my wishful wolf

Chapter 47 Face, she is here (2)

Chapter 47 Face, she is back (2)
That day, she made an appointment with Lin Junyao early in the morning, and wanted to go to the beach to play together, but when she went out, she saw that she looked very bad.

She was going out with a book in her arms, it was hot summer, but she was wearing sportswear, she seemed to wrap herself very tightly, she looked at her walking, covering her forehead, coughing from time to time, no matter when she appeared, It will definitely not attract any attention. The family has always regarded appearance as air. She walked through the living room, and the nanny was still sweeping, mopping, and tidying up the room. She walked over silently, and no one thought of caring about her abnormality.

Rong Yu hurried over, grabbed Rongyan, and said, "Rongyan, are you feeling unwell?"

When she looked at Rong Yu, her eyes were weak.

She said, "It's okay." The voice was hoarse.

She said, "Then you don't go to the library anymore, it doesn't matter if you don't read a book for a day."

But Rong Yan said, "Help Director Wang approve the papers, and I will finish them today."

She looked at Rongyan holding a stack of papers with distress, and walked out step by step.

She had seen the stubbornness of her face a long time ago, so she could only look at it that way.

That day, when she was playing, she probably mentioned it to Lin Junyao by accident, but she didn't pay much attention afterwards.

When she went back, Rongyan was still not at home, but the next day, she saw Rongyan crawling in from the wall by herself early in the morning. She was hiding in a corner, for fear of alarming others.

Her face didn't return all night, and she didn't know where she went.

She didn't think about anything else at the time, but when she went to school later, she saw the corrected paper handed out, and she recognized the handwriting on the paper.

It was Lin Junyao's handwriting.

Maybe Lin Junyao didn't know it himself. When he wrote, he always liked to curl up in a corner. He didn't look good or delicate. Of course she knew Lin Junyao's handwriting. It has been stored under the wooden floor under the head of the bed. Whenever she thinks of Lin Junyao at night, she always wants to take it out to have a look.

This is the paper for face correction, but the handwriting is Lin Junyao's.

She thought of how Yan Yan didn't return all night, she remembered that Lin Junyao's face was not happy that day, she thought of how Yan Yan had a cold and a fever, and then she rested for two days in a row, she hugged the paper, she bit her finger, she Thinking, she must have guessed wrong, she must have misunderstood them...

But once the seed of doubt has germinated, nothing can stop it from flowering.

When did they have a secret that she didn't know, and she knew that something was changing, changing in a direction that she couldn't control.

After she went abroad, she didn't want to study anymore. In fact, she was not made for studying. She grew up in Rong's family, and she learned to open her mouth with food and stretch her hands with clothes. Her family always said that girls grow up and marry a good man. That’s fine, what are you doing so well in studying, knowledge can’t be eaten as food, and you can’t find a good husband for you, so she can only be regarded as an average student in the school since she was a child, she didn’t even go above the top, and she was stable. Surprised.

After arriving abroad, she thought about Lin Junyao all day long, she wanted to write to him, she kept writing it secretly, and then burned it secretly, the Chinese girls in the same dormitory laughed at her, saying that she was really like a modern version Lin Daiyu.

At that time, the girl in the same dormitory was paid by her family to go to school abroad. After she came to foreign countries, she went out to work everywhere except for classes every day. She lived a completely different life from her. She didn’t like that girl at all, but in In foreign countries, no one has ever communicated with her, so her favorite thing to do every day is to soak in the piano classroom and play the piano every day.

Her favorite piece is the piece "The Eye of Hannah". She always plays that piece back and forth. I like to play with my eyes closed, imagining the unattainable love in "The English Patient", thinking about the eyes longing for love in the war.

Sometimes, love is not lost to time, but lost to reality, and her love is the same.

It was also because of this song that she was spotted by the choir and asked her to join that group. The only reason she joined that group was not for charity or love, or maybe there was also this reason, but what really moved her was because The choir has performed all over the world.

She thought that when her footprints spread all over the earth, she would probably forget them.

The boys she loves, and the girls she hates.

The choir gets up on time at six o'clock every day, and then the sound of various instruments outside will sound. They have been in China for two months, and they have performed several consecutive performances in this city for almost a month.

From a distance, she saw Qin Sang walking with several members of the troupe.

Qin Sang is a fan of China, so she has been pestering Rong Yu since she knew that Chinese people came to the troupe. Rong Yu has been in the choir for three years, and they have been together for three years. Qin Sang's original name is very long, very long. It's hard to remember, Qin Sang's name was given to her by Rong Yu, Rong Yu is not a strong girl, she knows that she wants to rely on others, she wants to talk, she needs friends, she told Qin Sang her past After hearing this, Qin Sang scolded her sister for her beauty, but Rong Yu only said, I did it all voluntarily, I wanted it, I started everything.

When Qin Sang saw Rong Yu later, she kept saying, you are too kind, Xiao Yu, she is a bad woman, she penetrated into her sister's love life, she stole your boyfriend.

She just looked at Qin Sang, is that right, is sister a bad person?But she didn't want to hate at all, she was just sad that she lost Lin Junyao in the end...

Qin Sang came to invite them to have dinner together. They had box lunches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Although the shapes were different, they were all packed in white paper boxes and distributed to each group member.

This was prepared by the staff who received them in the country. Qin Sang always complained that the food prepared by them was the most vicious among so many places.

