my wishful wolf

Chapter 51 Lin Junyao, I Give It Back to You (2)

Chapter 51 Lin Junyao, I Give It Back to You (2)
After the communication was established, she was the first to think of Lin Junyao. She called Lin Junyao twice, but she couldn't get through. She was a little anxious, and when she called again, the phone was already turned off.

She stood up and walked to the window.

"Why don't you sleep?" Xu Yinglu walked over and said to her.

Rong Yan shook her head, "Not sleepy yet."

She said, "Are you worried about someone? I see you have been looking at your phone."

Rong Yan turned her head and smiled, "No, I'm just checking the time."

Xu Yinglu raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expose her.

Look at her with a smile, sometimes a good friend should be like this, she knows how to share her happiness, and also knows how to help her hide her sadness.

At this time, Rongyan's phone finally rang, she couldn't even believe that her phone would ring.

Rong Yan quickly answered the phone, but a female voice came through the phone, she said, "Is Lawyer Rong okay?"

The face paused, it was Li Yingyue.

She said, "Well, I'm fine, how about you, you're fine, your place of work is by the sea, isn't it the hardest-hit area?"

She said, "Fortunately, it was quite chaotic at that time. Some people were present and some were not. Everyone was a little panicked. Later, we found them one by one."

"Why did you remember to call me?"

"From the first call to the last call in the phone book, you are in the middle."

Rong Yan smiled and said, "You really know how to engage in interpersonal relationships."

"Take the opportunity to contact all the people who have been here for a long time and have no reason to contact them. By the way, your sister was picked up. You should know."

In fact, she didn't know, Rong Yan said, "Who picked it up."

"I don't know, it seems to be a man. Your sister was scared and cried. A man came and drove a black car. It was too late. I didn't see what it was. She was taken away. It shouldn't matter. "

Rong Yan was just holding the phone, looking outside, another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, as if opening a crack in the sky, but within a few seconds, there was a rumbling sound, and there was no trace of the sky.

She said, "It shouldn't matter, it's probably her friend, thank you for telling me."

Putting down the phone, she thought about her face, picked up the phone, found Lin Junyao's number, called her, and the familiar female voice still answered her.

He is still shutting down.

Rongyan went back to her floor and nestled under the quilt. At some point, the voices of everyone chatting finally gradually died down. Rongyan looked at the dark and silent office. sound.

The next morning, the sky that had been washed by the rain all night was exceptionally clear, and the outside was a mess, with puddles everywhere.

Everyone decided to take a day off and go back to clean up.

Rong Yan went downstairs with a few colleagues to go home. The branches of the trees that had been blown off by the wind were scattered on the ground, and the freshly born flowers were all knocked down into a piece of dirt.

Rong Yan stood next to her car, and when she started the car, she realized that it couldn't start anyway. She didn't know if it had been soaked in the water for one night, so she patted the iron sheet of the car helplessly. It was really broken. Not the time.

At this time, a car stopped on the side, she was stunned, turned her head, and saw that the person getting off was Rong Qing.

She stood up straight and said, "Cousin, why are you here?"

He smiled, "Because I'm worried about you."

There was an unexpected person who was worried about her, she didn't know if she should be happy.

He said, "Did the car break down? I'll help you find a tow truck, but your pants are all wet, get in the car first, go back and change it."

After thinking about it, she got into his car, and he started the car to take her home.

On the way, she saw that the gardenias that were still in full bloom yesterday were all knocked to the ground. It looked so desolate.

Seemingly noticing her gaze, he said, "Don't read it if it doesn't look good."

She murmured, "All the flowers have fallen."

He said, "Fool, the flower falls, because it is about to bear fruit."

Rong Yan turned her head and looked at Rong Qing's smiling face.

She thought, she was too pessimistic, yes, although the flowers fell, the fruits were about to grow.

The car drove slowly, and wherever it went, traces of yesterday's disaster could be seen everywhere, some street signs were blown over, and some shop fronts were scratched.

