Live in Dungeon

Chapter 341 340.1 Brother Dao

Chapter 341 340. Brother Yidao

It was the cold that eroded to the bone marrow, and the steel hand felt that he was not under control from his heart and even his own body.

Frost condensed on the ground under his feet, and bursts of cold air swept across the area.

When he really looked at everything here.

Suddenly found out!

Su Wu, Zimeng Fanqian, and Lulu had already dodged far away, and he was the only one in the huge ghost formation.

A light blue frozen magic circle floated on the ground, when the steel hand turned his head, he turned around!
He saw it.

Seeing those eyes full of hatred and despair, she was an afterimage, with her folded arms condensing the bone-piercing cold.

And right now!
'Shuh! '

It was like a mirror image, the air was rippling, and a strange man appeared in front of his eyes!His face was blue and stiff, his pupils were dark green, and ghosts and gods were entwined around his body.

He holds a knife!

A strange demon sword!

In just an instant, the dark purple ghostly aura completely devoured him.

I didn't even have time to see the whole picture of the man clearly, and I didn't have time to realize what happened.

Huge damage value floated up.

A full burst of N more than 9 damage value.

Not far away, Su Wu, Zimeng Fanqian, Lulu and the 200 million people in the live broadcast room were shocked.

A skill hits 9.9 damage and is in a non-critical state.

Who can bear this knife?Can withstand this ghost slash!
Su Wu was prepared in his heart, but when he saw the amount, he still felt a little weak.

The strength of the enemy is too strong!The man who was shrouded by ghosts and gods in his previous life was called Brother Yidao. As the name suggests, he could kill anyone with a single blow!

"Hiss! This is too cruel!"

"Although the steel hand's equipment is not as good as the sword, it is still a true artifact set, and it can't withstand a single blow."

"Ninety-nine thousand damage, who can bear it? Jian Jian's blood is less than twenty-five thousand!"

And at the same time as they sent the barrage, the afterimage in the fourth ghost and god, Saya of Frost, gradually condensed their bodies, half empty and half real.

A strong breath of death enveloped him, and he even seemed to be able to see resentful souls entwined around him!

The second ghost, Kaija of afterimage, enveloped him, making him even more eerie.

And he is - Sha Ying!
Zimeng Fanqian held the hand of the cross tighter, she was very nervous.

"Jianjian, be careful, this boss is stronger than I thought."

"Well, maybe you have to use resurrection coins."

While Su Wu was talking to himself, he wanted to check the specific attribute information of Sha Ying.

Just before the message popped up, at the portal, another figure rushed in!
He is a dark elf, a mutated dark elf!That is, the soul hunter who hunted down the steel hand before!
"There's another boss! No, they're fighting!" Lulu was surprised.

I didn't expect that the big boss would attack the little boss. This kind of thing is too rare.

In the shroud of the second ghost, Shaying flickered in the air, as if it did not exist in this world.When the demon knife in his hand cuts out, there will be a bright sword energy condensed like moonlight.

Su Wu didn't have time to appreciate these, he stared at the information page.

【Lord Information】

BOSS: Shadow Swordsman - Shaying (Quasi-Overlord)
Rating: 44
HP: 2500 million/2500 million

Magic Attack Power: 23500
Physical Defense: 17599
Magic Defense: 19540
Skills: "First Ghost - Kazan of Soul Blade", "Second Ghost - Kaija of Remnant Shadow", "Third Ghost - Primon of Corrosion", "Fourth Ghost - Saya of Frost", " The Fifth Ghost God Rakshasa of the Plague", "Tombstone of Death", "Ghost Shadow Walk", "Ghost Flash", etc...


Level 44 quasi-overlord boss!

This is the first time Su Wu has met a BOSS at the overlord level, and it is also an existence beyond the level of demon envoys.

Sha Ying's level is lower than the boss of the lava cave, but because of his strength, the level is higher!

"This BOSS, defense, and health are not as good as the previous Atlas."

"Stupid... Can a humanoid boss be the same? This is a Super Devil May Cry!"

"I'm afraid of my skills. Fighting with a Devil May Cry with BOSS attribute, I'm looking for death."

Falcon Group-Wind Blade: As China's No. [-] Devil May Cry, compared with this old man, I suddenly feel like a hot chicken!

As mentioned in the barrage, looking for death, indeed, he died very quickly!

The small boss who broke in, the dark elf soul hunter, and the boss level that forced the steel hand to have nowhere to go exist.

He is in a purple ghost circle, and the fifth ghost god, Rakshasa of Plague, is entwining him tightly!Don't let him go!

The tombstones fell from the sky one by one, smashing heavily to the ground, emitting a more deadly ghostly aura, covering an area.

Seeing a BOSS, GG didn't work for a while.

"Brother Jianjian, I feel...we might be cold." Lulu swallowed.

She is very guilty.

Sha Ying's body is much smaller than that of Rotes!But it gives people the feeling that it is far more terrifying than the stupid big one!
"How could it be? Its defense is not high, and it still has a chance. I'm blocking it. Be careful not to enter the realm of ghosts and gods. It's best to find an opportunity to control it."

After Su Wu finished speaking!
Switch the weapon in your hand, from the chosen sword-Grand to the lightsaber-Double Dragon Phantom Sword!
To deal with this type of big boss, it is better to be faster.

Sha Ying: "..."

He has no soul, let alone communicate.

After killing the dark elf soul hunter, You Tong focused on the three of them, locking onto Su Wu himself!
'Crack! '

'Crack! '

Every time Sha Ying moves, it seems like a mirror is flickering, disappearing into the air and then suddenly appearing in front of him, this is ghost shadow step.


The demon sword burst out a ghost cut, and the moment Su Wu dodged, it exploded again!He rushed forward tens of meters suddenly, faintly, as if there were countless mourning souls wailing.


"Fuck! Ghost Slash! Be careful, this thing is more terrifying than Ghost Slash."

"I can already foresee that when the dungeon is opened, Sha Ying is estimated to complete a million cuts!"

The lava condensed and burned on the ground, which was the field control skill released by Lulu.

This is an opportunity!
The moment Su Wu released the sword and slash with his backhand, he saw Shaying disappear again, and he didn't hit it until the lightsaber was drawn for the second time.

The damage value pops up.
173001 Break!

The damage of the second drawing of the knife is lower, and there is still a full damage amount of 17, which is amazing.

"Sure enough, the defensive power is not high, but it will kill you quickly." Su Wu said to himself.

Facing such a difficult boss, Su Wu burned up his fighting spirit instead!
Such opportunities do not come often.

Especially Sha Ying, he has no soul, no reason, but the battle memory is still there.

Su Wu's thoughts moved.

The shining double dragon phantom sword in the hand was replaced by 'Rotes' spiked tentacles'!The special effect of this Taidao is destined to restrain all humanoid bosses!

Even the shadow in front of him, once the effect is triggered, it will also enter a dizzy state.

Both sides have advantages.

This is not a very spacious battlefield. Sha Ying has already summoned many ghosts and gods, and the space to hide is getting narrower and narrower.

 Keke, sorry.The leader's ID is "myt", I made a typo.Thanks for the 13776 reward from the "Book Reader" friend, and thank you for the reward from the book friends with the tail number "4908", thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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