Chapter 912
Leaving the world of immortality and wandering in the endless chaos, Wang Bin felt the changes in his cultivation, constantly consolidating the foundation and tamping the foundation.

Immortal state, equivalent to the Taoist saint.

Saints are divided into three realms, Saints of the Heavenly Dao, Saints of the Dao Patriarch, and Saints of the Dao.

When he arrived at Daluo Jinxian, he jumped out of the three realms and was no longer in the five elements. He could travel through the heavens and myriad realms, walk in various worlds, easily deceive the perception of heaven, and create a vast world with a wave of his hand.As long as he doesn't encounter some powerful enemies and be killed by force, Daluo Jinxian is almost immortal.

Among the heavens and worlds, the Daluo Jinxian is a top existence.

The Immortal Emperor in the Perfect World, the Beyond Realm in the Yangshen World, and the master of the Star Transformation World are all in essence Daluo Jinxian.Every Daluo Jinxian is the essence of the era, and they all condense the luck of an era. As long as they don't die, they will hardly die.

Above the Daluo Jinxian, he is a sage of heaven.

The Heavenly Dao Saint, who controls the Consummation Dao, is even more terrifying to the extreme.

As for the Dao Patriarch Saint, also known as the Compassionate Saint, he was even more terrifying to the extreme.

As for the Great Dao Sage, it is impossible to calculate how powerful he is.

At this time, the void flickered, and the Sansheng Stone appeared, turning into a light and shadow, and turning into a purple-clothed Taoist.This Taoist looks ordinary, like a member of the crowd, but on closer inspection, he looks like the Dao itself.

"I am Destiny Tianzun..."

The Taoist said: "Back then, I was just a prince of the mortal kingdom, and I was born in a humble place, until a meteorite fell from the sky one day, and I got it. This treasure is actually not a high-end item, it's just a Nascent Soul magic weapon. !"

"It was my first pot of gold, which led me to the path of cultivation. At that time, I had a dream, to become the ancestor of Yuanying... Now it seems that the dream of the past is a bit ridiculous! Step by step, constantly Become stronger, become a heavenly immortal, become a Da Luo Jinxian... and in the end, become a sage of harmony!"

"In order to attack the Great Dao Saint, I prepared too many things. In the end, I left the Gate of Eternal Life and left it in a place of chaos. With the Gate of Eternal Life as its foundation, it evolved into an infinite world. In the Gate of Eternal Life, there is a world I left behind. The next treasure!"

"If I succeed in attacking Daosheng, you will not be able to see this image! If I fall, but a trace of remnant soul reincarnates away, you will not be able to see this image. But you can see this image, It can only be said that I have completely fallen... my soul is scattered, and there is no such thing as me in the world! It's a pity, it's a pity..."

With that said, the image completely disappeared.

Wang Bin was silent in his heart, Destiny Tianzun is a sage of the way, and he is the peak of the sage, far from being comparable to a rookie like him who has just advanced.

However, it fell completely.

The so-called caves, the so-called treasures are not for the so-called predestined people, but for the reincarnated body.

How dangerous is the repair road, anyone may fall.

If it unfortunately falls, the treasures left in the past may be the capital to rise after reincarnation.

In the world of immortality, the Heavenly Martial Treasury was left by Panwu Immortal, the Yellow Spring Treasure was left by Emperor Huangquan, and the Taiyuan Immortal Mansion was left by Taiyuan Immortal.They left these treasure house immortal mansions, not for someone with predestined relationship, not for being prostitutes, but for reincarnated bodies.

When they encounter catastrophe and fall, the reincarnated body can find these treasure houses and rise again.

It's a pity that they have completely fallen, and the treasure house has benefited some people.

The world of eternal life is the treasure house left by Destiny Tianzun for the purpose of defeating the failure of Dao sages. If the remnant souls are reincarnated, they can get these treasures and rise up.It's a pity that Destiny Tianzun failed and fell completely, leaving no trace of remnant soul, so naturally there was no way to reincarnate.


"The avenue is vast, and accidents may occur at any time. It's time for me to prepare some treasures by myself!"

Wang Bin sighed.

In the world of the tomb of the gods, he was beaten to death by heaven again and again, and he was resurrected again and again.Relying on the treasures left behind before the fall, one after another, they came back to life abruptly.

In the world of eternal life, he also left densely packed treasures like stars.Relying on these treasures, it is possible to quickly restore the strength of the previous life after reincarnation and reconstruction.

Now, it is time to leave many treasures in the endless chaos.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the wreckage of the artifact of good fortune and stimulated his mana. These wreckages continued to evolve and condensed again.The infinite energy of chaos surged, and the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure, the Book of Era, and the White Lotus of the Pure World were condensed again, and they were resurrected again.

It's just that the injury is too serious, Qi Ling is still asleep, and needs a long deep sleep to recover from the past injury.

The void is changing, the chaos is shattering, and a great world is constantly growing and changing. In the last 33 days, the treasure is changing, entering this world and suppressing it.

It also activated the spell, and in the endless chaos, two worlds were opened up, storing the Book of Era and the White Lotus of Purification respectively.

"I created you and restricted you. I hope you can get rid of my shackles and walk out of your own way!"

With that said, Wang Bin left.

Then, in the chaos, one world after another was opened up, some were the Great Thousand World, some were the Middle Thousand World, and some were the Small Thousand World, leaving behind some treasures.

Walking in the endless chaos, Wang Bin felt a little lonely and bored.

Walking and walking, I suddenly felt that there was a giant standing in the chaos in front of him, wearing animal skins, with a supreme savage aura, like an ancient beast.

"Who are you??"

asked the giant, with a fierce gleam in his eyes.

"I am Panhuang!" Wang Bin said, with a sense of vigilance, the person in front of him is also a saint of harmony.

"You turned out to be a sanctified soul!" The giant said, his eyes flashed with greed, as if he saw the supreme delicacy.

"Soul sanctification, what is it?"

Wang Bin was a little puzzled and asked deliberately.

"The sanctification of the soul is indestructible in all calamities, and it evolves all dharmas with the soul; the sanctification of the body is immortal, and it breaks all dharmas with strength!" The giant said, "You are the sanctification of the soul, and I am the sanctification of the body!"

Sanctification of the soul!

Wang Bin nodded, somewhat enlightened.

In the world of the tomb of the gods, he stepped into the heaven-defying level and became a saint.

In the world of the tomb of the gods, the soul has been cultivated to the extreme together, immortal for a thousand eons, reincarnated for a hundred generations, and the true self remains unchanged.

Relying on the powerful spirit, Wang Bin also reincarnated in different worlds again and again, perfectly blinding the way of heaven, and being able to quickly awaken the memory of his previous life.

Fang Qingxue is the reincarnation of the Mother of Lightning, with the imprint of the Gate of Eternal Life, but he only began to awaken his memory in the mysterious realm of supernatural powers; and he just reincarnated, just awakening his memory, to a certain extent, the strength of his soul, the tenacity of his soul, surpassed many saint.

(End of this chapter)

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