Chapter 88
Like a child suddenly getting a novelty toy, Li Jing and Chang Xi, who communicated verbally for the first time, chatted from morning to night. If Li Jing hadn’t stopped first, they might have not communicated with anyone for several years. Chang Xi, would really come to have a candlelit evening chat with him.

Li Jing discovered after experience that humans have not fully mastered this technology that ignores language barriers.

Because he heard it very clearly at the beginning, the original product in the Monkey King's hand can speak human language as long as it is held in his hand, without the need to go through his current special supporting equipment to link brain waves, and then convert the words he wants to speak The complex process of adult human language (I can't explain the principle, I can only talk nonsense).

However, whether or not humans have fully mastered the technology, at least for now this crude imitation has helped him a lot.

With this thing, it will be much more convenient for him to communicate with Chang Xi, or with other human beings in the future.

"It's just that a set of language converters is obviously not enough, and I have to find a chance to grab a few more sets in the future." Li Jing thought secretly.

Midsummer nights are usually full of moonlight, and tonight is no exception. After Li Jing saw the round moon rising in the night sky, he decided to advance tonight.

The promotion from the seventh to the eighth rank is just a natural process. As long as the accumulated monster power is sufficient, basically all monsters can complete this process, but the time between them is long or short.

But once you reach the eighth level and advance to the ninth level, the difficulty will increase a lot.

With Chang Xi, a ninth-level warrior who protects the law, and in a paradise like the Valley of the Immortals, Li Jing is very relieved to immerse his full attention in cultivation, which he never dared to do in the past .

Chang Xi was squatting with her knees hugged a dozen meters away from Li Jing, and the saber Li Jing gave her was also randomly placed on the ground by her. This appearance really did not look like a qualified Dharma protector.

Chang Xi, who had lived in the Immortal Valley since she was a child, certainly didn't believe that something would break in suddenly, so even though Li Jing repeatedly explained the importance of protecting the law, she still didn't care much.

She squatted on the grass with her arms around her knees, her beautiful eyes were unblinkingly looking at Li Jing who was meditating with her eyes closed, as if Li Jing had flowers on her body.

But what she didn't notice was that suddenly there was a dark shadow covering the moon over the valley.

Although covered by the mist at night, the black shadow in the night sky still had a panoramic view of the valley below. It paused a little longer on the glowing pearl on the girl's chest, and then immediately shifted its gaze to On that golden python.

Looking at the defenseless golden python immersed in meditation, a frightening murderous intent flashed in Hei Ying's pale golden eyes, and then it flapped its wings that covered the clouds and the moon, and its body Like a black lightning, he swooped down towards the cold lake in the valley, and the target was Li Jing who was in meditation.

When the black shadow was less than 200 meters away from Li Jing, Chang Xi, who was protecting him, finally found the unexpected visitor. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to react. When she pulled out the long knife, the sharp claws of the black shadow It has already caught up with Li Jing's body.

Li Jing, who was at the critical moment of promotion, only felt a slight pain in his body, and then his whole body lost its center of gravity, hanging limply in mid-air.

The black shadow that attacked Li Jing was a seventh-order goshawk with a wingspan of more than 20 meters. After the goshawk grabbed his body with its claws, it immediately led him up to a height of [-] meters, and flew higher and higher.

"Little Dragon!"

The heart-piercing cry of the girl came from the valley, the voice was full of grief and regret, which made Li Jing, who had just finished the promotion, a little bit unbearable, but he knew that he had to continue acting and let the girl know The evils of this world.

So he didn't open his eyes, but let the goshawk take him out of the Immortal Valley and into the depths of the mountains.

The goshawk didn't know what it was thinking, neither threw Li Jing from the sky and killed him, nor stretched out his beak to peck him, but just took him directly to the depths of the dragon frame.

Li Jing originally wanted to let the goshawk take it to its destination before making a move, but when he found that the goshawk hadn't stopped after flying tens of kilometers, he couldn't pretend anymore.

In the undulating mountains of the Shenlong frame, once you leave too far, Li Jing wants to return to the Immortal Valley, which cannot be done in a day or two, and what he is most worried about is what stupid Chang Xi will do. thing.

If the girl did something stupid because he came back late, I'm afraid he will never forgive himself in this life!
Therefore, when the goshawk flew over a river, Li Jing decisively breathed out on its neck.

Goshawk didn't expect him to wake up suddenly, let alone breathe out, so the moment he exhaled, Goshawk fell to the river below in response.

After the sound of "Plop", the bodies of Li Jing and Goshawk sank into the river, went straight to the bottom of the river, and finally both fell into the mud at the bottom of the river.

Of course the mud couldn't trap Li Jing, he not only escaped easily from the mud, but also brought out the beast core dug out from the goshawk's body, but the goshawk's body could only be trapped in it.

This is also impossible, he can't climb dozens of kilometers with the goshawk corpse, not to mention that after eating high-level monster meat in the sea every day, he really looks down on a mere seventh-level goshawk. Eagle dead.

Although it took only ten minutes for Goshawk to take Li Jing from the Immortal Valley to the river where it buried his body, it took Li Jing from the river to return to the Immortal Valley in the middle of the night, when the sun rose from the east , He just got out of the cold pool.


Ever since Li Jing was taken away by the goshawk, Chang Xi has fallen into deep self-blame. She looks at the sky in a daze, her beautiful face is full of tears, and her bright eyes are red. Like a rabbit's eyes, it is full of regret and sadness.

This was the second time she was so sad. The last time she was so sad was because of the death of her grandfather who single-handedly raised her. This time, it was because of her carelessness that Li Jing, who had given her life to her, was taken away alive.

After Li Jing was taken away by the goshawk, she cried a lot, and even wanted to climb the cliff to catch up, but in the end she stopped.

Because she knew that even if she climbed up, she would not be able to see the goshawk that had already flown away, and would only make herself break the vow she made with her own mouth.

Because the whole person was immersed in the spiritual world of self-blame and regret, Chang Xi didn't even hear the sound of Li Jing breaking the lake, or even if she heard the sound in her ears, her consciousness selectively ignored it.

In her current situation, perhaps it can be described as "there is nothing more tragic than heartbreak".

(End of this chapter)

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