Live in Dungeon

Chapter 387 386. And (strong) parallel (parallel) transaction

Chapter 387 386. And (strong) parallel (parallel) transaction
Gabriel was still riding on the back of the ankylosaurus, and he was rummaging through various leather bags, searching for items to sell.

As a traveling merchant, he has too many, too many items.

But if you want to sell, you can only choose items that are acceptable to the adventurers in front of you. They cannot afford too high-end items.

Open the bag.

There are bundles of black scrolls inside. If anyone sees it, they will find that it is full of Abyss Party Challenge Books!
"No, no, you can't control the things here."

Whispering, he sealed his pocket again.

Keep searching for the next one.

It was a pocket of a bag of weapons, and inside were miniature weapons, only the size of a palm, some of which shone with strange lights, and some were domineering or weird weapons.

"Still not!" Gabriel scratched his head irritably.

Said disappointed.

"The current adventurers are too unprofessional. There is nothing you can control."

Su Wu spread his hands and said.

"Not now, but you can do it in the future. Besides, you are a businessman, don't you make money if you have money?"

"It makes sense!"

There is no way to refute this sentence. Isn't the duty of a businessman just to make money?

I thought about it.

Gabriel pulled a unique item from his inventory.

"That's it, how is it? Isn't it beautiful!"

This is a simple armband. It has a flowing cloud pattern on its surface, inlaid with jade, and the main body even has copper rust. It can be seen that it has a long history.

Very, very old items.

"What is this?" Lulu took another look carefully, but she still hadn't seen this kind of equipment.

There are very few players with eyesight to see it, or even only one person, and he is Su Wu.

It's not an existing outfit.

Five pieces of armor, three pieces of jewelry, one weapon, one title, and the armband in front of him is the No. 11 piece of more than ten pieces of equipment! !


Su Wu recognized it at a glance and read out its name.

"This is the Xuzu royal armband!"

The six characters are its name and a symbol of status.

Gabriel, who was riding on the back of the Ankylosaurus, was surprised, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to know it, yes, yes, you have a lot of knowledge."

in the live room.

"That's for sure. After all, Jianjian is in the Huaxia region, and the answer is No. 1."

"I think he is Xu Zu's person! Sure enough, the things sold are also Xu Zu's!"

next second.

When a new window appeared in the live broadcast room.


"What the hell! It's too exaggerated!"

"Crazy, crazy, it's a money grab!"

The page for purchasing items appeared in front of Su Wu, and the live broadcast was broadcast simultaneously in the live broadcast room.

The specific information of the equipment is clearly displayed.

【Equipment Information】

Name: Xuzu royal armband (ancient level)
Rating: 50
Type: auxiliary equipment

Intelligence +60
Stamina +60
Spirit +60
Effect: After equipped, you can see the specific information of the monster.

[Price]: 50 million gold coins.

The final selling price is the highlight, a total of [-] million gold coins!
The amount was so huge that even Su Wu instinctively wanted to rub his eyebrows when he saw it.

for sure.

It is definitely worth buying it, but!Just killing monsters in the wild, who would carry more than [-] million gold coins with them?

It's no wonder that in the live broadcast room, many people posted "black merchants" and many other barrages.

"It's too expensive, too expensive, and the gold coins are simply not enough."

Su Wu shook his head.

All the gold coins in the inventory are [-] million!There is still a full [-] million short, how can it be made up?

"Uncle, it's cheaper. We didn't bring that much money, how about [-] million?" Lulu blinked, releasing her cuteness.

"No cheating, no counter-offering!"

in the live room.

"This is interesting. The auxiliary equipment is still the super-sacred-level equipment-ancient-level equipment that can't be bought."

"Emmm, when I go to fight monsters in the wild, do I have to carry [-] million gold coins with me?"

"Jianjian! Go back and get the money!"

This seems to be the only way to withdraw money as soon as possible before making a purchase.

And right now.

Zimeng Fanqian suddenly said: "Since we don't have enough money, and this is a lawless area, why don't you expose his equipment?"

An amazing word!
Even Su Wu felt a little confused. Normally, shouldn't he be the one who said this?Could it be that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black?

"Hey, hey, I'm warning you! If you attack me, you'll get nothing!" Gabriel panicked.

"Anyway, we won't get it if we don't do it."

These people don't play by the box.

After dying once, he does have a chance to drop items that are sure to sell!
"Wait, I thought about it again, how about this. I will lose money, and sell it to you for [-] million, how about it?"

Just finished speaking.

He felt a little bad, and when he looked at the expressions of the four adventurers in front of him, he suddenly had an evil sense of sight.

"So, it turns out that you can adjust the price!" Su Wu's eyes lit up.

"Oops, I slipped my tongue."

Gabriel patted his mouth in frustration, his face became serious, and he spoke again.

"If you do something to me, I will not sell any items to you again if I meet you again in the future!"

"It's okay, I can take it myself."

Su Wu's straightforward answer made Gabriel speechless.

There is no way to refute it.

Lucky Live System Tips
Tip: Ding!Reputation value +9.

Tip: Ding!Reputation value +7.


Tip: Ding!Reputation +11.

"It's a real hammer, Bully Jianjian."

"It's so enjoyable to watch, the black merchant meets the black and eats the black!"

After half a minute.

Reminder: It takes gold coins*50 to buy the "Xuzu Royal Family Armband (Ancient Grade)", are you sure?

When he saw that the purchase was successful and the equipment was put into the inventory, the corner of Su Wu's mouth almost pulled to his ears.

"Since the transaction is successful, we will see you again!"

Gabriel rode on the armored dragon without looking back, chasing the cold wind away, muttering in a low voice: "It's really unlucky, the first time I met this kind of person, I made 10 gold coins, which is not enough for feed money! Too bad loss!"

The perspective turned to Su Wu.

He touched the armband carefully, it felt very good, and said to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"The transaction in the game world is harmless. In reality, this kind of non-hardcore voluntary transaction between the two parties knows the result, right?"

"God is not hardcore, this is forced buying and selling!"

"Jianjian, you are nine years old."

After a wave of science popularization, Su Wu put the auxiliary equipment in his palm and continued to observe its specific details.

Ancient auxiliary equipment.

Su Wu suddenly thought of the evil dragon - Spitz, which is the quasi-ancient level BOSS.

Looking at the auxiliary equipment in front of him, it is also at the ancient level!
Until now, Su Wu is 100% sure that the future is dominated by ancient equipment.

Secretly in my heart.

"It seems that the ancient BOSS broke out ancient equipment, and the ice dragon is stronger. It should be a real ancient BOSS."

(End of this chapter)

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