The strongest dragon emperor in history

Chapter 27 Chang Xi's Talent

Chapter 27 Chang Xi's Talent

In the fifth month since Li Jing came to Shenlongjia and the third month in Immortal Valley, he was finally promoted to a fifth-order monster, and the peerless martial art "King Kong Hegemony" has taken another small step.

After being promoted to a fifth-level monster, Li Jing started thinking about going out for a walk. Since he came to Shenlongjia, he has never left his one-acre three-point land.

Now that both his cultivation base and martial skills have been improved, he is confident that even if he meets a seventh-rank monster, he can escape. If he doesn't go deep into the Shenlongjia forest area to have a glimpse of the elegant demeanor, wouldn't it be in vain for him to find the tempering acupoints? those pains.

The moonlight is like water, beside the cold pool, Li Jing and Chang Xi are silently absorbing the power of the moonlight to cultivate. This scene has happened almost every night with moonlight in the past three months.

Regarding Chang Xi's ability to absorb the power of Yuehua, Li Jing couldn't help but ask her about it out of curiosity.

As a result, when he asked this question, the girl looked at him in surprise, as if wondering why he would ask such a "stupid" question.

"Don't everyone absorb the power of Yuehua to cultivate? You also absorb it, and Xiao Jin also absorbs it. Why can't Xi'er absorb it?"

Chang Xi's answer left Li Jing speechless for a while.But he forgot that the girl had never had contact with outsiders, so of course she didn't know about human beings absorbing the power of the sun to cultivate, and her grandfather certainly didn't tell her about it.

Therefore, he could only tell Chang Xi euphemistically that other human beings cannot absorb the power of Yuehua to cultivate.

After the girl heard the words, she fell silent, and then told Li Jing one thing.

It turned out that before she was nine years old, she had never absorbed the power of the moonlight for cultivation, nor had she even actively absorbed and refined the power of the sun.

But on the night of the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival when she was nine years old, she suddenly fainted while admiring the moon. This coma lasted three days and three nights.

After she woke up, she discovered that the power of the moonlight in the night would rush into her body without her actively absorbing it.

When she told her grandfather about this situation, her grandfather suddenly showed an extremely excited expression, and then taught her a method of actively absorbing the power of moonlight to cultivate, that is the "Taiyin Xuansu" she is practicing now. through".

In this way, he absorbs the power of the moonlight every night to cultivate, and up to now, Chang Xi's cultivation has reached the ninth level of human warriors. If this news is spread, I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked.

You know, Chang Xi is only 17 years old this year, and she is still an underage girl.

A 17-year-old ninth-rank martial artist, what a terrifying talent he must have!

With such talent, if Chang Xi said that he could not be promoted to a star fighter, no one would believe it.

However, although Chang Xi has the cultivation base of a ninth-level warrior, she has no cultivation base and no corresponding combat power. I don't know what her grandfather thinks, but he didn't teach her a usable combat skill.

Chang Xi, who doesn't know martial arts like this, can only fight with his body tempered by the power of Yuehua.

And with the genes of her human body, even if she is a ninth-level warrior, if she really fights purely with her body, she may not be an opponent of a fourth-level monster.

Li Jing couldn't stand it anymore, so in the past few months, in addition to cultivating and tempering the acupoints, he taught Chang Xi some fighting skills.

What made Li Jing gratified and even amazed was that the girl was really smart. He just wrote down some commonly used fighting skills, and the girl could quickly grasp the joints and learn them.

After several months like this, under his teaching, the girl's combat skills are no longer inferior to ordinary intermediate human fighters.

The only thing that makes Li Jing a little regretful is that the girl's actual combat experience is so poor that she has no experience, and her heart is too kind.

The moon was hidden and the star was setting, and the morning star rose from the eastern night sky, but it was under an unknown cliff and valley, so Li Jing and Chang Xi couldn't see it at all.

After a night of meditation, both Li Jing and Chang Xi were a little tired, so they closed their eyes and lay down on the soft meadow, relaxing their bodies and falling asleep.

It was already noon when Li Jing woke up from a deep sleep, and only when the sun was high in the sky could the valley be bathed in enough sunlight.

He glanced at Chang Xi, who had a peaceful face, and quietly slipped down the cold pool. After a while, he climbed up to the shore of the lake with a two-meter-long silver carp with fine scales in his mouth.

Chang Xi rarely ate meat, so Li Jing ate this silver carp weighing [-] to [-] kilograms alone.

But the noise he made while eating and the pungent smell of blood still woke the girl up from her sleep.

After the tip of her nose twitched, the girl looked at Li Jing strangely and said, "Xiaolong, you stole it again."

Li Jing didn't respond to her either. After killing the remaining fish in two or three bites, he went to the cold pool to rinse his mouth, and then hissed a few times at the girl with his sharp teeth.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't talk about you anymore. I know that you, like Xiao Jin, eat meat. If you are made to be vegetarian, you will get sick instead."

After the girl finished speaking, she thought of something interesting, and a playful smile appeared on her face.

Seeing this, Li Jing couldn't help shivering in his heart. He had been with the girl for a long time, and he also knew that the girl would sometimes do some pranks that young girls often do.

For example, Chang Xi Mingming named him Chang Long, and he also told her his real name, but she would not call him that, but liked to call him "Little Dragon" like a kitten or puppy.

This point, no matter how much he protested, the girl was unwilling to change.

And looking at her now, she must have remembered the matter of feeding vegetarian food to that golden giant eagle before, otherwise she would not have said what she just said.

In order to change the subject and discuss with the girl, Li Jing decided to tell her the thoughts he had after he was promoted.

When Li Jing wrote his plan on the water with his tail, Chang Xi's eyes lit up first, then dimmed again.

She gritted her teeth lightly and nodded, "I see, Xiaolong, you have to be careful, don't conflict with those powerful monsters, I will wait here for you to come back."

The girl's eyes are full of worry and reluctance, but she is simple in nature and will not easily interfere with other people's decisions, so she can only hide these thoughts in her heart.

"Xi'er, wait for me to come back."

After writing these words on the water surface with the tail as the pen, Li Jing dived headlong into the cold pool.

Ten minutes later, Li Jing got out from the exit of the river under the cover of aquatic plants. Instead of going back to his temporary residence, he went directly upstream.

The source of most of the rivers on the earth will be on the high mountains, so Li Jing firmly believes that as long as he goes upstream, he will definitely go deep into the hinterland of Shenlongjia.

 In connection with the content of this chapter, has anyone guessed Chang Xi's origin?Let me reveal a little bit, this is a family that inherits the ancient female clan tribe, let's guess who it is.

(End of this chapter)

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