my wishful wolf

Chapter 8 Gu Minmin, fate always comes (1)

Chapter 8 Gu Minmin, fate always comes (1)
Gu Minmin just looked at her, she looked very quiet, she was just over 20 years old, she still looked like a little girl, she was sweet and cute, she really didn't have the same style as Gu Minmin, it turned out that Lu Dongning liked this type, she thought, however, Such a girl, however, suffered an accident and her family was ruined.

Gu Minmin knew that now she was alone and had no one to take care of her, and she didn't want Lu Dongning to take care of her. She was so stubborn to live by herself, her legs were bad, and she couldn't do anything conveniently.Because of this, he fell to the hospital.

Gu Minmin thought, Lu Dongning must be very guilty.

The next day Gu Minmin was discharged from the hospital and went to work. The stomach cramps hurt as if she was going to die, but after it passed, she didn't feel anything.

The doctor told her that the stomach needs to be nourished, and she should pay more attention to it.

Until she was discharged from the hospital, Ji Yan followed her, and Lu Dongning never appeared again...

Later, she heard that Lu Dongning personally invited an expert to treat Su Hui's wound, just to prevent her from leaving a scar.

Then?Then there was no one for a few days, and she continued to live her married life alone.

She thought, this is actually very good, at least, quietly.

At night, she leaned on the bed and read a book, looking outside, the weather was not very good, it seemed that thunder and lightning were about to strike.

At this time, she suddenly heard a bang, and the window beside her bed was pulled open. She was taken aback, and raised her head, only to see Lu Dongning was in front of her window.

She immediately sat up vigilantly, he was wearing a dark jacket, turned over, and rolled onto her bed handsomely, she took a few steps back, looked at him, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "You... Playing what? Role-playing?"

But she immediately noticed the difference in him, he just knelt there, lowered his head, looking at his arms, and then she noticed that as he rolled, the bed was stained with blood.

She covered her mouth, "You...are you hurt?"

He raised his head, his forehead was covered with sweat, and a few strands of hair were stuck to it. He was covering his arm, and the blood was still gushing out from his hand. His lips were bloodless, which was almost the same color as the paleness of his face. .

She leaned on the bed with one hand and looked at him in disbelief. This scene should only be seen in movies. She was at a loss for a moment.

His voice was low and trembling, "Don't just stand there... come here."

She listened, nodded in a daze, and leaned forward, he said, "Help me tie it." What he said was asking her to tie the wound for him, she nodded quickly, with a dazed face, only knowing to nod, With trembling hands, she tied his wound with a cloth strip that was already blushing. He seemed to be in pain, frowned, but immediately heaved a sigh of relief and fell down.Lying on her bed, panting.

She still knelt there, staring at him with wide eyes.

He opened his eyes and waved to her, "What are you doing hiding so far, come here."

She swallowed, took two steps forward, and he pulled her, "Come here as soon as I tell you." She fell into his arms, and he hugged her like that, with the outside wind on his jacket. Cold, his strong body pressed against him, because he was injured, she stuck there and did not dare to move.

But he heard him say above his head, "Is this how you will be honest?"

She froze for a moment, raised her head, and saw him looking down at her. Even though that face was as pale as paper, it still carried his unique charm. A pair of evil eyes flew up, and he seemed to enjoy it very much. However, the next moment , His brows were wrinkled again, she sat up and looked at him, "I...I'm going to call the hospital..." Then she frantically looked for the phone.

But he held her arm, looked at her like that, and even laughed, she breathed a sigh of relief, put down the phone, seeing that he was still in the mood to smile...

He said, "Call Shao An, don't disturb others." Hearing his serious words, she nodded solemnly and went down to make a call. He turned his head to look at the wound and hissed. General pain.

Shao An came very quickly. When he entered the door, he was shocked when he saw him lying there. He was experienced. Compared with Gu Minmin who was flustered, he was methodical. He took the medicine box, found the scissors, and was careful. He cut the clothes, and he said, "Brother, did the bullet go in?"

Lu Dongning shook his head, "It's just rubbing the edges."

He nodded, and went to do it carefully.

Although it was just wiped a little bit, but also a lot of blood flowed.

Gu Minmin watched from the side, looking at the blood, she just felt horrible.

