Chapter 45 The Old Man
Nanshan Base is 130 kilometers away from War Wolf Base, half of which are steep slopes.Lin Feng drove the black car, while coping with the rugged road, he used various methods to avoid the zombies in the wild.

"Nanshan is south, north is sad in autumn, and there are grain piles in Nanshan..."

While driving the car, Lin Feng hummed a familiar song from his previous life.

It was almost evening at this time, so there were not many hunting teams seen along the way.After three years of the apocalypse, first-level zombies were rarely seen on the roads between the bases.To obtain white crystals, one needs to go further into the wild.

It was already dark when Lin Feng arrived outside the Wolf Warrior Base. After parking the car in the parking lot not far from the gate of the base, Lin Feng walked towards the gate of the base.

At this time, the security of the Wolf Warriors base is stricter than before. There are many more guards with guns at the gate of the base where there were not many people.On the city wall above the gate of the base, Lin Feng could see that there were also many practitioners stationed on it.

It is well known that the Dongshan base is about to attack, but the state of the people in the base has not changed from normal.Lin Feng saw various types of people coming in and out of the gate of the Wolf Warrior Base, and it seemed that he was not affected by the upcoming war.

The war between the bases is mainly about the struggle for power, and has little to do with ordinary people.Specifically speaking, it is not as big a threat to the common people as a wave of corpses. The war between the bases is just a battle between practitioners, and will not involve too many common people.Once the battle between the bases started, ordinary people would be relatively safe hiding in their homes.

With the help of the silicone gel and the dark sky, Lin Feng successfully entered the Wolf Warrior Base without any interrogation.

After passing through the slums, Lin Feng came to the living area of ​​the Wolf Warrior Base.The hospital in the Wolf Warrior Base is located in the living quarters. Dong Wu introduced the location of the hospital to Lin Feng when he was in the Wolf Warrior Base.

It is said to be a hospital, but it is actually a larger clinic.The hospital has three floors, and each floor has more than a dozen wards.Such a scale is enough for the 5 population in the Wolf Warrior Base.

Lin Fengxian did not enter the hospital, but observed outside.Although the probability of this time being a conspiracy is very small according to the previous analysis, but be careful when sailing for thousands of years.He had already been tricked by Wolf Warrior once before, and Lin Feng didn't want to repeat the same mistakes again.

The gate of the hospital was full of patients and doctors in white coats coming in and out. Occasionally, a few cars stopped at the gate of the hospital, and most of the people who got off were injured patients.In the apocalypse, many people were injured in the struggle for resources. In addition, there are fewer medicines in the apocalypse, so people are more likely to get sick.Therefore, although the scale of the hospital is small, there are still many people who come to the hospital for treatment.

Lin Feng entered the hospital calmly. The little boy said in the post-apocalyptic table that they were on the second floor of the hospital, but Lin Feng did not go directly to the second floor, but turned around in the hospital.

There are quite a lot of patients in the hospital. Many wards are overcrowded, and the beds are placed in the corridors.In the last days, medicine is a very precious material. These patients rarely have a hanging bottle, and most of the traumatized patients only have simple bandages.In Lin Feng's previous life, those medicines prescribed in boxes and boxes for patients could only be fed to patients one by one here.In this way, the effect of the medicine is much smaller, but there is no way to do it.In the third year of the apocalypse, it is considered good to have medicine.

While walking in the corridor, Lin Feng observed the people around him. He found that these wounded were ordinary people, and there were no practitioners.And looking at the expressions of these people, as well as the injuries are definitely not fake.

Walking to the end of the first floor, Lin Feng came to the second floor of the hospital.Unlike the first floor, some seriously ill patients live here.

Unlike the first floor, there are no hospital beds in the corridor on the second floor.Lin Feng saw critical patient ward written on the doors of several wards.It seems that the general condition can only be viewed on the first floor, and only seriously ill patients are accepted here.Seeing the scene on the second floor, Lin Feng thought to himself.

As for the third floor, Lin Feng couldn't go up there, and only the important people of the base were treated here.These characters include cultivators, even if the cultivators are powerful, they will eventually be injured.As the most solid force in the base, it also has the greatest rights.There are only more than 100 practitioners in the Wolf Warrior Base, which occupies one-third of the hospital.Ordinary people, not to mention going to the third floor to see a doctor, will be stopped by the guards on the third floor even if they want to take a look.And the doctors on the third floor of the hospital are all the best doctors in the entire Wolf Warrior base, and they specialize in this practice on weekdays. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to ask them to see a doctor.

After observing the terrain for a while, Lin Feng came to the ward that the little boy mentioned.Knocking on the door, Lin Feng walked in.

It is said to be an intensive ward, but it is actually a small single room, and the environment is not even as good as the small hotel in Lin Feng's previous life.There was only a bed and a chair in the room, and a white-haired old man in his 80s was lying on the bed.On the chair next to the hospital bed was the little boy that Lin Feng had seen at the entrance of the tavern.

Entering the room, Lin Feng didn't say a word, and looked at the two people in the ward.At the same time, the old man and the little boy also saw Lin Feng's arrival.

"The benefactor is here."

Seeing Lin Feng coming in, the old man looked at the little boy beside him, seeing the little boy nodding, the old man spoke to Lin Feng.He wanted to sit up, but his body was too weak, so he couldn't sit up after trying several times, so he smiled apologetically at Lin Feng.

"I said I don't need to be treated for this disease, but Xiaotian insisted on not listening, and sent me here. It's a waste of money."

The old man spoke on his own, speaking slowly, pausing every few words to catch his breath.Looking at it like that, it is indeed terminally ill.

"I don't know what the old man means by calling me to come here?"

Lin Feng didn't want to come over at first, but the pleading tone in the little boy's words made Lin Feng think of himself.

Lin Feng had no parents since he was a child, and was watched by his grandfather when he was young. Later, when his grandfather passed away, Lin Feng felt extremely sad.She understands this family affection very well, seeing the little boy is like seeing her previous self.That's why Lin Feng came here from a hundred kilometers away. He understands the little boy's current mood very well.

"Xiaotian, you go out first, I want to chat with this little brother alone."

The old man didn't answer Lin Feng's words directly, but turned his head and said to the little boy.

The little boy nodded after hearing what the old man said, got up and walked outside the ward.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Looking at the old man lying on the hospital bed, Lin Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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