam heard this, he glanced sideways at Zhang Lan, with sharp eyes, as if he was looking into the depths of Zhang Lan's soul. Seeing this, Zhang Lan did not avoid it, and looked at him sincerely.

After a long time, Heildam finally let go of his eyes. For the first time, he moved his footsteps and took the lead to walk forward, carrying his golden sword on his shoulder.

"Come with me, I will take you to learn the same ability that our Asgards have the ability to learn even with the gods. Sol originally asked himself to teach you, but now he has gone to retreat to forge it for you, so you can only learn it." I'm here instead."

Zhang Lan kept up with a few strides, but she was not slow verbally: "Yeah, didn't you say that there is no way to integrate these metals without the liquid of life as a fusion agent?"

Heldam paused when he heard this, and then stepped forward steadily without answering the question. Seeing this, Zhang Lan followed behind silently without asking.

After a long time, Hildam broke the calm.

"It's Queen Frigga, she gave Sol a drop of the elixir of life, deducted from her own share, plus Sol's own share, and two drops of God King Odin's share, a total of four drops !"

(End of this chapter)

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