Afterwards, Shao An said, "I said earlier that I would send someone there, but he insisted on going to see it himself. A while ago, Ji Yan was beaten by someone. It was found out that it was the trouble he caused when he was a gangster, because we have a way in our hands. I still want us to continue to do it, but the elder brother said that he has given up, they are still entangled, and even took away our previous evidence, this time, the elder brother is going to steal the evidence..."

Gu Minmin covered her mouth in surprise, and Shao An said, "Sister-in-law, I just told you, now that my elder brother is injured, sister-in-law must help take care of it, and I can't go to the hospital, hey."

Gu Minmin looked back, Shao An gave him a painkiller injection, he lay there and fell asleep, his pale face looked pitiful, like a wounded mouse.

She walked over, sighed, and sat next to him. He was sleeping better, not so sharp, not so cold...

He stayed in bed for a week, and because she was entrusted, she had to ask for leave from the resort and only watched him at home.

When he was sick, he would lose his temper like a child and even throw things. She thought he was injured and couldn’t eat such salty things. He insisted that what she fed him was pig food. He is a carnivorous animal and wants to Eating meat, but she felt that he should not eat such greasy food when he was sick. He stared at her, "I've lost so much blood, of course I want to eat something to make up for it."

The most exasperating thing is that he even sneaks into the kitchen at night to steal food by himself...

After being caught by her, she stared at him, "Lu don't look like a boss, look at you, let your brothers know that the dignified Lu Dongning came here to steal meat, like a mouse... ..."

He rubbed her shoulders, even though his hands were injured like that, he was still very strong, "You bad woman, you are abusing me, you are taking this opportunity to take revenge on me!!!"

In the end, she couldn't hold him back, and brought him a chicken back. He hadn't eaten meat for a few days, and he gnawed on it, and licked his bones. Like a hungry dog, he raised his head and asked, "Is there any more?"

She shook her head and said, "I asked about it today. People said that if you have a wound on your body, eating greasy things will cause inflammation. You should eat porridge honestly. When the wound is almost healed, you can mend it."

He grabbed her by the neck and pressed her on the bed, "Okay, I'm ready!"

She stared at him, "What a fart, look, it's bleeding!"

So the wound was opened by him again.

He hadn't shaved for three days, so she took a razor to shave him. His stubble was very hard, and it was blue when he didn't shave. He looked very embarrassed. He still didn't trust her. Once she shaved, he Just hide, the result is to scratch his chin, he yelled, "Gu Minmin, you are deliberately taking revenge, aren't you!"

She looked at him indifferently, "Yeah, who told you to get Huaxue back without any problems, and now you're injured, why don't you go to your Huaxue's place and come here to torment me!"

He looked at her and said, "Gu Minmin, aren't you jealous?"

She took out the blade, "Nonsense, I really intend to murder!" Seeing her gesturing with the knife in her hand, with a hideous expression on her face, he laughed, and hugged her down, he said, "Gu Minmin... ...Don't fall in love with me, otherwise, you will be miserable..."

She froze there.

After a long time, she recalled that those words were not actually reminding her, but just reminding himself...

Gu Minmin gradually felt that because of his injury, her relationship with him seemed to have eased. This kind of relaxation is what she wanted to see. Back then, when she married him instead of her sister, what she wanted was this kind of life, a harmonious life. , calmly... The development of things later deviated from her expectations too much.

Now it seems to be back to the feeling she wants.

She even thought that if she lived like this, maybe she could last her whole life. Who said that marriage must be born of love?In fact, don’t most people also live well in loveless marriages?
Just like what my aunt once said, people like them will have the same result no matter who they marry. Maybe she has foreseen this kind of tragedy, that's why she didn't get married for a long time.

Since it is the same to marry anyone, then there is nothing wrong with marrying him.

When she thought this way, she was standing there making a milkshake. He was lying on the bed reading a book, and when he was hungry, he raised his head, "Gu Minmin, what are you doing, it's time to eat, you want to starve me to death, don't you?"

She came back to her senses, looked at the time, and said, "It's only four o'clock, where is the time for dinner?"

He frowned, "Really?"

She turned her head, held the milkshake in one hand, and said to him, "You are a pig!"

He has an astonishing appetite, he ate three bowls for lunch, and now only a few hours later, he started to cry hungry again.

