Alien King

Chapter 24 She's a Supermodel

Chapter 24 She's a Supermodel

Glancing at the workers outside, Ye Tian took out another stack of drawings and put them on the table.

Ruan Ji looked at the drawings carefully, and the model outlined with lines was obviously thinner than the current miniature pulley crossbow, but the smoothbore was much longer.

Ruan Ji asked with some doubts: "Is this still a crossbow?"

"Let's call it a musket." After a pause, Ye Tian continued: "You and the craftsmen will try to make it according to the drawings first. After the finished product comes out, I will give you new instructions according to the situation."

Ruan Ji didn't understand, so he looked at Ye Tian with questioning eyes.

Ye Tian pretended to be mysterious and smiled: "You will know when the time comes."

Mo Lengyan, this name is a name that no one wants to mention in the military and political houses.Not only is the Central Intelligence Department of the Military Affairs Council capable of spying, tracking, assassination, and criminal detention, but more importantly, the Intelligence Department also has the right to investigate and arrest imperial officials who have doubts about the emperor.

And the emperor's suspicion will never be such trivial matters as official embezzlement, corruption, dereliction of duty, and perversion of the law, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Punishment.The content of the investigation by the Intelligence Department is often related to serious crimes such as treason, disobedience, and collusion with the enemy.

No matter which one of these crimes is charged, it will be the end of killing the nine clans.In view of the unique functions of the Intelligence Department, the officials of the military and political houses neither dared to get too close to the Intelligence Department, nor dared to be too alienated, and could only maintain a moderate distance.

After listening to his subordinates' reports, Mo Lengyan's dark eyes flashed an imperceptible chill, and said lightly: "We sent four, and we folded three on the spot. The fourth one is less than 300 meters away from the gate of the Military Affairs Academy. They also lay their dead bodies on the street, and the death conditions were horrible."

"President Ye, what a great trick." Mo Lengyan was a little excited, as if a lonely master had finally found a worthy opponent.

"My lord, according to information, President Ye only has one middle-level Saint Seiya beside him, so the four guards he sent are all at the level of junior Saint Seiya. With four enemies and one, according to common sense, the entire army should never be wiped out. .”

"I suspect that the information is wrong."

Mo Lengyan said: "Let Yulong go. Since Qin Xiang and Lin Shuai both want him to die, this person can't be kept, but it must be done cleanly, and the emperor must not be suspicious."

Not long after his men left, a man in black armor came to Mo Lengyan's side.

The armor was not ordinary at first glance, it shone with a long cold light, tightly wrapped around the man's body, except for the head, even the hands and feet were wrapped together, leaving almost no gaps in the whole body.

"Yulong, you can handle Ye Tian's affairs." Mo Lengyan said softly.

The man in black armor didn't speak, he bowed with his hands clasped together, then turned and left.

Ye Tian squatted under a row of tall bookshelves, thinking hard with a book.

It was an old book that was slightly yellowed, and on the cover one could vaguely see a line of "On the Preparation and Combination of General Oral Liquids" written in lower script in ancient style.

After thinking for a while, Ye Tian raised his head and seemed to have some comprehension. He returned to the main hall with the book, found Hua Tianrou, and opened his mouth to ask: "Mix several kinds of primary medicinal materials together and squeeze their juice to form a kind of medicine. A new medicinal solution. But how is it different from brewing several primary medicinal materials according to the recipe?"

Hua Tianrou nodded in satisfaction.

Apparently, Ye Tian asked another key question, since several kinds of medicinal materials are fused together, what is the difference between boiling them together and squeezing out the juice in advance?
Hua Tianrou said unhurriedly: "Several different medicinal materials are mixed according to the formula and boiled together. This is the usual practice in ordinary pharmacies and medical clinics, but the medicine boiled in this way is only a few. The superposition of the effects of different kinds of medicinal materials cannot produce new effects. However, squeezing the juice of medicinal materials in advance is to extract its essence. After mixing several essences together, a subtle reaction can occur, which not only retains the original medicinal materials The effects of the two have also added new effects. This is the biggest difference between the two."

Ye Tian suddenly realized in his heart: the reaction conditions of the chemical reaction are different, and the new substances produced by the reaction are different.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued to ask: "Since it can produce new effects, can the medicinal liquid prepared from primary medicinal materials achieve the curative effect of intermediate compound cordyceps?"

Hua Tianrou said: "After the primary medicinal materials are combined with each other, new medicinal liquids are produced. Due to the wide variety, some medicinal liquids can indeed achieve the curative effect of intermediate medicinal materials, but they cannot completely replace intermediate medicinal materials. Intermediate compound medicinal materials are still available. Its value and irreplaceability."

After a pause, Hua Tianrou continued: "However, this new medicinal liquid will greatly improve the effect of treating common diseases, and the scope of diseases covered will also be expanded."

Ye Tian pointed to several recipes in the book, and asked: "I always feel that some of the preparation methods written by the predecessors are not suitable. Adding carrot and plantain, the effect of clearing the heart will be more obvious."

