Live in Dungeon

Chapter 360

Chapter 360

The first overlord-level boss in all of China, the items it left behind were piled up in front of Su Wu.

"This gold coin box is not bad, very beautiful."

Su Wu squatted down.

The light silver square box is in the palm of the hand, it is slightly cool, there is no sound of gold coins colliding inside, maybe it is too full.

Tip: Get gold coins*100000.

Tip: Get gold coins*100000.

This is the most gold coins Su Wu has ever obtained, bar none!

The number of gold coins released by a single boss is a full 1500 million.

"A lot..." Lulu stared greedily.

"Ha ha."

Zimeng Fanqian thought it was funny, and rubbed Lulu's head.

"Shouldn't the focus of attention be on the orb?" Amy complained.

The overlord-level boss burst out the blue orb, which seemed to be a matter of course.

There's nothing surprising about that.

There are two colorless orbs, two cyan orbs, and two blue orbs in the same number.

The total number of orbs is 6!
"Do you open the colorless orb?"


"Brother Jianjian, I want a colorless orb!"

Su Wu took the initiative to give up the two orbs, and he focused on the blue orb, which is the top existence.

in the live room.

"Okay, it's time for the Emperor of Europe again."

"Do you think souls will be produced? Holy souls."

"This boss released a bunch of resentful souls, no matter what happens, a soul must be released."

They realized one thing, if Su Wu got one more holy soul, he could make up five, thus launching the challenge of the Abyss Party.

'Crack! '

The blue orb shattered, and not just one!But two simultaneous fragmentation!
After the sword of heaven's choice - Ge Lang shattered the orb, it was taken back by Su Wu, and he continued to carry it behind his back, neatly.


Blowing out in one breath, the light mist dissipated.

Two scrolls appeared in front of Su Wu's eyes, the exact same scrolls.

"Upgrade volume?" Su Wu was surprised.

In some respects, the value of the relic upgrade volume is even higher than that of the upgraded equipment.

After all, it means possibility, and the attributes of the upgraded equipment have been fixed.


"6666 Black Knife-Dark Moon can be upgraded!"

"And there is an extra scroll."

"Jianjian, how do you want to distribute it?"

After Su Wu thought briefly, he spoke.

"I will keep one, and you can choose the remaining one at random. It depends on luck."

"This...isn't so good." Amy was a little embarrassed. She felt that she had joined for a short time, and it was natural to allocate her own equipment. It was better not to have such items.'s really tempting!

"I give up, let sister Zimeng and Lulu smoke."


Zimeng Fanqian took a look at her, and the focus of attention was obviously different from that of Lulu.

"Then I don't want it either!" She said simply.

Leaving Lulu in a daze, she wanted it very much, but wondered if she would look utilitarian if she held it like this.

"Then shall I...or not..."

"Take it, upgrade your broom." Su Wu made the decision for her.

Lulu is a member of the core control department in the team, and is responsible for slowing down, reducing defense, and reducing damage to the boss, and has been following her until now.

Su Wu also prefers to assign it to her from the bottom of his heart.

"Then I'll accept it, I love you guys!" She murmured across the air to several people.

Gal on the side looked at a few people, her heart was very complicated.

When the Headless Horseman appeared just now, she once thought that the decision to go to the Dark City was wrong, but now?The results are clearly good.

"So can we go now?" she asked.

It is already 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and if you delay for a while, you may arrive after the dark city closes the passage, so you can only wait for another day.

"Well, let's go!"

"Aren't you going to challenge the Abyss Party?" Lulu handed the Abyss Party challenge letter to Su Wu.

The remaining two blue orbs burst in Su Wu's palm at the same time!

Tip: Get 'Holy Soul'*1.

Tip: Get 'Holy Soul'*1.


Su Wu stretched out his hand and collected them into the inventory, which was not surprising.

Headless Horseman + War Horse, exactly two souls, nothing wrong with it!Very reasonable!

In the live broadcast room, it was boiling.


"Jianjian, change your equipment quickly! There is also Heidao-Dark Moon!"

"God of War's military suit, how much can it be improved?"

"I'm still looking forward to the ring of elves and the abyss party."

The personal level has been raised to level 40, which is a huge improvement for Su Wu!

Weapons and equipment, challenges from the abyss, new skills, and invitations to the Tower of Death, etc...

"Don't be in a hurry, go to the Dark City first, armor, jewelry, etc. I will strengthen it before I return to the town!"

Thinking of the level 40 sacred object suit and wearing epic jewelry, Su Wu couldn't help but look forward to how much his attributes would be improved.

It is impossible to change equipment!

You have to wait for everything to be perfect before changing, not only perfectionism, but also the setting of reputation.

The more perfect the attributes, the higher the amount of prestige points Su Wu will get.

This has great attraction to him.

"How far is the Dark City?" Su Wu couldn't help asking.


Several people have been walking for four hours. After the update of the version of the other world, the mount system has changed. This is a special area, and the airship is even more impossible to use.

The only way is to walk, the efficiency can be imagined!

"You didn't realize that, in fact, we have been walking on the magic passage. The Dark City has arrived, but we have to go directly to the palace to meet Her Majesty the Queen."

Gal pointed to a stone wall in front of him, but nothing special could be seen.

She walked over first, but she who should have bumped into the stone wall disappeared from the eyes of several people.

"It's like Harry Potter's portal." Su Wu murmured.

Followed in.

The goal is the bright palace!

It is bright!
The crystal stones and orbs are arranged according to the stars, covering the entire dome. The sculptures of dark elves, gods, and sages are around this huge palace, each about 8 meters high.

Compared with GBL, etc., they are not huge, but in terms of artistic attainments, they are completely out of the former.

Looking up the steps, the one on the throne is Queen Maya!
She is dressed in gorgeous costumes, the crown on her head shines like stars, holds a scepter, and sits on the throne with dignified appearance.

She still has a youthful face, and her blue hair is different from the silvery white hair of most dark elves.

See the arrival of the four, and Gal.

Meiya was a little surprised, but kept her expression on the surface.

"Gal, shouldn't you be on a mission? Also, these adventurers are..."

"Hello, Queen Maya, I am the leader of the Arad Adventure Group. I accept Krent's commission. This is a letter."

"The Allard Adventure Group? So it's you! In the letter Shalan sent me, it was mentioned many times, so it's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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