He squinted his eyes and looked at her threateningly, "Gu Minmin, you call me a pig? You call me Lu Dongning a pig?"

He rushed towards her, and she quickly avoided, but he had already grabbed her arm, and immediately wrestled with her again.

At this time, Shao An walked in without hesitation, and saw the two people entangled like this.

He froze for a moment and said, "Brother..."

Lu Dongning stopped, coughed twice, and let go of Gu Minmin. Gu Minmin blushed, and lowered her head to straighten her clothes, pretending not to see Shao An.

It took Shao An a while to realize, was that his elder brother Lu Dongning just now?
Lu Dongning quickly returned the calm expression on his face, and looked at Shao An, "What's the matter? You're in such a hurry."

Only then did Shao An remember, his face was heavy, his head was lowered, and he said to Lu Dongning, "Big brother, Chen Laosan is inviting big brother again, big brother, look..."

Gu Minmin already knew that Chen Tianhua, the third child, was a well-known gangster, and he was the one who injured Lu Dongning, and was still forcing Lu Dongning to join their gang to help them smuggle.

As expected, Lu Dongning's face darkened, he pondered for a moment, and said, "He wanted to invite me over and over again, just to verify whether I was the one who stole the evidence that day."

Shao An said, "Brother, what should we do, or... I will send a few brothers to..."

Lu Dongning stretched out his hand, waved it lightly, and interrupted him, "Although we are not afraid of him, it is better not to offend this kind of person. After all, we are different from them now." He stood up and tidied up He touched the wound and said, "Where has he decided, we will have a banquet tonight."

Neither Shao An nor Gu Minmin expected him to make such a decision. This is obviously a grand banquet. How can he attend it now...

Shao An persuaded him, "Brother, it's okay to wait for a few days until the injury is better."

But he said stubbornly, "It's nothing serious, I've already rejected it several times, and if I refuse again, he must be suspicious."

Lu Dongning raised her hand. The two of them have been together day and night these days, and she already understands that this action is... putting on clothes.

She was about to become his follower.

She found clothes in the closet, carefully put them on for him, and said worriedly while wearing them, "Going to the banquet, do you have to drink, drinking... it's really bad for the wound."

He lowered his head slightly, "Are you concerned about me?"

She spat, "Who cares about you? I haven't gone to work for a few days. No matter how bad you are, I will be fired."

He teased, "Don't worry, why is Huangshi willing to fire you..." There was something in his words.

Gu Minmin glared at him, "Okay, okay, you go, you'd better drink to death." To save that venomous mouth, hurting others all day long.

Shao An over there said, "It just so happens that he chose the Zhongshan restaurant in Huangshi."

Gu Minmin was stunned, and Lu Dongning said, "Okay, it's your place."

That's right, it's her territory, how could she not go and have a look.

The Zhongshan restaurant in Huangshi is famous for being luxurious and expensive enough.

Gu Minmin looked at the menu ordered by Chen Tianhua, and couldn't help but click her tongue. There was a plate of ant eggs in it that cost 10,000+, which was still the lowest dish.

This Hongmen Banquet is worth it.

Huang Shi walked into the kitchen, looked at Gu Minmin, and said, "Why did you come here before the holidays are sold out?"

She said, "It's okay, come and have a look."

Although he didn't believe it, he didn't ask carefully. At this moment, someone was setting out the dishes. She looked at the wine on the serving table and couldn't help feeling a little worried. Chen Tianhua had made up his mind to get Lu Dongning drunk with all the strong wine.

She looked at Huangshi and said, "I'll go to Zhongshan to have a look..."

Huang Shi looked at her strangely, and asked the people on the side, who was in the Zhongshan restaurant tonight, and the person said, "Chen Tianhua is hosting a banquet for Lu Dongning, and he is having a dark time."

Lu Dongning?He looked at Gu Minmin's back and nodded suddenly.

Gu Minmin looked in from that little crack in the door.

With a calm face, he held the wine glass in his hand, took a sip lightly, looked at the other party, with his unique evil spirit on the corner of his mouth, and said calmly to Chen Tianhua, "If it's not a new year or a festival, come here to get together , Boss Chen is really mad."

Chen Tianhua laughed, revealing his two golden teeth, "Don't you think this is the only place worthy of being Mr. Lu? How can other places be used to entertain Mr. Lu?" He said, raising his hand, "Come on! What about the wine, Mr. Lu is out of wine."

