Live in Dungeon

Chapter 370

Chapter 370 369. The Last Supplies-

Tip: Xiao Jianjian kills the BOSS-Witch Liz (Quasi-Overlord level), experience value +1!

the same moment.

A holy white beam of light appeared.

Tips: Upgrade from LV40 to LV41 (20/750 million)!

"not bad."

Su Wu rubbed his chin, everything was the same as he had planned, reaching level 41 before challenging the final boss.

Where Liz, the boss witch, disappeared, there were stacks of gold coin boxes, and shining orbs rolled down to her feet.

As always, Su Wu picked up the gold coins first, and then the orbs.

Tip: Get gold coins*70000
Tip: Get gold coins*70000

Millions of gold coins in hand!

And finally get two cyan orbs and one blue orb, which are all the products of the witch Liz, and having blue orbs is a big profit!
"What can you offer?" Su Wu murmured.

He suddenly discovered that he did not lack good equipment, weapons, armor, jewelry,

The black knife picked up and smashed three orbs in a row.


With a shock of sword energy, the light mist was torn apart and disappeared into the air.

Suspended in mid-air is a pair of gloves!
Qigong master's weapon.

"Amy, your weapon."

After Su Wu took it, he checked the attributes, and the sacred weapon with external attributes was named 'Gloves of the Dark Sun', and it attacked with light attributes.

What caught Su Wu's attention the most was its enhanced skills "Blade of Light" and "Breath of Wind"!
These two are core auxiliary skills, the former increases light attribute enhancement and physical attack power, and the latter increases speed.

It is helpful to improve the strength of the team.

"Leather armor, cloth armor. Two sacred armors." Su Wu sighed.

The dark elf cemetery is the most prone to armor explosions he has ever encountered. There are four people in the team. Except for Lulu and Amy who lack a suit of armor, Zimeng Fanqian is already complete!

"It's the shoes, they're useless, what I'm missing is the belt." Lulu shook her head.

"You can go to the old man to change a belt, and Amy is too. Take it and go back to the city later."

This is the entrance closest to the depths of the dark elves' cemetery, so far away that you can still hear the sound of a dragon's breathing...

Not seeing its figure, just the sound of the dragon's breathing, already makes people feel great pressure.

in the live room.

"I look forward to it! I'm finally going to challenge the evil dragon!"

"It's not easy... It's been a long time, and I still deliberately avoid many monsters."

"Do you want to go back to town to rest?"

Seeing the barrage, Su Wu said affirmatively: "Of course I have to go back to the town to rest! Lulu and Amy's armor, first get enough of a set of enhanced 12 sacred objects, and I have to open some Celia boxes. The current potion What, it's still not safe."

"Uh! Jianjian, where did you get the Celia box? Isn't it fully opened?"

"+1 upstairs."

After counting 10 minutes.

Hutton Mar's main road, in front of Kelly's fortified furnace.

Lulu and Amy are strengthening their armor, and Zimeng Fanqian is continuing to purchase potions, various resistance potions, and potions that enhance strength, blood volume, and even jumping power!

Under a branch of a green willow, Su Wu leaned against the tree, and the page of the adventure group appeared in front of his eyes!

Many people in the live broadcast room remembered that the adventure group is special!

On the redemption page of the adventure group, after consuming Glory Points, you can redeem the Seria Box.

"A box is 20 glory points. Now the adventure group has 300 points, and they can exchange for 15 boxes. I won't give it to Zimeng and Lulu."

Tip: Redeem "Seria Box"*15, consume 300 Glory Points.Are you sure?

While Su Wu decided to exchange the items, some people far away in the dark elf cemetery also made up their minds!For example, the alliance of the Eternal and Glory guilds, and the Falcon Group that followed!

Hundreds, thousands of high-level players gathered together.

"Send a strong team first to find out the reality of the evil dragon. How about it?"

"It's not good! Since you want to challenge the final boss, you can't hold back, pour all your strength, and win the battle! Mother-in-law will only delay the battle!"

Tilia's voice spread throughout the area, and most people nodded in agreement.

Since I want to do it!

You can't be a mother-in-law!
"Don't keep it, head. Let's go together. The sword god is not here. I guess I'm going back to the town to resupply. We have to hurry up."

The leader, who was still hesitating, made up his mind instantly when he heard Su Wu's name.

"Yes! Hurry up! Everyone, attack together, pay attention to keeping a distance, so as to avoid the boss's skills!"

"Give him a surprise when the sword god comes back, hehe."


The perspective turned to Su Wu.

Fifteen Celia boxes, precious boxes, shattered and opened in front of his eyes at the same time.

[The items obtained are as follows]

Remy's Aid*145
Girl's Foot Attack*35
Small world device*5 (to remove the abnormal state)
Overlord contract*5 days

Sharp Eye Potion*10
Dress up synthesizer*3
Resurrection coin*4
"Not bad, with 4 resurrection coins, there are already 16." Su Wu said with satisfaction.

With so many resources, plus his own strength and equipment, if he still can't defeat the evil dragon, then he will have nothing to say.

in the live room.

"I'm well prepared, but, Jianjian, aren't you afraid that the boss will be robbed by the guild?"

"Upstairs +1. In the past two or three days, the strength of the guild has improved quite quickly, and it is really possible to be snatched away."

"The BOSS in the final area is said to be snatched away!"

This worry was not unreasonable, but Su Wu didn't panic, and even looked forward to it.

It would be good to wait for these people to consume some of the evil dragon's health.

Returning to the city to repair the equipment and resupply must be completed.

He glanced at the cooling time of the "Teleportation" skill, and there were still more than five hours left.

"It's still early, let's go to the PK field to play first."


"Stupid! How big is your heart, and you still have the mood to PK!"

"Scary operation."

"Don't forget the God of War bracelet, Jian Jian is now at level 2 duel! Upgrading to level 1 will increase the additional damage by 2%."


Another bloodbath broke out in the duel field!
Tianxuan in his left hand and black sword in his right hand, worn by the soldiers of the God of War, are very few who can last more than a minute under Su Wu's hands.

"Phantom Sword Dance!"

Su Wu released the special skill of the black knife, and countless sword qi slashed out, ending a berserker player who had no chance of blood rage!
Tip: Defeat the player "Red Lord", the duel victory point +10.

Reminder: Congratulations, Duel Level 1 has been upgraded to Duel Level [-]!
"Damn it, you're cheating!! Idiot..." The Red Prince hadn't finished shouting, but he found that Su Wu in the room had disappeared.

He hurried to the forum and posted a post.

[Meet a haunting sword soul!Also use NPC skills!Please report forever! ! 】

As for the haunting sword soul in his mouth, Su Wu has already reconciled with the other three members of the team!At the same time, the four of them used the cool down teleportation skills!
This will be the last battle in the Afaria camp!
 March 3, Chapter 9.I said five chapters, five chapters, it won't change!

(End of this chapter)

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