Rong Yu smiled and said, Chinese food is delicious, but they don't cook well.

Chinese people are very good at making things. What they lack is not knowledge, but seriousness.

Qin Sang also hated the Chinese female receptionist. Her name was Li Yingyue. Qin Sang said that she was not good-looking, and she always dressed coquettishly.

When they were having breakfast together, Li Yingyue came. She came to sort out their day's schedule. Everyone here should listen to her. After she finished speaking, she glanced at Rong Yu and said, "If you have time, please clean it up." Check the sanitation of the dining hall, thank you."

Qin Sang was very angry, she got up and said, "This is the first time Rong Yu has cleaned this week."

Li Yingyue glanced at Rong Yu and said, "I follow everyone's division of labor. You are all responsible for a lot of work, but she is only responsible for playing the piano, so her work is relatively small. Isn't it right for her to help extra?"

Qin Sang said, "Her hands are for playing the piano, not for housework."

Li Yingyue said, "There is no one who can survive in this world by playing the piano. The first use of human hands is to take care of themselves, and then to play the piano. Well, that's the decision, everyone is busy Bar."

Rong Yu didn't refute, she even pulled Qin Sang down, telling her not to do this.

Qin Sang said, "She is bullying you, Rong Yu, because you are too kind, so everyone bullies you, even without asking your opinion."

Rong Yu silently cleaned up the boxed lunches on the table, she said, "Actually, what she said is right, it's nothing if you only know how to play the piano."

There are so many things about Yanyan, she has always envied her appearance, she can wash clothes, make delicious food, make tea, squeeze juice, she studies well, she can do housework, she is good at everything, but what about herself? No way, really like the weak Lin Daiyu.

"It's okay, I can learn to do it too," she said.

Qin Sang said, "Look at you, you are always being bullied like this. I really can't do anything about you. However, this Li Yingyue is really not a good person. I want to tell you. Just now I heard someone said that a man hugged you yesterday. A child came to her door, saying that it was her child, she was only so old, and the child could be soy sauce. They said that she had a relationship with that man before, but after giving birth to their child, she felt that the man Her family was too poor, so she abandoned her child. Her current man is a rich man. God, how can there be such a woman? It’s too bad. There are still women who can abandon their children. What is her heart like..."

Rong Yu just listened. She didn't expect this person to be so cruel. She sighed and said, "Isn't this society like this?"

Faces are busy all day long.

It was noon, and in this southern city where spring was never obvious, it was just beginning of April, and it seemed that it was about to enter the scorching summer, and the heat was unbearable.

She came in from the outside, the car hadn't turned on the air conditioner yet, she was hot all the way, sweating profusely, and suddenly plunged into the air-conditioned room, she couldn't help shivering.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a woman sitting there. She was in her twenties. Because of makeup, people could not guess her real age. She was sitting there, but she looked like a successful woman. She had a temperament, but her appearance was not beautiful. , but she is also very generous, she looks like a very intellectual woman.

She walked over, and when the woman saw her, she asked, "Excuse me, is she a beauty lawyer?"

Rong Yan nodded and said I was.

She said, "I have a lawsuit, and I want to ask if lawyer Rong can help me."

Rong Yan nodded, and opened the door to do business and pick up cases. Of course, she had to be polite. She asked someone to make coffee and bring it in, and then brought the woman in.

She handed over the information and looked at her face. Her name is Li Yingyue, she is 23 years old, she is now the manager of a public relations company, and she is single.

Her case should be regarded as a civil dispute, but it involved an underage child. She said that the child was born to her former boyfriend. She broke up with her boyfriend the year she gave birth to the child. The one-month-old child went to another city, and now that man got the news that she was going to get married. He traveled thousands of miles and brought the child to her, saying that he would give her to raise the child.

She said, "It's okay for him to ask me to pay child support, but I absolutely can't raise this child. I will get married soon, and I am worried that my boyfriend's family will not agree to raise this child. He is already going to sue me. , I hope Lawyer Rong can help me."

Rong Yan looked at the feasibility of this case, she thought it was relatively easy to fight, she made an analysis with Li Yingyue, and said she was willing to take this case.

Li Yingyue was very happy. She said, "I thought no one would take this case. Many people called me cold-blooded and not human."

Rong Yan said, "I'm a lawyer, and since I've accepted your case, I'll do my best, but whether it works or not depends on the judge's decision."

She said, "What are my chances of winning this case?"

Rong Yan said, "In all cases, when there is no judgment, the chances of winning are zero. There is no such thing as a sure win or not. The final result depends on whether there will be any changes on the spot. I don't know what happened there. What is the saying, in this kind of case, the judge will generally consider what is best for the child, and who the child is willing to be with in the end, don’t worry, I will try my best to express your opinion to the judge.”

After seeing off Li Yingyue, Xu Yinglu came in, looked at her face and said, "Did you take another case that you shouldn't have taken?"

She spread her hands, "I just think this case has a good chance of winning. She gave birth to this child before she was a child. She had no capacity for civil conduct at that time, and she is going to get married soon. The other party may want to take revenge. So my odds are pretty good.”

Xu Yinglu said, "But how immoral it is to take this kind of case. Such a mother is too embarrassing. I don't want to give birth to a child...This kind of irresponsible mother..."

Rong Yan said, "One more thing, we are not judges, we are just lawyers."

Xu Yinglu raised her hands in surrender, "Okay, I was wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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