Rong Qing said, "Why did you sleep in the office?"

Rong Yan said, "Everyone was afraid that the storm would be too strong and they would encounter accidents when they went back, so they all slept in the office."

He said, "Didn't Lin Junyao pick you up?"

She paused for a while before saying, "No."

He said, "Is it hiding in some woman's gentle village, and it's too late to come back?"

That woman is Rong Yu, so everything is understandable.

Rong Yan said, "I'm almost there, thank you for sending me back."

He said, "Believe it or not, Rong Yan, Rong Yu is back, and he won't want to be with you anymore."

Rong Yan said, "Stop here, I'm going back."

He looked at her for a long while before saying, "I'll take you to the door."

The road ahead was blocked by a fallen tree, and there was some traffic jam here. She looked at it, took off her seat belt, and said, "Forget it, I'll just get off here."

He looked at the rearview mirror, thought for a while, and suddenly took her hand, she was stunned, turned around, he looked at her, "Rongyan, if one day, he treats you badly, remember, you can always You can come back and be your young lady of the Rong family, and I will protect you."

She looked at his clear eyes, which were slowly burning behind the gold-rimmed glasses.

She looked at his big hand that held her wrist tightly, and he said, "Be careful on the road."

She hurriedly got out of the car, not daring to look back, and walked forward quickly.

Rong Qing looked at her back, the corners of his lips moved, and his cold eyes looked at a black Lexus in the rearview mirror.

Rongyan returned to Lin's house and was caught by Chen Minzhi when she entered the house. Seeing that Rongyan came back in a mess, she frowned and asked her, "Where did you go at night?"

Rong Yan said, "I'm staying at the office."

Chen Minzhi sneered, "Don't you have a home? Don't you have a husband? You actually sleep outside at night. What do you think of this family?"

Rongyan was very annoyed, she looked at Chen Minzhi and said nothing.

Chen Minzhi became even more angry, "What kind of expression do you have, face, do you mean to look down on me, face, come back to me..."

Rong Yan ignored her and entered the room first.

Leaning against the door, she looked at the empty room. Suddenly, for a moment, she felt that her heart was like this room. Although there were many things in it, why did it still feel so empty...

She sat there, stroking the big bed where they were once lingering, she raised the corners of her lips, and smiled slightly, then, she picked up the phone and called Rong Yu.

After a few beeps, the one who answered the phone was another voice.

Rong Yan said, "Where is my sister?"

The person who answered the phone was Qin Sang. She knew it by her face, and she said, "She hasn't come back yet. Do you have anything to do with her?"

Rong Yan said, "I want to see her. If she comes back, please tell her."

Qin Sang snorted and said, "If you want to tell her something, just tell me."

"You are not my sister, I have nothing to say to you."

"Because I'm not Rong Yu, are you afraid that you won't be able to bully me?"

Rong Yan paused, feeling that there was no need to talk nonsense to someone she didn't know at all, she said, "Forget it, I'll call when she comes back."

"Hey, don't you..."

Before the woman on the phone could finish her rant, Rong Yan had already hung up the phone.

Because it was a holiday today, she didn't want to stay at Rong's house. She first contacted the garage to repair the car, and then went shopping.

The disaster had just passed, and the news was being broadcast all over the streets and alleys. As usual, donations quickly became popular.

She looked at the donation box set up on the side of the street, and there were cute children standing there, holding the donation box and saying thank you to those who donated.

She walked over to make a donation, and she took out all the cash in her wallet. The other party said that it was a formal donation, and she had to write down the amount of the donation and post it to her. After a few minutes, she finally finished it. She smiled and said, "Thank you auntie, God will bless you, auntie, if you have any wishes, you can write them down, and I will bring you to the wishing tree and hang them up for you. God knows you are so kind, and you will definitely Help you achieve it."

Listening to that immature voice, Rong Yan smiled, thought for a while, and wrote down on the paper, what would you do with the sand that you can't hold?God, if you exist, I want you to tell me...

