Live in Dungeon

Chapter 356. Black Sword - Dark Moon

Chapter 356. Black Sword - Dark Moon
"No, it's not like I saw a blue light. It's right at my feet."

Amy looked at the blue orb at her feet in surprise, it was so beautiful and so precious.

And now?
It was less than 3cm from his feet, lying there quietly, as if waiting for him to pick it up gently, and then... crush it!
Could it be that it will prescribe the weapons and equipment that qigong masters need?
It was a wonderful fantasy, she suddenly felt that the whole body was light and light, she bent down and picked it up.

Look at Captain Su Wu again.

I saw that he was picking up the gold coins dropped by the small boss, and there were two other orbs, colorless and cyan orbs.



The two orbs were crushed by Su Wu one after another.

"It's the Reinforced Iron Bone Skill Book again, Lu Lu Nong, here you are."

"Hee hee! Thank you brother Jianjian!"

She happily took the skill book and chose to learn it, and integrated it into her body to enhance her passive defense.

"This armor is... Zimeng, yours."

The level 40 holy object quality plate armor set is also the third piece of the five pieces in the set.

With two more pieces, Zimeng Fanqian could make up a set of plate armor.

It's pretty good that a single small boss can harvest these.

And what caught Su Wu's attention the most!

It was the blue orb in Amy's hand. She hadn't opened it yet and was waiting for Su Wu to make a decision.

"Captain, Neng, here you are."

Su Wu said with a smile.

"No, since it rolled to your feet, it means that it is destined for you. You should open it."


in the live room.

"I bet, Jianjian must be thinking in his heart, let you drive, it must be my equipment."

"Ahem. Old Tie upstairs, you have figured out the essence of Jianjian."

After Su Wu saw it, he said, "I figured out what a ghost, Zimeng didn't figure it out."


"Dirty dirt! Drive suddenly!"

"Porn streamer, I'm going to report you."

While he was chatting with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

The sky-blue orb has been split in Amy's hands, and it released light mist, which should have covered the objects that should have appeared in front of everyone.


What the hell is the black blade protruding from one end of the fog?

It has pierced through the blue mist, and it is exposed in front of everyone's eyes.

It can be recognized at a glance that this is a sword. Looking at the narrow blade and the single-sided blade, there is a great possibility that it is a Taidao.

Amy chuckled.

I muttered in my heart: "I should have thought of it earlier!"

This is probably the trouble of forming a team with Ouhuang.

the other side.

Su Wu, who was talking and laughing happily (kaiche) with his water friends, suddenly his eyes lit up, attracted by such a weapon.

His heart beat faster, looking at the black sword protruding out of light and mist, it was hard not to think about it.

so similar!
It is very similar to the weapon that Su Wu once owned - the Meteorite Knife, the difference is that one is red and the other is black.

in the live room.

"I set you a monkey, it really is like this."

"Jian Jian: Shatter the black light, Rotus makes me very sad, wait, this weapon is so beautiful!"

Compared to the astonishment of everyone around, Su Wu was much more rational.

With such a high lucky value, it's normal to explode your own weapons!
His hand penetrated into the mist of light and touched the cold hilt of the sword.

'Shuh! '

It was pulled out by Su Wu, and the icy black light was amazing.

The sword is more than 1.7 meters long, and it has surpassed the sword of heaven's choice!
The blade is pitch black, and the luster of the metal has not been taken away by the black at all, and the blade and the handle are all black without exception.

Tip: Obtain the weapon "Black Knife-Dark Moon (Holy Object Level)".

"Black knife, dark moon, so beautiful!" Su Wu slid his finger over the blade, feeling the coldness from his fingertips.

Its specific attributes emerged in front of my eyes.

【Weapon Information】

Name: Black Knife - Dark Moon (Holy Object Level)

Rating: 45
Type: Dagger
Physical attack power +525
dark attribute attack

Dark attribute enhancement +12
Attack Speed ​​+5%
Skill "Breaking Blade" LV+2
Skill "Weapon Mystery" LV+2
Bestowed Effect: Skill "Phantom Sword Dance" LV+1
Motto: The color of the moonlight, the fragrance of a woman.


After reading its attribute information, especially the endowed effects, Su Wu's pupils dilated instinctively.

Staring at those four words "Phantom Sword Dance"! !

The level 45 skill of Sword Soul is also a real big move!

The weapon itself comes with this level 45 skill, which means that Soul Sword players who master it can also use this skill.

What's more, it has added a variety of skill levels, and its attributes are also at a relatively high stage.

Lucky Live System Tips
Tip: Ding!Reputation value +7.

Tip: Ding!Reputation value +5.


It rang several times in a row, which showed the extraordinaryness of this weapon, which surprised many people in the anchor room.

Lulu pulled the corner of Zimeng Fanqian's clothes, and said curiously: "Sister Zimeng, Phantom Sword Dance, is that Uncle A-Gump Zuo's move?"

"Yes! That's the trick!" She nodded, also looking forward to when Su Wu reached level 40.

Not long after arriving at the entrance of the Dark City, killing the small boss and gaining such a reward made Su Wu look forward to the next adventure even more.

The four continued to search forward.

Luck is sometimes illusory.

In the following period of time, more than nine hours!
Little to no gain.

Occasionally encounter monsters - headless ghouls, or wraiths.

The headless skeletons with the largest number will flee immediately when they sense the appearance of Su Wu and others. They seem to be able to perceive who is the most dangerous.

"Ah, they ran away again. It's so boring." Lulu complained.

The experience value of the headless skeleton is miserable, but it is better than wandering around without gaining anything.

"Lulu, let's fly up and have a look."

"All right……"

The little Lolita rode the broom weakly. In the eyes of several people, she flew into the air and searched the nearby area for a short distance.

A sorcerer cannot fly for a long time, but when her flying time is about to end!Suddenly, he saw a dark elf woman who was seriously injured and panting beside a pile of rocks in front of her.

"I see people! Over there! Come with me!"

Before the pile of rocks.

The dark elf woman in a tight leather jacket was leaning against a boulder. Several arrows were pierced into her body, and there were some deep bone scars.

Breathing disordered, dying.

She lifted her eyelids feebly, and could vaguely see the figure.

Then a warm light enveloped herself, and she saw a vague woman, like an angel.

After a few minutes.

"Finally woke up, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

When the dark elf woman saw that it was Su Wu, she was a little confused. She turned her head and saw Zimeng Fanqian before realizing that she was not mistaken.

Said to her weakly.

"Thank you, venerable saint."

"You're too modest, I'm a little embarrassed." Zimeng Fanqian smiled happily.

"Can you tell us, what's going on here? And how did you get hurt?"

Su Wu asked the question he was most curious about.

Upgrading is the key!

There was some struggle in her eyes, and she finally said weakly.

"That is a terrible person... His eyes seem to be whirlpools, able to suck people's souls, and all my companions have become puppets..."

(End of this chapter)

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