Alien King

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Back in Yuhu Xiyuan, Ye Tian plunged into the room, took out a pile of clean white paper, and sat at the table.Raising his head, he thought carefully about the training mode and specific subjects of the special forces in his previous life.

While thinking, Ye Tian organized the words in his mind, and wrote one after another on the white paper.

The first is physical fitness.If a special forces soldier is not good enough in physical fitness, everything else is zero.

The training mode of physical fitness is relatively simple. Ye Tian wrote down a total of long-distance running with weights, horizontal and parallel bars, short-distance obstacle running,

Push-ups, pull-ups, etc.

Next, some basic skill training.For example, vertical climbing, rapid descent with slings, using the surrounding objects to leap over, and finally, Ye Tian deliberately added swimming and diving.

In this world, swimming and diving are basically skills that are generally lacking.

Then, Ye Tian classified the specific training subjects into several categories of training modules, namely combat skill training, maneuver skill training, infiltration skill training, and reconnaissance skill training.

Finally, Ye Tian comprehensively classified and summarized the tasks of the special forces.According to the characteristics of the mission, it is divided into six categories: beheading operations, harassment operations, escort operations, reconnaissance operations, anti-terrorism operations, and rescue operations.Each type of task is given a detailed description with specific text and graphics, and it runs through the above-mentioned various training subjects to form a systematic training material for special forces.

After writing for a whole day, in the evening, Ye Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the thick stack of papers he had written, looked at them with satisfaction, and then put the textbooks firmly into the cabinet, ready for tomorrow When the time comes, get the Royal Trade Union and tell Fu Yutang in detail.

With a growl in his stomach, Ye Tian stood up, wondering if it was time for Meirou and Biling to cook.

After leaving the door, I could smell the aroma of the kitchen.

Ye Tian was greedy, and walked into the kitchen, just in time to see a basket of fried buns out of the pot, couldn't help but pick up one, and opened his mouth to eat.

Although there was a "hissing" sound from being scalded, Ye Tian still smiled all over his face and said, "Delicious, delicious."

Meirou and Biling were stewing a pot of chicken soup, and when they saw Ye Tian looking like a starving ghost, both of them showed contemptuous expressions.

At this moment, the door of Jing'an Residence opened with a creak, and Diani, Sophie and An Qi walked in.

Ye Tian smiled and said, "You guys came at the right time. The buns just came out of the pot, so we just happened to eat them together."

But Dai Ni handed Ye Tian a piece of paper, and Ye Tian took it to see that it was the death notice from the Ministry of Punishment.

Gao Yong's name was impressively listed on the notice.

Dai Ni said: "Gao Yong, director of the Royal Mint, was having fun in Xiangyanfang last night. He was found dead in the morning. Poisoning and homicide were ruled out. He died of excessive sexual indulgence."

Looking at the death notice in his hand, Ye Tian thought to himself that the Ministry of Punishment took 1000 taels of silver, so the work efficiency is really high.Those who die in the morning will be notified in the evening.

Nodding his head, Ye Tian put away the death notice and said, "I know about this, let's eat first."

The whole family sat around the stone table under the pear tree, Dai Ni rolled her eyes and glanced at Ye Tian, ​​looking like she hesitated to speak.

In all fairness, although she is already the financial officer of the Royal Household Office, except for the Royal Pharmaceutical Bureau and the Royal Trade Union, which are directly managed by Ye Tian, ​​​​Dianni is relatively handy in managing the Royal Mint. Diane asked Gao Yong to submit the account book several times, but Gao Yong found various reasons and repeatedly refused.Diane had absolutely no hand in the affairs of the Royal Mint.

You can't even get your hands in it, let alone the development of the central bank and the national exchange.

This time Gao Yong's death, although Diani was also very sad, but there was a little selfishness in her heart.She wanted Ye Tian to directly appoint her as the director of the Royal Mint.After all, the matter of the central bank and the national aggregation can even arouse her ambition and desire for large-scale financial management and building a financial empire.

Ye Tian had already noticed Diani's abnormality, so he took another bite of the steamed stuffed bun. While chewing the steamed stuffed bun, Ye Tian said vaguely: "The people who sit at this table and eat together are all family members. , don't hide it."

Knowing that Ye Tian was referring to herself, Diani mustered up her courage and said, "My lord, I want to be the director of the Royal Mint."

Ye Tian nodded: "I will report to the emperor tomorrow."

Dai Ni was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is that why you agree?"

"Of course. Otherwise, who else can hold the position of director general, except you, I really don't see anyone else has this talent." Ye Tian said while still eating the steamed stuffed bun.

Diani blushed, as the so-called scholar dies for his confidant.After wandering in the Tiangong Empire for so many years, her talent has not been reused, and the people who reuse her are not looking at her talent, but her appearance.There are even some people who are interested in Sophie and An Qi.Because of this, she offended many dignitaries, so that her life fell into poverty.

