Live in Dungeon

Chapter 385 384. Successfully opened up the ridge!

Chapter 385 384. Successfully opened up the ridge!
"Jianjian, what are you looking at?"

Zimeng Fanqian looked at his cheek, and followed his gaze towards the snowstorm, but found nothing.

Blurry shadows, gone.

Maybe it's... an illusion?
Su Wu thought carefully again, and shook his head in an instant.

"Nothing. Maybe I'm wrong."

After eliminating all the Bantu fighters, they released gold coins and some items, materials, or consumables.

"Executive giant sword, high quality. It's a bit useless." Su Wu said and put this 45-level giant sword into the inventory.

Continue to pick up other items.

The materials released by the Bantu warriors are very common, such as old leather and spikes.

"Will they get angry if we wipe out the Bantus like this?" Yue Yan asked.

"As long as it is a monster, we have a reason to defeat it."

A simple and clear answer expresses Su Wu's position.

His behavior is not restricted by these NPC forces, and creatures infected by ice dragons have no chance of redemption.

The road on the ridge is winding.

Everyone hasn't gone too far, or... just took a few steps!

There are new monsters appearing.

It was the Frost Tiger!
The fur is snow white with blue stripes. It is 1.5 meters tall at the shoulder, more than 3 meters long, has a mane, and the most special thing is the teeth!They were more like saber-toothed cats than normal tigers.

Walking in the snowy field, a pair of faint blue eyes stared at the crowd with a rather cold feeling.


It ran into Su Wu.

Carrying the Sword of Heaven's Choice - Grand, raised his chin, cast a glance at the Frost Tiger in front of him, and said mockingly.

"BUFF is not over yet, come on, while it's hot."


Tiger Roaring Mountains.

It's just...the Frost Tiger bumped into Su Wu!
The snowflakes were swept away by the sword aura, cutting out a clearer outline of the sword aura, and Su Wu didn't use any skills.

Simply chop!

After blocking the Frost Tiger's pounce, he slapped the Frost Tiger with his backhand, and the blade of the sword sent the Frost Tiger flying.

The blood-red cloak of the abyss knight rustled every time he swung his sword and slashed at the ice-toothed tiger.


The sword edge slashed out, and blood spilled out in front of his eyes.

Tip: Xiao Jian Jian (LV42) kills Frost Tiger (LV44), experience value +10000.

Almost at that moment!

'Boom! '

The azure laser cannon shot out, Yueyan fired the weapon with the laser cannon, and witnessed the light beam passing by Su Wu's side!The light beam hit directly, and in the blood mist, there was a huge black shadow trying to attack Su Wu.

The roar of the tiger sounded again!

Su Wu felt a little deaf in his ears. No wonder some people said that the tiger's voice was also a kind of weapon.

Turn around!
Still carrying the Sword of Heaven's Choice, he looked towards the shadow!
The wind and snow gradually thinned, and when it cleared, a giant Frost Tiger appeared in front of several people.

It is an enlarged version of the previous Frost Tiger!

With a shoulder height of three meters and a body length of more than seven meters, the length of the teeth is even longer than that of ordinary daggers, and there is a sense of oppression.

"BOSS..." Yue Yan was very alert, staring at the giant Frost Tiger in front of her.

at the same time.

in the live room.

"Do you think it's a bit too coincidental. It's like they came to find Jianjian."

"Naturally, the monsters are more difficult to deal with as you get further back. Besides... the big boss Ice Dragon seems to have a strong control."

"Upstairs +1, compared to the evil dragon, the ice dragon is obviously much stronger."

While they were discussing the enemy, the property page came to mind.

【Lord Information】

BOSS: Giant Frost Tiger (overlord level)

Rating: 45

"150 tubes of blood, a bit thick." Su Wu murmured, and when he looked again, he found the side of the giant Frost Tiger!Suddenly another human came out!
He is also a Bantu tribe, dressed differently, it looks like the costume of a beast master.

Raising the animal taming whip in his hand, he yelled at Su Wu and the others.

"Anyone who offends the sacred ice dragon must die—!"

Almost insane, this is a very abnormal mental state.

This is the state that only fanatics will appear.

"The one who kills you will be me, and my name is Luug!"

The voice just fell.

Luwuge's fists, arms, etc., appeared in a state exactly like that of Bantu's elite guards, with thoughts lingering, which became many times more intense.

His moves and characteristics are very familiar to Su Wu, for example, he is as fast as the previous Bantu fighters and so on.

"The speed is not bad." After Su Wu commented, he jumped suddenly.

Specific information about the new boss appeared in front of his eyes!
It is also at the overlord level, and it is also at level 45. Even, the health value is 150 tubes of blood.Exactly the same, nothing different.

"Only when you feel the power of the ice dragon, you will understand how stupid your actions are!"

While roaring, Luwuge launched a berserk offensive, and its speed was extremely fast!The way of attacking is a proper hardcore straight man, even Lulu will not let go of chasing and killing.

There was a lava pool under his feet and he fell into it, and he still didn't stop!Wielding the whip, driving the giant Frost Tiger!
"Quick, go up, tear them apart for me!"

in the live room.

"Uh, this boss is so confident."

"Bosses at the two overlord levels have qualified HP and strength, but it's a's still the same sentence."

"Yes, yes, I'll make it up! They're dead!"

After counting 10 minutes.

Su Wu held the black knife-Dark Moon pierced the giant Frost Tiger's backside. This giant tiger made Su Wu and his teammates drink blood medicine!Its speed and fighting skills are indeed very powerful, but its hard power is still far behind.

Tip: Xiaojianjian (LV42) kills a giant Frost Tiger (LV45-overlord level), experience value +3000000!


The behemoth disintegrated, bursting out scattered gold coin boxes, and orbs rolling out!There is no shortage of blue orbs!
"Don't try to run."

Moon Flame assumed to focus on the flamethrower, and the flames devoured the last BOSS- Beastmaster Luug.

She is hyper!

This is the first time she has easily defeated a field boss, a boss-level boss!

"No wonder everyone wants to hug their thighs." Yue Yan muttered.

Almost in the next second.

'Boom! '

Holy white beams of light erupted from her body, from Su Wu, Zimeng Fanqian, and Lulu's bodies one after another.

The team's information prompt appears.

Tip: Xiaojianjian (LV42) kills Beastmaster Luwuge (LV45-overlord level), experience value +3000000!

Tip: Break through the limit of experience points from LV42 to upgrade to LV43 (experience points: 190 million/900 million)!

At the feet is a box of gold coins that rolled out, and there are gems one after another.

I heard the system's kill prompt sound in my ear.

Even the latest announcements all over the Wannian Snow Mountain area.

Announcement: Players Xiaojianjian, Zimeng Fanqian, Lulu, and Yueyan killed the bosses "Giant Frost Tiger" and "Beastmaster Luwuge", and successfully created a new instance "Mountain Ridge"!

Hearing the announcement sounded three times in a row and ended, Su Wu didn't care at all, he just stared ahead.

See the previous Ankylosaurus shadow reappear!This time he was sure, he would never be wrong!
Suddenly thought of something.


 Thank you "99" old friend for the 8 tip!The master is mighty!Thanks for the reward of 8000 coins from "Daily Punishment One Fan", and friends from Book City.

(End of this chapter)

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