Live in Dungeon

Chapter 389 388. Massive Challenge Books!

Chapter 389 388. Massive Challenge Books!
The scroll that fell was the Abyss Party Challenge Book!

this moment.

When Su Wu turned around and saw the challenge letter, he was a little surprised.

He has a certain understanding of the entire dungeon area in the southern valley.

The place where the challenge book is really produced should not be here!
The final boss and the northernmost room are where the challenge book is produced.

He has a gut feeling!
Maybe... I'm going to have a good harvest!
Pick up the scroll and put it in your inventory.

Tip: Obtain "Blue Ice Devil Challenge Book"*1.

"Check the specific information of the challenge letter."

He wanted to see the difference between these challenge books from the southern valley and the challenge books released by the boss.

A translucent window pops up in front of your eyes.

【Item Information】

Name: Blue Ice Devil Challenge Book
Rating: 30
Introduction: You can start the Abyss Party and have a certain probability of obtaining LV30~LV40 epic equipment.

Note: It can only be used in dungeons without consuming any souls.


"No need for a holy soul, this is a good review!" Su Wu commented!
In previous challenge books, it was necessary to consume 5 souls, although the explosion rate in the wild was extremely high.

in the live room.

"This is unscientific! How could an ordinary elite monster burst out a challenge letter?"

"I don't understand the world of the Emperor of Europe."

"Emm, it makes me want to cry, I played twice in the southern valley and didn't get a single challenge letter!"

When many bullet screens pop up.

Shadowless Sovereign: According to the rules of the southern valley, as long as it is an elite monster, there is a chance that a challenge letter will pop up.However, the burst rate of this thing challenging the abyss is too low!What's more... the challenge book burst out in the front, and the monster behind it, the probability of bursting out again is too low.

There are gains and losses, which refers to this.

After seeing Sect Master Wuying's comment, Su Wu showed a mysterious smile, and he believed in his intuition even more.

"It makes sense. However, I'll do some calculations, and maybe more challenges will come out later."

Speaking of which.

He looked at the two roads in front of him!

One is in the north, leading to a separate area, which has higher, humanoid monsters' difficulty challenges.

The road to the west is the only way to the area where the BOSS is located. You only need to defeat two more enemies in the area to reach the BOSS room!
"How to choose?"

"Is this still a choice?"

Su Wu raised his eyebrows, holding the black knife-Dark Moon in his hand, across the air, faintly, as if there was a phantom of the dark moon rising.

Combined with the evil spirit of the abyss knight suit, it looks like a warrior who walked out of the abyss!

Not like Soul of Sword, but more like a Berserker.

Seeing Su Wu and the others walking towards the north, in the live broadcast room, there were as many as 200 million online people, and the comments increased.

"The monsters here are super disgusting! I have encountered several times, and the mechanic was blown to death."

"Uh. Calm down, no matter how strong the monster is, it will escape 999999% of the dungeons!"

"Upstairs is real."

At this stage, Su Wu's weapons and armor are too invincible!Dungeon monsters of the same level do not have the strength to compete with him at all!

The world on the other side of the portal.

Here is a large grassland, and there are also towering giant trees with luxuriant branches. Su Wu can tell at a glance that this is the Grand Forest.

Stepping on the green grass, there are tall wooden barrels lined up in front, isolating Su Wu and the others and the humanoid monsters behind.

They're wearing... prairie animal suits!

Such as Ghost Swordsman's Grizzly, Sharpshooter's Giraffe and more!
"I really miss the feeling of the past!" Lulu said solemnly.

She, Zimeng, and Su Wu all have prairie animal costumes, and they are one of the rarest costumes in the early days.

"Don't pretend to be deep."

Su Wu raised his hand and knocked on the back of her head.

After succeeding, Su Wu pretended not to see Lolita's angry eyes!The whole person turned into a raptor and rushed towards several humanoid monsters!
'Boom! '

The wooden barrel fell apart under the impact of the raptor, splashing out a large number of fragments.

Almost immediately.

"Phantom Sword Dance!"

Under the watchful eyes of millions of people, they saw that Su Wu transformed into multiple illusory selves, slashing out waves of deadly sword energy frantically.

Hit, tear all humanoid monsters apart!

The five monsters were swallowed by the dense, raging sword energy almost at the same time.


"I can not be reconciled."


"This unscientific……"

"The... strength of the lion..."

The five monsters sighed one after another, and finally disappeared into the air unwillingly!
It was too fast, so fast that they didn't even realize it, they were already defeated.

In that dissipated white light.

'Whoa! '

The tempting gold coins fell out in pieces, flashing a golden light in front of everyone's eyes!The mixed gold coins dropped together, it was... a challenge book!

If a single monster had issued a challenge letter before, the people's reaction would be that they were lucky.

So now?

Everyone's reaction can almost be described by the word 'MMP'!


To the naked eye, there's more!More challenge books are coming out!

This is a strong visual impact.

Lucky Live System Tips
Tip: Ding!Reputation value +9.

Tip: Ding!Reputation value +11.


Tip: Ding!Reputation value +7.Cumulative reputation: 129.

in the barrage.

"This, this, this..."

"I must be dreaming, I must be, yes."

"The challenge book burst out all over the place? Is this a game?!"

Shadowless Sovereign: ...

Looking at the place where the monsters disappeared, the number of challenge books burst out, as many as seven!This is the Abyss Party challenge book, not Chinese cabbage, let alone something cheap and easy to get.

Even Su Wu himself had a dreamy feeling of returning to his previous life when he saw the challenge letter that was released.

So familiar!

A total of seven challenge books, plus the previous one, that is, eight books, this is still a situation that has not encountered a boss!
"Brother Jianjian, your luck is back!" Lulu said excitedly.

It was really exciting to see so many challenge letters, and even Yueyan was looking forward to it.

Challenging the abyss party is also extremely attractive to her!
"Haha, Wuying, predict for me again, what will happen in the final boss?" Su Wu shouted to the Wuying suzerain in the live broadcast room.

Housing management area.

Wuying Sovereign: emm, Ouhuang and I have nothing to say.Just ask, can you sell me a challenge book!


Seeing his barrage, Su Wu was slightly surprised.

"Didn't it say that challenge letters cannot be traded?"

Although there was no indication on the information, Su Wu instinctively thought that all challenge letters could not be traded.

Shadowless Sovereign: No!Obviously not, it must have something to do with your pass, maybe it's the real series of areas that can be traded.Now there is no information note on your challenge letter, you can definitely trade it!

And in the next second.

Eternity-The old uncle presents the super rocket*1 to the anchor!Postscript: Sword God, you understand!

 I am adjusting my schedule to see if I can go to bed early, early, and then change the coding time to early morning.Years of bad habits to keep...hoping to quit.

(End of this chapter)

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