She touched the little girl's face, then left and walked towards pedestrians.

In the afternoon, when she was walking back, Rong Yu called. She said a little embarrassedly, "Sister, where are you? I heard that you want to see me... May I go over now?"

Rong Yan thought for a while, what should be faced, always has to be faced.

She said, "Okay, let's meet."

In the bustling commercial street coffee shop, they sat down by the window, Rong Yu tied up her hair and braided it, looking very refreshing.

Rong Yu ordered a cup of cappuccino, sat across from her, holding the cup carefully, she said, "I will leave here soon, sister."

Rong Yan shook the small porcelain gold-rimmed spoon on the coffee cup, making a soft tinkling sound, she raised her head and looked at Rong Yu.

Rong Yu said, "I know, I shouldn't have come back in the first place, and I didn't want to contact Yunyao. I've already passed away with him. After so many years, he's just my first love."

She smiled at her face and said, "I'm sorry, I know Qin Sang must have said a lot of things that shouldn't be said, she has always been so careless, she doesn't know nothing at all, she just likes to stand out and help out, she just It’s so warm, I would like to say sorry to my sister on her behalf.”

Rong Yan didn't speak from the beginning to the end. After Rong Yu finished speaking, she told her that the choir still had something to do, she had to go back first, and then left here.

Rong Yan has been sitting in the coffee shop all afternoon.

The waiter came over and asked if she wanted a refill. She shook her head and sat there, looking out the window. People kept walking by and leaving, but she kept leaning there without moving.

Finally, before leaving, she smiled. She originally wanted to protect her marriage and the man she loved, but now she suddenly felt that everything had become so ridiculous. Rong Yu didn't want to grab anything, did she? Rong Yu always wanted to come and apologize to her, didn't she, Rong Yu was leaving soon, but as for her, she was never a good sister.

No matter what Rong Yu did, she never thought of hurting herself, and as for her, she really acted like a bad sister...

Rong Yu returned to the choir crying, she knew she shouldn't cry, but she couldn't help it.

Rongyan didn't say anything, she thought, Rongyan must not have forgiven her, she shouldn't have come back, she shouldn't have called Lin Junyao.Rong Yu thought, why is she so weak and indecisive, no wonder, they don't like to be with her, they think she is a hypocritical princess who can't do anything.

If she is a girl with such a face, she is smart and calm in her work, she will definitely be able to help others.

And Lin Junyao is more suitable for such a woman.

She just walked back crying all the way. She didn't know how long she walked, but she still hadn't returned to the choir. When the sun was setting, she finally came to the door of the choir. Her eyes were dim with tears, but suddenly she saw, at the door, Even standing face.

She came by car, with a briefcase in her hand, as usual, unchanged.

Rong Yu hurriedly wanted to wipe away her tears, but it was too late.

She came over and said, "I stole your boyfriend away before, but I never felt that I was wrong, I was just pursuing what I like, but I still say sorry to you today, you don't have to go, you You can stay."

Rong Yu stared blankly at her face.

The face was slowly drawn up to this day, gently wiping her tears, she said, "You don't need to feel thankful or sympathetic, I don't need your thanks, nor do I come to ask for your forgiveness, Rong Yu, I Unlike you, I think it should be what I want, and I will fight for it. I will not feel regretful if I can get it. Therefore, I never regret anything I have done. If I give up today, I will never regret it. Not because I want to return this man to you, not because you are my sister, I want to give him to you, but just because, I finally know, I will never be able to snatch this man, Rong Yu, Lin Jun Yao, I'll give it back to you." She put the tissue into Rong Yu's hand, smiled at her, and finally turned and left.

Rong Yu just stared blankly at her back.

Rong Yu, Lin Junyao...I'll give it back to you.

When Rong Yan said these words, her voice was so calm, Rong Yu couldn't tell if she was sad or not, her disguise was always something only she could see through...

(End of this chapter)

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