Chapter 32
At 7 o'clock in the morning, Yang San excitedly rushed into 3601 and saw Yifei here.

"Sister Yifei, I have another good news and a bad news to tell you, but you get two points for fried dough sticks!" Yang San looked at Sister Yifei excitedly, it's the best time to come over for a meal!

"It's about Zhanbo and Wanyu again?" Yifei looked at Yang San lazily, slowly biting the fried dough stick in his hand, not wanting to pay attention to this lazy guy who cooks delicious food but eats other people's meals every day.

Seeing that Yifei didn't object, Yang San consciously picked up a deep-fried dough stick, took two bites in satisfaction, and then said slowly, "When I came back last night, I found that Zhanbo was asking Wanyu to watch a movie downstairs! "

"Really? That's great, Zhanbo finally got the hang of it! Ancestors bless you!" Yifei jumped up in surprise, and the laziness just now disappeared. The last plan had an effect, and Zhanbo really made a move. up! "What movie? A horror movie or a romance movie? An all-night show or a couple's seat?"

"Don't get too excited, Sister Yifei, what movie do you think Zhanbo will choose for such a rare creature?" It was Yang San's turn to bite the fried dough stick slowly, and now he was not in a hurry.

"Zhanbo, according to his personality, he would probably choose Transformers! Oh my god, how could he invite girls to watch this kind of movie." Yifei thought for a while, then patted his head and said regretfully, I knew I should pay more attention to Zhanbo, at least help him choose a horror movie.

"Hehe, Sister Yifei, you are too high on Zhanbo, and there is no Transformers set recently." Yang San gloated and said, you will never guess how explosive the ending is!

"Hmm!!!" Yifei looked at the smirking Yang San, with a sharp look that made you realize slowly!

"Uh, if it's Transformers, I think it's pretty good. If I remember well, it seems to be called: Exploring Life on Saturn!" Yang San looked at Yi Fei brilliantly, and Xuezhan Bobi made a thoughtful gesture!

"Oh! No!!" Sister Yifei yelled in pain, clutching her head, and suddenly remembered something, "Wait, you knew last night? Then why didn't you say it until now?"

"It's only an excuse to come here now!" Yang San said confidently, stuffing the last fried dough stick into his mouth contentedly.

Sister Yifei looked at Yang San with such an expression, and knew that this guy was worthless, but Zhanbo was even more hateful, and he didn't know how to discuss such an important matter with me first!
"Okay, Sister Yifei, I've finished talking, and I've finished breakfast, so I'm leaving first, don't keep me!" Yang San wiped his paws with oil, and walked away slowly, whistling.As for what terrible things will happen after Zhanbo wakes up, Yang San said that it doesn't matter anymore!
Back at 3602, Yang San found that Guan Gu had woken up, and was sitting on the sofa, covering his head and sighing!

"Guan Gu, what's the matter with you? You're like a resentful woman early in the morning." Yang San asked Guan Gu curiously, could it be that Xiaoxue wants to leave Guan Gu so soon?Impossible, they have only recovered for a few days.

"Courtyard uniform? I haven't studied for many years, where did I get the courtyard uniform!" Guan Gu looked at his clothes strangely, this is pajamas.

"Uh, well, that's not important, why did you get up so early today? Why are you covering your head?" Yang San is not Mika, he can't be an encyclopedia, so it's better to change the topic directly.

"I drank too much yesterday, I woke up thirsty early in the morning, and my head is about to burst!" Guan Gu's obvious hangover, but he deserved it, who made them feel unsteady and open again later Some bottles of vodka!Don't be hangover worthy of the people!

"Who told you to drink vodka like water yesterday!" Yang San gloated.

Guan Gu also looked remorseful, but he couldn't get angry when he saw Yang San's face, and said angrily, "San'er, you still have the nerve to say that it's fine if we order wine and girls don't drink it, you are a big girl The man didn't even drink it, you don't know that I choked my throat and drank it later!"

"I don't like drinking strong alcohol. Besides, I said in advance that I would not drink it. You can't blame me. Besides, even if you can't drink it all, won't you bring it back?" Yang San was also very curious. At first they were I can drink it vigorously, but because I have already drank other wines, it may be fine to drink alone, but it will be powerful when mixed!After the energy came up, I couldn't stand it anymore, but no one would give up. In the end, a few bottles of vodka were dried up through more than a dozen methods such as playing tricks, punching, and even rock-paper-scissors!In the end, except for Yang San, the other six big men were all in a mess, if not all of them had normal physical signs, Sister Fei was ready to call 6.

"Uh..." Guan Gu suddenly felt that Yang San's words made sense, why didn't he bring back the rest of the wine yesterday, did he have to drink it?In the end, the one who suffers is still himself! "San'er, you didn't stop me last night, hiss, my head!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I definitely stopped you yesterday, but you threatened: Yamato has never lost at the wine table! You also said that if you stop you, you will commit seppuku. What do you think I should do?" Although Yang San didn't have a good impression of Japan, Guan Gu still recognized it after getting along with him during this period of time.

