Live in Dungeon

Chapter 152 151. The Strongest Boss

Chapter 152 151. The Strongest Boss [Chapter Changes]

With the thumb and middle finger pinching the wave stone and placing it between the eyebrows, Su Wu looked forward.

5 minute later.

He saw it!

At the place where the white coral and stone pillars intersect, I saw an inconspicuous magic portal leading to an unknown area.

Su Wu said excitedly.

"I see the way! Zimeng, your trick really works."

Zimeng Fanqian bit her lips lightly, wanted to laugh, but tried not to.

"Jian Jian, we saw it too."

Fragments of white coral, scattered on the ground.The blue magic portal, there is still magic aftermath...

The back of the portal.

Rengao's dragon sculptures and dragon-shaped sculptures can be seen everywhere, arranged in a well-organized position, and the dark-colored dragon-claw battle flag is hanging high and fluttering.

It's like a maze.

The familiar roar of the pterosaur echoed in this maze.

Su Wu heard the sound and said to the live broadcast room.

"We just arrived, and we heard the sound of the pterosaur. It is estimated that someone else found this place in advance."


"It's interesting now, we're going to meet again."

"It's unscientific. How can someone be faster than Jianjian? And they found the entrance faster."

"The palace of the city lord is originally a huge maze, plus the magic portal, it is strange to find it in advance?"

When more than [-] people were arguing in the live broadcast room, Su Wu, Zimeng Fanqian, and Lulu approached carefully to find the source of the sound.

Numerous dragon-shaped sculptures, stone pillars and other items provide them with natural hiding places.

Through the gap between the dragon teeth of the blue dragon sculpture, Su Wu's eyes looked at the open space in front of him through the gap!
It was a hail of bullets, swords and swords!
The two sides of the battle are the players and the dragon people.

There are 11 players, divided into three teams.

The tacit cooperation between each other is obviously the players of the guild.

The opposing dragon people have four blue pterosaurs, two pterosaurs, and a brown-skinned dragon man boss!

It holds a double-edged spear, about 2.5 meters long, tall, and when the thick dragon tail flicks, it can easily fly a melee player.

In the brown eyes, there is the arrogance of the dragon clan and the contempt for the human beings in front of him.

The player's damage is low, but there are many!Especially the addition of long-range attack professions such as gunners can suppress the attacks of non-hegemonic enemies.

The Gatling machine gun was emitting flames, and the metal bullets hit the monsters like a storm.

Su Wu observed the scene in front of him.

Because the players chose to block their own information, Su Wu couldn't judge what kind of forces they belonged to.

Among them, BOSS Su Wu is most interested!
Not sure, if it's the Thunderring Hughes that GSD mentioned.

He secretly said in his heart: "Check the boss information."

【Lord Information】

BOSS: Dragon Lord Commander (Gold Level)
Rating: 27
HP: 176 million/180 million

Physical attack power: 6000
Magic/Physical Defense: 5000

Zimeng Fanqian whispered to Su Wu.

"It's not Thunder Ring Hughes, what should we do? Do we want to do it?"

"Brother Jianjian, if we keep fighting for the boss, will the store not give you the seasoning packet when we buy instant noodles in the future... I haven't changed my image."

Lulu expressed concern.

Hear what she has to say.

Su Wu thought it made sense.

"Then let's wait until they are dead before doing anything."

in the live room.

"A sip of tainted milk, the old iron took it!"

"Are you devils?"

"Sorry. When we arrived at the scene, only one front tooth was found."

Just when there are so many barrages making fun!
The battle situation is also changing.

11 players cooperated meticulously, and the result was that the mobs were eradicated one by one.

Only the dragon man is left to lead the BOSS! !
Although it is very brave, it is still difficult to exert its full strength in the face of the concentrated fire of many enemies.

Bullets, explosions and magic, and even sword shadows put it in a suppressed position.

There is a damage value on the top of the head, popping out densely.
364 crit-

The amount of damage is small, but the frequency is extremely high!
Su Wu secretly thought: "These players, even if they are not first-tier, at least they are super-second-tier! If the equipment and level are sufficient, they can reach the first-tier level at any time. The guild with such a strong strength must be my acquaintance."

But at this time!
A sound enters the ear.

"Be careful, it has 50% HP left!"

"When will the wind blade come? It's too slow!"

"The road here is too complicated. Even if you tell Feng Ren the coordinates, it will not be easy for him to come here. I sent a mouse to meet him, and it will take more than 40 minutes at the fastest. Let's drag the boss first."

The situation is stable.

A level 21 Gunnery player, grab the ostentatious heavy firearm - the Anti-Tank Gun Launcher!Aimed at the dragon leader in the distance.

Pull the trigger.

'Boom! '

The orange-yellow cannonball rushed out of the black barrel with huge kinetic energy!There is a heat wave rolling in!
The recoil propels the player, sliding back six meters!

The sound of the explosion echoed around.

"With such a high profile, will we attract dangerous bosses?"

"No, you won't be able to use any skills when fighting a boss, so what else is there to play with!"

A roaming gunman with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth said confidently.

He is in the back row, holding a fire attribute revolver, shooting accurately and quickly.

But right now!
Su Wu, Zimeng Fanqian and Lulu saw a green afterimage appearing in front of them almost at the same time.

It seems to be in the middle of reality and fantasy.

Hard to notice!

Su Wu had encountered the same situation with the boss of the Tower of Dragon Man.

It's just that the Dragon Lord at that time was instantly killed by GSD.

Lulu grabbed Zimeng Fanqian's hand, and whispered excitedly: "Sister Zimeng, there is another big boss!"

"Yeah, these players may be miserable..."

The voice did not fall.

That illusory green figure suddenly appeared in the back row of the Falcons!

It holds a harpoon-like light spear and easily pierces the back of the roaming gunner player, bursting out damage.
8700 crit!

A huge damage value popped up, and the roaming gunner player's body became illusory, disappearing into the air in an instant.

This is the damage of skills!

The other players are aware of the danger.

"Dodge those in the back row! The boss is coming again!"

Too late.

The light spear in Leihuan Hughes' hand hit the ground hard, and the lightning light curtain, with him as the center, spread out 360 degrees without dead ends!
Sweeping a radius of 15 meters!
A huge ball of lightning light is formed, devouring the players in the back row.

At the same time as the damage value popped up, players one by one...disappeared in midair.

The gunners, paladins, and roaming gunners in the back row were all wiped out.

Losing the suppression in the back row, the players in the front row, such as Sword Soul, were powerless to suppress the dragon leader. Under the slamming spear of the dragon boss, the life value was emptied and disappeared into the air.

Everything came too fast, too fast.

It was almost too late to be caught off guard, and when the danger was realized, the situation was over.

In the live broadcast room, after a moment of dead silence, the barrage suddenly exploded!
"The damage is too scary! The damage value of this boss is unbelievably high."

"A skill kills players in's simple. There's also the ability to be invisible..."

"Jianjian, you sucked poisonous milk and killed 11 players. Are you sure you want to kill this Leihuan Hughes just because you want to give GSD a material?"

Judging from the current situation, it is not wise to start a war with two bosses!

With a thought, Su Wu opened the property page of Leihuan Hughes.

【Lord Information】

BOSS: Thunder Ring Hughes (Quasi-Platinum Level)

Rating: 28
HP: 310 million/310 million

Physical attack power: 8600
Physical Defense: 6150
Magic Defense: 6400
(End of this chapter)

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