At least until now, Ye Tian has done so much for her and treated her so well, but he has not shown even the slightest interest in other aspects to her, Sophie, or An Qi.At least in Yuhu Xiyuan, she, Sophie, and An Qi felt absolutely safe.

Dai Ni said seriously: "Master, I swear to you, I will use my best efforts to make the Royal Mint the largest central bank in the Eastern Continent."

Ye Tian chuckled: "Don't rush to swear, I haven't issued this report yet. After the emperor's imperial decree comes down, it's not too late for you to swear."

Seeing Ye Tian's appearance, Dai Ni smiled shyly and hummed.

A table of people chatted and laughed while eating, having fun.

When his belly was round, Ye Tian suddenly remembered something, looked at Bi Ling who was sitting next to him, then took out a piece of yellow cloth from his chest, and handed it to Bi Ling.

Bi Ling didn't know why, so she took the cloth and unfolded it to have a look.There was a shocked and unbelievable expression on the face first, and then a joyful and moved expression.

Putting away the cloth, Bi Ling almost wept with joy, and said: "Thank you, sir." After speaking, she opened her arms and hugged Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was stunned, with chopsticks in his hand and a bun stuffed in his mouth, just being hugged by Bi Ling, his posture was not elegant.

Looking at Meirou and Diani, Meirou gave Ye Tian a hard look, while Diani giggled.As for Sophie and An Qi, their minds were still on the dinner table, and they didn't even notice the scene of Bi Ling embracing Ye Tian.

Ye Tian "coughed" twice, and Bi Ling realized that she had lost her composure, so she let go of Ye Tian.

Looking at Ye Tian with a full face of emotion, Bi Ling said: "My lord, I will be yours from now on, and you can do whatever you want."

With a sound of "plop", the steamed stuffed bun in Ye Tian's mouth spewed out all of a sudden, causing Mei Rou and Dai Ni to frown.

In fact, what Bi Ling meant was that Ye Tian's life would belong to her in the future.But maybe Bi Ling's statement was not very clear, Ye Tian heard it in his ears, and it became a promise made by his body again.

After waving his hand, Ye Tian said: "Originally, this is what I promised you. I am very embarrassed to fulfill the promise after so many days. Don't say those stupid things anymore. You are an independent Humans have independent personalities, how can they let others do whatever they want."

When Ye Tian said this, Bi Ling probably heard that Ye Tian misunderstood what she meant, and thought about that.

Qiao blushed, Bi Ling lowered her head, embarrassed to answer Ye Tian's words, her face was full of embarrassment and emotion, she silently ate the buns in the bowl.

After a pause, Ye Tian said again: "Recently, I have to go on a long trip, and it may take ten and a half months to come back. You should stay on high alert at home. We are not absolutely safe in the capital."

Meirou frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"

Originally, Ye Tian wanted to hide it from them, but now seeing Mei Rou's undeniable expression, Ye Tian could only smile and said, "The Valley of Gods and Demons."

"Valley of Gods and Demons?" Several people called out at the same time.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Ye Tian asked.

Meirou said: "You don't know that the Valley of Gods and Demons is the most dangerous place in the whole continent, right?"

"It seems, I heard that it is so." Ye Tian shrugged and said.

"Must go?" Meirou already realized that Ye Tian must have something very important.

"I have to go." Ye Tian nodded.

"Us?" Mei Rou asked again.

Ye Tian shook his head.

Taking over the mission of God and Demon Valley this time, Ye Tian really wanted to test his true strength, and wanted to maximize his potential power.

"We disagree." Mei Rou looked at Bi Ling and Dai Ni, and said.

Bi Ling and Dai Ni who were next to her agreed and nodded in unison.

Sighing, he really couldn't hide it anymore, Ye Tian said: "Okay, you guys watch."

With a sound of "buzz", a golden stick appeared beside Ye Tian, ​​with a thin dragon pattern tattooed on it, once it appeared in the yard, the stick exuded an aura of looking down on the world and looking down upon the world.

When the stick appeared, Meirou's pupils shrank rapidly, and the golden battle gun and golden armor in her body sensitively indicated the coming of danger, showing a slight fear.

The surging and majestic force fluctuations emanated from the stick, shaking the crowd present to the point of suffocation.

Ye Tian withdrew the stick, pretended to be very chic, and said lightly: "To tell you the truth, I am now a junior god fighter."

But what Meirou heard in her ears was Ye Tian's deliberate and modest statement.This kind of momentum is at least at the level of an intermediate god fighter.Otherwise, why would his fifth-level divine weapon armor show weakness?

Mei Rou gave Ye Tian another gouged look, and said lightly, "Bring Bi Ling."

Ye Tian stared: "Didn't I just say that I will go alone."

Meirou looked at Ye Tian contemptuously: "Are you going alone? I guess you won't be able to find the entrance to the Valley of Gods and Demons for a year."

(End of this chapter)

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