Chapter 236 Hello, The Movie King (4)

Shi Yue's manager came very quickly. As soon as they met, the manager gave Xiao Bai a hard time and said, "Tell me about you. You are young, why don't you go to school? The good ones don't study, and the bad ones, unexpectedly Dare to kidnap! Let me tell you, brother, I have many acquaintances in the police station, believe it or not, I will arrest you now!"

Xiao Bai looked at the man wearing white-rimmed glasses in front of him, pointing at him with an orchid flower in front of him, silently glanced at his backpack, and came to a conclusion——

so gay.

She twitched the corner of her mouth, and said calmly: "Don't think that if you put on tender pink lipstick, I'm afraid you'll catch me."

Well, she did it on purpose.

Xiao Bai felt that besides the girlish demeanor of this manager, there was also the lipstick on his mouth.

The rest of the attire is a normal man's attire, probably because she is afraid of being called a mother, so she wears it like this, but she is wrong.

As soon as she said that, the manager smiled triumphantly: "Your eyes are bright, and you can actually see my lipstick. This is the lipstick that is closest to my lip color. I like it very much."

Xiao Bai: ...She was wrong, this person is a bitch.

Where is the pussy.

"Brother Chen, she didn't kidnap me, she just brought me... out to play."

Shi Yue explained with a smile.

Then, it can only get darker and darker.

"Take you to play!??"

It's good that he didn't speak, but when he spoke, Brother Chen's voice suddenly increased by eight decibels.Brother Chen looked around, then took a deep breath and turned to Xiao Bai, gritted his teeth and lowered his voice: "What do you want to do to us, Shi Yue? Huh? You actually brought him to such a place, do you want him to be on the headlines tomorrow#影帝Shiyue Yehui Mysterious Woman#?"

"Or #影帝时越late night dating female fans#?"

Xiao Bai blinked and looked at the surrounding environment, it seemed quite misleading.

She took a step back and said calmly: "No, I was sent by the company to raise your vigilance."

Looking at her straightforward face, if he didn't know that she was lying, Shi Yue would have believed her nonsense.

Brother Chen glanced at her suspiciously, seeing that she didn't seem to be faking, then restrained the anger on his face, and nodded in agreement: "That's right, the vigilance is too low, add another twelve bodyguards."

With a big wave of his hand, Shi Yue lost his freedom completely.

"Very good, better martial arts."

Xiao Bai nodded in agreement.

Shi Yue looked at Brother Chen silently, trying to persuade him to remove the bodyguard at night.

I just met such an interesting person, and I actually gave him an extra bodyguard.

"Can I go?"

Xiao Bai squinted at Brother Chen, and Brother Chen nodded: "You can go."

Only then did she turn around swaggeringly, and when she left, she threw a sentence to Brother Chen: "Next time you dare to eat the cake I gave Shi Yue, be careful that I poison the cake."

Brother Chen was stunned, he glanced sideways at Shi Yue, and then reacted and shouted: "This damn girl, don't let me see her, how dare you play me!"

"You are stupid."

Shi Yue couldn't help laughing, her eyes fell on Xiao Bai's back, and there were traces of starlight in her eyes.

They will definitely meet again.

"However, she is right. A little girl abducted you. What does that mean?"

Brother Chen straightened his face, which made his sissy temperament a little less.

Shi Yue coughed lightly: "Brother Chen, I think it's better for us to leave here first."

Seeing that more and more people gathered around him, he sounded a reminder.

"Yes, yes, leave this place of right and wrong quickly."

Shi Yue: ...He is also very sad to meet a manager whose IQ is no longer below the line.

(End of this chapter)

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