Live in Dungeon

Chapter 207 206. Dark Guard

Chapter 207 206. The Dark Guard [Chapter Changes]

The popularity in the live broadcast room is still growing. Even the Dungeon and Warriors forum has a lot of people taking screenshots or typing live broadcasts.

Much awaited.

Su Wu spoke slowly, and gave the answer that millions of people were looking forward to.

"Stay away from the snowy mountains."

He only said these four words, and after waiting for more than ten seconds, he still didn't say another word.


"and then?"

"And then +1."

"Is there anything else?"

Similar bullet screens filled the entire live broadcast room!
Facing the doubts of tens of thousands of people, Su Wu spread his hands and said naturally.

"Then? It's gone. Just wait for the update."

this moment.

Many people's hearts are broken.

"God, what a word! This is obviously a word!"

"Give me back the plane!"

Then think of the scene where airplanes, rockets and other gifts kept rushing out just now.

The contrast is too sharp and too disparate, but it makes people feel incredible.

Lulu and Zimeng Fanqian are in the same place.

The two were watching Su Wu's live broadcast at the same time.

After listening to his answer.

Lulu raised her head, looked at Zimeng Fanqian in disbelief, and said, "Sister Zimeng, I heard you right, brother Jianjian just said four words!"

"should not……"

Zimeng Fanqian shook her head. She always felt that if the version of Dungeon and Warriors was updated this time, players could kill each other if they accidentally opened it up.

After the version update, Su Wu couldn't live for more than 5 minutes after leaving Hutton Marr!

Looking at the barrage of explosions in the live broadcast room, it can be seen that many people are indeed not satisfied with this answer.

The old man also felt speechless.

Stay away from snow mountains.

Just four words!

Why stay away, what's the matter, or some more details, nothing at all, just four words.


"It turns out that being a magic stick makes a lot more money than I do business."

In the Dungeon and Warriors forum, Su Wu's four words have spread.

[Stay away from the snow-capped mountains, as if making me laugh. 】

【Are you sure this isn't the way alchemists in the Jianghu often speak? 】

【Shock!A certain anchor, with four words, earned more than [-] gifts! 】

Su Wu didn't read or pay attention to similar posts.

Right now, he is preparing to exchange for advanced costume vouchers.

The high-level costume exchange voucher can be exchanged for costumes in the game mall. In terms of attributes, it is far stronger than the grassland warrior suit.

The costume lacks 1 piece, and the set attribute of 8 pieces cannot be obtained, and the attribute of 7 pieces is also better than the grassland warrior set.

And right now.

Lucky Live System Tips
"Ding! Prestige value +5."

"Ding! Prestige value +4."

"Ding! Prestige +6. Cumulative prestige: 56 points."

The sudden prestige value made Su Wu even more satisfied.As for the debate in the live broadcast room, he ignored it.

Sometimes, the gap between people is even bigger than the gap between a tortoise and a bastard.

He can't understand others, and others may not understand him.

What should be said is said, and the rest can be ignored.

Really smart people, and those who are willing to believe in him, will naturally listen to it.

Su Wu said something.

"Housekeepers, please, give each of those little trolls a monthly package."

"23333, happy to hear and see, monthly package."

"I don't know what the blind comparison is. I didn't say anything when I sent Chaohuo. Far away from the snow mountain, it's not clear enough, understand?"

"I've watched all the little trolls. Through observation, I found that among the people who scold the anchor... there is not a single cute girl!"

"Continue to live broadcast and exchange costumes!"

Su Wu opened the game store page.

There are only two sets of optional costumes for Ghost Swordsman.

Each set has four colors, most of which are white, black, blue, and red.

Su Wu exchanged for a weapon, the red dark guard giant sword.

It belongs to chest equipment and can be worn behind the back, which can increase attack speed by 5%.

Because he used the 'Prairie Warrior' suit before, Su Wu has not been able to equip it.

There are 6 costume vouchers available.

The dress is divided into eight parts, namely: hat, head, face, chest, top, bottom, waist, shoes.

Most of the optional attributes are different.

After gathering 8 pieces of high-level costumes, they can be given suit attributes.It is different from the 3, 5, and 8 trigger conditions in Su Wu's previous DNF.

"You can only make up 7 pieces, that is to say, you can only exchange 6 more pieces now. You have to give up one part of the outfit first."

"Let's get rid of the hair part."

After thinking clearly about the parts to be discarded, Su Wu began to exchange for the Dark Guard costume set.

A specific exchange page appeared in front of my eyes.

Redemption: Ruby Dark Guard's amount is successful!Please select an attribute below.

1. Intelligence +45.

2. Spirit +45.

3. HP recovery +36 points per minute.

4. MP recovery +36 points per minute.

5. Increase the release speed by 12%.

There are five attribute values, one of which must be selected.

Sword Soul belongs to the physics department profession, the first two attributes are useless, recovering HP and MP are also useless to Su Wu.

"Choose 5."

The moment the attribute is determined, the ruby ​​​​dark guards the forehead, endowing it with permanent attributes.It also becomes untradeable.

Only vouchers can be traded.

Next up!

Su Wu began to exchange other parts!

Auxiliary System Tips
Redemption: Green-eyed angry spirit mask (the mask can be shrunk and hidden) successfully!The attribute "increase attack speed by 5%" has been determined!
Redemption: Golden Dark Guard Armor Successfully!The attribute "Skill-Breaking Blade LV+1" has been determined!
Redemption: Golden Darkguard Belt successfully!The attribute "light attribute resistance +25 points" has been confirmed!
Redemption: Golden Darkguard Armor Boots Successfully!The attribute "Movement Speed ​​+5%" has been confirmed!
So far, the exchange of 6 advanced costumes has been completed.

Su Wu opened his right hand, and a fist-sized metal block appeared in the palm. The surface was bright, blending silver and gold, and there were bright green crystals in some places.


"What is this? What a strange feeling."

"Looks, kind of like a box, some kind of container."

At this time, Su Wu held it and stuck it to his face for a moment.

The entire metal block 'lived', forming a metal mask, which was buckled on Su Wu's cheek, with a bright metallic luster.

There is an air purifier similar to a gas mask in the breathing area, and the green spar in the eyes can separate toxic substances.

It has a certain immune physical toxin effect!Although, there is no hint on the properties.

Su Wu faced the live broadcast room and looked at his own image, a few seconds later.

"It feels a bit like the mask of Star Lord in Marvel."

Next up!

The golden dark guard armor looms from Su Wu's body. The armor is shining and has a unique shape, protecting vulnerable parts.

Arms, waist, leggings, combat boots, etc... loomed out of Su Wu's body one after another.

The exaggerated red dark guard giant sword also appeared outside Su Wu's body.

Obviously it is armor, giant sword, etc., but because of the sci-fi feeling of the green-eyed anger mask.

On the contrary, there is a sense of sight of a space warrior!
 The book has been greatly revised and chapters rewritten: Chapters 148 to 231.

(End of this chapter)

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