The strongest dragon emperor in history

Chapter 141 Take the initiative

Chapter 141 Take the initiative
Without shame, Liu Chaoxiong immediately abandoned Li Jing and joined the old man surnamed Meng. The reason why he made this decision was because the long-faced middle-aged man burst out with arrogance.

Under the aura of the star general, he knelt down and surrendered immediately without any spine, and answered all the questions asked by the old man surnamed Meng.

After learning from Liu Chaoxiong the history of the earth in the past 2000 years, the old man's eyes flashed, and he said calmly: "Let's go, I'll go and see the space channel."

Before the words fell, his figure had already appeared a thousand meters away, and that speed was comparable to the "shrinking the ground into an inch" in myths and legends.

A few minutes later, the monkey king guarding Shihuang's military city died under the finger of the old man surnamed Meng. It didn't even see how the old man made a move before he died.

After killing the Monkey King with a single blow, the old man surnamed Meng moved and quickly appeared at the space passage in the First Emperor's Underground Palace.

After studying outside the space channel, he suddenly realized and said to himself: "That's it! The old man said that the exit of Zichen Star had been smashed by the Holy King and the others. How could the space channel here be broken?" It still exists, and it turned out that it accidentally connected to the exit of other unknown spaces.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the beautiful young woman who followed him widened her eyes and asked with disbelief, "Grandpa Meng, what do you mean to say that this space channel can really be used?"

"Of course it can be used, but this kind of passage that loses a fixed exit and diverts in the middle is usually a forbidden area leading to some kind of space crack frequent area. In such a forbidden area, it is difficult for even a strong star king to escape unscathed. .”

After listening to the old man's words, the young woman couldn't help shivering. She was not young, she had the honor to see the forbidden place that the old man said, and she knew how terrifying it was inside!
After she glanced at the space channel in fear, she whispered to the old man: "Grandpa Meng, before Yao'er left Shennong Star this time, the seniors in the clan told Yao'er to go to the place where her ancestors lived in seclusion to pay respects to comfort her." The spirit of the ancestors in the sky."

Hearing the words, the old man said with approval on his face: "Filial piety is the first thing to do. Little Yaoer, it would be great for you to have this kind of filial piety. Let the kid outside named Liu accompany you for a walk."

"Thank you, Grandpa Meng." After the young woman thanked happily, Dang even turned and left the underground palace, and went to find Liu Chaoxiong to lead the way.

After the young woman left, the old man surnamed Meng turned his face back, and murmured to himself thoughtfully: "Shen Nong Xingjun was already at the star general level before he left Blue Star, and his unique alchemy technique at that time was also very important." It has begun to bear fruit, and it seems that Shennongjia still has some leftovers from his old man, but with his cultivation at that time, I think what he left behind will not be useful to me, so I don’t need to worry about it.”

However, after Li Jing learned that there was a mysterious strong man, he immediately asked all channels to report the latest information to him, but Liu Chaoxiong's betrayal and the death of the monkey king immediately stunned him.

"Liu Chaoxiong died just because of his aura, and he killed the monkey king of the second-level Star Warrior with a single finger. This, is this a strong Star General?"

Li Jing only felt his scalp tingle, he didn't care about Liu Chaoxiong's betrayal, but the Monkey King was killed with one finger, but he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Li Jing knew the Monkey King's strength very well. Even if he used the power of thunder to bless himself like he did when he broke through Shenlong City, it might not be able to make him die on the spot without any resistance.

After panicking for a while, he was certain in his heart, and secretly said: "No, I have to go to Huaxia to see for myself, I can't just sit and wait for death."

He didn't want to put the battlefield in Shenlong City, not because he was worried about hurting the Fusang people in the city, but because he didn't want Chang Xi to be involved in this dangerous battle because of him.

After thinking about it, Li Jing said to Chang Xi who was obsessed with painting recently by the window: "Xi'er, I'm going to visit the Whale King in the sea, you wait here for my return, don't go anywhere."

The girl was painting the scenery of the mountain lake below the Dragon Pagoda with her heart, and she nodded without looking back after hearing the words: "Okay, Xiaolong, don't worry, I won't go anywhere."

Li Jing looked at the girl who was concentrating on painting with love in his eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth and let out a loud dragon chant, and then when the girl turned her head back in surprise, she flew out of the dragon cave on the top of the tower shaking her head and flying in instantly. into the clouds, and disappeared from the girl's sight.

3000 meters, 6000 meters, [-] meters, [-] meters. After reaching an altitude of [-] meters, Li Jing stopped rising and hovered.

It's not that he can't fly higher. He has tested that if he flies with all his strength, he can reach an altitude of [-] meters, but if he flies at an altitude of more than [-] meters, he will always consume star power to resist The high-altitude wind blows.

Looking down from an altitude of 99 meters, the [-]-meter-high Shenlong Tower is like a human looking down at a grass. It is only a tiny bit in size, and even the entire Shenlong Island can be seen at a glance.

Looking at the white tower below with great nostalgia, Li Jing said silently in her heart: "Xi'er, don't worry, even if it's for you, I will come back alive."

He already had a premonition that going to Shenzhou would be in danger of life and death, but he had no choice but to face it boldly.

Li Jing traveled westward all the way, and arrived outside Dongdu City a day later. After he refreshed, he made a high-profile tour over Dongdu City, and then headed north to Dongyue Taishan.

He had already read the weather forecast when he came, and there would be an [-]% chance of thunderstorms in the Taishan area today, so even if he met a star general, he might not be unable to fight.

As Li Jing wished, after he appeared in Dongdu, the old man surnamed Meng, who was learning more about the current situation of China and the earth in Yanjing, immediately sent the long-faced middle-aged man and two star warriors to arrest him.

Together with the long-faced middle-aged man were a vulture young man and a short and fat young man. Although these two young men were not strong astral generals, they were also powerful warriors of the eighth and ninth ranks of astral warriors.

At this moment when the three of them were heading to the Eastern Capital together, the short and fat young man of the ninth rank of Star Warrior said to the middle-aged man with a cunning look in his eyes while flying: "General Sun, I heard that Mr. Wushang once asked for a few at a high price. A flood dragon is used to pull the cart, if the lord gives this flood dragon to him, he will remember it in the future."

The middle-aged man's face darkened, and he said in a warning voice: "Boy Ji, don't think too much, who should give this dragon is up to the Lord to decide, just act honestly, you are the county magistrate." It’s better to take care of it now, you have to distinguish between primary and secondary.”

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the short and fat young man's face froze, and he said in a embarrassed way: "What General Sun said is true, what he said is true, Yuan Han was thinking too much."

 The first update, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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