The strongest dragon emperor in history

Chapter 190 Raging Crowd (3 More)

Chapter 190 The Crowd Is Raging (Third Watch)
Cancer City is different from Blue Ocean City. Cancer City is a city inhabited by all kinds of crab warriors. This city is good for other sea warriors, and basically allows normal living and trading.

But for warriors of all ethnic groups other than the sea clan, this city will not receive them at all, and even if they appear around the city, they are in danger of being wiped out by the city guards. This is true for many land orcs.

The city guards of Cancer City have the title of "the first army of the sea clan" in the Blue Light Sea, because they are all composed of Crab warriors from the astral realm, and each city guard has their own carapaces on their bodies. Also comes with a special set of armor.

Under such a double-layer protection, in large-scale battles, even a large sea beast like the sharp-toothed shark can only bow down.

Therefore, when the city guards of Cancer City appeared, Li Jing and the others realized that the situation was much worse than what Hai Wuya said.

"Friend Haidao, you have always been well-informed, do you know what is going on now?"

The warrior who asked the question was a swordfish-like warrior from the Sea Clan, except that he not only had a sharp sword-like beak on his mouth, but also a pointed horn on his head.

"Fellow daoists, wait first. Hai will ask about the situation first." In fact, Hai Wuya wants to know what's going on even more than Li Jing and the others, so he didn't delay, and even took out a special communicator to contact up.

Maybe it was because of some scruples, the city guards of Cancer City clearly spotted Li Jing and the others, but apart from casting warning glances, when they did not move forward, these Crab Clan warriors, who are known for their rampant domineering, had nothing to do. People came and chased them away.

"Everyone, the situation is extremely bad. The city guards of Cancer City have completely blocked the road leading to Xingjun's other courtyard, and the [-] city guards of Lanhai City are also coming. City] also sent city guards to come.”

Hai Wuya's words were full of resentment. Obviously, this latest information completely defeated some of his calculations, but the information revealed in his words moved Li Jing and the others.

"Even Chilin City has been mobilized. It seems that the value of this Xingjun Courtyard is much higher than we imagined! But, after the tens of thousands of city guards from the three cities arrive, will there be anything for us? "

The person who said this was a black sea snake of unknown species. As he spoke, he looked at the Cancer Army over there. His narrow eyes were full of resentment.

"Brother Yin, don't worry, the area of ​​this Xingjun Bieyuan is far beyond your imagination, and as far as Hai knows, the news of Xingjun Bieyuan's birth has already spread to Lan Guanghai, and the three cities will want to occupy this place by then. In other courtyards, it also depends on whether those who cross the river agree or not."

Hai Wuya's tone was full of schadenfreude, as if the City Guards of the Three Cities were defeated, it would make him very happy.

Li Jing has been watching with cold eyes. Before he came, he had already thought about it. It is good to get benefits from this trip. Even if he didn't get any treasures, it would be regarded as gaining knowledge, so he had a very lenient attitude.

After Hai Wuya and the others discussed for a while, they decided to wait and see what happened outside, and wait until the variables appeared before deciding on follow-up actions. Naturally, Li Jing had no objection to this.

Without making Li Jing and the others wait any longer, the [-] city guards of Blue Ocean City arrived here less than ten hours later than them, and then the city guards of Cancer City immediately withdrew from a large area and gave it to The army of Blue Ocean City who came from afar was stationed, and this scene was all seen by Li Jing and the others from a distance.

"Sure enough, the three cities are indeed united, but that's true, even if the three cities are a bit dirty among themselves, at least they are all from the Sea Clan in the Blue Light Sea. No matter who gets the benefits from the Xingjun's Bieyuan, it will be the Sea Clan who will benefit in the end. But if those outsiders get the benefits of Xingjun's other courtyard, not only will it spread the face of the Sea Clan, but it will also cause a great loss to the Sea Clan in terms of benefits."

Li Jing and the others knew all these truths in their hearts, so after seeing this scene, there was no change on their faces.

It's just that even though they are all "Sea Clan", they hope that the one who gets the benefits is themselves, so in a sense, they are going to "betray" the Sea Clan this time.

Not long after, the army of Red Scale City also came here, and also occupied about one-third of the area. In this way, the three major cities of the Sea Clan officially put the outer area of ​​Xingjun Bieyuan under their own control. If you want to enter Xingjun's other courtyard, you must first break through the blockade line set up by the [-] city guards.

However, to this day, there are no less than 5000 warriors of various races who have come to the Xingjun Bieyuan. Among them, there are at least three to five hundred warriors in the Star General Realm. I believe that there must be a strong star master hiding behind the scenes and watching.

And as more and more warriors of various ethnic groups gathered, the voices for sharing the Xingjun's other courtyard also came out, and it became louder and louder, and there was even an attack on the patrol team of the three cities.

However, the bigwigs behind the three cities of the Sea Clan have no intention of negotiating, and they don't even intend to send someone out to delay the time. Anyone who dares to forcefully break into Xingjun's other courtyard will be mercilessly attacked.


Just when the emotions of the warriors gathered outside became more and more irritable, there was a sudden thunderclap from the direction of Fang Xingjun's courtyard behind the Three Cities City Guards, and a dazzling thunder that illuminated a radius of hundreds of miles burst out.

Just like throwing a match into a gasoline barrel, the warriors of all races who were already irritable outside broke out completely.

"Damn it, they are secretly deciphering the guardian star array of Xingjun's other courtyard."

"Xingjun Bieyuan belongs to all the creatures of Zichenxing, not their three major cities, everyone go!"

"His grandma's, I don't care about it, whoever dares to stop me from hunting treasures, first ask me if the two poisonous people agree!"

The noise filled the whole area at once, and all the fighters who were intercepted waved their weapons and sent out danger signals. As long as someone took the lead, they would rush up like a wolf and beat up those city guards military.

The early bird appeared soon, and after a whale-like sea beast with a body length of nearly 200 meters neighed, its body rushed towards the area where the Cancer Clan city guards were located like a giant battleship.


The movement of the whale and sea beast was like a signal. After seeing this scene, warriors of other races brandished their weapons and charged towards the three-city army blocking the way.

At this moment, they forgot the horror of the three cities, and they only thought about one thing, which was to rush in and seize the treasure left by Cang Lei Xingjun.

Seeing this, Li Jing and his party, who had been watching quietly, were also ignited with passion in their hearts. Hai Wuya immediately said: "Let's go, let's go in too. I believe that in the face of so many warriors attacking, the army of the three cities should know how to choose."

ps: The status is not good, but the code is still out. I wonder how you feel about this chapter?
(End of this chapter)

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