Chapter 118 Awakening
Once Wang Changlong died, Liu Chaoxiong and others who observed through the camera on his body completely lost the news of Immortal Valley, so they didn't know that after Wang Changlong died, the girl who made a ninth-level warrior commit suicide with just a few words , So slowly fell down in the heavy rain.

However, I don't know if it was the obsession deep in her heart that was at work, or the rain was washing away, Chang Xi woke up after falling to the ground and fell asleep for less than half an hour. Five minutes after she woke up, the Monkey King He came to her with an animal skin package.

Glancing at Wang Changlong's mud-soaked corpse on the ground in surprise, the monkey king threw the animal skin package in his hand in front of Chang Xi and said, "This is the animal nucleus and other things you want. As for the many medicinal materials you mentioned, I don't know I don’t know all of them, I can only pick up the ones I know for you.”

Chang Xi glanced at the several blood-stained beast cores that rolled out of the ground, waved his hand impatiently and said: "Okay, you can go, if I find out that you have evil intentions again, I will kill you .”

The monkey king left in despair, although Chang Xi's tone was extremely rude, but he was relieved in his heart, because he knew that this time the incident was over, as long as he didn't come to provoke this powerful girl in the future, You don't have to worry about girls coming to the door every day.

After the Monkey King was far away, Chang Xi immediately stepped forward to pick up the package, and then stuffed purple leaf ganoderma and other medicinal materials into her mouth like a starved ghost reincarnated. What's more, she also held a ninth-level beast in each hand. Nucleus, use all your strength to absorb the powerful demon power in it.

In the previous Shenwei missile explosion, she not only had to be distracted to protect Li Jing who was in a coma, but also to protect herself. As a result, with her unrivaled cultivation of many warriors and monsters on the earth, she was almost fatally wounded.

If the Monkey King fights with her, he will definitely find that she is a strong outsider, but it is a pity that the Monkey King dare not, he dare not bet his own life.

Half an hour later, Chang Xi temporarily stabilized some injuries, and the rain stopped at this time. She was afraid that humans would discover her weak state, so she quickly took the remaining beast core and returned to the cold pool.

It's just that after the explosion of two Shenwei missiles, the small cold pool has now expanded by nearly two or three times, and the water in the pool has also become turbid due to the infusion of rainwater, and it is no longer as clear as it used to be.

Chang Xi jumped into the cold pool with an animal skin package, then dived to the bottom of the pool at a depth of 30 meters, and came to a water hole with a diameter of less than one meter.

This water hole was dug when she came out earlier, and it is also where Li Jing lives now.

After she got into the water cave and walked more than ten meters, the area in front of her eyes was finally wider, barely enough for her to sit cross-legged, and Li Jing, whose body had shrunk to less than five meters, was sleeping soundly in a corner of the cave.

Li Jing curled up head to tail and lay in the corner of the water hole like an unborn doll. His body no longer emitted high temperature, his body temperature was no different from usual, his breathing was extremely even, and everything seemed extremely normal.

Seeing that Li Jing was no different from when she left, Chang Xi finally let go of her worries. She looked softly at Li Jing who was sleeping like a child, and secretly clenched her fists, "Don't worry, Xiaolong, I will definitely protect you." your."


In the Nandu Military Region, about a quarter of an hour after Wang Changlong's death, Zhang Bo, the commander of the military region who had not shown up, quietly appeared in the radar monitoring room.

He carefully glanced at Liu Chaoxiong who was in deep thought, and asked softly, "Admiral, are you still sending someone there?"

After hearing Zhang Bo's words, Wang Changlong rubbed his forehead vigorously and said, "Of course, at least the body of General Wang cannot be left there."

Zhang Bo was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Okay, I will send Vice General Liu to collect General Wang's body right away."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave the radar monitoring room, but Liu Chaoxiong stopped him: "Wait, let Deputy General Liu take some monitors and install them on the surrounding cliffs. Today's loss of sight due to the fog, I don't want to show up again."

"This... I understand. I will let Vice General Liu handle this matter." After Zhang Bo hesitated for a while, he nodded and agreed.

After Zhang Bo left, Liu Chaoxiong's face darkened, and he snorted softly, "Hmph, you want Liu Guang to be in power, so what if you don't let him do some serious business."

"It's just, hey! I really don't know how to explain this to the chairman!" After a long sigh, he bit the bullet and went to communicate with Yanjing.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and the moon sets and the sun rises. In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since the bombing of Immortal Valley.

Three days later, most of Chang Xi's strength had recovered, and now even if an innate monster like the Monkey King came, she was not afraid at all.

And Li Jing, who had been sleeping for three days, finally had a change.

Originally restraining his whole body's aura, an ancient and majestic aura began to appear on his body. After this aura appeared, the few fish in the cold pool were all frightened and died instantly. cold pool.

Not only that, when this breath radiated out through the cold pool, some birds that had migrated over for food in Immortal Valley in the past few days fell to the ground without a sound, as if their bodies were suddenly hit by high-voltage electricity after the breath passed by. on the ground.

The aura quickly enveloped the entire Immortal Valley, and it was still spreading out, but the aura that spread out of the Immortal Valley was no longer so overbearing, and it didn't have the power to take people's lives at will.

However, after this aura spread out, it caused the monsters around the Immortal Valley to migrate collectively, because under this aura, they couldn't sleep and eat normally, let alone cultivate.

The strange thing is that Chang Xi, who is close at hand, is not at all affected by the ancient aura emanating from Li Jing's body. It seems that this aura has life, and she knows that she is "one of my own".

After Chang Xi felt the ancient aura emanating from Li Jing's body, her pretty face was filled with joy, and she muttered to herself with anticipation and joy in her beautiful eyes: "With this aura, is Xiaolong going to advance?"

She could feel that after the appearance of this ancient and majestic aura, some miraculous changes began to take place in Li Jing's body.

Although she was unable to inject her innate spiritual consciousness into Li Jing's body due to the obstruction of unknown reasons, this did not prevent her from knowing the reason for this change.

After she was excited and happy, she suddenly thought of something, her face tightened, and she thought to herself: "It's just that with Xiaolong's strength and bloodline, once he is promoted, it will definitely trigger an earth-shattering phenomenon, and I'm afraid there will be humans coming to make trouble again." , I have to do a little preparation first.”

 The second update will be delivered, please recommend tickets, please recommend tickets, I will add more updates starting tomorrow, and it will explode wildly by the end of the weekend...


(End of this chapter)

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