The waiter quickly served the wine, Gu Minmin knew the wine, black whiskey, pure spirits.

He said, "Mr. Lu, we don't have so many opinions in our profession. It doesn't matter what we eat, but this wine is absolutely indispensable. Mr. Lu, come and have a drink!"

Lu Dongning took it calmly, without saying a word, and continued to do it boldly. After drinking that glass of wine... Gu Minmin seemed to see the bleeding wound.

The waiter was jumping up and down, "Tonight's wine is going to be millions of dollars, I've drank a few bottles..."

She was so anxious to hear that, she stood there with her lips pursed, silently thinking in her heart that she should help him...

She made up her mind and walked out.

After finding Huangshi, she said, "Boss Huang... can you help me..."

He watched her biting her lips lightly, her eyelashes fluttering like bead curtains. She was not good at asking for help. After coming to Huangshi, she never asked him for anything.

He said, "What's the matter?"

She told him, and he pondered for a moment, then said, "Okay, I'll take you in."

She lowered her head and followed behind, "Actually, he is sick and cannot drink, but Chen Tianhua deliberately drank alcohol. I really can't see it."

He smiled, turned around and said, "No need to explain."

She was stunned, looking at his indifferent smiling face, yes, there is really no need to explain, what she explained...

He knocked on the door and entered the private room, she followed silently all the time, Chen Tianhua saw him and said, "President Huang, come here, I've been looking for you for a long time and said you are busy, why are you free now?"

He walked over, and the waiter immediately pulled up the chair, and he sat next to Chen Tianhua, "It's not that the previous person didn't say who it was. When I heard that it was Brother Chen, I hurried over." Gu Minmin lowered her head in embarrassment, not because She went to ask Huangshi, otherwise, Huangshi would not bother to associate with this kind of person.

Chen Tianhua laughed, Huangshi on one side, and Lu Dingning on the other side, Lu Dongning raised his eyes, looked at Gu Minmin who was standing there, held up the wine glass with his injured right hand, and drank it calmly by himself.

She frowned, this guy, why should he be so brave...

Chen Tianhua smiled and patted Lu Dongning's shoulder, right on his injured arm, Gu Minmin's heart ached, but he didn't even blink his eyes, his calm face was not happy, Chen Tianhua said, "It's rare for Mr. Lu to invite you." Ah, we used to play together when we were young, but now we grow up, we go our separate ways."

Lu Dongning said with a smile, "It's just that we don't see each other very often. In private, we are still as close." He deliberately said that in private, he would never discuss business matters.

Chen Tianhua's smile became more ferocious. Although it looked intimate, in fact, it made people feel chills.

He nodded, and asked someone to drink again, "That's right, we are always the same relatives!" He filled Lu Dongning with wine, and said, "This glass, I will do whatever I want!"

Gu Minmin watched from the side, although Lu Dongning's face was calm, his face was frighteningly pale, he smiled and raised his glass to drink, but she stepped forward and withheld his drink.

He was taken aback, and Chen Tianhua was also taken aback. The next moment, Chen Tianhua's face changed, and he said, "Where did you come from?"

Gu Minmin's eyes flickered, she was just impulsive, but she hadn't figured out how to say it yet.

Lu Dongning also looked at her, and naturally pushed her hand down, then raised his eyes and said to Chen Tianhua, "The rim of the cup is broken." He asked someone to bring a new cup, filled it up as it was, and said, "This is how you can drink it." Yes, isn't it?" Gu Minmin was on the side, her heart was pounding, watching him drink the wine in one gulp, not leaving a drop.

Huang Shi gave Gu Minmin a wink to calm her down, so she had no choice but to stand aside, with her hands hanging down, there was unavoidable worry in her eyes.

Huang Shi picked up the wine glass and said, "Why, I'm here, Brother Chen is still drinking with others, and he doesn't care about my younger brother." Chen Tianhua said hurriedly, "How should I put it, we are in your territory, and we drink everything. It's your wine, how dare you leave it alone, come, fill it up, this glass, I'll toast Mr. Huang..."

A few people gave you a glass and I had a glass, and a few bottles of wine went down.

She looked at Lu Dongning's hand holding the quilt, already trembling slightly, but he still didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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