Live in Dungeon

Chapter 330. 329. Breaking the King's Record

Chapter 330. 329. Breaking the King's Record

"Feel sorry."

"Hee hee, no need, brother Jianjian."

Su Wu patted Lulu's head and accepted the team invitation of 'Zimeng Fanqian'.

The levels of the three are different.

The highest level of Su Wu is at level 38. Zimeng Fanqian and Lulu have benefited from the mentor-Grandis to complete the task together, and the level has been raised to level 36.

Level 2 gap is not outstanding.

The final copy of the Sky Veil Behemoth is not the second spine, but the "Sky Veil Forbidden Land".

After defeating the apostle-Rotes, Su Wu did not continue to take risks here.

This also led to the fact that the players who opened up the dungeon of the Forbidden Land were a group of high-level players that Su Wu was more familiar with, and they were teamed up by super first-line players from multiple guilds to clear the level.

Su Wu came to challenge the "Forbidden Land", which also attracted some people to discuss related topics in the live broadcast room.

"How long do you think it will take Jianjian to clear the dungeon?"

"It should be very soon. After all, there is only normal level difficulty, and the king level has not been developed yet."

"Sword God is the ceiling of players' strength. Besides Jian Jian, who are the strongest players?"

"Of course it's the big boss of the guild. Miss Zimeng, Lulu's strength is not bad, but she can't be considered super first-line. After all, she tends to be a support."

Hong Shen: Cough cough!cough cough!

Hong Shen from the housing management area saw someone discussing this matter, so she deliberately sent out a message to show off her presence.

Currently graded according to strength.

Arranged in order from strong to weak, Su Wu - Guild - Hong Shen (NPC power player) and then down is the Shenhao player, or the single player of the technical level.

"Don't underestimate Zimeng and Lulu." Su Wu said with a smile.

With his training for so long, plus the advantages of the two people's various additional skills.They were supposed to be first-line, but they could barely be considered super-first-line.

The three entered the portal.


There is only a copy of normal difficulty, but it is unlocked, and you can choose king-level difficulty.

"Huh?" Lulu was puzzled.

"It should be because we defeated the apostle-Rotes, here is a bit of a privilege."

"Very likely."

Zimeng Fanqian nodded in agreement with Su Wu's conjecture.

"Adjust the difficulty!"

Since you can choose the difficulty, Su Wu will naturally choose the highest difficulty.

Determine the king level, enter the copy!
Three people appeared in a strange world at the same time.

Here is the belly of the Skyveil Behemoth, a temple built in flesh and blood, with scorching mucus, plasma, falling from it from time to time.

Once hit, it will cause high burns.

"Teach for GBL!!"

Suddenly there was piercing screams in front of him. Su Wu took a closer look and found that they were different believers.

They were dressed in red, brown, and even yellow devout costumes with holes in them, and they wore hideous masks.

He rushed towards several people.


Dozens of believers in brown robes, their speed soared, they rushed towards Su Wu!Amazingly fast!


"That's the trick! That's how I was blown to death!"

"It's disgusting. As long as you are caught, a group will come and explode."


"Emm, well, sure enough, it was instantly killed."

"This is too real, a Meteor Thorn is all dead."

Su Wu drew his sword, and the last believer was instantly killed.

Behind him, Zimeng Fanqian was speechless, she hadn't had time to release the BUFF skill.

Weapon Blessing and Honor Blessing, two skills that greatly increase attack power, have not been applied to Su Wu.

"Sister Zimeng, there is no need to add buffs in the dungeon, let's fight monsters!" Lulu was eager to try.

Ride on the magic broom and fly towards the next portal.

Sweep all the way!
"Hey." She picked up the lava bottle and threw it at the group of monsters in the copy of the second area. In the scorching magma, a large amount of HP was deducted.

Zimeng Fanqian seized the opportunity and released the Holy Light Qinshield, all monsters GG!

With little pause, the three of them ran towards the portal in the next area.

Just entered the portal.

Su Wu, who was holding Rotes' spiked tentacles, drew his sword with his backhand, and once again killed all the monsters instantly!

The frightening damage value floated up.
999999 crit!

This is already the highest damage that can be displayed!

"@Dalang, come out. Didn't you say that your damage figures are no less than Sword God's?"

"The attributes and defense of wild monsters are really much stronger than dungeons."

Just when many people were sighing, they saw the three of them going all the way!

It seems that he has come to the final challenge location of the dungeon.

The portal glows red, highlighting another area of ​​danger.


Su Wu broke in first, followed by the two girls.

The space here is wider, with only a small number of believers and a mysterious man in a gorgeous white robe.

It was Marcel!

At this time, he was mentally disturbed.

"Nothing can stop my holy revenge——!"

"Teach for BGL!!"

It clenched the dagger hidden in its long sleeve, and approached Su Wu and the others.

There are black lightning lingering outside its body, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

No superfluous nonsense.

"Breaking the military!"

"Holy Light Ball!"

"Look at the broom!"

Multiple attacks, all poured on the judge-Marcel.

When challenging the copy, the life value of the boss will pass through the blood vessels and appear in a conspicuous place.

It still has a full 50 tubes of blood!

"For the sake of GBL teaching!" Marcel let out a long whistle unwillingly.

The whole fell to the ground and did not disappear.

The prompt for clearing the dungeon has appeared!
And at this moment, the life value of a full 50 tubes was rapidly reduced until it was completely emptied and returned to 0.

Lucky Live System Tips
Tip: Ding!Reputation value +9.

Tip: Ding!Reputation value +7.


Su Wu was a little surprised by the sound of continuous prestige point acquisition prompts.


The way to obtain reputation points has to become more special.The more resonant it is, the higher the probability of obtaining it.

Reminder: "Heavenly Curtain Forbidden Land (King Level)" has been cleared, and it took 2 minutes and 15 seconds to break the current fastest record!
"Wow! Brother Jianjian, the production drawing has been revealed!!"

Lulu picked up the drawing and shouted in surprise.

Drawings are special.

The items it produces directly affect the player's strength and have extremely high economic value.

"Oh? Show me!"


She raised her hand and handed the drawing to Su Wu.

The item attribute page was displayed in front of Su Wu.

【Item Information】

Name: Production Map of Intermediate Intellectual Potion (True Artifact)

Rating: 30
Effect: After use, increase intelligence by 40 points and last for 30 minutes.

"Intelligence, not strength." Su Wulue felt a little regretful.

"Get it in the studio and sell it."

Just when a few people were about to leave.


A very beautiful woman with oriental charm appeared in front of everyone.She was wearing a blue sky-colored dress with a Tai Chi pattern, holding a sword in one hand, and leading a black steed in the other, with her black hair on her shoulders, like a fairy in dust.

She just appeared in front of several people.

This is a situation that has never been encountered before.

Including the millions of people in the live broadcast room, they also looked confused.

"what's going on?"

 This chapter is updated yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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