Hua Tianrou smiled slightly, and said: "The predecessors who wrote this formula have a higher understanding than you. The combination and preparation of medicinal materials are inherently different, and there is no fixed formula at all. The predecessors' prescriptions are the predecessors'. Fang Zi, you can naturally add, subtract, or add to it according to your own ideas, or even completely abandon the previous formulas and create a new formula."

Hearing Hua Tianrou's words, Ye Tian suddenly felt itchy, as the so-called curiosity killed the cat.For a technical genius like him, mastering a new theory without trying it out, really can't suppress the desire to explore in his heart.

Seeing Ye Tian's anxious look, Hua Tianrou shook his head lightly: "There are no tools to prepare liquid medicine here, you can only go back and try."

All day, the workers in the Pharmacy Division of the Royal Pharmacy Bureau have been feeling a little strange.The director stayed in the workshop of the dispensing department all day long, putting medicinal materials into the mortar from time to time, mashing them to force out the juice, and then putting them into various bottles and jars, pouring them again and again. To and fro.

The workers looked at each other while doing their work, not knowing what mystery the chief was playing.The bureau chief had just arrived, and the workers didn't know him very well, and they didn't quite understand his temper, so they didn't dare to ask him rashly.

Ye Tian was eager to try his hand after reading a lot of prescriptions for liquid preparation in Tianrouzhiyu.But since it's a trial, someone has to be a guinea pig.After all, Ye Tian was a novice, and he didn't dare to experiment with real patients. After much deliberation, he could only prepare some health care products for physical fitness, and then prepare real medicinal liquid after he became proficient.

From the primary medicinal materials, several medicinal materials such as Tianhuang, Sunburnt Yam, Wine Cornus officinalis, Poria Seed, Rose Core, Pang Xie, Osmanthus Flower Seed, Fushou, Cow's Hoof, and Plantain are selected, all of which are nourishing blood and Qi, warming Yin and Yang Halfway through the preparation, Ye Tian had a whim, and added some ginseng, red surgery, cold licorice, Baiqi, Yuanzhao, wild jujube skin, longan core, angelica seed, wood fragrance, blue jujube meat, etc. taste.Only from the superposition of drug effects, the effect of nourishing blood and nourishing qi is more obvious, and seeking yang from yin and nourishing yin from yang, the two phases benefit and complement each other.

However, Ye Tian has the theoretical knowledge close to that of a junior liquid dispenser. Judging from the information obtained from Tianrou Zhiyu's bookstore, the juice extracted from these medicinal materials will produce a strange chemical reaction when fused together, and the new type of medicine will be prepared. The medicinal liquid not only has the function of powerfully returning blood and nourishing qi, but also can quickly eliminate fatigue and greatly increase physical fitness in a short period of time, far exceeding the effect of simple superposition of medicinal materials.

And more importantly, since all of them are mild medicinal materials, it does not have the slightest side effect on the body.

Ye Tian was satisfied with a name for this new type of liquid medicine: Ye's Compound Power Returning Liquid.

In the evening, Ye Tian finally got out from a pile of earthen jars, holding a slender jug ​​in his hand, with an excited look on his face.

"Nanchen, come here." Ye Tian pointed to a worker who was concentrating on making medicine.

Nanchen is the worker with the highest dispensing skills in the Royal Pharmaceutical Bureau.For most common recipes, Nanchen can basically know the treasures and know them by heart.

Ye Tian handed a stack of papers full of words to Nan Chen: "This is the preparation process and the recipe. You gather the workers, and according to this recipe, try to make a hundred dendrobium first, and see the effect."

Nanchen took the recipe, saw the densely packed writing on it, felt a little dizzy, and couldn't help asking: "My lord, is there too much medicinal material in this recipe? I have never seen a recipe with so many medicinal ingredients."

Ye Tian patted Nanchen on the shoulder: "Prepare it first."

When it was getting dark, there was a light rain suddenly.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, a light rain is enough to instantly cool down the entire capital city, and the coolness lingers in the air. Passers-by on the street have quickened their pace, hoping to hide at home earlier.

Ye Tian didn't take an umbrella when he went out, and he was sitting under the eaves of a pawn shop at the moment, looking at the gloomy sky, slandering God in his heart.

The pawn shop had long been closed, and the number of pedestrians passing by on the street gradually decreased.

The Pharmacy Bureau is about three miles away from Yuhu Xiyuan. If you just run back like this, you will definitely be drowned.Ye Tian is also a prominent figure now, so he doesn't want to be so embarrassed.

After waiting for a while, the sky became darker.

Ye Tian looked up at the dark sky, the raindrops were not only not small, but even bigger.

After scolding his mother, Ye Tian lifted up the back of his clothes to cover his head, and stepped into the shallow water on the street.

After running for less than a quarter of an hour, Ye Tian suddenly felt something was wrong with the surrounding environment.

Apart from the sound of wind and rain, there was no other sound on the street.It was as if there had never been anyone in this city.

Ye Tian stopped suddenly, and his intuition told him that something was weird.

A black man, with black armor and a black long knife, stood about [-] meters in front of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian sank his heart, and secretly said: Here we come again.

(End of this chapter)

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