Be a boss from the showdown

Chapter 238 VIP User

Chapter 238 VIP User
Jiang Chen rode a scooter towards the delivery point.

People came and went on the road, and suddenly Jiang Chen saw a familiar figure. This person was none other than his high school classmate Liu Xu.

At this moment, Liu Xu had a sad face, thinking about something on his mind.

Jiang Chen called him several times, but he didn't hear him.

Helpless, Jiang Chen had no choice but to ride up to him and stop him.

Liu Xu saw Jiang Chen wearing a courier suit with a puzzled expression on his face and asked, "Jiang Chen, why are you delivering the courier now?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Delivery delivery is pretty good. It's interesting to meet all kinds of people."

He continued: "Okay, don't talk about me, how is your coffee shop doing?"

Liu Xu and Jiang Chen had the best relationship when they were in high school.

Although they were not admitted to the same university, the two will often communicate through WeChat.

Some time ago, Liu Xu told Jiang Chen that he opened a coffee shop in the commercial street of Shanghai, and the monthly income was very considerable. He also invited Jiang Chen to visit his shop.

It's just that Jiang Chen is very busy every day and has no time to find Liu Xu.

Liu Xu sighed and said: "Don't mention it, there is something wrong with the coffee shop and it needs a lot of money, otherwise I will have to close the shop."

Jiang Chen had already seen that Liu Xu was worrying about raising funds, so he comforted him and said, "Isn't it just a matter of money? It's easy to solve."

What Liu Xu wanted to say was easy, this is not a small sum, it needs hundreds of thousands.

Jiang Chen signaled Liu Xu to get on his motorcycle. Although Liu Xu looked puzzled, he did as he was told.

Two people are riding a motorcycle on the road.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen stopped the car, and Liu Xu, who was sitting behind him, realized that there was a bank in front of him.

Although he didn't know what he was doing in the bank, Liu Xu followed Jiang Chen in.

Seeing Jiang Chen in a courier uniform and Liu Xu in ordinary clothes, the bank staff ignored them.

Jiang Chen went straight to the VIP window.

When the female staff saw Jiang Chen's clothes, she felt very contemptuous in her heart, but she had a smile on her face.

She said in a cold tone, "Sir, please show your number."

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled and asked, "Do VIP customers still need to get a number?"

When the female staff member heard what Jiang Chen said, she felt amused.

Just you, a courier brother, is still a VIP customer, and you don't even look at your identity.

I'm not afraid of laughing my teeth out when I say it.

Do you know what a VIP customer is? At least the deposit must be more than [-] million.

If you really have such a strong economic foundation, would you still go to deliver express?

It seems that this person is just an ordinary person who wants to get away with it.

Although she thought so in her heart, she still kept a smile on her face, and did not express the thoughts in her heart.

The little brother in front of me is indeed very handsome, but the bank doesn't look at your face, it looks at your savings.

Furthermore, if it is really a VIP customer, there will definitely be someone in charge to receive it, so he needs to go to the window by himself.

The female staff kept despising Jiang Chen in her heart, and then said with a smile: "It is indeed necessary, sir, please ask for a number."

Jiang Chen frowned and didn't bother to argue with her, saying that good men don't fight with women.

He went to the number machine to get a number, returned to the window again, and handed the number strip with number 16 to the waitress.

The waitress looked at the note and number that Jiang Chen handed over, and confirmed her guess even more.

This is just a common card, but also wants to enjoy VIP treatment.

She said in a cold tone: "Sir, please wait in line over there and pay attention to your number."

Hearing what the female staff said, Jiang Chen was really angry this time, and got up and walked out of the bank.

Before, he had contacted the president and wanted to withdraw all the deposits stored here. If the president hadn't begged hard, he would have done so.

Moreover, the president also promised him that he would enjoy treatment in this bank that other banks did not have. In short, he offered a lot of preferential terms.

However, seeing the attitude of the female staff, he has changed his mind now, and decided to transfer all the billions he has deposited in the bank to other banks.

It's this bank's way of looking down on people, which Jiang Chen can't get used to.

At this time, Xingchang Li, who was in the office, suddenly saw the name of No. 16 Jiang Chen through the glass.

Li Gang jumped up from the office chair in fright, and walked out in a hurry.

The boss Jiang Chen is here, why no one notified him.

Li Gang found the lobby manager and asked if he had seen a man named Jiang Chen.

Because the lobby manager has been doing business for others just now, and didn't pay attention.

At this time, the president called the supervisor and asked him if he saw Jiang Chen.

The supervisor did not pay attention.

At this time, the president came to each window and told the staff that they saw a customer named Jiang Chen on the 16th, and immediately notified him to invite him to the president's office.

After the female staff member heard the president's request, she suddenly thought that the person she drove away just now was called Jiang Chen.

It seems that this person pretended to be a VIP customer and had already alarmed the president.

But she thought about it again, no, even so, the president wouldn't come out by himself.

Because the female staff member had not been in the bank for a long time, she suddenly thought that the president was looking for someone to test her and test her work attitude.

The female staff became a little nervous.

Recalling her attitude and speech just now, she did keep smiling from beginning to end as required, even when facing a courier boy, she always used the honorific "you" without any problems.

Thinking of this, her hanging heart immediately let go.

She immediately found the supervisor and told him that she refused to handle business for the customer service on the 16th pretending to be a VIP, and asked him to queue up at the back.

Until now, the female staff have not realized that No. 16 is the super VIP customer that the president always draws their attention to.

She would never associate a courier boy with a super VIP customer.

But the supervisor knows why the president is anxious to find customer No. 16.

His subordinates even told him calmly that he had just rejected the service of a super VIP customer.

The supervisor almost fainted from anger when he heard it, thinking that I have been hurt by you this time.

And he has made up his mind to punish this female staff member severely.

Just let her stand outside to welcome guests every day. Isn't it said that girls are the most beautiful and most afraid of getting tanned?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, the supervisor roared, "Where is that client No. 16?"

His loud voice startled all the staff.

Everyone looked at the supervisor with astonishment.

The supervisor has a very good temper, and even the old employees have never seen him get angry. This is the first time he has lost such a big anger, which shows the seriousness of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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