Live in Dungeon

Chapter 205 204. Version update! 【Big revision】

Chapter 205 204. Version update! [Major Chapter Changes]

While the barrage players sighed, Su Wu felt that he had received 999999 points of critical damage!
I am still saving money to buy my first house.

Shenhao over there has already changed his household registration and changed regions to Southern Province because of 'some' real estate!

Think about it, fate is really unfair.

I clearly had 76 initial lucky points, and I also got a lucky live broadcast system.

Facing the live broadcast room, he sighed and said.

"Sometimes, I really sigh, the ups and downs of fate. Only people like me from a poor background need to fight on their own."


"Go away! Die Ouhuang, shameless."

"I'll just ask you a question, what about your face? With a daily income of [-], [-] Huaxia coins, and even a million dollars, you still pretend to be poor."

"(°ο°)~ I just kick up when I go up."


Lucky Live System Tips
"Ding, reputation value +3."

"Ding, reputation value +2."

"Ding, reputation +3. Accumulated reputation: 30 points."

Does this work?
Su Wu doubted that the audience in the live broadcast room were all strange things.

Finally, I talked to Mumu Xiaopao.

"Let's find a way to get in touch later. When we have a way to get to where you are, I will help you along the way if I go. However, additional tasks depend on my time and other factors."

After all, the other party gave him a gift of tens of thousands of Huaxia coins, and it was not easy to refuse casually because of emotion and reason.

The most important thing!
Su Wu also has another level of real thoughts. The NPC girl 'Alice' mentioned by Mu Mu Xiao Pao is very unusual.

In fact, she is not a girl... the age span is exaggerated.

Introduce Alice in the shortest and most vivid way.

Ignite the Grand Forest fire, the magical sisters Krahe and Pinocchio who are playing tricks in the sky city.

They come from the Demon Realm, a powerful magical organization - the mysterious branch of Tarakuta.

Alice in the mouth of this 'Mumu Xiaobao'.

His true identity is - the leader of the Tarakuta Magic Troupe!
Only after you really get to know her deeply, will you know that the other party's strength is terrifying, and it is difficult to describe in words.


Far away in the continent of Arad, in the world outside the great magic circle, in the forest on the back of the Sky Veil giant beast.

Mumu Xiaopao was still squatting on the second branch, he was very anxious.

I don't want to hang up the virgin in the game, so I throw it here.


After searching, he found that this place is very special, if you carefully search, investigate, and take risks, there may be great gains.

The reason why I told the other party that I transferred my account is to attract attention.

Thinking of this, he thought about it.

"Although Xiao Jianjian is the number one master and is very strong, this place is too weird."

"I'd better contact a professional, it will be more reliable, double insurance!"

After talking to himself, he opened the communication list.

Seeing a head, what appeared in front of him was the head of a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard, and the words 'Grey Smoke Mercenary Group' were written on the note.

While initiating the communication, he muttered to himself.

"I don't know when this giant beast will arrive on the continent of Arad."


The perspective turned to Su Wu.

He was still in Celia's hut, holding a cloth bag in the shape of a rectangle.

There are a few words written on the surface, and the card draws a gift bag.

【Item Information】

Item: Card Draw Gift Pack (tradeable)
Type: Consumables
Introduction: After use, a card can be drawn randomly (quality: normal, advanced, rare).

Items purchased with 10 exchange points have a chance to get rare cards, which is already very rare!

Enchanting cards are very special, low quality, generally weaker than high quality, but if you are lucky.

Rare quality card attributes may not be lower than artifact quality cards.

thought here.

Su Wu couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation.

"You said, will it be ordinary, advanced, or rare?"

Housing management area.

Zimeng Fanqian: I said rare.

Lulu: I also said rare!
in the barrage.

"Ordinary is the most likely, but considering the anchor's luck has been very good, I guess it is advanced."

"Advanced +1. Rare seems a bit difficult."

"What's the point of guessing like this, don't gamble too much, if it's not a high-level card, I'll give you a sea of ​​flowers."

soon!The same barrage, dense pop-ups, mostly saying that if it is not a high-level card, a flower sea gift will be given.

"You are provoking the Emperor of Europe!"

Su Wu's right eyebrow raised slightly, and he chose to open the 'card draw package'.

The opening process is quick.

In just a short moment, three colors of light appeared at the same time.

White, blue, purple.

Corresponding to cards of different qualities.

After a few seconds...

'Zi! '

A card appeared in Su Wu's hand. It was rectangular, about 15cm in length, and the edge was purple!Printed with the image of the pattern!
Reminder: Open the card to draw the gift package successfully, and get the card "Binoche of Flame (rare)"*1.

"Yo, that's right, it's a fire card! Rare quality!"

"Look at the purple color, how beautiful it is, right?"

"I have always felt that the color of rare quality is not suitable. After all, purple and yellow were used by emperors in ancient times."

After speaking a few words in a row.

Live Tips
Lulucia presents anchor Huahai*1!Postscript: Get you a monkey, crazy hints.

Eternity-The old uncle presents the anchor Huahai*1!Postscript: Ahem, I give you full marks for this wave of hints.

Follow the waves and present the host Huahai*1!Postscript: Isn’t it the sea of ​​flowers, here you go!
A single flower sea is worth 50 Huaxia coins, but it can't hold up to the large number.

Hundreds of flowers, after stacking up, the harvest is very impressive.

Su Wu has already hoarded some of the Flame Pinot repair cards.

Su Wu put the card into the warehouse of Celia's hut.

"Increase the number of stored cards by 1, now there are... 24 cards!"

With the passage of time in the future, Su Wu is sure that the number of cards he hoards will further increase.

Fire cards and light cards are the focus of his hoarding.

Just when Su Wu opened his mouth to thank the live broadcast room for the gift.

An announcement prompt suddenly sounded!

公告:于今日2018年,6月19号,深夜10点整。地下城与勇士将正式更新第一季·Chapter 3-雪域迷踪。预计更新时间为2个小时。

Announcement: Today, 2018, June 6th, at 19 o'clock in the middle of the night...

An announcement hints that it's not quite over yet.

Next up!

A third identical announcement followed.

In the land of China, from north to south, over [-] million players were shocked by this announcement from the system!
Ben was still discussing card enchantment, and Su Wu, who was exchanging vouchers for advanced costumes, and everyone in the live broadcast room.

I was taken aback by this sudden update and was caught off guard.

Su Wu said in surprise.

"The sudden update of Chapter 3 Lost in the Snow, does it have something to do with the ice dragon?"

There was a private message from Zimeng Fanqian and Lulu, which was passed on.

 The book has been greatly revised and chapters rewritten: Chapters 148 to 231.

(End of this chapter)

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