Live in Dungeon

Chapter 172 171. Sword Knight

Chapter 172 171. Sword Knight 【Chapter Changes】

The enemies blocking the way appeared again.

The enemies on the second floor of the floating palace are also knights of the Magic Legion of Light, but they are no longer Destroyers.

Named Sword Knight!

Compared with 'Destroyer', there are more regular edges and corners on the shoulder pads and leg guards of the Knight Swordsman's armor.Height and weight increased slightly.

The smooth armor surface glowed with a deep blue color.

A sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

There are more of them!A total of 20 sword knights!
Su Wu said: "Check the information."

【Monster information】

Name: Sword Knight (Advanced)

Rating: 28
HP: 35 million/35 million

Physical attack power: 4000
Physical Defense: 4600
Magic Defense: 4650
Passive skill: "Heart of the Legion" (When there are more than two sword knights, the damage received is reduced by 50%, the speed is increased by 20%, and the extra damage is increased by 20%.)
Attack low and defend high.Passively buffs speed and damage, lacks super armor status.

Face this type of enemy!
Su Wu took out a level 25 epic giant sword 'Scorching Flame Brahma Sword', opened and closed, and slashed at the sword knight!
'Boom! '

Trigger the special effect of the Burning Brahma Sword!The damage value pops up crazily.
28701 crit-

In the back row of the team, Seria's wine-red eyes could not help sighing, seeing the scene of the battle ahead.

"The adventurer is much stronger than when he saved me."

in the live room.

"The Burning Flame Brahma Sword is truly epic. The trigger rate and damage of this explosion effect are almost invincible against group monsters. The only shortcoming is that it is strengthened by 10, and the damage itself is not enough."

"This is actually an epic weapon! Damn! Where did the anchor come from?"

"I can see the cuteness upstairs, do you know about the abyss party challenge? It was created by the anchor."

There are more than [-] online viewers, and there are many people who don't know Su Wu.Because of ignorance, there will be more surprises.

Lucky Live System Tips
"Ding, reputation value +5."

"Ding, reputation +7. Cumulative reputation: 39."

In the smoke of the explosion and the deafening bang, a large piece of debris was thrown up, and in the shock wave of the gravel.

A total of 20 Destroyers turned into light spots and disappeared into the air.

Auxiliary System Tips
Tip: Lulu kills Sword Knight (LV28-Advanced), experience +4500.


Tips: Xiao Jian Jian kills the Sword Knight (LV28-Advanced), experience value +4500.Obtain heavy armor "Dragon Cry Shoulders (LV25-Rare)"*1.

20 Destroyers, gain 9 experience points.

Get some materials, and 2 pieces of rare heavy armor - Longming Shoulders and Longming Belt!
Su Wu said happily: "It seems that the little monsters here can explode the dragon cry suit."

Artifact armor, after the appearance of true artifact armor.

As a second-class armor and rare quality armor, the value has dropped significantly.


The Longming suit is different, its effect is no less than that of any artifact armor, even beyond the artifact armor!
When HP is below 25%, increase damage by 25%.

For the long-distance profession 'gunner', another example is a berserker with less HP and stronger fighting power.It belongs to the super best armor.

In Su Wu's live broadcast room, someone was already asking Su Wu if he would sell Long Ming.

Live Tips
Eternity-The old uncle rewarded the anchor Gangzhu*18888 Postscript: Sword God, how do you sell this armor?
Falcon Regiment-Liufeng reward anchor Gangzhu*18888 Postscript: Uncle, you just took away a real artifact revolver, how about giving these to me?
Notice the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Su Wu said, "Let's talk about the price when we get back to the city! I can't stay here to fight monsters, I have to go to the floating palace on the upper floor to complete the task as soon as possible."

after an hour.

Hanging City - the third floor floating palace!
The footsteps of countless people echoed in the huge square, the bluestone paved the ground, and a large number of dragon-shaped sculptures stood around it.

There are hidden weapons in some dragon-shaped sculptures, which can breathe fire, shoot ice balls, light balls, etc. to continuously attack and sneak attack intruders.

'Boom! '

'Whoa! '

The Zhiyan Brahma Sword continued to slash towards the dragon sculpture, triggering an explosion effect, the delicate sculpture shattered, and the pieces scattered all over the ground, leaving only the damaged base.

Lulu is also releasing her skills - mutant fly swatter, slapping the sculpture!

Several people chatted.

"It's a pity that it was so damaged."

"But Brother Jianjian. If you don't destroy them, you will be attacked."

"So it's still a never-ending danger. Be careful. The higher the Hanging City is, the more dangerous it is."

The first layer is the Destroyer, and the second layer is the Sword Knight.

the third floor?
Just as Su Wu guessed, the enemy's strength is increasing.

After cleaning the sculptures, the only way to the floating palace on the fourth floor was the sound of heavy footsteps.

That was the heavy sound when the metal fell to the ground.

The sound does not originate from one place, but from many directions!

If you judge carefully, you will find that the sound in each direction means at least 20 sword knights or expulsors.

If all of them are brought in, the number will exceed 100!Even Su Wu couldn't fight against 100 well-trained Knights of the Light Magic Legion at the same time.

at the same time.

The Hanging City rose to the highest point again, and charged towards the big magic circle!
The complicated magic hood covers the main building of the Hanging City, and the floating palace will not be destroyed.

Violent shocks are inevitable.

From the first floor to the highest ninth floor, shaking violently, Su Wu inserted his sword into the ground to maintain his balance.

"here we go again!"

The impact duration is 60 seconds.

After 60 seconds, the aftermath gradually disappeared... From all directions, heavy footsteps sounded again.

In Su Wu's live broadcast room, many people were sighing.

"I really want to try it, but I don't have enough strength, even the magic portal can't bear it."

"About level 22, you should be able to pass through the magic portal here. It's level 22 fighting high-level monsters at level 28... It's time to go to heaven!"

"I'm still a salted fish, just continue to watch the live broadcast of Jianjian."


'Boom! '

'Fuck! '

The sound of metal collisions rang out densely at the end of the corridor.

Lulu held a black and purple mutated fly swatter, which was more than seven meters long, and swatted at the remaining sword knights.

'when! '

There was a sword knight blocking the front, Su Wu's lightsaber attacked, but was slapped by the fly swatter from the sky, and he lay on the stone ground.

'Holy Cross' hit them.

There are three people in the team, suppressing an enemy that is several times their size.

Celia stood in the back row and watched nervously. She had no fighting skills and no combat capability.

In seconds!
The sword knights turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, the heavy armor of 'Longming' fell to the ground.

White light erupted from the body of the 'Ice Breath Blue Dragon'.

It's upgraded!

Tip: pet 'Frozen Blue Dragon' LV27 upgrade to LV28 (experience: 0/100 million).

The little blue dragon twisted its body and was suspended in the air. Its size did not change, and its attributes did not improve.

Su Wu touched its head, which felt slippery, and the little blue dragon showed an expression of enjoyment.

speak up.

"Upgrade to two more levels, and you will be able to master the big move 'Ice Flame Strong Breath'."

 The book has been greatly revised and chapters rewritten: Chapters 148 to 231.

(End of this chapter)

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