Live in Dungeon

Chapter 403 402. Snow Mandrill

Chapter 403 402. Snow Mandrill
"Do you think I was reluctant to buy the equipment, and then Zimeng bought it for me?"

"Um... yes... no!"

After she realized it, she shook her head violently.

Then... Su Wu flicked his forehead and collapsed.


"The upright girl was brutally hit on the head with a sword."

"Ahem, to be honest, I didn't expect Jianjian to be willing to spend money on equipment."

Su Wu said to the camera: "That's because you didn't understand that you can only fight bosses if you have equipment, and you can explode equipment and earn money to upgrade. Fight one and earn one!"

Housing management area.

Tilia: The way the Emperor of Europe makes money, I am enlightened...

Most of the top players spend money to buy top equipment, and the possibility of earning it back simply by fighting bosses is not high.

More through other channels, fame, packaging, status and so on.

"Let's go, let's go to the snow mountain first."

Su Wu used teleportation magic, and he disappeared in the streets of the town.

Immediately afterwards... Zimeng Fanqian, Lulu, and Yueyan also disappeared one after another, and returned to the Liku courtyard again.

After a night, nothing has changed here.

Su Wu walked in the front.

Holding a short sword, he chopped on the ice wall, making a piercing sizzling sound, and artificially created steps.

After a lot of effort, escape from this cage-like interior!
Goblin warriors in armor are patrolling, searching for clues here to find out what happened.


I felt a shadow covering myself, raised my head, and saw a terrifying human being!appear in front of it.

The ghastly hideous appearance in front of the breastplate and the scarlet pupils made it tremble instinctively, its legs bent, and it almost fell to its knees on the ground.

Su Wu grabbed its neck and lifted it up.

Pretending to be an evil tone.

"Say, what are you doing here!"

"Brother... Goblin... is looking for an adventurer..." It trembled.

Monsters with this kind of intelligence are rare, not to mention communicating.Seeing it, Su Wu thought of Goblin-Charlotte in Hutton Mar Back Street.

"Why are you looking for an adventurer?"

"Yes... it was the arrangement of Explosive Rigg Haven..."

"Explosive flames..."

After inquiring about the information he wanted, Su Wu threw it on the ground again.

Thinking back to the character of Explosive Rigg Haven in his mind, he suddenly thought of it.

He is the Asura humanoid monster in the instance 'White Ruins'.

Although it cannot instantly kill players, it can also deal tons of damage in an instant.

Several people left here, away from the goblins.

"Just let it go like this? What if it goes to report the letter, or secretly play tricks?" Yue Yan wondered.

"If you don't report the letter, how can you upgrade your explosive equipment?"

Moon Flame: "!"

Hearing Su Wu's straightforward explanation, she was speechless.

What else can this say?What can I say?The logic is absolutely correct.

Returning to the top of the familiar ridge again, Su Wu opened the map page to find the location of the target.

Buwanga's training ground is not far from Daxueshan.

The reason is that they have the function of barracks in addition to training.

It can resist the monsters who want to break into the tribe from this direction, or the minions of the ice dragon.

"That's it."

Su Wu pointed to a big snow mountain in the distance, which seemed to be right in front of him, but the actual distance made it impossible to reach the destination within a few hours.

Large flakes of snow began to fall, the seemingly beautiful scene, but the current situation is not optimistic.

"Magic fluctuations." Lulu stretched out her hand to catch a snowflake.

"This is the ice dragon Scassa manipulating the weather, and we don't have much time."

Once the ice dragon imprisoned in the snow mountain broke free, it would be impossible to kill and defeat it.

Just mentioning one key point, no one can check and balance its flying ability.

Walking on the white land, leaving footprints one by one, Su Wu saw many ancient buildings!

They emerged from the ground, many of which have been wrapped in ice crystals, and some carved patterns can still be seen, such as cows, wolves, and rabbit gods. These are the relics of the Bantu people, and they are also ancient ruins.

in the live room.

"No, it's not right. I've been to this place, and there were no such things before!"

"No +1."

"Since it didn't exist before, it can't be just built or blown out by the wind."

Noticing the content in the barrage, Su Wu was also puzzled.

"I also came here when I was looking for Mintai. There were no such ruins at that time."

"Brother Jianjian! Come and see here!"

Hearing Lulu's shout, Su Wu ran over.

It was discovered that on the back of a towering ice crystal, there was a frozen monster!

This is a white-haired gorilla, more than three meters tall, with exaggerated arms and fists that are several sizes bigger than a basketball.

When he saw it for the first time, saw its blood-red pupils, saw its delicate cheeks, etc... Su Wu suddenly thought of a place!
DNF games in the previous life had multiple version updates, one of the largest ones, including the Creative Century, when there was a new area "Ice Cliff of Despair".

Inside are countless monsters frozen and sealed by the ice dragon's breath.

The white-haired gorilla in front of him reminded Su Wu of that place!
"I have a hunch that maybe... I can upgrade here." Su Wu said.

"What a big white-haired orangutan!"

Zimeng Fanqian looked at it curiously and touched the ice crystal.

Her hand was held by Su Wu and pulled back.

"Don't get too close. It's not a gorilla, it should be a legendary monster - a snow mandrill! It lives in the deepest part of the snowy region, and even the Bantu may not know about it."

at this time!

After looking around at the last moon flame.

"Oh my God! What's going on! How come there are so many of these things suddenly."

In the originally empty white ruins area, ice sculptures suddenly appeared one after another, and a large number of snow mandrills were frozen inside!
Su Wu looked around and found that there were hundreds of snow mandrills.

And right now!
In front of him, the frozen snow drill appeared first, and small cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the ice.

"I saw its eyes move!" Lulu shouted, pointing at the big ice cube.

Little Loli took out the epic broom and white writing brush, and stared at the snowdrill in the ice crystal with hostility.

Until a few seconds later!
With a crisp sound, the entire ice block shattered, and Xuedrill broke through the ice.

It is unusually violent!There was black smoke looming outside the body, and his fists hammered his chest, making an ear-splitting whistling sound.

Zimeng Fanqian, Lulu, Yueyan, and even millions of people in the live broadcast room were paying attention to the Snow Mandrill monster.But what Su Wu paid attention to was that wisp of inconspicuous black smoke!

"Check the information."

【Monster information】

Name: Snow Mandrill (Advanced)

Rating: 47
HP: ■■■■■■■*30 (after strengthening)

"It's been a long time since I saw a mob with 30 blood tubes."

After Su Wu finished speaking, Ge Lang, the chosen sword in his hand, slashed at Xuedrill, who was still hammering his chest because of his abnormal nerves.

The damage value pops up.
23589 broken moves
(End of this chapter)

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