"Really? すみません (sorry)! I have to go to the publishing house today, how can I go now!" Guan Gu said in pain, covering his head.

"Is it very important? Can you postpone it for a while?" Yang San stopped laughing when he heard that there was something important to do.

"They said they wanted to talk about the copyright of my comics. The boss of the company is going to fly to Japan tomorrow. Why don't I fly back to talk about it." Guan Gu also said with regret. If I had known yesterday, I would have preferred to commit seppuku !
Yang San also looked at Guan Gu speechlessly, knowing that there was business today and how dare he drink so much yesterday? "I'll go with you, otherwise I'm really worried about whether you can walk to the publishing house safely!"

"Really? ありがとうございます (thank you very much)! Mr. San Er." Guan Gu looked at Yang San very moved.

Yang San's originally smiling face suddenly turned cold, don't mention San'er, we are still good friends!

In the middle of the night, the copyright issue that was thought to be resolved soon actually dragged on for a whole day. Guan Gu and Yang San just came out of the publishing house.

"ありがとうございます (thank you very much)! San'er-jun, it's really thanks to having you here today, otherwise I would have been sold without knowing!" Guan Gu looked at Yang San gratefully, and today the publishing house looked at Guan Gu was in a bad state, and wanted to take the opportunity to extort some benefits, but Yang San couldn't stand it anymore, so he told Guan Gu not to talk, and angered seven or eight members of the negotiating team of the publishing house by himself, and made four of them suffer from high blood pressure He was sent directly to the hospital, and in the end, under Guan Gu's adoring eyes, the boss of the publishing house couldn't sit still anymore, and personally came forward to criticize the remaining negotiators, and told Guan Gu that he had just returned to the publishing house Just now, the people below made their own decisions, and they must punish Guan Gu severely. Finally, they asked Yang San to hire him with a high salary. Go down, hit a few hello and then get out of the way.

Yang San looked at the cheerful Guan Gu, and explained to Guan Gu the "evil" intentions of the boss of the publishing house. Immediately, Guan Gu's full of joy turned into anger, and he threatened that all the publishing houses would be hara-kiri. Suicide!


At this time, there was a weak and almost inaudible cry for help. Yang San and Guan Gu hurriedly looked around and found a beautiful woman in her 20s lying halfway beside the greenery beside the road. He yelled again, "Help me!" After that, he passed out completely.

"San'er, this..." Guan Gu was stunned all of a sudden, and shouted helplessly.

At this moment, Yang San suddenly thought, could this be Xinling?Did you and Guan Gu save Xinling together?It feels so dangerous (つд)
"Guangu, hurry up and call 120." Yang San hurriedly began to search for Xinling's bag that was left aside, usually these chronic patients would carry medicine with them!It's a pity that Yang San only found an empty jar.

"San'er, you come to answer the phone, they don't understand what I said." Guan Gu handed the phone to Yang San in embarrassment, the first time he realized that substandard Mandarin can kill people (つд)
"Hello, this is No. YY, XX Pedestrian Street. We found a patient suspected of having a heart attack. He passed out just now. Hurry up and arrange for an ambulance to come over!" Yang San said quickly. He knew that a heart attack could easily lead to death. Yes, saving a second is a second!
"Tell me about the patient's condition, and I'll teach you the first aid method first. Are you family members? Do you know the patient's previous condition?" The emergency center responded quickly when they heard about the heart attack.

"We were just passing by. When we found her, she was stroking her heart tightly. She had difficulty breathing, her face was pale, and she passed out soon after. There was still a pulse in her neck, and her breathing was very weak." Yang San touched the pulse gate on his neck and then He moved to his nose to feel his breath and said quickly.

"There are two of you, right? Let me teach you chest compressions first. Use one palm to press the patient's middle and lower 1/3 of the sternum, and the other palm to the back of the hand, and perform chest compressions at a rate of one hundred times per minute. At the same time, another person is doing artificial respiration until our emergency personnel arrive." The emergency center speaks at an amazing speed, obviously they have practiced.

"Guan Gu, give her artificial respiration." Yang San didn't care about whether men and women could not kiss each other, so he just started doing compressions with his hands. Fortunately, he had practiced martial arts by himself, otherwise such a frequency would not take a few minutes. Can't stand it anymore, Guan Gu also knows that saving people is the most important thing, just now it was just a sudden situation, normal people will inevitably feel a little flustered, now that he has calmed down, he also knows the seriousness.

Fortunately, it was very late now, and the hospital was very close. The ambulance rushed to the scene in only 15 minutes. The half-dead Yang San and Guan Gu liked it! "Fortunately, you rescued them in time and in place. The patient is in good condition and should have passed the critical period."

Yang San was really tired and didn't want to move anymore. Now he felt that his hands were not his own, and Guan Gu was purely due to the lack of oxygen in his brain after artificial respiration for too long. However, the doctors were going to take the patient back to the hospital. The person still insisted and followed into the ambulance, saving people must be saved to the end, how many hospitals do not even pay for sickness now!

(End of this chapter)

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